Christmastime in the City

http://Christmastime in the City

As beautiful as snow is in the country and suburban areas, to my city-bred heart there really is nothing quite as glorious as the peace and beauty of softly falling snow in the city.  The contrast of the big flakes with the lights of the city — especially at Christmastime with all the sparkling decorations — and the hush that descends with the newly fallen snow is indescribable, but it is definitely something that once experienced, it stays with you forever.  Unfortunately, as any NYC resident knows, snow doesn’t stay that way very long in the city… it very quickly turns to black, grey, yellow, and other colors I won’t even mention, the ice and sludge mount at corners and crosswalks, and the peace disappears into the jarring noise of traffic sounds as the city reawakens and resumes its interrupted pace.  But for those first few hours, when the snow is still steadily falling, the wind is still, and all is peace and quiet, it’s a most beautiful sight…

  • Outfit:  (BYRNE) – StarGrunge Dress & Boots.  Simply glorious wool turtleneck sweater with star patterned leatherette minidress & over the knee boots.  Comes in black/white & white/black versions; sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st. 
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  eXxEsS– Xmas Gift 2018
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD9 Eyeshadow; Dina Matte Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Cazimi – Dec ’17 GIFT
  • Jewelry:  Snowflakes Necklace (unknown creator); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose: LW: Bento PosesThe Simple Things, available at The Winter Pose Fair
  • Location:  A NYC Christmas


The Perfect Touch

http://The Perfect Touch

One of the many many things I love about Second Life is how easy it is to continually change things up.  The seasons change where I live here — winter to spring/summer, and then I add fall as well — and with each seasonal shift, I find that I’m changing much of the landscaping.  Not just from a green version to a white one, but entire re-envisioning of parts of the landscape.  The same now holds true of my holiday decorating.  For years, I had a Holiday Box (literally), with everything that I used to decorate the house.  I’d of course add a few new things each year, tossing away high prim objects that were available with better technology and replacing them with newer versions.  But this year I’ve noticed a marked difference.  To begin with, it’s my first year in my new home.  And although we had moved quite frequently before, it was generally within the same estate system or two, so the look and feel of the property was always generally the same, because that was what we liked.  Where we live now is completely different from anything I’ve done on the grid before, and therefore a lot of the old ideas just don’t work. I haven’t even lugged the box out of inventory, although a few stand-alone favorites have definitely found their way into new places.  But mostly I’ve been picking up gorgeous items at events and, of course as a blogger, I’m fortunate enough to receive many wonderful items to “play” with.  The result is that I’m creating a whole new space, and wow, is it ever fun!  To try to find the perfect space for everything, and the perfect something for every space!  I’ll be sharing lots of little glimpses here… some may not even last the season, who knows? In the meantime, though, happy shopping!

What I’m wearing:

  • Outfit:  Ashmoot – A/W CoLL Jumpsuit shown with A/W CoLL Mid Tip Toe.  Jumpsuit is available in 6 different earth shades. Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya, in single item packs or FULL Outfit pack at promo price.   EXCLUSIVELY at the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Shoes in separate pack.  Demos available.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Billy, worn in Caramel browless.  A real beauty of an Omega skin, two options of 5 tones each (dark or light, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows) available at the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Shape & demos also available.  
  • Hair:  Firelight – Phoebe Hair/Fatpack (Thick Edition).  Multi-shade full bodied wavy style…  Available in 6 color packs or as a fatpack, each with rigged & unrigged versions, in two different effects.  EXCLUSIVELY at the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Demo available.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Head: Tonic – Pixie, newest bento head from Tonic
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Brows:  Avada – Anja Eyebrows
  • Mole/Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Fall Eyeshadows; DS’Elles – Series 8 Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Sintiklia – Snowflakes Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Eternal Dream – It’s A Snowy Day
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage
The scene:

Evolving Images – Everything you need to create the perfect holiday setting is available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.  I’ve only used a fraction of what they offer, so you can style the scene your way. To see these items & more, here’s a taxi direct to their Swank Event booth:

  • Retro Christmas Tree Rev2 – lights blink with alternating colors; revolves with an on/off touch
  • Evo’s Snowflake Wreath
  • Toy Elephant
  • White Bear
  • Bull Dog (Copyable)

