Undeniably cute and incredibly sexy

http://Undeniably cute

Nothing says cute like a fluffy puppy, and that’s exactly why I paired one with this absolutely adorable — and incredibly sexy — denim outfit from Grafittiwear. The open vest is revealing without crossing that sometimes tricky line between sexy and trashy; the shorts really live up to their name, showing quite a bit more than a hint of cheek while still holding that line (if just barely lol). Sold separately, the vest comes with a HUD of 18 patterns while the shorts come in 18 solid colors to mix ‘n match with the vest or other tops.  Add this awesome hair from Little Bones (a new designer for me:  you pick both the main color AND a secondary color!), finish it off with Moz Designs’ sweet Western boots, and the whole look is adorably sexy… or sexily adorable… 😉