Waiting our turn to perform…

http://Waiting our turn to perform...

The Olympics give rise to all sorts of fantasies, even among the fae.  Something about donning this outfit made me feel like I was ready to take center stage to perform my “routine”… no matter how it goes, though, I know that my look is a perfect 10! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Estella.  Maybe it’s from all the Olympic competition I’ve been watching, but with the incredible attention to the tiniest detail & realistic textures — just look at the laces & buckles & that little bottle hanging off the belt & the fingerless gloves! — that I have come to expect from EVERY Jangka outfit, Estella seems to me to be such a quintessential medieval outfit for “an adventuring woman” that it made me think of performance “back in the day”.  Available in 6 individual colors or as a fatpack, plus two LIMITED EDITIONS; boots are available in black or brown, as are the gloves (see the ad below). Sized for Legacy, Maitreya + LaraX, she is 100% full body original mesh.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Rose, worn in Cinnamaris
  • Hair:  monso – Chowon2
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Forest Fae
  • Makeup:  Loa – Ixchel Warpaint; Dazed – Scaled Ears Tint
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Dryad Fairy Wings
  • Horns:  FAS – Battle Horns (GIFT)
  • Pose:  GemS – War Maiden
  • Props:  Fendudu – Temptation Whip; Jinx – Tiger Gacha, Rare Natural
  • Location:  Casterly Rock Roleplay

A Zen Moment

http://A Zen Moment

The older I get, the more I realize the importance of “going with the flow”…  not always, mind you… you still need to resist on the things that really matter, to work to make things better.  But when you’re fighting every little thing, all the time, it’s draining, physically and emotionally.  Sometimes you just need to relax, spread your wings and let the breezes caress you, to find the  good in the situation, even if it’s one teeny piece among a whole lot of bad.  That’s the moment you need to seize, to remember, to be your calm happy place…  That’s what gives you the strength to calmly go on resisting…  (I’ll just add that some shopping therapy can help too!  Winks, and takes off for the sales that I never got to this weekend!!!)

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Ariadne.  Another gorgeous dress with full body gemchains, with both short & long versions included (HUD controlled).  As always, the detail, style & fit are all amazing! Available in 10 single colors or in 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs for all the elements, all of which are also show/hide (I hid the “garter” chains; see the ad below).  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics, all options, so you can mix ‘n match as you want.  Ariadne is sized for Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu.  Originally released for the recent Fantasy Faire, both the outfit & demo are available at the main store.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Lumae (originally Moth & Moon)– Lorelai, in moss
  • Hair:  WINGS – EF0208
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Varisei
  • Makeup:  Loa – Gaia Face Paint (Eyeliner); FORMME – Rothvid; StunnerOriginals – Lidia HD Lips
  • Wings:  Aii  – Fairy Wings
  • Nails:  Veechi – Magnetic Tips
  • Pose:  Loel – Egoist
  • Location:  Buddha Garden

The Portal

http://The Portal

I don’t think I will ever get used to the joy of being a fae here in SL…  PBR has thrown me quite a few loops, but the difference in colors and detail has me flying around OOHing and AAHing at the colors and the richness of detail, while admittedly sometimes groaning at the lighting, but as more and more free (or almost free) windlights become available, things have vastly improved!  Sadly though, tomorrow marks the end of this event which I have found myself wandering again and again, finding new treasures every time… Take a look for yourself, and enjoy!

  • Dress:  Senzafine – Pythia, worn in Blush.  Simple, & simply enchanting!  Sized for Legacy, Reborn, Maitreya, Hourglass, & Freya, Pythia is available in 6 colors or as a fatpack.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  Pagan Beauty – Steph.  Includes skin for both EvoX & for Legacy+Perky, Reborn, GenX, Kupra, & Maitreya, as well as cosmetics, shapes, & more.  Steph is EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Portal:  Lunaria – Butterfly Portal.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE & see it on display.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:   KMH – Hair F195
  • Eyes: Gloom – Shoujo
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Ragged Fairy Wings
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Uletia
  • Shoes:  Sheba – Cyra Sandals
  • Pose:  elephante poses – Tink
  • Backdrop:  Synnergy Tavis – Four Moons




