A Gazebo, Built for Romance

http://A Gazebo, Built for Romance

February… the shortest month of the year and, with Valentine’s Day almost in the middle, it’s also “the month of love.”  But there are a lot of different kinds of love, and even romantic love can mean totally different things to different people.  And actually, that’s true about just about everything, isn’t it.  Maybe that’s part of the thinking behind this month’s theme for the Swank Event… it’s called 50 Shades of Red. And for my first post, I’m focusing on a beautiful, romantic gazebo, just ready and waiting for days and nights of love-filled and lovely moments.  Perfect for the month of love!

Swank & Co.:   Romance Rose Edition Gazebo with Light Affects – beautiful romantic gazebo to dress up any landscape & any relationship.  The gazebo includes climbing roses, wrapped & hanging strings of lights, scattered flowers & tiny lights, & then built-in lights, all you do is touch the bouquet on any of the four sides!  Each bouquet when you click it generates a light; you have 4 lights, & 4 light colors — yellow, pink, green, & blush red. Of course the highlight is the giant lit-up bud in the crown, complete with what looks like sparkles emitted into the air but are “permanently” placed.  The gazebo comes in four versions based on color of the flowers — blush roses (shown), red roses, pink roses, & yellow roses.  EXCLUSIVE at the February Swank Event, February 7th – 29th.

Happy shopping!