Soaking Up the Sun

http://Soaking Up the Sun

I’m just loving having my little hideaway at the beach. I still love my primary home in the woodlands, but right now with winter still hanging on most days here in the northeast, the call of sun and sand is strong (not to mention the allure of boating, which is rapidly becoming a consistent theme in my blogs).  You’ll be noticing lots of pictures taken at my new little hideaway… which has quickly turned into a commune of sorts with some of my best friends moving in next door! Time to get down to serious business and start soaking up some rays for energy to get me through the week!  😉

  • Bathing Suit: Tonic – Island Dream Swimsuit.  Something completely different, this exotic one-piece suit shows plenty of skin & totally celebrates your curves with artfully placed cut-outs (it’s a good thing we don’t have to worry about strange tan lines lol!!!).  Includes a 24-awesome-texture HUD.  Exclusively for the Tonic mesh bodies, it will highlight your beautiful figure, whether it’s a Fine Beauty or a Curvy Beauty.  EXCLUSIVE at the April Curves Event presented by Pale Girl Productions.
  • Hair:  EscalateD – Quisha Hair.  Fun updo in two versions, with/without bangs, with color & styleHUDs that let you customize Base/streak or go Duo, plus 16 colors for the bandana (see ad below). All colorpacks / minipacks are priced at just 69L for SYNDICATE SUNDAY April 7th – 14th! You can see all items available for this event at
  • Jewelry:  Accolade – Multi-Pendant Necklace includes a HUD with 10 texture choices. Just 69L for SYNDICATE SUNDAY April 7th – 14th! Remember, you can see all items available for this event at wearing: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band.
  • Head: Tonic – Coco, one of the two NEWbento heads from Tonic; fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her truly unique.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Amina in Almond Browless
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Nails:  Kosmetik – Classic Nails Nude
  • Sitting Shells:  Las Islas – Naima SeaShells (extinct vendor)
  • Location:  My new island hideaway

I Wanna Sea Cruise

http://I Wanna Sea Cruise

Many years ago, I lived on a huge series of interconnected sims with lots of open sailable water.  In addition to having wonderful views of beautifully landscaped islands across the way, one of my greatest joys was to hop in a boat after a stressful day at work in RL, and cruise the waterways… looking at what other people had done with their property, marveling at the creativity (or on occasion, the lack thereof), imagining the breeze in our hair, and the feel of the spray on our skin. Then the sim owner split the sims into a checkerboard “for greater privacy”, boating was lost, and ever since it’s been one of those things we’ve talked about finding a way to do, but just never have. Until now.  As I said a few posts back, I recently purchased a tiny oasis connected to a sailable sea, and have been busy boat shopping whenever I can. It’s a lot harder than you think, especially when you’re dealing with very limited prims and space (some of these boats have more land impact than my lot can hold with nothing else on it lol!).  And because they’re SOOOO expensive, I do want to be sure that we get the best one for our needs… which means it not only looks good and is fun to drive, but is loaded with anims that make me look good too! We’ve narrowed it down to 4 choices, and I’m really pressing to make a decision.  Maybe it’s this one? Or this?  Or wait…  I think THIS is the one!!!!  😉

  • Outfit:  Wang – Kamily Skirt & Top, that looks almost like a dress.  The top is just a sexy little ruffle that’s waaaay-off-shoulder & then sheer netting; the skirt has some of the netting but adds lacing down the front. Includes 4 color options (see the ad below), so you can easily make this dressier or more casual & look awesome either way! Sized for Slink P/H, Belleza V/I/F, & Maitreya.  Just 99L at the Designer Circle 07/19 March 30th – April 13th. 
  • Shoes:  [Sheba] Creations – Helen Sandals, have that open summery look that can dress up or down, which makes them the perfect addition to every closet!  Includes a 50-texture HUD that lets you set a main color for the base of the shoe/heel & another for the “strips”; in sizes for Slink, Belleza, & Maitreya. Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Alexandria has a beautiful island feel, with very light freckles & moles (I, of course, add more!), beautiful shading around the eyes, & the barest dark pink gloss to the lips.  She’s so gorgeous & so indescribable, I included a pic below.  She’s based on the new Genus strong face (which frankly, I’m dying to have!), but since she’s an Omega skin, she looks simply glorious on LAQ & other mesh heads too.  She’s the EXCLUSIVE at the Designer Showcase that opens today, April 5th, with 14 skin tones available individually for just 175L each or 800L per fatpack of light/dark tones.  I’m wearing her in Cashew with the browless option.  Shape & demos also available. 
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
  • Brows:  LAQ – Brows 1
  • Freckles & Moles:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Moles & Freckles; this Skin Fair exclusive of 28 options that apply as a face tattoo, sold singly or as a fatpack, is now available in store. I’m wearing my favorite (& what seems to be permanent mainstay) #5;  Izzie’s – Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Hair: Lamb. – Sunshower
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Parisienne Love Heart Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  The Mesh Shop


