What do you mean, why can’t a unicorn be in a Fairytale?

http://What do you mean, why can't a unicorn be in a fairytale?

I hear nonsensical statements like this all the time (well, maybe not QUITE like this, but nonsensical just the same).  Rules, rules, rules. It’s always been this way, why make a change. It’s never been done before, so there must be a good reason.  Yada yada yada.  But as a fae, I believe that there’s magic in trying new things, new ways… defending our way of life doesn’t have to mean stagnation, it can mean growth and progress and evolution.  Yes, certain things may be lost as our knowledge and experience grows, but so much else can also be gained.  There are times I use my fae magic to travel to other times (I do love steampunk!!!), but for me, my heart is here in the olden medieval life (with some modern advancements lol).  But that doesn’t mean that we have to follow all the old, restrictive rules, now does it… if a unicorn wants to join in a fairytale, why should he be denied?  Shakes my head in frustration… horses can be so stubborn…

  • Outfit:  Petrichor – Nelestine Dress.  Feel like a celestial queen in this fantastical look by the amazing design team of Petrichor & Ersch!  Nelestine combines flowing silks with glowing stars with multiple wear styles & packs (see the ad below for just a few of the other styles you can do).  Available in 10 single colors, 4 tonal fatpacks, or a megapack of all these fabulous choices.  The color HUD allows you to pick a color for each element (the neck, sleeves, body, panty, & skirt); a separate HUD has controls for the skirt length, show/hide for all elements,  & of course 14 options for the stars.  See below for a closeup of the fabulous detail & textures. Sized for Legacy + Perky, Lara + Petite,  Reborn + Mounds, & Kupra, Nelestine is now available at the main store under “New Stuff.”  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Hair:  Doe – Miria
  • Horns:  Les Encantades – Capri Horns
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Oda; Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Shoes:  Eudora3D – Charro Flats
  • Props:  Luas – Triss Lantern White; HEXtraordinary – Unicorn Companion (in Snow)
  • Backdrop:  InkMe – Princess backdrop

Sentry Duty

http://Sentry Duty

I’m breaking all the rules with this post… all MY rules, anyway.  First off, I’m blogging as a male, which I haven’t done in ages.  Secondly, I’m blogging as a fantasy male, which I’ve NEVER done.  And thirdly, I’m posting this late at night rather than in the AM, but I have company coming and I need to be at the airport by the time I normally post, and then my time is not my own till next week.   Besides, I think this is an awesome fantasy look for a guy, and its from one of my favorite designers (who also happens to be a sponsor!!! I’m so lucky!!!), and it’s at an event that also sponsors me!   Not to mention that my “rules” obviously aren’t rules in any strict sense, just guidelines… and hey, those need to be updated all the time now, don’t they…  Be all that as it may, sentry duty may be boring but it’s important, and I really should pay better attention to my surroundings rather than to my mental wanderings…

  • Outfit:  Viki – Wayid.  Very simple garb, for simpler times… just a gorgeous fabric belted at the waist, allowing complete freedom of movement for when things get more complicated.   In 9 individual colors or as a fatpack, Wayid is sized for Belleza, Signature, Slink, & Kario, is Material Enabled, 100% Original Mesh.   EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE with a 25% discount only at the current round of The Narrative, open Sept 1st – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Logan
  • Body:  Belleza – Jake
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Styliste
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_PAST
  • Eyes:  Tville – Solar Eyes Cobalt
  • Headband:  Angelicus – Thunder Amber Headband
  • Pose w/ Spear:  Caress Poses – Winter Warrior

The Magic of Fairies

http://The Magic of Fairies

It’s another one of those days when I find myself in a strange place, not particularly wanting to chat about anything, just aching to return to my world and explore and create and indulge my newest passion of building (whether that will eventually become something I share overtly is yet to be seen, but my backdrops have made it into a few of my pics already, just without any fanfare).  But that is part of the magic of fairies… we say so much without actually uttering much of anything…  Sprinkles a little fairy dust, and happily goes on my way, still pondering whether I’m catching or releasing my diminutive cousin…

