

Everything, every situation, has its own rules.  Some are set by others; some are set individually based on your own wants, needs, goals, morals &/or ethical code.  Some are relatively small and inconsequential (like making the bed or how you set the table); others have huge societal ramifications.  There are prices to pay no matter what you choose, because every choice has an impact, no matter how small, on the next moment and the moment after that and so on.  There are many books and movies — not to mention real history — that focus on the ramifications of a single choice in a single moment of time, sometimes as seemingly random as choosing this seat or that one.  Which is probably why we all set rules in an effort to control our personal lives in some sort of orderly fashion, so that we can move forward minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, without being paralyzed in indecision (which still happens all too frequently lol).  And we teach (or try to teach) those rules to our children (including the 4-legged ones!) to help them safely navigate the world as well.  One of the beauties here in SL is that many of those INDIVIDUAL rules don’t apply… you CAN jump off a tall building without getting hurt; you CAN swim in deep water (even with sharks!) without worry; you CAN go fight zombies without actually getting hurt; and on and on.   There are still SOCIETAL rules, because otherwise individual rights tend to rub up against each other. But they’re pretty non-restrictive.  So what’s with all this pontification about rules?  I’ve just been thinking a lot about individual rights lately, and how so many people think that their personal beliefs should give them control over other people’s individual choices, which are necessary for a civilized society and which are just exertions of power.  And a conversation I had with my daughter about the time-out we give our kids & pets for misbehaving, for not following those rules we set,  just brought it all to the forefront of my pre-coffee brain this morning.  And on that note, I think I’ll go get my coffee and officially begin the day, both in SL and out.  Enjoy!!!!

  • Outfit:  Ruxy – Senara.   A sexy bikini (without crossing that indefinable but oh so important line) with just enough gems in all the right places to make it truly special!  Sized for Legacy, Maitreya & eBody, Ruxy includes a HUD with 12 texture options for the suit plus 12 for the Gems in the straps.  She is EXCLUSIVELY available at the July round of the Swank Event, themed Island Tropical Heat, open TODAY July 7th through the 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Sunkiss
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Paula
  • Sunglasses:  Mulloy – Antago
  • Pose:  Fashiowl – Windsurfing

There’s a Lot to Learn in Fairy Tales

There's a lot to learn in fairy tales

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. 

If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” 

Albert Einstein

Being a fae might seem (in some ways and to some people, at least) a bit like living in a fairy tale.  After all, I have wings and can fly (not to mention horns, but then, that’s not particularly fae-like lol).  Of course, everyone in SL can fly (unless you’re somewhere that the powers that be decided that no, you can’t).   What I take issue with is that “living in a fairy tale” is said derisively, as an insult.  The fact is that there’s a lot of what is called “folk wisdom” combined with pure morality in a place that both good and evil dwell side by side.  Sounds a lot like real life when you look at it that way, no?  You can learn a lot from fairy tales, especially the original Grimm stories, if not necessarily the cleaned-up Disney versions.  I don’t understand why people have so many issues with how others choose to live their lives, ESPECIALLY in this second life that is virtually a fantasy world for all of us… some of us just take that word “fantasy” a bit more literally than others.  So for those of you who put down my fae existence and make snickering comments, well, I’ll just keep on keeping on, doing what I’m doing, living MY fantasy.  You can go stew in your judgments rather than living the life that comes when you accept the personal choices that others make for themselves.  (And yes, you can extrapolate that into the real world as well.)  Me, I prefer the fairy tale, where we all get to choose who and what we want to be.  And one thing I definitely choose is to look FABULOUS!!!!

  • Gown:  Poet’s Heart – Elise.  I’m finding it very difficult to put the style of this dress into words… it has medieval elegance but with what I consider a very modern touch in the openwork on top.  With the big hip billows (I have no idea what the proper term is for those!) & the huge bow at the back, it has a young feel… but again that openwork adds a definite touch of maturity.  I’m going to dub it as “informed innocence” (she IS reading a book after all).  Whatever the style moniker though, Elise is a beautiful addition to any fantasy closet!  Do note that the lace top is BOM only; two different lace patterns are included in both black & white versions.   She is sized only for Maitreya & Petite, though she fit my Legacy body with just the top deformer.  Elise comes in different color packs — all of which include black, white, grey, & off-white — or as a fatpack.  Each color pack has a HUD to customize the gown color, the sleeve & collar edge, & the color for that huge bow in the back. See the ad below for some examples of what other looks can be done.  EXCLUSIVELY at the July round of We Love Role Play, opening tomorrow July 4th. Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Arcana – Raine, worn in Blossom
  • Hair:  D!va – Iris
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Artemis
  • Horns:  Les Encantades – Capri Horns
  • Makeup:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX; Demicorn – CandyHearts Eyeshadows; GoreGlam – Superlove Gloss
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Bridal Lace Wings
  • Pose:  Amitie – Library Poses (modified)
  • Location:  The Lost Unicorn Gallery