My Special Place

http://My Special Place

Compared to how a lot of people in this world have it, I know that my life is not particularly hard or difficult. I mean just the fact that I can spend this much time, energy and money living a virtual life on top of living in the real world is pretty solid evidence of that.  But that doesn’t mean that sometimes I just don’t feel like saying “Enough, enough for now”, and finding a little corner somewhere to escape by myself, and enjoy some silence and serenity, to both think and not think at all. That vision of “my special place” always includes the sounds and feel of the ocean at its calmest… the soft lapping of waves, the calling of the gulls, maybe even the whistling of dolphins, and the soft ocean breeze carrying the warmth of the sun.  It’s never too hot, never too cold, never too windy, never crowded with other people but never lonely… just a perfect slice of forever, where I can escape for whatever time I need to re-emerge into the world refreshed, and ready to go once again. And no, you can’t join me (although I’ll admit to occasionally inviting a companion to join me), because that would defeat the whole purpose, but you can find your own special place, wherever it is, however it looks and feels and sounds. This is mine. Have you found yours?  😉

“Forever” Hammock:   Tm Creation– Hammock with blankets & pillows, wooden posts, & cats.  Comes in 3 separate pieces; use one, two, or all three.  Fully usable — loaded with single, couple, bento, & scene sequences in both PG & Adult versions. Swing motion also included, so you can really enjoy the hammock to the fullest extent! It’s 100% Original Mesh & fully copy/mod, so you can also unlink all the pieces & arrange or use however you want.  EXCLUSIVE for The Liaison Collaborative Event May 3rd – May 26th at a 10% Discount; starting May 27th, it will be available at the main store.

Location:  Mystic Timbers