Happy Winter at the Christmas Expo

http://Happy Winter at the Christmas Expo

So if you read my blog at all regularly, you know I’m a city girl, born and bred.  In RL, I’ve never lived on a farm, I’ve never even gone out to get a Christmas tree (that’s another story lol), and I’ve worn a cowboy hat.  But here on the grid, I can do all that, and what better time and place than at the SL Christmas Expo where it’s all about the magic and experience of the season? Not only that, it’s about the true spirit of the holidays as well, because talented designers from across the grid have taken their collective energies to create some incredibly beautiful sims (8 of them!) and donated items whose purchase goes directly to Relay for Life to support the fight againt childhood cancer.  And what is more in the Christmas spirit than that?  You can find out more about the SL Christmas Expo, now in its 9th year, and all the shopping and all the special events that are happening HERE now until Dec 15th (you’ll find a shopping directory with slurls direct to all stores there as well); your taxi to the main welcome area is waiting for you HERE.  Please join us, and happy shopping!

  • Hat:  Stone’s Works –  Black Suede Ribbon CowBoy Hat. Unisex cowboy hat with a beautiful ribbon of stones AND a resizer built in, so it easily fits whatever size head you have or to adjust over many hairstyles.  Don’t want to be a black hat? It’s also available in pink or purple.  All three are a 100% donation to the fight against children’s cancer through Relay for Life at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo, open Dec 5th through the 15th.  You can TP direct to the Stone’s Work booth at the Expo HERE.
  • Outfit:  DarkBetty – Happy Winter.  Just the cutest little outfit, though honestly, with shorts I at least could only wear it in SL lol! Includes the sweater, jeans (which are an applier), an adjustable belt, & the cutest socks/shoes… happy winter indeed! One of several 100% donation items from this designer which you can find at Expo HERE.
  • Jewelry:  Stone’s Works –  Snowman Earrings.  A touch of whimsy is perfect at this time of year, not just for this outfit but for so many more besides throughout this entire wintry season.  These adorable vintage snowman earrings are available both at the SL Christmas Expo & at the main store for the amazing price of just 99L (other great sets available too).
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Sultry
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD9 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Location:  SL Christmas Expo, Christmas Cards sim

Ho Ho Ho and Time to Go

http://Ho Ho Ho & Time to Go

So now I’ve survived my first official snowstorm of the year, and most of my holiday shopping is done, I’m feeling a bit more comfortable with the rapidly approaching year-end.  Still quite a few birthday presents to do however.  My birthday present is bought (a new computer, yay, because the hard drive on this one seems to be on its last legs!), but several still to go since a lot of us are clumped right around Christmas and New Year’s. Just makes the pile of presents that much bigger lol!  Well time’s a-wasting… losing good shopping time!  Happy shopping, in both worlds!

  • Outfit:  YoU by GeMyles – Tila Check Outfit.  Denim never looked so good! Includes the top & jeans in 6 denims, the CUTEST black ankle boots, & a drop ribbon choker.  Sized for Hourglass, Freya/Isis, Tonic Fine, eBody Curvy, & Maitreya.  Available at the Designer Circle 24/19, open December 1st – 14th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  RunAway Hair – Ary (with beanie)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD10 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Pose:  Fashiowl Poses – Ho Ho Ho Xmas Car
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

Remembering Our Four-Legged Friends in Winter’s Chill

http://Remembering Our Four-Legged Friends in Winter's Chill

I don’t care what the calendar says, it’s winter. Thanksgiving is over, the holiday shopping season is in full swing, it’s snowed at both my home in RL and in SL.  In fact, the weather here in RL is so bad I couldn’t even get my dog to go outside… her ears went way back and she started to shake, that’s how badly she wanted to stay inside and out of the snow and sleet. It really made me think about all the animals that don’t have that option… not just the wild animals in the forest like my little friends here, but all the dogs and cats who for whatever reason find themselves literally out in the cold.  I do what I can year-round to help homeless pets; I hope that you at least spare a thought for them in this kind of weather, and if you see a chance to help, please please take it.  I know that a few years ago we found a cat part-frozen in the snow, and brought her inside.  Turned out she had frostbite — which went away — but was also deaf.  Since she wouldn’t use a litter box we eventually had to move her out of the main part of the house but at least for the rest of her life (which sadly wasn’t all that long), she was warm and fed and safe and I like to think content, if not happy. In the spirit of the season, it’s definitely important to remember our fellow man, especially all those less fortunate whether it be economically, healthwise, or however, but let’s also remember the 4-legged creatures who rely on us as well.  Sorry if I got a little sermon-y, but this is very near and dear to my heart, especially as I look out at the bitter weather, and worry…

