Breakfast in the Garden

http://Breakfast in the Garden

Not to toot my own horn, but I’m a pretty decent landscaper, though I’ll attribute it to my persistence, attention to detail, and willingness to spend hours working at it to get it just right, only to go back and change it all up with the season or when something awesome catches my eye.  But even as someone willing and able to move every little thing, I still greatly appreciate when a designer puts together an entire scene with a rezbox… a scene that I can tweak and modify to my heart’s content, of course, but one that is done so well that there isn’t anything I NEED to do to make it work.  THIS is one of those sets… shown exactly as it rezzes, right out of the box, with just a few cats thrown in (because what is any scene without at least one pet????)  Truly a great addition to any property!  Happy shopping!

CJ Creations:  Capolona Gardenset.   A beautiful entire scene, including everything you see inside the walls (the walls are part of the set; cats are not).  The chairs rock & have 35 different Single F or M with props for coffee, reading & more, plus 13 different PG Couple cuddles; the table rezzes 4 different prop sets upon touch.  The light in the ground lamps go on/off by touch as well.  This all-in-one set is EXCLUSIVELY available at the February Swank Event, February 7th – 29th.

Cats:  Image Essentials Props and Poses – Full Perm Mesh Cats


A Gazebo, Built for Romance

http://A Gazebo, Built for Romance

February… the shortest month of the year and, with Valentine’s Day almost in the middle, it’s also “the month of love.”  But there are a lot of different kinds of love, and even romantic love can mean totally different things to different people.  And actually, that’s true about just about everything, isn’t it.  Maybe that’s part of the thinking behind this month’s theme for the Swank Event… it’s called 50 Shades of Red. And for my first post, I’m focusing on a beautiful, romantic gazebo, just ready and waiting for days and nights of love-filled and lovely moments.  Perfect for the month of love!

Swank & Co.:   Romance Rose Edition Gazebo with Light Affects – beautiful romantic gazebo to dress up any landscape & any relationship.  The gazebo includes climbing roses, wrapped & hanging strings of lights, scattered flowers & tiny lights, & then built-in lights, all you do is touch the bouquet on any of the four sides!  Each bouquet when you click it generates a light; you have 4 lights, & 4 light colors — yellow, pink, green, & blush red. Of course the highlight is the giant lit-up bud in the crown, complete with what looks like sparkles emitted into the air but are “permanently” placed.  The gazebo comes in four versions based on color of the flowers — blush roses (shown), red roses, pink roses, & yellow roses.  EXCLUSIVE at the February Swank Event, February 7th – 29th.

Happy shopping!

After the Shower

http://After the Shower

Blogging adult home decor items can be tricky when both your blog and your FlickR account are rated safe.  Generally I opt for the pure “no avatar” route (which also opens up some additional home decor groups in FlickR that require no avatars in the shot), but in some instances, I really feel that it takes the “human” touch to make a scene come alive.  And yes, although all of the animated items in this set are adult in nature, several did have non-sexual animations, but I felt those went too far the other way, deep into PG territory.   For the purposes of creating the right mood without crossing any lines, I therefore opted for a somewhat controversial route… using a separate pose.  For me, it works, intimating that it’s an adult set-up without going into actually showing anything adult.  If I crossed another line and did another no-no, well, so be it.  I like it, I hope you like it, and I hope my sponsors like it.  Other than that, all I can do is say “Happy shopping!”

  • Bench:  Salacity – Bath Bench.  Adult item with solo & couples poses with props, plus three texture items.  The perfect addition to any bathroom setup!  EXCLUSIVELY available at the very first Spicy Event, January 10th – 27th. 
  • Shower:  Tylar’s Treasures – Midori Bathroom Shower.  Animated with 8 bento couples cuddles + sequence, 8 bento multi-speed  adult + sequence, 6 male + 6 female bento singles + sequence.  Shower goes on/off by touch; door opens by touch as well.  Both adult & cuddle versions available EXCLUSIVELY available at TWE12VE January 12th – 31st.  (NOTE: shower floor is not included)
  • Sink:  Tylar’s Treasures – Midori Bathroom Sink.  Animated with tooth brushing & face washing, vase prop menu on touch, animated water appears when you sit.  EXCLUSIVE at TWE12VE January 12th – 31st.
  • Towel Rack/Floor Mat:  Tylar’s Treasures – Midori Bathroom Towels & Mat.  9 color texture change menu.  Another EXCLUSIVE at TWE12VE January 12th – 31st.
  • Wall Art:  Tylar’s Treasures – Midori Bathroom Wall Art. 9 color texture change menu.  Another EXCLUSIVE at TWE12VE January 12th – 31st.