  • Outfit:  Poet’s Heart – Eirwen Crown, which to use a phrase I’ve used previously, can be the crowning achievement of any fantasy look.   As always with this designer, the customization options for the crown are amazing, with every element — the front “points”, the jewels on them, the back “points”, the decorative points, the beads, the forehead jewel, the hanging chains… all customizable with the incredibly easy color-coded HUD.  A definite must have for every fantasy female’s wardrobe!
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Purples.  Highly detailed, gorgeous purple-toned skins in your choice of 30 colors (see below for these awesome textures; I’m wearing Kailauma).  Both male & female versions feature all new shading & details, in BOM/default layers only plus EvoX.  Includes Vareni elf ears (worn), & new brows in 10 colors & 8 shapes for both classic & EvoX (worn in Snowqueen), plus a whole range of more add-ons.  Mainstore release, with other color sets available as well.  (I’ve previously blogged the Muted tones.)  Demo available.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Elvina
  • Eyes:  Samia – Ziyu
  • Makeup:  POUT! – Angel Cake HD Liners:  SCIAVO – Amore Liptint
  • Pose:   AAP Angel’s Art Pose – The Magic of Fairies

Against All Odds

http://Against All Odds

I am a defender.  Others may like to hunt or to be the aggressor; I’m a more peaceful, nature-loving tree hugger type of fae.  But threaten my people or my way of life or the hidden wonders of the forest, and I’m there.  Being on the slighter side and very attuned to my surroundings, I tend to be relegated to either the outer or inner edges, acting as scout or one of the last lines of defense.  But just because I’m not huge and solid like the male warriors of my tribe, it doesn’t mean that I take my job as protector any less seriously or that I’m not willing to lay my life on the line for what I love…  I have trained and trained, to the point where my skills now equal those of any warrior, even if my size and strength do not.  I have learned how not to just compensate for what many see as shortcomings but to use them to a winning advantage against my foes…  And it looks like it might be the day when they are once again put to the test.  My inner warrior is ready and we will face whatever challenge awaits that threatens the inner circle!!!  This is how legends are born… when one small soul takes a stand against all odds to defend all that they love…

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Shenarah.  Another amazing role-playing outfit!!!  100% original mesh, & sized only for Maitreya, the Shenarah top comes in 6 individual colors or as a fatpack, everything else (the pants, boots, armbands, armor, & headdress) come in 2 colors or fatpacks.  I LOVE the gleam of the armor & the headdress, adds that special touch of realism to kick an already fantastic fantasy outfit up to a whole new level!  Brand-new, she is EXCLUSIVELY at Enchantment Twisted Fairytales, open August 13th – Sept 3rd, for 25% OFF.  Demo available. 
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Muted.  Highly detailed, gorgeous muted tone skins in your choice of 15 colors (see below for these awesome textures; I’m wearing Filaurian… in an earlier post HERE, I wore Mylaela).  Both male & female versions feature all new shading & details, in BOM/default layers only plus EvoX.  Includes Vareni ears (which I’m NOT wearing), new brows in 10 colors for both classic & EvoX (which I’m wearing in Obsidian), & several other options to help customize your look.  A definite “must check out”! Demo available.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F177
  • Eyes:  Samia – Ziyu
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Renzo Eye Makeup & Vieno Lips
  • Horns:  not a peep – Lilian (natural)
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX
  • Pose:  Black Cats poses – Ishii
  • Sword:  BAMSE – Drengr – Legendary
  • Dinosaurs:  JIAN – Dino Buddies, Fast Biter

Fae at Orb Practice

http://Fae at Orb Practice

I’ve been such a busy fae!  For some reason, I got the urge to redo my land, so I’ve been digging through storage, unearthing lost treasures, tossing out other items that no longer capture my imagination, and just taking a fresh look at everything around me.  I’m considering some extensive renovation, lowering a large section of my mountain, but that definitely requires more thought than the quick impulse that had me about to start demolition, because once started, there’s no going back!!!! (Why isn’t there an UNDO button when it comes to editing the land????)  Just as well though… I needed more practice working with my orb so that I know how to harness its power when needed.  And then of course I’m off to all  the new and soon-ending events, because what fae ever has enough???

