Focus, the goal is IMPROVEMENT not PERFECTION

http://Focus, the goal is IMPROVEMENT not PERFECTION

I watched a lot of Olympics coverage this time around… both my hands were injured (don’t even ask!), so my activities were extremely limited.  I did a lot of reading, and as much computer time as my poor hands could handle, all with the TV always on in the background and sometimes taking center stage.  One thing I learned and have taken to heart… to get really good at something, ANYTHING, you can’t compare yourself and your results to the best.  You look, you get inspired, hopefully you learn something, but comparing YOUR results to the best in ANY field is demoralizing.  Instead you need to focus on your own personal best, on improving.  I have a FlickR friend, someone whose work I admire greatly, who will suddenly fave one of my oldest pics… pics that at the time I thought were good, but when I look back I shudder!!!  But I find it so very valuable, to really be able to see where my photography has improved.  I still have so much to learn, but the Olympics helped me realize that my focus has been on the best and how my pics are lacking, rather than using them for inspiration to get to the NEXT step, not 20 steps down the line.  All I can do is my personal best, and to keep upping my game, slowly but surely.  Now to turn that attitude on my golf game lol!  And that is my message for the day… time to go shop and enjoy!

  • Outfit:  MAHOGANY Store – Aria Jeans & Top.  Not my normal style, but wow, do I ever love this look!  Big loose comfy jeans with big leg pockets, paired with an airy little top.  Both the jeans & the top come in 3 different color pallets (basics, blues, & grays for the jeans; neutrals, patterns, & solids for the top)… & of course there’s a megapack of each so you have your choice to mix ‘n match as you want with each other or other items in your wardrobe. Sized for Reborn, Legacy, & LaraX, Aria is  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, ending in 3 days on Aug 20th. 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  WingsDG – EF0229
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Arabella Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 1
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  Dalila – Marina Nail Kit
  • Jewelry:  Eclectica – BOHO Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Sk8tgirl
  • Location:  Manakai Reef Break