Even a fae reflects on things, we’re not just a “flighty” bunch who never think about life (and we make as many bad puns as you humans do!)…  RL has been tough of late, and it’s bled over into my fantasy world, no matter how much fairy dust I’ve sprinkled or how high I’ve flown, it has intruded day after day, even creating a nasty crash or two when the magic failed to keep me aloft (or even in SL for that matter).  That said, discovering the joys and tribulations of PBR (yes, I have a reflection! no, I can’t figure out how to fix the lighting!) has been somewhat distracting, though admittedly sometimes adding to stress levels rather than dissipating them. But as life has continued to prove out my mother’s favorite comment on EVERYTHING that everything that ever went wrong, “this too shall pass”…  and on that note, I’ve checked the mirror, ignored the snarky comments, approved the look, & I am off to explore!!!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Witch in a Box – Mystic Connection.  Cute one-shoulder cropped top & asymmetrical wrap skirt sized for Legacy, Reborn, Maitreya, Kupra, & Erika; includes a HUD with all 4 colors (see the ad below).  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available (just touch the pic, & select DEMO from the menu).
  • Skin:  PunkinBlend – Gem Grenadine Skins, worn in Peridot.  These BOM skins (EvoX Head & Ears, SLUV Body, plus alternative chest styles such as nippleless & more) include a HUD for 13 fabulous gem colors (see the ad below). EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment; you can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Mirror:  Witch&Co – Snarky Magic Mirror.  Includes two interactive mirrors, one with PBR (which I used) & one without.  See the ad below for more details.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE  where you can see it on display, check out your own reflection & hear the snark!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  no.match – NO EXPLOSION (group gift)
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Forest Fae
  • Wings:  Horl – Bat Wings
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Crystal Satyr
  • Pose:  Lyrium – Irisa

Step into the Fairytale

http://Step into the Fairytale

Enchanting moments await you at Midsummer Enchantment, an elegant yet magical dark fantasy themed event brought to you by Dark Passions Events.  Open June 22nd through July 7th, the event is full of new exclusives and hunt prizes priced between 10 – 25L$ each.  Step into the fairytale — be it dark or filled with light! — and you just might  find that special item to fulfill your fantasy!   I’m wearing a few of my favorites (more to come!); you can check out the full shopping guide HERE.   Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Kairah.  Another gorgeous dress with chains, with both short & long versions included (HUD controlled).  As always, the detail is amazing… just look at the metal clasps on the dress! Available in 10 single colors or in 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs for all the elements, all of which are also show/hide (see the ad below).  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics, all options, so you can mix ‘n match as you want.  Maelin is sized for Legacy+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu.  Originally released for the recent Fantasy Faire, both the outfit & demo are available at the main store.  
  • Skin:  LUMAE – Eirtae Fantasy Tones, worn in Solaris.  EVENT EXCLUSIVE at Midsummer Enchantment, 5 summery fantasy tones for EvoX (see the ad below).  NOTE:  matching body skins by body type are available at the main store.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment, for 40% OFF during the event.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Makeup:  HEXUMBRA – Soliel Sunkissed Face Paint.  Includes 3 strengths of face paint (I’m wearing the strongest) plus 3 strengths of a sunkissed blush, all with tintable options.  (See the ad below.) EVENT EXCLUSIVE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.  Also worn:  Loa – Gaia Face Paint nose contour; StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix HD Lips
  • Tattoo:  Leave Your Mark – Walk Thru Fire.  Another EVENT EXCLUSIVE at Midsummer Enchantment, the artistry in this full body BOM tattoo really kicks your look up a notch! You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  WINGS – EF0208
  • Eyes: Gloom – Tirel
  • Wings:  Aii  – Fairy Wings
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Farys
  • Nails:  Gorgeous Dolls – Girl Hallowaii
  • Pose:  Animosity – Wiccan; Kokoro – Fire Halo
  • Backdrop:  The Bearded Guy – Moonlight Ritual

Oops, practice is definitely NOT making perfect!

http://Oops, practice is definitely NOT making perfect!

