Just thinking about blogging…

http://Just thinking about the blog

I passed 500 followers a little while back, and it’s made me stop and think about this blog, why I do it, the fun I have doing it, the work I put into it, and question whether anyone even really looks at it. I realized that all that really matters is what it means to ME. The fact is I’m actually seeing more of the grid than I have for years (other than shopping and music venues) because I don’t do PhotoShop, and rather than shoot in a photo box, I run around spotting locations and just plain exploring much more of the marvelous creativity to be found on the grid.  That said, I also just love putting together the looks and sharing them! Today’s mix-n-match look flaunts my Tonic curviness with a true combination of new —  my MOZ jeans, Facepalm jacket, and Bauhaus pose — and inventory faves! And something new I’m introducing is that going forward, I’ll be putting new items I’m featuring into boldface (and that means new for me or at an event, not necessarily new for SL).