Buy me a drink?

http://Buy me a drink?

Wow, hard to believe that summer is nearing its end… I’m already seeing ads for fall items! Why does everyone always feel this need to rush things?  These are the so-called dog days of summer, where the heat and humidity is so oppressive, all you want to do is lie around and “pant”.  Me, I have an excuse for being less active than usual (not that I’m ever ALL that active lol; too happy being on the computer!)… I’m wounded (again, yes).  This time it’s my hands… I wasn’t even able to type for DAYS, seriously stressing my blogging schedule, and I hate to admit it, but the pain and “freaking out” also stressed my creativity.  I think the results show it, but those results vary widely… from being a little lackluster to honing things down to “THE” shot, one that I just love personally.  And as my earliest blogging mentor told me, I need to be shooting for ME, to create something that I personally am proud of and not worry about response.  And the more I blog, the more I see it’s true… sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason that I can see why one pic soars up into Golden Gallery whereas one that I think is a way better shot languishes way below my average.  My designer friends tell me the same thing… you just never know how people will respond or if something will even be seen.  Bottom line, is that you just can’t worry about it and you need to do what YOU like.  And right now, I would like to have a little fun!  Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  WILD Fashion – Tina Jumpsuit.  What an amazing look! Includes fun fashion earrings (with built-in resizer) plus a 30-texture HUD (see the ad below).  Tina is sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy, GenX (Classic & Curvy),  & LaraX, & is  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, open Aug 5th – Aug 20th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn+Waifu
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  WingsDG – EF0401
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  BNNB Makeup – Fabb Eyeshadow & Bielo Lipstick; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 1
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  Dalila – Marina Nail Kit
  • Bag:  LaGyo – Thetys Shell Purse
  • Pose:  STUN – Fliw
  • Location:  Sainte Rose Sur Mer & BarDeco