What is there to say?  Not everyone can do practical magic right off the bat… if I can really hone my skills then I can move up in rank, but I still have a tendency to get a bit distracted and blow up things nearby before releasing my magic at the intended target.  I feel like I’ve been practicing FOREVER, but obviously, no promotions are in the near future… sighs… again…

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Eliyen.  With the incredible attention to the tiniest detail & realistic textures that I have come to expect from EVERY Jangka outfit, Eliyen seems to me to have a touch of the adventuring spirit, which makes her perfect wear for so many fantasy situations.  Available in 6 individual colors or as a fatpack, plus two LIMITED EDITIONS; boots are available in black or brown, as are the shoulder pads (see the ad below). Sized for Legacy, Maitreya + LaraX, she is 100% full body original mesh.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  poema – LUHLA
  • Hair:  Chain – Safari
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Shairi
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Shoujo
  • Circlet:  Harambee – Crescent Moon & Star
  • Wings:  Jinx – Unseely Fairy Wings
  • Pose:  Kokoro – Rosie
  • Backdrop:  FoxCity – Lost City Photo Booth

As one dream ends, another begins…

http://As one dream ends, another begins

Even a fae has dreams of what life could be.  In the last week, my dream was to be a mermaid, but alas it proved too challenging for me at this point to trade in my wings for a tail.  Everything was going wrong, from developing an extreme line at the neck to having issues with poses and so much more that I finally realized it was just not meant to be in the limited time before Fantasy Faire closes its doors again and disappears into the mists.  Everything was going wrong IRL as well, with myself, my son, & my grandson all having accidents that left us each with a broken bone.  As difficult and frustrating as that has been been (especially since I am long distance from both of them), I recognize how lucky I am… these are all non-traumatic injuries that will heal.  It helped me realize that I had lost sight of the far bigger dream that is the essence of Fantasy Faire… the dream of a world without cancer.  Today, May 7th, is the last day of this celebration of fantasy life in SL and its goal for all humankind.  We all want to see THAT fantasy world, a world without cancer.  To that end, join us in the fight, shop with a purpose and Relay for Life!!!

  • Gown:  Kitty Creations – Rosamund.  Absolutely stunning medieval gown, with the most amazing collar & cuffs… very regal without becoming overly done.  Available in 7 single colors, each as a 100% RFL Donation (see the ad below).  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Miralume HERE.
  • Jewelry:  Cygnet’s Dreams – Gem Set.  Includes two headpieces, tikka, & earrings, with a 12-texture HUD to change the colors.  (See the ad below.) You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Whispering Pages HERE.  Demo available.
  • Wings:  Aii  – Fairy Wings. Absolutely the most gorgeous wings I have ever worn!  They sparkle subtly & move so beautifully & just look so real! Includes both bento & animesh versions in 4 sizes, with a HUD that lets you modify all or parts of the wings.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Thunnus Bay HERE.  Demo available.
  • Companion:  Quills & Curiosities – Faelidae Companion.  NEW!! I do love my animal companions (I’ve blogged twice with both of my new “pets”).  Released for FF24, Faelidae has four ears, three tails, & is an arm or shoulder holdable companion.  Includes 3 sizes, 3 position options, & a HUD with 23 fur colors & 10 eye colors with tint & glow options.  (See the ad below.)  Adorably animated, you can see them all around the sim, since the store sponsors the Faireland.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of The Duskfall Court HERE.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body & Ears:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  RunAway – Mei
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Pose:  LW Bento Poses – Loyal
  • Location:  Ondheim (sponsors Belle Epoque/Harshlands), known as the Realm of the Spirits. It is a place where departed souls take rest during their journey from the mortal realm to the what lays ahead. Heavily inspired by Nordic and Viking landscaping/architecture.