  • Outfit:  Petrichor – Gaelinne.  Another gorgeous fantasy look by the amazing design team of Petrichor & Ersch!  Gaelinne is the epitome of a flowy elven goddess, with sensational adornments included.  Available in 10 single colors, 5 full color packs (Shine, Floredge, Fades, Fabrics, & Worn), or a megapack of all these fabulous choices.  Each HUD allows you to pick a color for each element (the top & vest, long skirt, waist wrap, ribbon sleeves), & the adornments have their own HUD with a ton of choices for each individual adornment; additionally, all parts are show/hideable.  See below for a closeup of the fabulous detail & textures. Sized for Legacy + Perky, Lara + Petite,  Reborn + Mounds, & Kupra, Gaelinne is part of the 7th Birthday Sale for The Epiphany Event, which runs through August 12th.  Sadly this is the last Epiphany, & with this final round, all items are only at their mainstore locations.  Demo available.
  • Prop:  Petrichor – Castanys Kel Orb.  Originally part of a gacha set, this fun little orb includes a holding animation of tossing/rolling the orb… such fun! And of course it includes a HUD to change the textures…  See the closeup below for better detail!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:   Unholy – Poppy Pink Fairy (Velour Ipanema body skin)
  • Hair:  Magika – Monarch (includes crown)
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Crystal Satyr Horns
  • Makeup:  ND/MD – Adinkra Face Tattoo; Zibska – Michi White Overlay
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  Stardust – Magic

Fae, Interrupted

http://Fae, Interrupted

A bit deep in thought these days; not sure why, but just not feeling particularly social.  I’m enjoying my time just wandering through somewhat wild places I’ve never seen (this sim is just awesome for that!), tweaking my home to capture more of that wild & colorful essence, and communing with nature and its denizens.  A little private time seems to be just what this fae needs, and she is definitely making the most of it! (Of course, that does NOT impact my shopping… that would be downright sacrilegious lol!!!)…  looks up startled at a sound entering the glade, before settling back to my ruminating on the beauty of the play of light on the water…

  • Outfit:  Poet’s Heart – Solar Panties & Pasties.  Definitely a LOT more revealing than my normal wear, but how could I resist? She is sized only for Maitreya, although an unrigged version of the pasties are also included  (NOTE: she fit my Legacy body with just the lower deformer).  Solar’s HUD offers an incredible range of individual choices in light, mid, & deep tones for fabric 1 (the panties), fabric 2 (the drape), metal 1 (the pasties), metal 2 (the hips), & the pastie gems. Demo available.  There is matching jewelry (necklace & headpiece, not shown) which is sold separately.
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Muted.  Highly detailed, gorgeous muted tone skins in your choice of 15 colors (see below for these awesome textures; I’m wearing Mylaela).  Both male & female versions feature all new shading & details, in BOM/default layers only plus EvoX.  Includes Vareni ears, & new brows in 10 colors for both classic & EvoX.  Demo available.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Ghoul
  • Hair:  Lamb – Heart, with Roses & Crown
  • Horns:  not a peep – Lilian Horns
  • Makeup:  Loa – Ninsar Warpaint  (cheek dots, forehead stripe, lip brush stroke)
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Irid Light Wings
  • Pose:  LW Bento Poses – Hopeful
  • Location:  The Wylde

My Bow is Yours to Command

http://My Bow is Yours to Command

Aaargh, I’ve been so happy exploring this fairy realm (as well as the weekend sales, to be totally honest) that I missed my cut-off for posting today.  I’ve decided that my cut-off time is completely arbitrary, together with the fact that another week of not-very-pleasant medical activities is upcoming for my human, pushed me into taking the daring step of ignoring my own rules.  Besides, I so love this look that I can’t wait to share it! Considering how peace-loving I am, it always surprises me that the warrior-scout mode holds such appeal for me… perhaps it’s that I feel more of a purpose, more of a specified role as it were… and what could possibly be more important to a role-player than having that?!?  But missing that deadline has pushed my time inworld to a much narrower band for the day, and I must be off to put my bow to good use…  Remember: magic is believing in yourself; if you do that, you can make anything happen!!!!!