A Purrrrfect Spring Day

http://A Purrrfect Spring Dayhttp://Solstice

So everyone who knows me in SL knows that while I’ve always loved having lots of animals on my land, I’ve become a certifiable crazy cat lady of late.  I’ll admit it’s one of the things that initially drew me to Tm Creation… she uses cats in a lot of her creations, and then once I saw the overall creativity, attention to detail, and quality of workmanship in each and every item, well, let’s just say it was like catnip to this little feline.  Now I’m addicted to her creations, and struggling to limit what I put on my property or it will turn into another showroom.  When I saw this outfit offered a top with PAWPRINTS, you can just imagine my reaction… what an absolutely purrfect pairing!!!!  😉

What I’m wearing:

  • Outfit:  Enigma Apparel – Ivy Set, includes this sweet ruffly little off-shoulders crop top with a HUD in 10 colors — I picked a lovely paw print for obvious reasons!!! — & a just perfectly cut, bleached & slightly worn denim mini-skirt.  Necklace & earrings also included, all for just 99L!  Sized for Slink P/H, Belleza V/I/F, & Maitreya, you can see a nice closeup of the outfit below. At the Designer Circle 07/19 March 30th – April 13th. 
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Solstice, worn in Freckled Pineapple, is named perfectly.  She just has this fresh sunny look, available with or without freckles (I, of course, not only opt for the freckles, I add even more… just look at the next bullet! Solstice Skin Applier includes 8 skin tones, 2 versions available (with or without freckles), 300L each at the Designer Circle 07/19 March 30th – April 13th.  Shape & demo also available.
  • Freckles & Moles:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Moles & Freckles; this Skin Fair exclusive of 28 options that apply as a face tattoo, sold singly or as a fatpack, is now available in store. I’m wearing my favorite (& what seems to be permanent mainstay) #5;  Izzie’s – Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
  • Brows:  LAQ – Brows 1
  • Hair:  Doe – Katrin
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Nails: Encore – Shades of Blue Nail Appliers
  • Pose:  elephante poses – Ilysm #1 & #3 (Close-up); Pose Fair gifts

The scene:

  • Scooter: Tm Creation – “The Scooter Scene”;  this absolutely adorable garden scene is the perfect decoration! It includes all  flowers, plants, rocks, & cats (not the trees in the background); see below for the vendor pic.  The scene is all in 100% Original Mesh & is fully copy/mod, so you can use as is or unlink all the pieces & use any way you want.  As a cat addict, I just love having the use of extra cats for my decor!!! Note that this IS for decoration only; it’s not a “real” scooter.  EXCLUSIVE for the Sense Event at a 10% discount through April 8th, then available at the main store after April 9th.


Moon of My Life…

http://Moon of My Life

If you’re not a Game of Thrones fan, then you may not get the title of this post, but if you are, then you understand… completely!  I don’t know about you, but while I’m so excited that the next season of Game of Thrones will start soon — April 14th — I’m also kind of sad, because it’s the final season.  That’s the problem with a wonderful miniseries, or a wonderful book… at some point, they come to an end, and you are left to imagine what comes next.  The good news? I have a WONDERFUL imagination… hopefully you do too! 😉

