Sometimes as good as you think Part One is, you need (or want) a remake. Maybe it’s just a tweak here and there; or maybe it’s a complete do-over. Whichever end of the spectrum it is, or wherever it may fall inbetween, one of the many beauties of Second Life is that you always have the ability to easily remake yourself and your surroundings, or even your entire life. As a blogger, I’m constantly changing my hair and my skin; I have two bodies and multiple heads (wow, sounds monstrous in a sentence lol). But generally speaking, once my shape is set for a head or a body, that’s it… a tiny tweak here or there, but an overhaul? Never… until now. Admittedly my Abbi head was very new… I had just fallen in love with her and gotten her where I wanted her when I was swept off my feet by the next Tonic head… but now that I went back, I found that I wasn’t quite as happy as I had thought lol. So here she is, Abbi Part Deux… I’m re-smitten, ready to take on the world! Maybe by motorcycle??? Who knows… anything is possible! 😉
- Outfit: S&B Fashion – Flirty Cowl Top w/ Jeans, includes the high heels too! The jeans are skinny & cuffed, but what makes this outfit is the top… it just so different! The front is high & then the bottom kind of loops around to the back, up to a tie, leaving the sides & back open (I tried to show it in the picture since it’s so hard to describe)… so sexy without being too overt. Sized for Tonic (top only), Belleza F/I/V, Slink H/P, Maitreya, TMP, & Classic. EXCLUSIVE available at the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.
- Head: Tonic – Abbi is one of two new bento heads that Tonic has recently introduced. I just went back to Abbi & created a whole new shape for her, so I’m deep in the midst of an identity crisis lol! But I’m just loving this look… to me, she’s not what I consider a classic beauty. If I had to put it into words, I’d say she’s more striking than beautiful, with a very unique & individual appearance, & I really REALLY like that in a world full of beautiful people.
- Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rory, worn in Cashew Browless, does I’m sure, have something to do with how much I’m loving Abbi right now. I’m wearing Rory Browless TOTALLY CLEAN, straight out of the box except for adding freckles (shown below) & my own brows, because I just feel naked without them lol. Rory is the new EXCLUSIVE available at the Sense Event, March 15th – April 8th; fatpack, demos & shape are all available. To see a range of browless skin tones AS IS (not even with my freckles!!!), see below.
- Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
- Hair: Navy & Copper – Sundae
- Brows: DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
- Freckles: Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
- Eyes: Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
- Jewelry: EarthStones – Sentiments Necklace, Loved; Kunglers – Milena Earrings, Quartz; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
- Location: Comhar Free Public Photo Studio, Garden & Caves