A Fall Bounty for All the Senses

http://A Fall Bounty

Now that a permanent move to Florida is in the works for me in a year or two’s time, I find that I’m paying even more attention than usual to the seasons.  And although I’ve always KNOWN it, I’m really seeing how so many of the little things that make the fall season special just get lost in all the noise about Halloween.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Halloween, but I also love the crisp bite of the fall air and of the late-season apples (we just went apple-picking yesterday!!!!), the beauty of the red, gold and orange leaves on the trees and the crunch underfoot of those that have fallen, the clarity of the air and the way that mist and fog seem to reach out and beckon in the gloom, the bustle of the squirrels and the cry of the Canadian geese as they both ready themselves for what comes next, the scent of fall treats and comfort foods baking, and so very much more.  It truly is a season of bounty for ALL the senses. That’s why I was thrilled to find among all the awesome horror and Goth items at the current home & garden area of this month’s Swank a beautiful fall deck that, for me, just helps crystallize the glory of this season as I relax and watch the waves.  Check it out, and I think you’ll feel the same way…

EVHAHThe Fall Deck, which is actually not just the wooden deck but also all the decor as shown, plus the rocks & autumn tree at left (copy so you can more to the scene if you want), the surrounding flowers, & cattails (not shown), all in a rez box so it’s super easy to set up initially & then customize from there if you want.  Includes texture changes with 9 options for the blanket/pillows & 7 for the wood; you can also turn on a slow fall of swirling leaves from the autumn tree which has 3 autumn textures plus 1 green & a winter option, so you can easily use it year-round. Also includes both single & couple animations (I’m using one) — including swim, drinks, dance, cuddle, & sex options. With the little lights on the deck & on the autumn tree, this is just a gorgeous addition to your fall landscaping, day or night! Available at the October Swank Event, through October 28th.

Black Cat Halloween

http://Black Cat Halloween

Anyone who knows me in SL or follows my blog knows that I’m a crazy cat lady.  I have more cats than I’m willing to admit, and about 18 boxes (for those of you who are unversed in the world of KittyCatS, that means ready-to-birth kittens) in storage.  So needless to say, when I saw this Halloween gacha set full of black kittens my craziness rose to the surface and I just HAD to HAVE THEM ALL and blog about them.  Although I couldn’t fit everything into my pic and do them justice, you can see the full set below.  What I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE about this set — in addition to it being cats together with Halloween, which is in itself enough! — is that every piece is wonderfully detailed, and unique and different in its own way.  Yes, one or two are variants in black or orange, but the number of completely different items is extremely high for a gacha set of this size, with 12 commons & only two items classified as “Rare”.  And I just have to mention that the rat with the cat animates on touch, and the dog has really red eyes.  Such fun!

Black Kitten Gacha:  MOoH! – EXCLUSIVELY at the Driftwood event, Oct 5th – Nov 5th, 50L a play. Good luck!

Another Legend of Sleepy Hollow

http://Another Legend of Sleepy Hollow

We all know the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the story of Ichabod Crane.  I happen to live not all that far away from Sleepy Hollow, and the cemetery there is always a place for all kinds of haunted doings at this time of year.  There might not be a Headless Horseman anywhere in sight, but this is my version of Sleepy Hollow this year… the scene adds just the right bit of eerieness to make the season feel more Halloweenish!

  • Graveyard: [HarshLands] – Cemetery Walls.  A modular set of graveyard walls that come in multiple configurations — open sided walls, gates, closed walls, corners — in three variations — mossy, bloody, or regular — so you can create your own customized cemetery.  Available at the October Swank Event, through October 28th.
  • Tree: CJ Creations – Halloween Twisted Sleepy Hollow.  This is Halloween decor at its finest. A twisted hollow tree with moss & hanging vines, skeletons, spiders, & an eerie shrouded figure with a lantern. Best of all, you can turn fog in the hollow on/off by touch.  I’ve added another pic below so nothing is obscured by the cemetery walls. EXCLUSIVELY available at the October Swank Event until October 28th.
  • Fog:  Dysfunctional Designs – Creeping Fog, because I couldn’t resist adding more to the effect from the tree!