  • Jacket:  JR Wolf Creations – Eostre Jacket Moon.  Awesome leather jacket, with elastic ribbing at the bottom, almost a ruffle at the cuffs, & little bows on the hood, at the cuffs, & on the sides. Includes two versions, one with a black hood (which is what I’m wearing), & one in pattern. Also available with stars, skulls, or bones; all are EXCLUSIVE at Ostaras Altar through April 5th (a Second life shopping event with a softer side to dark style and dark fantasy). Sized for Belleza F/I/V, Slink H/P, & Maitreya. A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Pants:  JR Wolf Creations – Moon Leather Pants, with moon & stars pattern on the front & back pockets, & a wonderful pebbly leather texture. Available in black, blue, brown, green, pink, & purple. Sized for Tonic, Belleza F/I, Slink H/P, & Maitreya.  Another EXCLUSIVE at Ostaras Altar through April 5th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Cassidy, worn in Butter Browless.  Based on LAQ, Cassidy is another stunner of an Omega skin.  She’s so stunning, all I’ve added are my freckles! Fatpacks of dark & light tones are available EXCLUSIVELY at eBento until March 31st.  Demos & shape are also available.
  • Shoes:  MOZ Designs – NEW! “Zoe” Zipped Platform Heels; MOZ doesn’t do many shoes, but when she does, look out! These shoes are to die for! They zip up the back, with wide leather cuffs around the ankles, & super spiky heels that just look fantastic! Sized for Tonic, Slink, Belleza, & eBody.  Available in a range of awesome leather colors.
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
  • Brows:  LAQ – Brows 1
  • Freckles:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Moles & Freckles #5;  Izzie’s – Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_WATER, currently available at Salon 52
  • Top:  JR Wolf Creations – Selene
  • Jewelry:  Indulge Temptation (IT!) – Crescent Moon Earrings & Necklace; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  Outside Salon 52


Striving for a Rosy Outlook

http://Striving for a Rosy Outlook

Sometimes it’s hard to keep a rosy outlook when life starts having different ideas. I’m not talking about the big things, but all those little and middling things that add up to just make things, well, not so rosy.  The thing I’ve learned is just to hang on, keep swinging, cuddle a cat (or a dog or what have you), and things will start to look rosier… especially if you put on something new, and make yourself look GREAT!  How can the day not follow suit?  😉

What I’m wearing:

  • Outfit:  Moonstar – Rosy Glow Dress, Accessories & Boots.  This relatively simple little dress packs a whole lot of surprises that add up to one big wow.  First, it just fits amazingly well; something about the cut perhaps, but personally, I thought it looked more amazing than in the ad picture.  Second it has awesome straps… the little cross-chest one adds interest, & then the back is lo-cut with several criss-crossed straps for a whole ton of sex appeal. Includes a 6-color HUD for the dress alone (see the ad below); accessories are the rose circlet, choker, bracelet, & a brief red modesty butterfly.  Sized for Tonic, Belleza F/I/V, Slink H/P, Maitreya, eBody, & Altamura.  Available for 50% OFF — just $90L! — at TheEvent for March, so only a few days! 
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – MissPlaced has taken her place in my private collection of “personal skins”, those that I love above & beyond the norm & will continue to pull out & wear long after they’re a featured product.  She has such a unique look, with bright red lipstick, eye liner, & beauty marks that is sometimes the perfect complement to an outfit (like this one).  I’m wearing her in Butter Browless, but there’s a full selection of dark & light tones available in fatpacks at the Whore Couture Fair 9 by Flair for Events until March 31st.
  • Head: Tonic – Coco is one of the two new bento heads from Tonic (I’ve been bouncing back & forth between them, depending on the look I want).  Coco has a somewhat exotic look with slightly slanted eyes, & is fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her truly unique.  If you missed her debut at the Skin Fair, don’t despair! She’s now at the main store. Demo available so you can experiment away!
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_NOTHING
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

The scene:

  • Cara’s Poses– Swing into Spring Pose Set is another awesome joint project between & Cara’s Poses & ELLAs Designs.  In addition to the leaf-entwined wood swing, it includes 6 different bento poses with mirrors (see the ad below). Available at the Boardwalk Event, March 15th – April 15th.
  • LOVE Homes and Garden – Fairy Ferns (Natural), includes 12 different options of ferns, some with Orb Emitter options (I’m using two simultaneously, one dark & one light) plus optional Little Lights in 4 different tints. Available at the Boardwalk Event, March 15th – April 15th.

