Exposing those bits (just a little)

http://Tranquility in the Morning Sun

Wasn’t it just my last post when I said I rarely exposed my bits in Second Life? Well, the fashion gods must have heard me and laughed, because my heart zinged when I saw this outfit (even more so when I put it on). The cropped knit top with two big buttons is a template used by designers for a few weeks now, but what really grabbed me this time was the PLAID and the contrasting collar/cuffs… and there are even two color options (it also comes in a set of six pastels and another set of six solids). Critically, the sweater comes in Tonic, which is absolutely a must for a cut like this which exposes the bottom curve of your breasts; sadly the included pants do not, but I found both the Maitreya and the Slink Physique sizes fit my shape really well with just a little use of alphas on the legs. And wow, the way my curvy shape looks in this… enough said!