Oh, hey there!

http://Oh, hey there!

Second Life has been a bear of late… I have to say that while I absolutely LOVE the crispness and the colors and the reflections and so much that’s part of PBR, I’m experiencing so many challenges with lighting and those same reflections.  On top of that, I’m constantly crashing, which has created exceptionally frustrating blogging issues… Granted, my computer is over 5 years old at this point, and it was definitely nowhere the best available when I bought it (I tend to get bottom of the midrange), so it’s looking like I’m entering the market for a new one.  That’s both the good news and the bad news!  In the meantime, though, I’ll muddle through and concentrate on learning how to speed up my photoshoot process…  If anyone has any tips on PBR in Firestorm, please share!!! (You can reach me inworld, messaging on FlickR, or commenting on this post.)  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  I.M. Collection – LuluAnn Dress.  I LOVE the neckline on this stunning spring/summer dress with 8 print/12 solid color HUD (see the ad below).  Sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy+Perky, & Maitreya+LaraX.  On sale as part of the Glorious Days 4-day weekend sale (Fri-Mon), so don’t delay!  Demo is available (just click for menu, then demo). 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn+Waifu
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, currently available at the Access Event thru July 8th, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  Doux – Paty
  • Eyes:  Sequoia – Euphoria
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella + Madalina Eyeshadows;  JOY Store – Baby Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  no.match – NO_GLAM Earring; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  [piXit] – Manaram
  • Props:  Littlep by Pompomina – Bouquet & Bites
  • Location:  Soul Deep