It feels like the part of the world where I live is melting… it’s just been so hot that I’m spending most of my time being a homebody, escaping into the AC. I really can’t imagine living down here in Florida without it, I don’t know how people did it (and sadly, I’m sure there are still plenty of people who do; back in NY they opened up cooling centers in extreme heat so that those without AC had a place to go to cool off). Bottom line, I’ve had a lot of time at home, so I’ve been spending a great deal of it inworld. I’ve been very unhappy with what has happened to the neighborhood for my two mainland lots (one for human habitation, one for fae), so I’ve been shopping for/buying land. And that means re-landscaping which I love love LOVE to do. Small lots are challenging, both in terms of space AND prims, and I’m trying to do both lots without buying anything… just digging deep into the bottomless pits of inventory. It’s amazing what you find! I even found an animated sea turtle in the bottom of MY inventory which is perfect for Thea’s new mermaid area! I’m still waiting for my 2nd lot to come through (it’s on abandoned land), but it’s right next to Thea’s new home, which will really simplify my life inworld rather than having to keep TPing back and forth. That said, I obviously took some breaks to work on shoots… and having just spent a few days in London back in June, this shot was just so much fun, bringing up memories from what was a really excellent time (though it was hot, hot, hot when we were in London, and unlike Florida, air conditioning is a LOT more limited… I thought I was going to pass out on one of those hop on/hop off buses without AC or even a fan! We are so spoiled, but you learn to adjust, no matter where you are, because that’s just part of life! Enjoy it!
- Outfit: pm : purple moon creations – Iris Blouse & Trousers. LOVE this look… the wrap straps, the sheer sleeves with that hint of flutter, the way the pants fit “just right”, & the patterns! So hard to choose for this shot! Each is sold in its own fatpack with a HUD (20 pattern textures for the blouse with 10 solids for the straps; 48 solids for the pants & for the belt) or as part of a Megapack with all choices included. (See the ad below.) Sized for Legacy+Perky, Maitreya, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu, Iris is EXCLUSIVELY available at the August round of Designer Showcase, open Aug 5th – 25th. Demo available.
- Hair: Analog Dog – Zoey. Three modifications to this fabulously curly style, plus the mix HUD with 94 preset textures to choose from plus a tinter! Fitted mesh with materials enabled, Zoey is at the NEWLY updated TLC Event (The Liaison Collaborative), which is now a biweekly event featuring a mix of exclusives as well as discount items. Zoey is specially priced at just 50L$ through August 16th! Demo available.
- Backdrop: Synnergy Tavis – Central London. A {360} backdrop with materials enabled, there are so many different angles & shots — from the iconic red phone booth facing the London doubledecker bus & Big Ben to an equally iconic black cab with the Thames & Parliament to the street itself that is lined with storefronts & small residences with mailboxes — that you can use this backdrop again & again, & get a completely different pic each time. (See the ad below.) This is a NEW RELEASE that is EXCLUSIVELY available at the new biweekly TLC Event (The Liaison Collaborative), through August 16th.
- Head: LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
- Body: LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
- Skin: [theSkinnery] – Alanis in Mocca
- Eyes: lovelysweet – Brown-Eyed Girl
- Freckles/Moles: DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
- Glasses: Bondi – Tony Sunglasses
- Bag: LaGyo – Summer Vibes Satchel Bag
- Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Ayla Moon Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
- Pose: [piXit] – Gothababy