A Fountain of Succulents

http://A Fountain of Succulents

Succulent plants have such a different look about them.  A succulent is defined as “a plant with parts that are thickened, fleshy, and engorged, usually to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions.”  Most people think of cactus when they think of succulents, but that’s actually just one kind of succulent, and even among cacti there are many MANY varieties.    I’ve recently begun to truly appreciate the beauty of succulents since so many of my neighbors have them growing in their yards.  I’ve been toying with the idea of planting a giant prickly pear cactus because they’re so gorgeous when they bloom.  If I had the option to buy this fountain in real life, I would totally put it on my patio… it’s that stunning!  Happy shopping!    

Swank & Co. –  Succulent Multi Color Lights Fountain.   A totally different kind of fountain than what you normally see here in Second Life, & it’s absolutely stunning.  Choose from 3 different options as to material – stone, sand, or slate.  Each fountain comes with light color options… all you do is click each light row to get a menu, & select the colors you like.  So simple, & so beautiful! EXCLUSIVELY available only at the March round of the Swank Event, open until the 30th.

Setting:  Swank & Co. –  Santorini Patio Garden