Also shown:

  • Hamper:  Magnum Opus – Basket Hamper with Towel
  • Towels on Floor:  Magnum Opus – Folded Towels
  • Shelves:  E-mesh – Decorative Bathroom Shelf
  • Pose:  MC*Poses – Girl Going Out of the bath #001 (includes towel)
  • Set:  custom-built by me

Romantic Privacy… in Bed

http://Romantic Privacy... in Bed

Although I certainly knew it before, one thing that has definitely literally been driven home for me this month is how many gorgeous beds there are out there.  I could very happily spend quite a bit of time bedhopping, looking at the gorgeous styling, rotating all the textures, and sampling the animations. In fact, I’ll confess right here that that is exactly what I’ve done lol, and what I show here in my blog are the ones that are my personal favorites, shown in the way that I personally prefer, based on the space that I have.  And that’s important… EVERYONE’S taste is different.  You may love a set a set I show, but prefer a white bed… read the details.  Just about every bed I show has texture change built in, which you can usually play with at the in-world display, as well as see all the coordinated pieces that are available.  Beds are some of the most fun shopping you’ll have, especially with sets like this which have given as much attention to the solo sits as the couple… great fun!  Happy shopping!

EVHAH – Boracay Bedroom Set, truly a dreamlike bed with its curves & lots of candles, that just says ROMANCE. The headboard makes me think of antlers, which is perfect for my mountain log home, but with the hanging fabric as well as a round top curtain (not shown, since it doesn’t really fit indoors), this bed is equally perfect outdoors in a beach or tropical setting.  Includes 9 texture changes for all the fabrics, & is loaded with animations for singles & couples, cuddles & adult.  The hanging fabric not only adds to the beauty of the bed, but it also provides a sense of seclusion & privacy no matter where you are.  And did I mention all the candles? Being indoors, I didn’t use the little ones that are designed for scattering around the floor, but there are still plenty… soooo romantic! EXCLUSIVELY available at the January Swank Event, January 7th – 31st.  The set includes lots of other pieces; here’s what I’ve shown:

  • Boracay Bed (includes the rug)
  • Boracay Table
  • Boracay Octagon Lamp
  • Boracay Lamp
  • Boracay Curtain (on the door)
  • Boracay Branches

Here’s what I didn’t show:

  • Boracay Curtain Round
  • Boracay Vase
  • Boracay Deco Wall
  • Boracay Divider
  • Boracay Centerpiece
  • Boracay Candle

Spicy and Sweet

http://Spicy and Sweet

Have you heard about the Spicy Event? It’s brand new, dedicated to adult furniture and ONLY adult furniture — no fashion, no accessories, no body parts, nothing else at all.  The event opened its doors on January 10th, and this first round will last through January 27th.

I thought for my very first Spicy blog, I’d focus on this absolutely stunning bedroom set.  No, at first glance, you can’t tell it’s adult furniture, but believe me, it most definitely is, with hundreds of high quality animations.  But one thing that does immediately strike you — especially if you see it on display — is that it’s HUGE… the entire suite consists of 17 individual pieces.  Sometimes I think that can be offputting for those with small spaces, so rather than try to jam everything in, I wanted to show how this set could be beautifully utilized by picking and choosing pieces that I felt made for a perfect bedroom.  You may not choose to use the same pieces as I did; in fact, that’s why I’m showing the room done in two ways, swapping the fireplace out for a wardrobe and dresser.  In fact, the set is offered in two different fatpacks & lots of other ways, because the designers get that everyone has their own taste, their own needs, their own amount of space. The point is that no matter what the size of your room, what pieces you select, or what textures you choose (yes, there’s lots of choices for both fabric and woods!), this is one sweet “naughty” bedroom set!

