Castanys Kel

http://Castanys Kel

The worst gatchas are where you want only one of everything available; the very best are where you want anything & EVERYTHING.  Castanys Kel is definitely positively an awesome example of the very best! As you can see in the key below, every item is a want-to-win, & although they all work fabulously together, every single item is a winner!  And there’s so much there — the Stygian outfit, yes (with HUDs too!), but also a full skin in BOM with optional ears, decorated horns, eyes, matching jewelry (with HUDs!), tattoos, even makeup, plus the orb!  I’m wearing everything in the key below except for the eyes.  See the closeup below.

  • GatchaPetrichor – Castanys Kel Gatcha.   I love this exceptionally sexy fantasy outfit, but I do need to draw special attention to the skin…  It’s simply beautiful, with built in whitening around the eyes for a magical effect. EXCLUSIVELY at this month’s Epiphany, opening January 15th.
  • Head:  LOGO  – Chelsea bento head, the latest (& IMHO the best) of all the fabulous LOGO heads.  And as you can see, beautiful in any skin, with any makeup, especially important when you’re into fantasy skins! See the closeup below!
  • Hair:  Kuni – Hera
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Meringue Eyes (Omega Appliers)
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Insect Wings, Jewel
  • Location:  Cerridwens Cauldron

Mystical Warrior

http://Mystical Warrior

Brrr, it may be sunny here in Florida but it’s in the 30s! I’ve had to drag out some of my winter wear lol… certainly not what I expected! But I have to admit that it makes me appreciate blogging fantasy even more.  I mean, yes, SL by itself is somewhat of an escape, but when I’m doing fantasy?  For example, to do this post I ended up exploring and shooting in Greenhaven, a role-playing sim.  I’m minding my own business, wandering around, then doing a shoot, when first I am welcomed by who turns out to be the owner of the Greenhaven sims.  Lovely conversation, and I continue to shoot, only to be confronted a short time later by a pair of “watchers” who are guarding the caverns nearby.  Granted, I was in a rather challenging pose, but still I was quite thankful that I’ve done enough medieval role play as a fae to understand the proper forms of address, and have a ready backstory so that I was able to not only get them to sheath their swords but to welcome me to their lands.  Never a dull moment!!! And I must admit, so much fun that it has made me once again consider the pros of joining one of the many roleplaying communities that abound on the grid.  I certainly have the look when there are such fabulous finds as this!!! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Mystical.  NEW RELEASE, 100% original mesh, & sized only for Maitreya & Signature, Mystical consists of top, pants, & boots, each of which comes in 6 color options & as a fatpack. The top can be worn in two ways:  with a jacket (as shown) or bare-armed.  As always, the detail is exquisite.  This outfit is EXCLUSIVELY at the December We Love Role Play for 25% OFF, Dec 4th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LOGO  – Chelsea bento head with Ilvanya Elf Ears.  I’ve blogged the new Chelsea head before… I think she is absolutely stunning straight out of the box, but customized her just enough to be a bit different & was thrilled… BUT didn’t truly discover all of her potential until I added the phenomenal elf ears & styled her for fantasy… Let’s just say that my fae look is finally done! I really can’t say enough about these ears… because they are designed by LOGO for LOGO heads, they fit seamlessly at all times into the head (see the closeup below).  In two sizes with a HUD to customize chains, gems, & even the ear tattoos, they would easily be among the best I’ve ever worn, but the truly spectacular feature of these ears that kicks them up even another level is that they have a special AO of their own.  Talk about expressive!!!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these ears!!!!
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Sanya Deco Horns.  I first blogged these horns when they were introduced at the Samhain Festival back in Oct/Nov, but they are so versatile & look so amazing that they’ve become one of my more go-to body parts. The horns are unisex, 100% custom mesh, modifiable & resizable.  HUD controlled with 80 horn colors, plus more for the metals, skulls, ribbons, gemstones, & more.  They really do work with SOOOO many looks & hairstyles (what every horned female needs)! See the closeup below for all the detail.
  • Body:  Maitreya
  • Skin:  Petrichor/Plastik – Styliste
  • Hair:  Kuni – Hera
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Meringue Eyes (Omega Appliers)
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Shura Makeup (eyeshadow & lips)
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Pose:  The Veiled Bae – Black.Sand, Obsidian Fantasy Spear Pose Set
  • Location:  Greenhaven, The Isle of Whispering Pines