Sun, sand, & sea… IRRESISTIBLE

http://Sun, sand & sea... IRRESISTIBLE

As someone born and bred in the big city who in RL currently lives in the ‘burbs, I’ve always wanted to live in the woodlands and/or on the ocean. I’ve had a home (or should I say “homes” since I move a lot lol) in the woodlands here in SL for years; but I’ve still longed for the ocean and the ability to go boating on open water. When my premium membership just renewed, I realized that I had a 512 allotment of free tier that I wasn’t taking advantage of (I have a Linden home for a family member that uses the other 512) and I decided to do something about it.  Bottom line, if you’re willing to put in the time and effort — and I’m talking HOURS of time, going through listings and teleporting around and checking out listings — it’s possible to find some really good deals out there for not a ton of lindens.  So as a special gift to myself for taking a job in real life, I spent the equivalent of what I felt was a very reasonable $8 to get a teeny spot in the ocean with only 175 prims but absolutely NO ADDED TIER.  Frankly, I could have done even better… the lot next to mine was 500L less but no objects (mine included all objects, which supposedly included a boat but it didn’t transfer ownership)… I returned or tossed everything, but having never done this before, I found them a useful guide for building an island with space for a boat. To me, that was worth $2!!!  I just found the entire thing totally irresistible!!! Sun, sand, & sea WITH NO ADDED TIER?  A no-brainer.  I spent part of the weekend setting up, and I’m all settled in to my little hideaway… though I’ll admit to lusting after that little piece of ocean next to mine and what that extra space and extra prims would mean to an addictive landscaper/decorator like myself.  Next on the list is Boat Shopping, so don’t be surprised when you start seeing blogs with lots of boat shots!!!!   Now to rest, relax, and enjoy my little stretch of sand!!!!  😉

  • Outfit:  Wang – Suelen Skirt Denim & Top. Just because you’re lounging around in totally casual clothes doesn’t mean you can’t look awesome, which is exactly how you look in this adorably sexy little outfit. The sleeveless crop denim top is only closed by one button; the tiny denim skirt is, well, tiny.  Includes a 10-color HUD for the top; a 9-color HUD for the skirt. Athe Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.  
  • Shoes: [Sheba] Creations – Viscana Seahorse Anklet.  How cute is this when lounging on the beach or just dreaming about it? Includes a special HUD with 20 textures for the strings, 5 metal tones for the seahorse; in sizes for Belleza, Slink, & Maitreya. See ad below for a closeup of the dangling seahorse. Demo available.
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
  • Brows:  LAQ – Brows 1
  • Hair: TRUTH – Imani
  • Freckles:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Moles & Freckles #5;  Izzie’s – Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Monterey Boho Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Glasses:  [meisu] – Minutiae
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Game:  Kaya’s Ray of Sunshine – Beach Sized Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Beach Bag:  Focus Poses – Beach Bag

Working Girl

http://Working Girl

Now that I’m a working girl in Real Life once again, it really feels like I have two jobs. It’s a good thing that I love blogging so much, because a blogger’s job is never done!  I’d also have to admit that this office set is MUCH neater than my own home office ever looks (I’m SOOOOOOOO much messier lol, with papers everywhere!!!), but I absolutely love that Ceja now has her own working space for doing her blogging… it just seems appropriate! I’ve added a few personal touches to the office — as every girl does to every office everywhere — but what I’m thinking it really needs is one of my cats, sleeping on the desk!  Maybe next time lol… Now, back to work!!!  😉

What I’m wearing:

  • Sweatshirt:  Ashmoot – Long Hoody, unzipped just perfectly to where it’s a lo-cut top that can be worn with nothing underneath.  With thick ribbing at the bottom edge, the length is perfect too, just under the butt, which gives lots of choices for how to wear — barelegged or with stockings, leggings, pants, a skirt, whatever.  I love the way the inside fabric shows in the hood & around the neck, & the way the sleeves are pushed up. The hanging pull strings are in also in fabulous detail. I’ve never worn Ashmoot before, & I have to say, I’m impressed! Three color options available, sized for Slink P/H, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, & Werwolf.  (As a note to the Tonic Curvy gals, I’m wearing the Hourglass size, & it fits PERFECTLY!)  EXCLUSIVE item at the promo price of 99L at the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.  Demo available.  
  • Boots:  Ashmoot – Stivaletti, also available in three color options, 129L each. Sized for Slink, Belleza, & Maitreya.  At the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.  Demo available.  
  • Glasses:  Ashmoot – Round Sunglasses, gold & black with side lenses too, which look really cool. Most notably, they can be worn regularly on your face or on top of your head, which is an option that I really love!; 129L.  At the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.  
  • Hair:  Firelight!! – Candie, includes a multi-shade texture HUD where you choose to apply a Rich/Full Effect or a Wispy Effect, plus a Tinting Color Wheel for lots of individual color options. Perfect for hair nuts like me!  At the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  Tonic – Abbi (Bento)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rory, worn in Cashew; EXCLUSIVELY at the Sense Event, March 15th – April 8th; fatpack, demos & shape are all available.
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Jewelry:  Minimal – Chelin Letter Necklace C; Kunglers – Milena Earrings, Quartz; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pants:  Sassy – Soft Linen Capris

The scene:

  • Office Set:  Blossom Mesh Project [BMS] – OA Desk Set, available in green & orange, this absolutely perfect office set, which to me screams “home office” includes the L-shaped desk with CPU & monitor, chair, & then — as separate units so that you can position everything as you want — the keyboard, mouse, folder stand, two stacks of folders, & side cabinet.  The chair includes animations (which of course I’m using!), & the monitor turns on & off (which I didn’t realize until I accidentally clicked on it lol).  Available at the Boardwalk Event, March 15th – April 15th.
  • Bulletin Board:  UPCYCLED – Bulletin Boards; Marketplace Only
  • Picture Frame:  Zen Creations – Nature Frames with Birds that Chirp
  • Calendar:  home store + more – Calendar-2019-colorful circles; Marketplace Only
  • Waste Basket:  Luna Fatale Creations – Waste Baskets (and crumpled paper)
  • Push Pin Note:  Rosie Trinkets – I Love You Note; Marketplace Only

Come sail away

http://The Sea Dreamhttp://Come Sail Away

Do you ever fantasize about just getting on a boat or a raft and sailing away from it all? I know I’ve blogged about that before, and this raft certainly isn’t built for a lifetime escape, but for a short respite from your troubles, it’s PERFECT!  Named the “Sea Dream”, to my mind she conjures up images of drifting and bobbing softly on the waves, while lounging comfortably on the pillows and blanket.  There’s a tray of goodies nearby, complete with drinks, cupcakes and a book (I ALWAYS have a book nearby), and even a string of fish hanging above.  But the Sea Dream is also built for romance… it’s drinks and cupcakes for two, and lots of couples animations, so even though I’m currently adrift by my lonesome, I definitely made sure I look my nautical best!!!  Which definitely leaves only one question… who wants to come sail away with me?  😉

  • Bikini:  MOZ Designs – “Le Cage” Fantasy Tankini is the star in my bathing suit wardrobe.  With a totally unique design,  this is not your standard thong bikini — it has a truly unique style. Available in a whole range of stunning patterns, in original Fitmesh for Maitreya, Slink, Tonic, eBody & EVE.
  • Tattoo: Juna Artistic Tattoo – Rui Tattoo, turns you into a work of art from the back! Includes three shade options (dark, medium & light) with appliers for Altamura, Belleza, Eve, Maitreya, Omega & Classic. On sale for 140L — that’s 25% OFF! —  at the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.
  • Raft:   Tm Creation – “Sea Dream” Raft with Decors, Single & Couple animations is perfect for floating your cares away, alone or with a special someone.  Includes  blanket, pillow & decors — including a separate tray of such absolute necessities as drinks, cupcakes & a book! — all in 100% Original Mesh.  Includes a ton of animations & sequences (bento too!), & is available in both PG & Adult versions. Fully copy/mod, you can use as is or unlink all the pieces & use as you wish.  EXCLUSIVE for Tres Chic Event at a 10% discount March 17th – April 10th.
  • Head:  Tonic – Abbi (Bento)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Hair:  Argrace – Tokiwa
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rory, worn in Cashew; EXCLUSIVELY at the Sense Event, March 15th – April 8th; fatpack, demos & shape are all available.
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Glasses:  Mulloy – Antago
  • Jewelry:  Minimal – Chelin Letter Necklace C; Kunglers – Milena Earrings, Quartz; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location: My home at GlenXi Estates

Part Deux

http://Easy Rider, part Deuxhttp://Abbi, part Deux

Sometimes as good as you think Part One is, you need (or want) a remake.  Maybe it’s just a tweak here and there; or maybe it’s a complete do-over. Whichever end of the spectrum it is, or wherever it may fall inbetween, one of the many beauties of Second Life is that you always have the ability to easily remake yourself and your surroundings, or even your entire life.  As a blogger, I’m constantly changing my hair and my skin; I have two bodies and multiple heads (wow, sounds monstrous in a sentence lol). But generally speaking, once my shape is set for a head or a body, that’s it… a tiny tweak here or there, but an overhaul? Never… until now.  Admittedly my Abbi head was very new… I had just fallen in love with her and gotten her where I wanted her when I was swept off my feet by the next Tonic head… but now that I went back, I found that I wasn’t quite as happy as I had thought lol. So here she is, Abbi Part Deux… I’m re-smitten, ready to take on the world!  Maybe by motorcycle???  Who knows… anything is possible!  😉

