Let the Sunshine In

http://Let the Sunshine In

It’s been very gloomy and rainy here in real life the last few days; what better way to brighten the mood than by redecorating, creating a brightness within despite the gloominess without.  I would love to have been able to add vibrant rays of sunshine streaming in, but my editing skills are just not there, and I try very hard never to do what I consider “over-editing”, but to capture the reality of SL slightly enhanced as opposed to exhibiting the magic of Photoshop (which I don’t even own lol, but it’s the Xerox of it’s time, being now used as a generic term).  I love the room I’ve created, it has an upbeat that makes me smile when I walk in… let the sun shine in!  And then, go shop!!!!

Dreamland Designs:   The Helen Collection.  I know, I know, I say it a lot, but I REALLY love this collection, love as in long-term love, the kind of love you need when it comes to buying furniture because who wants to keep redecorating over and over (unless of course you blog H&G like me, & then it just goes with the territory).  So what exactly has me so head over heels about the set?  I never can really point to one specific thing, since the overall feeling it generates is a combination of many factors, but I DO know that in this instance, at least one reason is the way subdued neutrals are contrasted with the bright pillows, breaking up what could be a very traditional look with a terrific burst of color… the fact that the colors of that burst are my favorites (as anyone who reads my blog should easily recognize) just adds more ooomph to it for me.  I also love the elements of the overall package… just the right number of pieces… not so many it’s overwhelming, not so few that your scene looks incomplete.  I just redecorated IRL… I wish I could have found THIS set!!! Here are the various parts of the collection that I used:

  • Living Room Set.  Includes the couch (which is chock full of single & couple bento animations), rug (artfully folded back… love that touch of messy!!), pillows casually strewn on the floor, coffee table, candlesticks, hanging lights, & wall covering.  The right things are neutral; the best things have the bright & oh-so-right tones that light up the room.  And I mean that both literally & figuratively, because the lights are touch on/off to brighten it up a bit & merge with the soft light from the candles.  Available in PG or Adult versions.
  • Heart Cabinet Set.  Includes the cabinet, the lamp, the planter. & the two picture frames.  The hearts on the cabinet are so subtle that I didn’t even notice them until I started shooting… I was completely surprised when I saw them there!  The different elements can be moved around as you want (I moved one of the pictures from the top of the cabinet to the side).  The lamp is touch on/off.
  • Wooden Slice Table.  Sliced wood table in a contemporary style. Includes the plants & the steaming cup of coffee.