  • Outfit:  MOoH! – Esmee Outfit.  The textures are pretty simple on this full outfit that includes both the sweaterdress & the thigh high boots, simply wonderful! The HUD offers 8 options, all with matching textures in a Heel HUD that changes leather, heel, sole & zipper on the boots.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, & Classic, all DISCOUNTED 50% in the main store, Nov 29th – Dec 12th.  Be sure to wear your group tag!
  • Rug:  Salacity – Lizzy Christmas Rug.   FREE gift for the Peace on Earth Hunt, “the most anticipated grid-wide hunt of the Holiday season,” beginning Dec 1st.  Hint: Pie is your happy place! Maybe peace on earth comes through the baking of good pies… mmmm pie. You’ll be safe if you can find a peace of this pie.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Doux – Brandie
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD10 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Pose:  Fashiowl Poses – Christmas Friends (includes raccoons)
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

Oh deer!

http://Oh deer

Oh dear, it’s really been quite the week..  For those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope it was wonderful! Mine was certainly memorable, some of it for the reasons it should be — spending time with loved ones — some of it for reasons that should NEVER be… our oven decided to die on Wednesday.  Could the timing be worse?  (Actually, I guess Thursday would have been worse lol.)  Thankfully, the stovetop still worked which literally saved the day, but still I had to borrow use of an oven to do my baking Wednesday night rather than on Thursday, the dressing was done stovetop (which actually proved to be fabulous), and the turkey went in the smoker.  It all worked out, though it certainly added some twists and turns that we all could have lived without.  And then here we are today, waiting for the repairman who will hopefully tell us that it CAN be repaired and that we don’t need to replace our whole stove.  Not really what you want to be doing when you plan on moving in a year, but you do what you gotta do.   So much going on!  Also waiting for the onslaught of a winter storm bringing us up to a foot of snow tomorrow… AND I log into SL to find that it snowed there too, and my property is covered.  So beautiful, no shoveling required!  Packing away all the autumn landscaping, pulling out all wintry items… last pic like this for a while! But no matter where you are on the grid or in the world, enjoy the season…  and of course, happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  !!smesh – NEW! Frankie.   Includes this super-comfy pullover, capri-length jeans, & ankle boots.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody Curvy, Legacy, & Maitreya, a perfect outfit for “the-day-after”! Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Exile – Gina
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD10 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Inlaid Harmony Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Fashiowl Poses – Oh Love Pose Set (includes dog
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

I Wouldn’t Keep Me Waiting

http://I Wouldn't Keep Me Waiting

I do love hats. And not just in SL, but in RL too. Unfortunately, though, when you have curly hair like me, hats in RL have a terrible side effect, namely “hat hair”.  Since it basically smooshes down your hair wherever the hat is, making it flat but leaving the rest of your hair curly, it creates a very strange look lol… Thankfully, hat hair doesn’t exist in SL. On the other hand, it can be a lot harder to get hats to fit over various hair styles, especially since not every hat-maker makes their hats resizeable, which I’ll admit is something I really don’t understand… I absolutely refuse to resize my head to fit a hat, and after trying on 15 or so hairstyles to try to find one that fits under a non-resizeable hat, my tendency will be toss the hat!  Thankfully, THIS particular hat was EXTREMELY easy to resize, customizable with all kinds of goodies, and just plain fun to wear.  Hats forever!!!