  • Outfit:  S&B Fashion – Flirty Cowl Top w/ Jeans, includes the high heels too!  The jeans are skinny & cuffed, but what makes this outfit is the top… it just so different! The front is high & then the bottom kind of loops around to the back, up to a tie, leaving the sides & back open (I tried to show it in the picture since it’s so hard to describe)… so sexy without being too overt.  Sized for Tonic (top only), Belleza F/I/V, Slink H/P, Maitreya, TMP, & Classic. EXCLUSIVE available at the Designer Circle 06/19 March 17th – 30th.
  • Head: Tonic – Abbi is one of two new bento heads that Tonic has recently introduced. I just went back to Abbi & created a whole new shape for her, so I’m deep in the midst of an identity crisis lol! But I’m just loving this look… to me, she’s not what I consider a classic beauty.  If I had to put it into words, I’d say she’s more striking than beautiful, with a very unique & individual appearance, & I really REALLY like that in a world full of beautiful people.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rory, worn in Cashew Browless, does I’m sure, have something to do with how much I’m loving Abbi right now.  I’m wearing Rory Browless TOTALLY CLEAN,  straight out of the box except for adding freckles (shown below) & my own brows, because I just feel naked without them lol.  Rory is the new EXCLUSIVE available at the Sense Event, March 15th – April 8th; fatpack, demos & shape are all available.  To see a range of browless skin tones AS IS (not even with my freckles!!!), see below.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Hair:  Navy & Copper – Sundae
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Sentiments Necklace, Loved; Kunglers – Milena Earrings, Quartz; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location: Comhar Free Public Photo Studio, Garden & Caves
Rory Browless in Cotton Candy – Butter – Cashew – Maple

A Breath of Fresh Air

http://A Breath of Fresh Air

I love Second Life, which is a good thing, because I certainly spend enough time both inworld and in RL working on things related to it.  But sometimes it seems that certain things are just repeated, done over and over.  And yet, when something different comes along, it’s not always immediately welcome.  These pants are a perfect example… Because it seems like almost every pair of pants I own here in Second Life is lo-cut — sometimes to the extreme! — my initial reaction when I saw these high-waisted pants was admittedly one of hesitation.  But thankfully, I decided to try them on, and all I have to say is boy, was I ever wrong!  WOW!!! If I may so myself, these pants make my curves — especially my butt (which is already enhanced with Tonic’s booty control) — look absolutely AMAZING!!!  And although I’m sure they look equally good with a full-length top, I simply love the combination of the high waist with a short cropped sweater like this wonderful little off-shoulder find… What a refreshing difference!!!!  And yes, there’s been lots of exclamation points in this post lol… but I think it deserves every single one!  And to celebrate, even though it’s getting colder outside again after a 2-day reprieve, it’s definitely time to tiptoe through the SL tulips and welcome those initial signs of spring!!! 😉

  • Head: Tonic – Coco is the new bento head from Tonic that I’ve been blogging about for weeks.  I adore Coco because I finally have my slightly slanted eyes that I’ve wanted since day one, & being fully mod & Omega-ready I’ve been able to customize her to make her truly individual.  Available EXCLUSIVELY at the Skin Fair through March 24th where Coco is on sale for a special introductory price of 50% off.  If you haven’t picked up your demo yet to see what kind of unique look you can create for yourself, you really are missing out.
  • Pants:  MOZ Designs – High Waist Flair Hem Pants, with a fit & style that is absolutely unbelievable. Whatever shape you’ve got, it looks incredible in these pants! Recently updated to include more mesh bodies, these pants are now Original Fitmesh for Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, Tonic, eBody & EVE, in this wonderful linen texture (this particular color has a subtle stripe in its weave, just gorgeous!). Available in a variety of single colors or a Superpack.
  • Top:  lovelysweet Boutique – Mia Sweater; this comfy-looking, subtly sexy off-shoulder crop sweater comes with a halter top that you can wear separately or in combination. Includes a 6-color HUD for the sweater, 5-colors for the halter. A WLTB Designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Cassidy, worn in Cashew Browless.  Based on LAQ, Cassidy is a brand-new stunner of an Omega skin.  She’s so stunning, all I’ve added are my freckles! Fatpacks of dark & light tones are available EXCLUSIVELY at eBento March 10th – 31st.  Demos & shape are also available.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Hair:  eXxEsS – Palma
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry:  Minimal – Chelin Letter Necklace C; Aurealis Jewelry – Mother Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  Eudora3D – Vintage Clogs (Group Gift)
  • Pose:  {NANTRA} – Tiptoe Through the Tulips
  •  Location:  Mystic Timbers