The Reaper

http://The Reaper

OK, so we’re far enough into October now where fall has begun in earnest. That means two things… it’s now officially fall, to the point where I’ve ripped out all spring/summer flora from my SL land and have put in all kinds of autumnal glory and fallen leaves.  I have to admit that it’s not only a nice, refreshing change, but it’s gorgeous! The fact that it actually uses less prims is a welcome bonus too lol! But more importantly, October means Halloween. I’ve been seeing lots of absolutely AMAZING Halloween decor this year, and I plan on featuring quite a bit in this blog.  First up is this fun item that can fit on just about any size lot to add that perfect touch of Halloween dread!

  • Halloween Arch –  TYLAR’S TREASURES – Reaper Garden Entrance, with animated bats.  Features a fall branch tunnel with fall leaves, bats flying above, all decorated with a standing reaper at the entrance — a reaper with flaming eyes! — & a creepy pumpkin on hay bale. Perfect for your Halloween decorating! Copy/modify, this fantastic item is EXCLUSIVELY available at Heathen’s Court, October 5th – 31st.
  • Location:  Pendle Hill

Do You Believe in Magic?

http://Do You Believe in Magic?

It’s funny, but no matter how old I get, I never forget all the little fantasies and fairy tales and stories I’ve read and seen throughout my life.  Little everyday things may suddenly bring one to mind, totally out of the blue.  Like when a bell rings, I might think of Clarence getting his wings in It’s A Wonderful Life.  When someone complains that they have no idea what to pack (including myself lol), I laugh to myself when I remember that the most important thing is a towel (A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy).  And when I suddenly see a light or a candle brighten in a certain way, I always think of Tinkerbell in Peter Pan.  I know that some people will sneer at this.  But for me, I think that the ability to not only remember but to continue to see magic in the world around me is a gift, one that in today’s world I believe is increasingly valuable.  Of course I know it’s not real; but that doesn’t mean that the thoughts, the possibilities, don’t bring a smile, a lifting of the heart, a lightening of the step, in what can be a heavy, exhausting, depressing world.  And the fact is, magic comes in many forms. There’s magic in a beautiful sunset, in the night sky, in a brisk autumn afternoon, at dusk in the summer as the fireflies gather.  So believe like I believe, or don’t… go ahead and deal with things in your way, and I’ll deal with them in mine. We’ll see who smiles more!

  • Dress:  !!smesh – Felicity.  As much as I love fall, a part of me is still clinging onto summer.  With exceptional little outfits like this, it might become an endless summer! I love the cute teeny little shorts with the gorgeous lace panel that runs all the way around, but the top is what won my heart…  the bra cup with the lace overlay & the hanging ties with little beads.  And the color picker lets you not only choose a color from 24 starter choices but the whole color spectrum as well for the lace top, the bra, & the shorts so you can find the absolutely perfect mix of customized tones that you want.  You can adjust the transparency of the top &/or shorts too. Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya. 
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Maze, worn in Maple browless.  Because this pack of Omega face/body skins also includes BOM skins & yesterday’s experiment worked perfectly, I again mixed a BOM skin for the head with an OMEGA skin for my body.  I love, love, love the result, especially with Maze’s smattering of freckles (I still add my own of course!)!  Fatpacks of 5 dark or light tones are available EXCLUSIVELY at the Dubai Event until Oct 20th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Hut:  Nerenzo Design – Little Shelter.  A great little item for the beach or the garden, the Little Shelter adds a great touch to your landscape, day or night.  Just see below! Includes 54 single & couple animations (I’m posed in one in both shots!), as well as 6 wood textures & 9 fabric options.  Available in both cuddle & adult versions.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Argrace  – Nanao
  • Brows:  Izzie’s – BOM Layers Eyebrows Curved
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (System Layer); DS’Elles – Body Freckles (Omega)
  • Makeup:  DS’Elles – Series 6 Eyeshadow
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Pelican:  Animania – Standing Pelican, Brown
  • Location:  my home at the Hideaway Collective (private)


