Sniffles… I’m sick. No, I don’t have the coronavirus, and I don’t think I have the flu, but I am running a low grade fever, my head feels like it’s going to explode, and I feel simply awful. It’s taken me days to get this post out because I just haven’t felt up to sitting at the computer, but time waits for no man (or woman), even when they have the worst cold on earth, so here we go. Not much to chat about today… hopefully I can be fully back in my life (and my blogging) by tomorrow. In the meantime, go enjoy yours, be safe, and happy shopping!
- Outfit: Key Style – Matilda Outfit. Includes top, capris, shoes, & hat with HUD offering 3 color choices for the bra, jacket, pants, hat & shoes. Totally different, totally stylish, totally a must for every closet. Sized for Slink HG/P & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY available at the all-new Girls Heaven event, open February 9th – March 4th.
- Head: LOGO – Willow (bento)
- Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – Inkie, worn in Caramel. See below for a closeup of another stunner of an Omega skin, two options of 5 tones each (dark or light, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows). EXCLUSIVELY available at anyBODY by Flair for Events, open through February 29th. Demos & shape also available. Also wearing Upper Modify Patches, in matching Caramel tone, to hide my nipples that were otherwise showing more than I would like (as you all know, in some ways I’m a bit of a prude lol, not to mention it’s just not how you’d really wear an outfit).
- Makeup: LOGO – Enhanced Ombre Lip Glosses. A wonderful palette of four lip glosses, with varying amounts of color (see below). Perfect when you want just a touch of color on your lips! See below for a closeup!
- Body: Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
- Hair: tram – F728
- Eyes: [theSkinnery] – Saudade Eyes 7 (Omega)
- Freckles: Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
- Pose: FOXCITY – Sk8girl Bento Pose Set
- Location: Motor Club City