  • Top:  MOZ Designs – NEW! “Marcie” Zip Up Corset.  Available in several colors & fabrics, singles & fatpacks, all original fitmesh.  Remember to wear your MOZ tag to get 50% off!
  • Accessories:  Moondance Boutique – Paris Full Set, includes Jewelry, Sunglasses, & Hat, each of which has its own HUD with tons of texture options so the set will basically go with just about any color you want to wear it with.  Resize built in as well, so everything fits no matter what head or body or shape or hair you wear! Jewelry includes necklace, bracelets, earrings, & rings (not shown).  Available at the November Swank Event, Nov 7th – 31st.
  • Pose:  Poses by ALEXA – Waiting for You.  
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Exile – Torn
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes, Talita HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Pants:  MOZ Designs – Leather Panel Leggings
  • Location:  my home at the Hideaway Collective (private)

Getting Ready for the Magic of Christmas

http://Getting Ready for the Magic of Christmas

As I said in my last post, I’ve yielded to the fact that the holidays are upon us.  And I’m getting ready.  Not just in the commercial way by making lists and buying presents, but also by really working to support the SPIRIT of the holidays. I’m excited to be an official blogger for the SL Christmas Expo, for the second year in a row.  This year’s theme is the Magic of Christmas, and The Christmas Expo Mission is to fight childhood cancer.  If you follow me, then you probably know that I blog quite frequently for events supporting the fight against cancer, and I personally find cancer at its absolute worst when it strikes its smallest victims.  This event is really special, because it not only offers some of SL’s shopping at its best but it provides all of us with the opportunity to help give the gift of hope to those who really need it most at the time of year when belief in magic and good things can run strongest.

I know I’ll be blogging quite a bit about this very special event and all it has to offer, but there’s no way anyone could ever possibly cover it all with a few posts.  Here’s the official statement:  The 9th annual Second Life Christmas Expo will be held on December 5 – 15, 2019 and is a mega event that raises funds for the American Cancer Society. The expo will be supporting Childhood Cancer initiatives of The Society. All proceeds of the Expo will be directed to support research and palliative efforts to help children with cancer.

The 2019 Second Life Christmas Expo will consist of both holiday and non-holiday items from some of the best creators and designers in Second Life, spread across 8 sims!  The Expo will feature special events, including live performances, dance performances, djs, skating parties, a Snowman Building Contest, The Holiday Stockings, The Gift Of Hope Mega Raffles, a Christmas Tree & Wreath Lot, holiday raffles and gotchas, and so much more!   The Holiday Of Hope Ball, for the 9th year running, will be held at the Christmas Expo. We have our Winter Breedables Fair with several of SL’s top Breedable Creators donating One Of A Kind Breedables to be auctioned.  And back by popular demand is the Christmas Bazaar area.   This year’s theme is Believe In The Magic Of Christmas with beautifully designed regions, all making for a great holiday shopping event.

I definitely hope to see you there and that you’ll help support our fight against cancer.  Until then, still lots of getting ready to do!!!! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Apple Heart – Maya Outfit with Hud.  This 3-piece outfit — cropped top, joggers, & sneakers — is just so relaxed looking & comfy without sacrificing style!  HUD has 8 colors with 3 different textures for the top.  (Arms & top seam textured separately, as are the stripes on the pants, the waist cuff, the plateau stripes/laces/front/back of the shoes, for a fully customized outfit. Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody Curvy, & Maitreya, Maya is at the Designer Circle 23/19, open Nov 17th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Pose:  Cara’s Poses – Gifts R Coming.  A re-release of a joint collaboration with Ella from ELLAdesigns, this is just an awesome prop that comes complete with multiple poses to be used separately or together — the one I’m using (for which there’s also an alternate male version) & a sitting pose on top of all the presents.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Lamb – Garden
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Location:  Backdrop Central Public Photo Sim



Wow, hard to believe it’s the weekend before Thanksgiving! I’ve already started cooking for the big meal — my first chutney/relish (I usually make three cranberry variations) is done — so I now feel fully engaged.  As I’ve mentioned before, due to lots of ongoing personal reasons, all extended family members are not traveling this year, so only my kids (and THEIR loved ones) are coming.  So there won’t be quite as much cooking or frenetic activity this year, but most traditions will stay in play.  We may go down into the city (and yes, it’s the one pretty accurately pictured here, though moved around a lot lol) if the weather cooperates because although I’ve started my holiday shopping as well as my Thanksgiving cooking, I still have quite a bit to go. Lot of December birthdays in my family too, including my own, so to the city we shall go! Whether in SL or in RL, happy shopping!