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Kinta.  Jangka outfits are always so recognizable, the style & detail & quality of textures just stand out in the world of SL roleplay.  In this outfit, I just love what to me are the American Indian touches (feathers & fringe!!!!).  100% original mesh, & sized only for Maitreya, Kinta comes in 6 individual colors or as a fatpack, as do the boots & armbands (the latter not worn in the primary pic); the pants are available in your choice of black or brown; the necklace is single version only.  With all these options, Kinta can be customized for a variety of looks, & the look is simply amazing & just feels so authentic. Brand-new, she is EXCLUSIVELY at the July round of We Love Roleplay for 25% OFF, ending July 30th. Demo available. 
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Vinisa Horns.  Another set of completely awesome horns from Petrichor! These are soooo very different, with a completely different look from any I’ve ever worn or even seen!  The angle itself sets these off… they come forward at a slight angle, & then curve gently up & in.  As always there’s a ton of customization built in, from the style of metal embellishments to the optional gems & the chains, all of which have a wide selection of texture.  There are 4 wear styles (Bare, Solid, Multi, & Gems), & 4 color packs (Colors, Faded, Gloss, & Metalline) or a Fatpack of all.  Includes earrings & necklaces (I’m wearing the earrings), & is HUD controlled for the metals, gems, & horns themselves.  Demo available.  (See the closeup below)
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Hair:  [monso] – Kaine
  • Ears:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX
  • Makeup:  Rubedo – tinta; GOREGLAM – Superlove Gloss
  • Accessories:  FLO –  Mesh Tribal Feathers
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Irid Dark Wings
  • Bow & Quiver:  Silver Hawk Company – Hunters Bow
  • Location:  The Mystic Realms, Realm of the Fae

The Magic of Encanto

http://The Magic of Encanto

I haven’t personally seen the Disney movie Encanto, but my RL counterpart DID shop and purchase an Encanto costume for her granddaughter who absolutely adores it.  My wings were all aflutter when I saw  this amazing and seemingly Encanto-inspired outfit for ME!!!  Talk about living the fantasy!!!  I found myself searching the grid for the right Latin-style setting to further enhance this glorious look, and found the most amazing SIM where exploration totally distracted me from my goal for longer than I am willing to admit…  Time for a siesta, while I plan out my next adventure!!!  Sprinkles a little fairy dust as I move into the cool interiors to wait out the sun…

  • Gown:  Viki – Pepita.  In 9 color combinations or as a fatpack with a mix ‘n’ match HUD, Pepita is sized for Legacy, Freya, Isis, Venus, & Maitreya, is Material Enabled, 100% Original,  Brand NEW & EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE with a 25% discount only at the current round of Shiny Shabby, open through July 18th.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  bonbon – sophie
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Trinket
  • Eyes:  OJAYO – Yoshi
  • Makeup:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX; Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadow; Amis – Elfie Lips
  • Wings:  Decoy – Angela Wings
  • Pose:  An lar Poses – The Paulette Series
  • Jar:  Lorien – Wine Vase
  • Location:  Tulum Reserve

There’s a Lot to Learn in Fairy Tales

There's a lot to learn in fairy tales

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. 