Welcome to the Casbah!

http://Welcome to the Casbah!http://Dressing Casbah Style

So in yesterday’s post, I showed you some awesome Moroccan furniture, but what I didn’t show was that I’d set is up as a little boutique store called Ceja’s Casbah Chic.  No, I’m not branching out with my own store.  I just felt that the best way to show off this amazing store structure was by actually creating a little store to show its versatility.  The fact that I had this amazing Moroccan furniture and even a Moroccan-style formal dress inspired me to create the Casbah, and thus began one of my most fun sets ever since I began blogging almost two years ago.  I’ll be a bit heartbroken when I dismantle it, but I’ve loved my little casbah while I’ve had it!

Salacity Structures Baldwin Store.  Talk about versatile!  This is a whole store building, completely ready for you to create your own cute little store space. It’s a beautiful small-to-midsize shop space, crafted in a traditional style with plenty of windows & open space. Choose from a blue or green metal awning out front (both are in the package), create your signage simply by dragging a banner onto one of the four texture-ready signs included in the package (two different styles, each in two sizes), place it where you want, & you’re ready to start decorating & laying out your wares! Scripted doors automatically open at approach, granting a special welcoming touch & easy access for customers; brick exterior; two big bay windows; wood plank floors… all create the perfect atmosphere in whatever style you want.  Inside are hardwood floors & floor moulding, stucco walls, & beaded board ceilings.  It comes unfurnished of course, but you can see below for a view of the inside, decorated casbah-style for MY store. 100% mesh; 51 prims/LI. It’s available through the Main Store; demo is in the “Large Items” rezzer! (The store directory can get you there.)  Both demo & product are also available on Marketplace

Roped Passions – Amina Formal Moroccan Dress.  If you’re going to create a store called Casbah Chic, you better have some Casbah styles! This is a gorgeous example of non-Western dress, far apart from the silks that you see all over the grid.  The HUD offers a choice of 7 rich colors, with your choice of gold or silver lining, as well as different metals for the necklace. Sized for Physique, Venus, Maitreya, & Classic. 100% DONATION Item at the Spoonful of Sugar Festival, supporting Doctors without Borders, Sept 14th – 29th.  You can TP directly to their store at the festival HERE.  To learn more about the S.O.S Festival & MSF/Doctors Without Borders, & to see all the latest happening and developments, click HERE.  

The complete look:

  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD6 Eyeshadow
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_JEWEL
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Livia – Metallic Shine
  • Shoes:  Eclectica – ‘Sheherezade’ Arabian Slippers
  • Pose:  Corpus – Mannequin 6

(For details about the furniture, see yesterday’s post by clicking here or looking on Recent Posts in the sidebar. )


A Spoonful of Sugar… Moroccan Style!

http://Spoonful of Sugar... Moroccan Style!

Even after 18 years, I find the week of 9/11 to be a reflective one.  In addition to remembering the horror and tragedy of it all, one of the things I always think about are first responders.  They are the heroes of that day, those that perished and those that survived, and of so many other days as well.  I think about other heroes too, not only the first responders to an emergency, but also all those people who go out of their to do for others.  I count the organization Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières or MSF) among those heroes… as an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization, they deliver emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare.  MSF offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.  In other words, they go out of their way to make a difference for those who need their care.  And to me, that’s the definition of being a hero.  I support them in real life; maybe you do too.  But did you know that there’s a way to support this incredible organization here on the grid as well?