Discovering the hidden world of the Wistlyn Shallows…

http://Discovering the hidden world of the Wistlyn Shallows

Fantasy Faire may be winding down (end date ORIGINALLY May 5th, but now extended to May 7th!!!), but my personal exploring definitely is not! I always start the Faire by (a) visiting any of my favorite stores, then (b) TPing into the center of each realm to “get a taste” of what that land is all about, and then (c) following the “road”, winding through all the lands, peeking into most stores and shopping!!! in others.  By this time, I’ve usually posted one or two blogs based on scenes that grabbed my attention; then I turn to what I’ve been doing of late… exploring some of the maybe-not-hidden but definitely off-the-beaten-track gems that I come across.  That’s how I found this little awesome spot, down below the walkway for this Faireland, which was absolutely perfect (IMHO anyway!) for this character…  Though there is so much animation going on — my wings, my shoulder cat, the tiny creatures from the Shallows, circling decor, lights — it was definitely a challenge to get it all.  Bottom line though… if you haven’t made it to the Faire yet, DON’T DELAY!  Not only will the creativity astound you, but there’s so much dedicated to helping support the fight against cancer.  Join the fun of Fantasy Faire, and join the fight to help create a world without cancer!!!

  • Gown:  UNA – Lady Targaryan, in Wine.  Absolutely stunning & totally unique with a top that looks like hammered gold, Lady Targaryan is sized for Legacy+Perky+Nerido, Reborn+Juicy, & LaraX+PetiteX (see the ad below).  She is available in 6 individual colors, or as a fatpack with extra colors included… & the fatpack is a 100% RFL Donation!  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of The Duskfall Court HERE.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Wyldeia.  NEW!! A brand new set of fantasy skins available for both male & female in 35 different tones (I’m wearing Ereyal).  Incredible markings, incredible quality, incredible choice of skin tones!  These are all-inclusive skins that come with multiple versions, body add-ons, & more, for EvoX & SLUV.  (See the ad below for more detail.)  You can purchase a single skin, custom packs of 3, 5 or 10 skins, or as a complete fatpack for male or female.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Fantasy Faire; you can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Samsara HERE.  Demos available.
  • Horns & Ears:  Petrichor – Karthras Accessories.  NEW!!  Gorgeous horns that curl around special included M/F EvoX ears.  Also includes optional forehead chain & jewelry.  The included HUD in each of 5 texture packs or the Megapack controls everything (see the ad below for more details).  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Samsara HERE.   Demo available.
  • Wings:  Quills & Curiosities – Sinistrae.  NEW!!  Released for FF24, these dark fae wings have their own AO, are included in 6 different sizes, 2 different color HUDs for a total of 96 different color options. (See the ad below.) You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of The Duskfall Court HERE.  Demo available.
  • Cat:  Quills & Curiosities – Faelidae Companion.  NEW!!  Released for FF24, this is definitely a cat like no other!  With four ears, three tails, Faelidae is an arm or shoulder holdable companion.  Includes 3 sizes, 3 position options, & a HUD with 23 fur colors & 10 eye colors with tint & glow options.  (See the ad below.)  Adorably animated, you can see them all around the sim, since the store sponsors the Faireland.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of The Duskfall Court HERE.
  • Lantern:  Oblivis Solem – Ghostfire Lantern.  Fantasy Faire Blue (which is what I’m holding), including both gold & silver patterns with hold or rez options, is a 100% RFL Donation.  (The lantern is also available in 6 single colors or as a fatpack.  See the ad below for more details.)  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Thunnus Bay HERE.
  • Sword:  Mindgardens Creations – Asgardian Bifrost Unity Combat Sword Set, worn sheathed.  The set includes the sword, sheath, & shield, utilizing the Unity Maxim combat system (see the ad below).  Animation HUD included.  The entire set is a 50% RFL Donation.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Whispering Pages HERE
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  CHAIN – Safari
  • Pose:  Le Poppycock – Grains of Sand Pack B, Hollow instep
  • Location:  Wistlyn Shallows (sponsors Star Mesh Body/Starlite Realms/M&M), a landscape where every blade of grass is a giant’s height, a daisy is a giant’s tower, and even a discarded bolt (where did that come from?) is too heavy for an ordinary human to lift.  You are tiny, insignificant, and possibly lost. As you explore those things overlooked in other realms, discover the hidden world of Fireflies and Minnows, tiny flying pixies and equally tiny aquatic mer creatures. Something far in the past has divided these two cultures, a rift seemingly impassable. But there are those who seek harmony, a way to heal the past, and a way to create the future. 