If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” 

Albert Einstein

Being a fae might seem (in some ways and to some people, at least) a bit like living in a fairy tale.  After all, I have wings and can fly (not to mention horns, but then, that’s not particularly fae-like lol).  Of course, everyone in SL can fly (unless you’re somewhere that the powers that be decided that no, you can’t).   What I take issue with is that “living in a fairy tale” is said derisively, as an insult.  The fact is that there’s a lot of what is called “folk wisdom” combined with pure morality in a place that both good and evil dwell side by side.  Sounds a lot like real life when you look at it that way, no?  You can learn a lot from fairy tales, especially the original Grimm stories, if not necessarily the cleaned-up Disney versions.  I don’t understand why people have so many issues with how others choose to live their lives, ESPECIALLY in this second life that is virtually a fantasy world for all of us… some of us just take that word “fantasy” a bit more literally than others.  So for those of you who put down my fae existence and make snickering comments, well, I’ll just keep on keeping on, doing what I’m doing, living MY fantasy.  You can go stew in your judgments rather than living the life that comes when you accept the personal choices that others make for themselves.  (And yes, you can extrapolate that into the real world as well.)  Me, I prefer the fairy tale, where we all get to choose who and what we want to be.  And one thing I definitely choose is to look FABULOUS!!!!

  • Gown:  Poet’s Heart – Elise.  I’m finding it very difficult to put the style of this dress into words… it has medieval elegance but with what I consider a very modern touch in the openwork on top.  With the big hip billows (I have no idea what the proper term is for those!) & the huge bow at the back, it has a young feel… but again that openwork adds a definite touch of maturity.  I’m going to dub it as “informed innocence” (she IS reading a book after all).  Whatever the style moniker though, Elise is a beautiful addition to any fantasy closet!  Do note that the lace top is BOM only; two different lace patterns are included in both black & white versions.   She is sized only for Maitreya & Petite, though she fit my Legacy body with just the top deformer.  Elise comes in different color packs — all of which include black, white, grey, & off-white — or as a fatpack.  Each color pack has a HUD to customize the gown color, the sleeve & collar edge, & the color for that huge bow in the back. See the ad below for some examples of what other looks can be done.  EXCLUSIVELY at the July round of We Love Role Play, opening tomorrow July 4th. Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Arcana – Raine, worn in Blossom
  • Hair:  D!va – Iris
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Artemis
  • Horns:  Les Encantades – Capri Horns
  • Makeup:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX; Demicorn – CandyHearts Eyeshadows; GoreGlam – Superlove Gloss
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Bridal Lace Wings
  • Pose:  Amitie – Library Poses (modified)
  • Location:  The Lost Unicorn Gallery

Fae in the Forest Primeval

http://Fae in the Forest Primeval

Sometimes I have so much to say here on these pages… other times (like this), not so much.  I am currently reigning as temporary goddess of this part of the forest, and am spending a great deal of my time in quiet contemplation of all its hidden beauty, doing what I can for its more defenseless inhabitants.  There’s just so much going on, with so much shopping (well worth it in my case, I ADORE this look!!!!), but it’s important to take this time to refresh and recharge…  smiles softly as a young fawn approaches me for the first time…  summer is such a fabulous time to enjoy all the blessings of nature!

  • Outfit:  Petrichor – Eres Dress & Harness.  Another stunning fantasy brought to life by the amazing design team of Petrichor & Ersch, Eres is flowy & silky, & incredibly customizable.  Choose from 7 color palettes or go for the fatpack, each HUD allows you to pick a color for each element (the top, shorts, long skirt, waist sash, arm ribbons, front sashes, side sashes, straps & studs); additionally, all parts are show/hideable. Sized for Legacy, eBody, Kupra, & Maitreya, Eres is available only at the mainstore.
  •  Horns:  Petrichor – Stranded Swyrl Horns.  100% custom design, these horns are unisex, moddable, customizable & resizable. HUD-controlled with over 40 colors/textures in 3 different palettes (or a full fatpack) where you choose one texture for the horns & another for the strands (which you can also choose to hide).  GORGEOUS!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  bonbon – zoey
  • Eyes:  Samia – Lana
  • Makeup:  Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadow
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Irid Dark Wings
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Fay