The Spoonful Of Sugar Festival has won awards, and has grown to be well known and celebrated as an SL Charity event.  In four events it has raised $40,000 USD for MSF/Doctors Without Borders; with this event, they are projected to hit $50,000 USD.  It truly is a festival, a celebration of a global-wide response to humanity, and its success has shown that here in Second Life we see the right to physical and mental health care on a global scale, and that we don’t take human injustice lightly or miss a chance to help where we can.  The festival is a “Fashion, Home & Garden, Breedable and Entertainment Event, bringing 200 of Second Life’s finest designers, entertainers and participants to an area covering six regions.  I’m trying to do my small part in blogging the event raising money for this wonderful cause, with details on my first two designers below.  Join us for what is being called the “Sweetest Fund Raiser in SL”, The 2019 Spoonful Of Sugar Festival to benefit MSF/Doctors Without Borders.  Open Sept 14th through 29th. The Grand Opening Ceremony  starts at 11A SLT with music from Max Kleene.  For more information on the Grand Opening Ceremony, just click!  Click here for The Spoonful of Sugar 2019 Main Sim.

    • NAUGHTYbits – The Moroccan Decor Set.    I fell in love with this set the moment I saw it.  All of it is high-quality mesh at a low prim count, many pieces include texture options (I’ve chosen teal), & the animations that are included are pretty awesome!  Click here to go directly to the store location at SOS
    • The Moroccan Lounge —  High quality mesh with over 60 High Quality Animations.  Automatic Gender Detection, Low Lag AVsitter 2.2 (no poseballs), attachments auto attach with AVsitter Experience.  8 Custom Pillow/Accent & 3 Custom Lounger Fabric Colors!  Copy permissions mean you can rez as many as you like! 100% DONATION item to the cause. 
    • The Moroccan Decor Set. Includes the Moroccan Rug, The Moroccan Hookah Table, The Moroccan Potted Tall Palm, & The Moroccan Potted Tiger Lilies.  Adds a special exotic touch that will fit just about any decor especially since it includes 8 custom colors available with just a click. 50% donation item.
    • The Moroccan Floor Pillows with over 50 high quality animations & texture options. 50% donation item.
    • The Moroccan Canopy Curtain, with texture options. 50% donation item.
    • The Moroccan Couples Pouf, includes animations & texture options. 50% donation item.
    • The Moroccan Solo Pouf, includes animations & texture options. 50% donation item.
    • BellyDance Music Box – FREE Hunt Gift!
    • Other available 50% donation items that aren’t shown:
      • Aladdin Tip Jar
      • Exotic Dance Rug with built-in dancing animation
      • Genie Bottle Dance Machine
  • Original Art by IlyraMockingbird Framed.   An artist in both RL & SL who creates original digital mixed media & hand-drawn art, this picture is so classically beautiful, it speaks for itself, & obviously works perfectly in ANY decor.  A 100% DONATION item. Click here to go directly to the store location at SOS.

Listening to A Summer Song

http://Holding onto Summerhttp://Goodbye to Summer

I really can’t believe how quickly that nip in the air appeared.  In the space of just a few days I went from wearing shorts and tank tops to jeans, 3/4 sleeves, and even a jacket at certain times of day. The trees have felt it, too, and are just starting to turn.  And although their autumnal color is very beautiful and the fall air is refreshing after the oppressive heat, it’s also bittersweet…  I’ve always found fall to be a little sad. All the beauty of fall is actually a form of death (of course, much of it is reborn in spring, but still).  And although it doesn’t mean as much as it once did, when there was a real break in life between summer and the rest of the year, there’s enough of a holdover from childhood for it to be a bit melancholy.  It’s the time of all the “lasts”… one last summer barbecue, one last swim in the lake, one last bonfire, sometimes it’s one last kiss… whatever your summer is about… whatever made it special to you.  The weatherman says we’ll be back in shorts for a couple of days midweek, but I know that’s just a delaying tactic by mother nature… summer’s end is coming, if not already here… and it’s time for that one lasting look around before it’s gone (at least until next year!)… and to turn around and head into the next season with its own beauty, its own pleasures…  They’re already selling Halloween candy in the RL stores and Halloween costume here on the grid… can pumpkin spice latte be far behind?  😉