NaughtyBits – Brandi Bedroom.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the very first Spicy Event, January 10th – 27th.   Pieces shown in the main picture are:

  • Bed – over 560 animations; bedding & wood texture change menu
  • Bedside tables (left & right) – touch on/off Lighting & personalized photo frames;  texture change menu for wood &  lamp
  • Fireplace – log fire & candles all have a touch on/off menu; texture change menu for wood, marble, runner & artwork
  • Bench Seat – over 60 animations; cushion & wood texture change menu
  • Bedroom Wall Hanging – texture change menu for artwork
  • Dance Ottoman – over 65 animations; cushion & wood texture change menu
  • Chandelier – touch on/off lighting
  • Floor Lamp – touch on/off lighting
  • Ancient Greek Pottery Decor (large & small)
  • Area Rug
  • Live, Laugh, Love Wall Decal

A simple swap, shown in the alternate pic below in place of the fireplace:

  • Mirrored Dresser – texture change menu for wood, runner & roses
  • Wardrobe – over 60 animations; wood texture change menu

Not shown:  Sofa; “Naughty Girl” ottoman

Set:  Sainstreet – Gift Room Backdrop (FREE on MarketPlace)

A Place of My Own

http://A Place of My Own

Just one of the many things that I love about Second Life is the ability to constantly to make things over, without a lot of fuss.  To suddenly decide on the spur of the moment to just renovate a room because you see something you want is not something most people can do in real life (at least I don’t think it is; it certainly isn’t something that I can do without a great deal of hassle and expense, not to mention getting my spouse to agree lol).  But in SL, it’s incredibly easy and for me one of the things that keeps it all so refreshing and new.  I redo everything relatively often — furniture, landscaping, houses, even where I live (I’m not even talking about my looks, which obviously change all the time as a blogger).  This set caused me to completely rethink the upstairs area in my home.  Before, I had an easy chair in addition to my bedroom set and vanity.  Now, I have a complete sitting area.  And I have to say, not only does it look fabulous, but it’s already being used (and not just because it’s adult furniture lol)!  Happy shopping!

Casa de BebeRevival.  Absolutely an awesome set that works either in a living room setting or, as I’ve chosen to use it, as a sitting room off a bedroom.  Includes texture changes for the furniture (I’ve shown 3 of the 4 for the furniture itself), the pillows, & the blanket, so you can customize the look to your taste.  LOADED with animations, for singles & couples, including adult. EXCLUSIVELY available at the January Swank Event, January 7th – 31st.  Here’s what I’ve used from the set:

  • Revival Sofa
  • Revival Armchair, two versions (one with pillow; one with pillow & blanket)
  • Revival Coffee Table
  • Revival End Table
  • Honeycomb Carpet
  • Coffee Table Magazines
  • Sedona Maple Bowl
  • Good Fortune Cup of Tea
  • Green Bottle & Stem
  • Dutch Delft Lamp (turns on & off)
  • Philodendron Plant
  • Summer Flower Garden Folding Screen

Not shown: Sedona Arabella Console

Also shown:

Sweet Dreams, Continental Style

http://Sweet Dreams, Continental Style

What is more appealing after a tough day at work or with family or touring on vacation or running around dancing or shopping in SL or with whatever, but the chance to luxuriate in style.  This dream bed promises all that and so much more, even when placed in less than deluxe surroundings.  Its mixed styles of vintage and continental chic go with almost every level of decor, offering only the best for your time in — and on — bed.

Dreamland Designs:  London Vintage Bed.  A mix of fabulous fabrics, properly rumpled, together with the “Breakfast in Paris” tray & the fluffy beige rug.  See the closeup below for further detail.  Bed is absolutely loaded with bento animations for single F & M, reading, adult, cuddles, massage, & friends, variations depending on whether it’s the PG or Adult version. EXCLUSIVELY available at the January Swank Event, Jan 7th – 30th.  The tray is in the set & also available for sale without the bed.  Matching chairs are also sold separately.