Ceja’s wearing:

  • Coat:  Jezzixa Cazalet for Prism Designs – Alison Coat.  It’s that time of year when even on the grid, we think about coats!  All I can say about the style of this one — with its big silver buttons, hood, metal ends on the “pulls”, & the rich plaid fabrric is that I wish I could order it in RL!  6 color options (of course, I chose the green!) & a fatpack, in sizes for Slink H/P, Belleza, Maitreya, & Classic (I will note, however, that I’m wearing it on Tonic Curvy with no issues whatsoever).  EXCLUSIVELY available at the Designer Circle 23/19, open Nov 17th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Argrace – Misaki
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes, HDLiners, Jessy HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Green

Crichton’s wearing:

  • Coat:  Ch’s Designs – Victor Coat (turtleneck included).  Awesome sweater/coat combination!  The double-breasted coat hangs open at a perfectly natural angle, sporting special fabric at the collar & a belt at the back.  Includes a HUD with 9 colors for the coat, & 25 for the sweater.  Classic sizes only, which made this a great opportunity for me to try BOM (which FYI, worked perfectly)!  Available at the November Swank Event, Nov 7th – 31st.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Sven, worn in Earth.  FREE to group members as the November Group Gift, Sven is both Omega & BOM-ready system skins, with/without brows, in Earth, Cotton, & Taupe tones.  Sven shape also included.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Clay (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Male Physique Mesh Body Redux (with BOM)
  • Hair:  Volthair – George
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey

The scene:

  • Pose:  ACT 5 Poses – 90 Couple Coat Walk (Marketplace Only)
  • Location:  Somewhere Else BROOKLYN  (great sim, though personally I think it’s a misnomer… it looks like downtown Manhattan!  I just wish the people were wearing winter coats, but frankly, you often see people running from the subway to buildings without them even in the dead of winter lol!)


Jamming My Woes Away

http://Jamming My Woes Away

I love my computer but I gotta say, sometimes I really hate my computer!!! I’ve spent hours — and I’m not exaggerating, I literally mean HOURS — trying to upload and insert the pic below. For some reason, everything was stalling.  So what do you do? Reboot, naturally. Eeeekkkk! It turned into a brick while updating various things that it hadn’t bothered to let me know needed updating, and I do mean a brick — 100% disk usage.  My birthday is coming up, and it’s a big one, a REALLY big one. Everyone is asking me what I want, but I really don’t need a new computer, I just got a new laptop last year (or was it the year before? I don’t remember), but I do spend a lot of time on my desktop, and it’s getting into that grey area.  Another night/morning like this, though, I might just throw this thing out the window in a fit of temper…  Takes a deep breath… turns on some music to calm down and get the day off to a new, better, calmer start!!!  Hope your day is a good one… with happy shopping in it!

  • Top:  [WellMade] – Kammy Blouse.  Sliding off the shoulders, this single-button wrap blouse is soft, relaxed, with a subtly sexy fit.  Cozy, with the sleeves hanging down over the hands, just like you want on a chilly day! Includes a 25-color HUD of absolutely scrumptious colors for the body of the sweater, with the same 25 options for the inside/edging + silver/gold buttons.  Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody Curvy, Jomo Dragon/Fox, & Maitreya.  At the Designer Circle 23/19, open Nov 17th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Margrietje, worn in Caramel browless. Another beautiful Omega skin, two options of 5 tones each (dark or light, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows) available AT DISCOUNT for just 500L at the Designer Circle 23/19, open Nov 17th – 30th.  Shape & demos also available.  See closeup below.
  • Eyes:  Beauty Kartel – Lopida Eyes Omega.  I don’t usually blog things like eyes; I found eyes I liked a while ago & that’s what I generally wear.  With this head — which is relatively new — I’ve been wearing the eyes that come with it, because they’re really quite beautiful. But something about these eyes made me want to give them a try… now I’m just so happy I did! 6 beautiful colors to choose from (I’m wearing #6)… available at the Designer Circle 23/19, open Nov 17th – 30th.  See closeup below, & inset for the color choices.
  • Head: Tonic – Pixie, the all-new bento head from Tonic, now available at the main store
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  Doux – Lala
  • Brows:  Avada – Anja Eyebrows
  • Mole/Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Green
  • Jewelry:  RealEvil Industries – Lux NIA Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  HopScotch – My Jam, 2 (includes headphones)