Taking A Moment

http://Taking A Moment

Between blogging, my online business, and starting to get ready for Thanksgiving (I host every year, and actually cooked my first dish TODAY), lately it seems that I’m constantly running and moving on to the next thing. Sometimes I need to remind myself to just stop, take a moment, look around, and appreciate everything around me… good advice as Thanksgiving approaches, don’t you think? And to think the holidays are just behind!!! I haven’t even begun to shop, but I absolutely refuse to panic… I’m a dedicated online shopper and it’s amazing what a few hours with Amazon Prime can accomplish lol… 😉

  • Jacket: MOZ Designs –  NEW! Bolero Leather Jacket, sized for Tonic, Freya, Isis, eBody, Maitreya, Slink Original & Hourglass; comes in 7 individual leathers, and 1 Fat Pack. Tested over several MOZ tops, & may work over other designers too (I work it over another top; straps showed through a bit but they looked like a design element & worked great)
  • Skirt: MOZ Designs –  Claire Leather Yoked Skirt, UPDATED mesh & textures, sized for Tonic, Freya, Isis, eBody, Maitreya, Eve, Slink Original & Hourglass; comes in 7 individual colors/plaids, and 3 Fat Packs. 
  • Top:  MOZ Designs –  Holly Silk Sleeveless Tee, sized for Tonic, Freya, Isis, eBody, Maitreya, Eve, Slink Original & Hourglass; comes in 7 individual silk colors (I’m wearing Sahara Silk), 2 Fat Packs, and one Super Pack.  
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Itske, worn in Butter, browless; BEAUTIFUL new skin available in 7-packs of light or dark skin tones including a no-brow option for either Genus & LAQ (I’m wearing my favorite light tone for LAQ using the no-brow option); shapes & demos also available, Itske is currently EXCLUSIVE at the Sense Event from Nov 15th to Dec 8th
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty
  • Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
  • Hair: TRUTH – Beatrix, NEW! at store
  • Eyes: Azdesign – Reel Green V2 mesh eyes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – NEW! Freckles & Heart Mole (LAQ Omega) – I simply HAVE to rave about these even though I’m not officially blogging!!! For YEARS, I’ve been wearing Izzie’s freckles mesh layer in addition to the LAQ freckles, but the little heart was always hovering quite a bit away from my face which frankly could sometimes look pretty weird in a closeup shot. In talking to Izzie about the problem, she went ahead and made this applier and voila! No more hovering, and now what I think are THE most natural looking freckles out there are now available.  You can apply just the heart (on right or left, your choice), just the freckles, or both, like me. I’ll admit I’m still trying to figure out how to make them a bit darker, but I absolutely adore how they’re just over my nose and cheeks. Thanks Izzie!!!!
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Applier Shimmer Lipstick
  • Boots: GAS – Ladies Boots Martina, Thigh High, 10 colors w/HUD 
  • Jewelry: Earthstones – Mesilla Hoop Earrings, Hot Spice; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Corpus – Stylish Lean (my bad, I didn’t make note of what event I picked this up at)
  • Location: Vespertine