Also shown:

Prepping for New Year’s Eve

http://Prepping for New Year's Eve

OK, I know you’re wondering what’s with all the alcohol lately in my pix.  I mean usually I’m drinking coffee or hot chocolate, lately it’s always champagne!  But no, I’m not turning into an alcoholic but I am definitely in the spirit of the season (or should I say “spirits”?) when it comes to the bubbly.  Unfortunately most of my celebrating will be on my own, though some of it will definitely be in a cozy twosome, both inworld and out.  I’m just practicing, to make sure that I can hold my own…  I mean who wants a Ceja dancing on the table or (even worse) passed out on the table?  So for now, I’m making friends with the bottle, rehearsing to make sure I can party and still keep my head.  Cheers! and, of course, happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  !!smesh – NEW! Filippa Outfit.   Includes the solid blouse in a sexy clingy fabric, winter shorts in a twill-like fabric with the cutest “fanny pack” that blends the two fabrics, & slouchy red leather boots.  Sized for Slink Hourglass, Belleza Freya, Legacy, & Maitreya. Demo available.
  • Kitchen Decor:  Salacity – Kitchen Jar Decor.  Jars that say H – O – M – E … simple, classic, useful, & stylish… what can be better? An exclusive release for the Southern Charm event, Dec 10th – Jan 5th.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Cadence
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD9 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Jessica Sanctuary Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Diversion – 2019 Group Gifts, #3
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

The Winter Wonderland Sled Set

http://The Winter Wonderland Sled Set

I’ve been searching for the word to sum up this wintry set that just knocked me over the minute I saw it, and I think I finally have it… CHARM.  It’s simply one of those home & garden items where the designer thought of everything, and just did it all so well.  Every time my mind started to go “I wish they’d done such and such,” I realized “oh, they did”.   In all honesty, I had only two problems with this set… I simply couldn’t decide between the different props available, I just loved so many of them and kept changing my mind… over and over and over again.  Second, I couldn’t decide where to place the set, because it just looked fantastic everywhere.  Not bad problems to have, eh?  Seriously, though, if you value how your land looks and you just love having fun and playing with your animations like I do, this is a fabulous set that you simply must check out.  Happy shopping, and happy holidays!

CJ Creations:  CJ Winter Wonderland Sled Set.  Includes: the Sled, which is so very much more than “just” a sled, with 3 different wood textures (snow, light, & dark), each of which then has 5 different pillow/fur textures; surrounding deco (the trees & plantings around the sled, the “gate”, optional snowground; single & couple animations, that include champagne & hot drinks; lots of optional props that rez just by touching the gate.  I finally chose the snowman/huskies, but there are several more available, including fireworks, elk, husky puppies, & a shoveling animation! So much fun in so many ways, & it’s EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.

Gatcha, Santa!

http://Santas Workshop Gatcha

I am constantly amazed by the talent of designers in Second Life.  The combination of creativity and attention to detail can just blow me away.  This set of gachas (is that even the right terminology??? or spelling??? I’m certainly no gacha expert lol!) is a perfect example… I love each and every item, just sooooo adorable.  Adding one, two, or even all to your holiday decor is that perfect element of fun! Personally, I think it’s perfect that it’s a gatcha, cuz I could never choose which one(s) to get!!!

Tylar’s Treasures Santa’s Workshop Gacha. 15 absolutely adorable gatchas of Santa & his elves — 12 commons, 2 rares, 1 ultrarare — perfect for the 12 (or I guess 15 lol) days of Christmas! Available EXCLUSIVELY at Twe12ve from Dec 12th -31st!  Try your luck, just 50L per play!  I wish I could have shown all 15, but here’s what’s in the pic (you can see all in the gatcha key below):

  • Workshop – Ultra Rare!
  • Santa’s Sleigh – Rare – animated!
  • Santa’s List – Rare
  • Wrapping Gifts
  • Decorating
  • Tree
  • Bicycle
  • Rocking Horse – actually rocks!
  • Xylophone

Not shown:  Workbench, Fireplace, Wagon, Sled, Drum, CandyCane