Thinking about Home

http://Thinking about Home

Home. I’ve had a lot of time over the past few days to think about what that means. I just back to my real life home from traveling to visit my mom in real life, a mom who is struggling with dementia. So I’ve really been thinking about what home means. And I’ve concluded that for me at least, although a place and things we love can definitely be part of it — sleeping in my own bed last night was heavenly! — home is people, it’s shared memories (even a lot of the THINGS we love are because of the memories that they carry), and when the memories stop being shared, sadly those people stop being part of “HOME”.  And that’s why Second Life can also feel so much like home. The friendships, the relationships we build here, if they’re honest and real (and let’s face it folks, some are totally fake and built on lies) they become part of the weave of shared memories and create a second home. So luckily, even while I was far from my RL home I still had access to my SL home… but now it’s so wonderful to be back to having the best of both worlds! TGIF!!!! 😉

  • Outfit:  Ishara – 2019-V02;  I absolutely ADORE the leather motorcycle jacket that’s part of this outfit!  Worn open, it looks great from the front, but it’s the dog on the back together with the flowers running down the arms that make it a true knockout! The short, sexy little tiered skirt has fabulous multiple textures, from leather to studs to open netting; studded pasties are also included, but personally, I paired it with a t-shirt & it looked amazing. Sized only for Slink H/P & Maitreya, it’s available at TheEvent for February! 
  • Hair:  {Limerence} – Maiz
  • Jewelry:  no.match – NO.DIAMOND, Mixed Metal Loops
  • Location:  Witchwood