A beacon of hope in The Duskfall Court

http://A beacon of hope in The Duskfall Court

Fantasy Faire is such an exciting creative delight that it’s sometimes easy to forget the more serious side of the Faire… that it is a Relay for Life charity event, a benefit for the American Cancer Society.  Cancer is that dreaded monster lurking in the shadows that haunts all of us.  I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been touched by it in some way.  I think we all shudder and inwardly sigh when we hear of another family member, a friend, a friend of a friend, a neighbor, or even a casual acquaintance who gets that dreaded diagnosis, is in the midst of their fight, or has battled and won (or even worse, has lost).  The personal battles are chilling reminders of the fragility of life, how things can change in a moment… the Faire is a way to fight the greater war by SHOPPING WITH A PURPOSE, providing funds to help build a tantalizing fantasy… a world without cancer.  Unlike the fantasy creations and wonders that we celebrate at the Faire, RFL’s fantasy is do-able… and the more dollars that we can send to this amazing charity, the greater the arsenal at their disposal.  PLEASE JOIN THE FIGHT and SHOP WITH A PURPOSE…  To date, in the 16 years since Fantasy Faire began, the Faire has raised L$187,891,611 / $751,556 USD.  By the end of the 9th day, Fantasy Faire 2024 has relayed L$13,236,171.  There’s still plenty of time… Fantasy Faire HAS BEEN EXTENDED, and will now be open through May 8th!  But don’t delay… there’s so much to see and do and buy for the cause!!!! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  EXiA –  Daniela Dress, worn together with the Daniela Rose Head Accessory & Daniela Heels.  Beautifully styled with roses & lace & little leaves & folds in all the right places, Daniela is available in Fantasy Faire purple for a 50% RFL DONATION, or in 6 other colors individually or as a fatpack. The separate Head Accessory is in Fantasy Faire purple as a 100% RFL DONATION or as a fatpack of 7 other colors.  Matching shoes are also available as a 100% RFL DONATION in the limited purple color, or as a fatpack of 7 colors. (Please see the ad below since you can’t see the shoes in my pic.  Also, please be sure to look at the ad for the true shade of purple, since my pic was shot in the The Duskfall Court’s lighting of blues & purples.) You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Ondheim HERE.  Demo available.
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Arien Horns, Curl-Stars.  Stunning 50% Relay for Life Donation item; single color (purple!) included in two styles (curl & swirl)… You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Samsara HERE.  
  • Wings:  Arkona – Fairy Royal Wings.  As you can see by the ad below, these wings have a HUD for changing to your choice of 9 colors + 5 options for the membranes. A Fantasy Faire EXCLUSIVE, you can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Avalon HERE.  Demo available.
  • Pose:  Audition Poses – Beacons of Hope Bento Pose Set.  A Fantasy Faire EXCLUSIVE, this set includes 5 bento poses plus mirrors.  Lanterns for each pose are included in both projector & non-projector versions.  (NOTE: I added the beam.)  Two of these poses are available for individual purchase as a 100% RFL DONATION.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Whispering Pages HERE.  
  • Dragon:  Springlab Games – Dragoos Companion.  Dragoos are an upcoming Animesh Breedable Pet for SL.  I AM SO INFATUATED that this is my 2nd time posting with them! They are in the later stages of alpha development with no release date set.  But this little guy is available RIGHT NOW in 3 different color versions specially for FF24 — Gilded (white & gold, like the one in my previous post, see the ad below), Royal (purple & gold, seen here with me), & Tempered (black & silver) — all as a 100% RFL Donation.   A static shoulder pet version & a static decor version are also available.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Avalon HERE & see how cute these guys are in person!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  IVES Beauty – Dove, in Lavender Fairy (matching body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  WINGSDG – ES0615
  • Location:  The Duskfall Court (sponsors Quills & Curiosities/Cryptid), the seat of shadow where the fae aren’t always nice beings & where their pranks are rarely harmless; read more about this Faireland HERE

C’mon guys, A Faire-n’ we will go!

http://C'mon guys, A Faire-n' we will go!