Hawkeye Horus

http://Hawkeye Horus

In the ancient Egyptian religion, Horus was a god who was often depicted as a falcon or as a man with a falcon headwhose right eye was the sun and whose left eye was the moon.  He was believed to be the god of war and the sky,  and his importance grew until he eventually became the most revered god in ancient Egypt.  He is probably most well-known as the protector of the ruler of Egypt. The Pharaohs were intimately connected with Horus, and often an image of Horus was carved above the doors of the Pharaohs’ palaces.  It’s not really a stretch of the imagination to think that nomadic tribes might seize upon this mythology to create their own apparel… just look at how the American Indians incorporated their own mythology into ceremonial wear.  I (of course) have given even a step further, adding wings and horns since those are a part of who I am as a character, but all elements can be used separately or in any combination, making them the perfect addition to any fantasy wardrobe. Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Horus.  NEW RELEASE, 100% original mesh, & sized for Maitreya, Signature, & Legacy, Horus comes in 7 colors, with gold as a bonus color available only in the fatpacks.  Each element — the outfit, shoes, armbands, & headpiece (which is unisex & resizable) — is sold separately in both individual colors & in fatpacks, so you can piece together this extremely unusual & creative outfit in many unique ways.  There’s just so much exquisite detail in this outfit (the headpiece is glorious!), it’s absolutely a must see, & it’s EXCLUSIVELY at the October We Love Role Play for 25% OFF, Oct 4th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Arenvie Horns.  I originally blogged these horns almost a month ago on Sept 23rd when they debuted at the Black Fair (you can see my post HERE), but with 5 wear styles & 40 colors in each of the 6 color HUDs, they work perfectly with so many outfits, I couldn’t resist blogging them again.  (This time, I’m wearing them in the Baph style.)
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (gift version)
  • Body:  Maitreya
  • Skin:  Petrichor/Plastik – Styliste
  • Hair:  Kuni – Clarissa
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Ears:  Swallow – Pixie Ears Protruding
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Starlet Eyes (Genus Appliers)
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Shura Makeup (eyeshadow); {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Queenie Lippies
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Ragged Fairy Wings
  • Pose:  Kokoro Poses – Herta Pose Set
  • Location:  Ancient Egypt/Amarna

The Morigan

http://The Morigan

Halloween season is a confusing time for fantasy creatures. Suddenly it’s hard to share that immediate recognition of like-kind when all these humans are disguising themselves and wearing wings, horns, tails and more.  On the other hand, it’s possible to get a better sense of human culture when you’re not singled out for being different but are instead accepted as another “person” getting into the spirit of the holidays.  The best news though is that suddenly there is a wealth of outfits and accessories available from designers who don’t normally cater to our kind, not to mention all the special events and festivals!  I might need to use a little magic to expand my closet, but oh, it will be so worth it! (flutters my wings happily)…  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – The Morigan.  Named after one of the three Celtic war goddesses (the Phantom Queen), this is a stunningly beautiful outfit.  It’s perfect for that Halloween party whether you’re human or fae, & then goes on to live as a gorgeous gown all year long!  Includes a stunning strapless gown slit up to one hip that clings to your shape before it puddles artfully at the bottom, plus a matching lace C-string, heels, feather wrap (not shown), & absolutely glorious animated wings.   Includes two HUDs — one for the 100% ORIGINAL textures that can be applied to the gown, the heels, the wrap, & the wings (how many colors depends on whether you choose the fatpack or the slimpack) — & another to control the wings.  The complete outfit is sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I, Legacy, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the October Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production. The theme for this round, open Oct 7th – 30th, is Wizards & Witchcraft.  So awesome!
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Sanya Horns.  These unisex horns are 100% custom mesh, & are both modifiable & resizable.  HUD controlled with 80 horn colors, plus more for the metals, skulls, ribbons, gemstones, & more.  See the closeup below.  Sold EXCLUSIVELY at SAMHAIN: A Pagan Festival open Oct 10th – Nov 2nd.
  • Jewelry:  Petrichor – Sanya Jewelry.  Matching jewelry set to the horns though it’s equally awesome on its own.  Three separate length necklaces plus two separate length earrings, this jewelry is also HUD controlled to change the metals, skulls, tassels, & gemstones.  Also shown in the closeup below. Sold EXCLUSIVELY at SAMHAIN: A Pagan Festival open Oct 10th – Nov 2nd. 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (gift version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Redux, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  •  Skin:  Petrichor – Styliste
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Hair:  D!va – Vally
  • Ears:  Swallow – Pixie Ears Protruding
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Starlet Eyes (Genus Appliers)
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Olek Makeup (eyeshadow); Shura Lips
  • Pose:  West End – Hartje Pose Collection
  • Location:  All Hallows at Moochies