Don’t Leave Me

http://Don't Leave Me

I’m a fae.  I’m a fantasy character living in a fantasy world filled with magical creations.  But even I have been touched by cancer.  And I don’t just mean my real-world counterpart, who has been impacted by the death of loved ones, who has been watching a brother-in-law fade away due to a 911 cancer.  Here on the grid, I lost my bff years ago to an extremely rare cancer.  And that is the awful thing about cancer… it touches everyone in some way.  Some suffer through it themselves and survive; others watch their loved ones suffer, and all too often have to endure the loss that follows.  And yes, death is a part of life. that never-ending circle.  But that doesn’t make the pain and loss any easier to bear, even when it is a grief shared by many.  That is why Relay for Life is so important… it’s an easy way for all of us to do something to help fight against this disease, to help fund those who are looking to find a cure so that in some happier future, there will be less loss, suffering and pain due to cancer.

In traversing the 21 wondrously creative Fairelands of Fantasy Faire 2021, a Relay for Life event that has raised almost $44,000USD by the end of the 9th Faire Day (that’s halfway through the event), the realm of Ling Xiao Long struck a particularly resonant chord.  To quote the FF website, “Hua Long Dian Jing, is a Chinese proverb meaning “painting a dragon, dotting its eyes.” The proverb comes from a story about an artist who painted a dragon who came to life as soon as the eyes have been dotted. The design of this region brings this proverb to reality, manifesting strokes of ink brush into a 3D world.”   I found the stark juxtaposition of bright red against the black and white brush strokes to be highly impactful, evoking a sense of loss and living in a colorless world after having suffered and lived through a loss.  I highly recommend taking a break from shopping and going for a stroll through this realm (which is an event region and therefore without any stores)… but then go back and do more shopping with a purpose!  Let’s raise that donation amount to the cause!!!!

  • Outfit:  Poet’s Heart – Hanne.   A simple lusciously textured sleeveless gown with a sash that you color separately, perfect for fae or human.  Comes in four color packs plus a fatpack; each color pack has 6 gown colors plus black or white; the Warm Pack is a 100% donation to RFL’s fight against cancer.  Sized for Hourglass & Maitreya, Hanne is NEW & EXCLUSIVELY available at the Faire store in Yin Yang, located HERE
  • Wings:  FAS– – Bento Faery Wings.  I already featured these wings once (shown HERE), & as I said, they are my new favorite!  They include a texture HUD with 23 fabulous variations plus an AO that makes the wings move in just glorious ways.  At the Faire store in The Wandering Woods, located HERE.
  • Pose:  Stardust – Rosie

The rest of my look — head, ears, skin, hair, eyes, makeup, jewelry (almost all of which are Fantasy Faire items!) — was featured in my last post.  The details can be seen HERE.