OK, I’ll admit it… I’ve been going a bit crazy at the 2024 Fantasy Faire, which just opened on April 18th and will now run through May 5th.   But like many other fantasy characters in SL, I look forward to this incredibly special event all year long.  There is just nothing else in Second Life quite like it…  And I am so absolutely thrilled to be an official blogger that I’ve been busy shopping the Faire since the moment it opened (truth be told, a day before with early access lol).  Why am I and so many others so enraptured by Fantasy Faire?  It’s a few things, and the reasons do, of course, vary person to person.  For me, it’s really three things.  First and foremost, it’s the sheer creative genius on display throughout the 20 completely unique and distinctive regions.  It constantly boggles my fae brain how so many designers can not only envision these realms but can make them come to life, especially if you get “off the trail” and explore some of the hidden nooks… they are truly world builders!  Second, well, it’s the shopping.  I’m a shop-a-holic, which I guess is why I’m a blogger… I just love to not just put on a new outfit but create a whole character with it… or a scene… or both!  And with over 300 of SL’s top fantasy designers showing at FF24, well, let’s just say that I saved up my lindens in order to stock up on all sorts of goodies.  And third, which really is the most important and impactful reason to support Fantasy Faire is that it’s one of the premier  events in Second Life benefiting the American Cancer Society.  At the end of the 3rd day, this year’s FF has already relayed a whopping  $L$6,661,584 … now that’s shopping with a purpose!!!!  Come join us, and you too can be a Fairelander!

  • Outfit:  All three of the following items are available at Fantasy Faire 2024.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Samsara HERE.
    • DressLes Encantades – Claribelle.  Stunning medieval gown with a gorgeous leaf overskirt & optional slit sleeves.  Perfect for my first fashion post for this year’s Faire!  Sized for Legacy+Perky, Maitreya+Petite, Reborn, & Kupra, Claribelle is available in 5 single colors or as a Fullpack with a full texture HUD (see the ad below).  This item is a 100% RFL Donation!  Demo available.
    • Wings:  Les Encantades – Natural Wings.  Flexiwings available in 6 color options (I’m wearing Earth) or as a fatpack (see the ad below). Includes a menu to adjust the animation. The purple version is a 100% RFL Donation.
    • Circlet:  Les Encantades – Meliae’s Crown.  Unrigged & resizable, she includes a HUD of 15 colors for every element of the crown (see the ad below for details).  This item is a 100% RFL Donation.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  ND/MD (enLIGHT)- AXA.  Available in 3 skin tones (I’m wearing Dark) or as a fatpack, AXA includes BOM skins for both head & body.  Shapes are also available.  See the ad below for details.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Ogham Grove HERE.
  • Horns:  Valhalla – Elanor.  RFL FF24 Special Edition, these horns are 100% original.  Includes a textures HUD with 4 choices for both the horns & the metals.  This special edition is a 100% RFL Donation. You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Duskfall Court HERE.  Demo available.
  • Staff:  Broken Arc – Staff from the Weapons of the Woods Collection, a Fantasy Faire EXCLUSIVE.  Sold separately or as part of the set that also includes a Blade & a Bow with Quiver, the staff includes three animations (ranged, melee, sheathed) plus three versions of the staff (Unity Maxim polearm, sheathed, & non-combat hold).  Easily resizable, so it can work for different sized avatars of either sex!  Whether you buy one weapon or the full set, they are a 100% RFL Donation.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Ogham Grove HERE.
  • Dragon:  Springlab GamesDragoos Companion.  Dragoos are an upcoming Animesh Breedable Pet for SL.  I AM IN LOVE, these are just so cute & the animations are absolutely adorable! They are in the later stages of alpha development with no release date set.  But this little guy is available RIGHT NOW in 3 different color versions specially for FF24 — Gilded (white & gold, like the one in my pic), Royal (purple & gold; see the ad below), & Tempered (black & silver) — all as a 100% RFL Donation.   A static shoulder pet version & a static decor version are also available.  You can teleport directly to the store in the Faireland of Avalon HERE & see how cute these guys are in person!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  Nova – Radio
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Hunter
  • Makeup:  poema – Intuition eyeshadow; PROMAGIC – Dhairya Tattoos
  • Pose:  La Plume – Malorie
  • Location:  Whispering Pages (sponsors Sweet Revolutions/Telperion Designs), a mystical forest where scribblers & authors have found refuge since time immemorial; read more about this Faireland HERE