  • Dress:  Graffitiwear – String Kini Fatpack.  The perfect way to bid farewell to summer, this bikini comes with a matching half-on/half-off jacket that is sliding off your shoulders in a very natural but oh so sexy way.  The detail is fantastic, down to the way the little drawstring cords hang at the bottom of the jacket. Available in two color themes, dark & light (I’ve shown one of each), both with 10 tones for the top, the bottom, & the jacket separately. Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V,  & Maitreya.  Available at the Designer Circle 18/19 Sept 8th – 21st.  Demo available.
  • Campfire:  Nerenzo Design – Awesome Campfire, full package… includes the log with pillow (3 different colors wood; texture change menu for the pillows), the campfire (turns on & off), the radio, the backpack, the stump with candles, mushrooms, clover, grass, & a 7 rock arrangement.  It’s all copy, so you can set up a scene however works best for you… for me, trying to hang on to that last piece of summer, listening to the radio play A Summer Song, is the scene that came to mind.  Available in both cuddle & adult versions as the “full package” with the rezzables & the fire, or as a “log only” version. The fire itself can be bought separately too. Both the cuddle & the adult version have a 100% bento menu of 131 single & couple animations (but no facial expressions except the oral animations in the adult menu). The full package (both versions) currently has a promo price of 30% OFF until the Sept 22nd.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  Doux – Pink
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes: SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Standing Pose:  STUN – PosePack Collection Bento ‘Cindy’
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

Setting the Mood

http://Setting the Moodhttp://Butterflies

How do you feel about lighting? Me, I grew up in a lighting household… my dad (and for a while my mom too) was a manufacturer’s rep for lighting fixtures, so I’m always looking at how lighting is done and have several lights in my home that IMHO are pretty special.  I’m not quite as much of a lighting fanatic here on the grid because I spend so much time playing with windlights and adding personal lighting when needed for shots.  And yet  I’ve still added what I think are special little fixtures inside my home when I stumble across them.  But outdoor lighting is a whole other thing because it adds so much to the overall experience of your land.  It has the ability to change the entire mood and to draw your eye to little nooks even from afar.  That’s why you see so many little string lights added to individual furniture pieces, but when you really want to highlight an area or a path, you need something more.  With three lighting options, this little kit from Salacity enables you to do just that, whether you want to light the way or set the mood with the magic of outdoor lighting… 😉

  • Outfit:  smeshBillie.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  When I first saw this outfit, I thought of a jumpsuit, because even though it’s two pieces, it has that kind of look to me.  Yes, the fit is great, but what really makes this outfit are the textures.  First is the two-tone look in this gorgeous mauve, which adds a certain level of sophistication to what could otherwise look like every other jogging outfit out there.  Additionally, the bra-cut top looks like the cups are made of a soft, supple leather, while the skin-tight capris have wrinkles in all the right places.  Just so well done, it’s a delight to wear.  Available at the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th.  
  • Lights:  Salacity – Summer Lights, a set of lights in 3 styles to create your own unique outdoor lighting, perfect for those beautiful summer evenings!  (I’ve used two — the Luminaria & the String Light Sticks; the Lantern Posts are not shown.  See below for Ad.)  Exclusively available at The Liaison Collaborative in August.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Doux – Mecca (available at Equal10)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners; Grazi HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – True Hearts Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  Pure Poison – Rosalie Flat Sandals
  • Pose:  Simply Dvyne (SD) – Reaching (lights photo); Reve Obscura (!RO!) – Perceiving Bento (butterflies photo)
  • Animals:  KittyCatS!my just-birthed little toy mocha (she’s still unnamed too), who’s so happy to be alive she’s blowing butterflies; TM Creation – Puppies & Cat (part of a larger piece, the Surround Me Tent)
  • Firepit & Chairs:  Zen Creations – Toasty Fire Set
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage


Waiting for my Ya-Ya

http://Waiting for my YaYa

So here I am again, sitting on my ya ya waiting for my ya ya, uh huh… What’s a girl to do? Drank my beer, read my book… I guess I could paint my toes, but then again you can only paint them so many times, & they’re looking pretty perfect already.  Time to start thinking about how I should have him make it up to me… hmmmm… what jewelry would look good with that new dress I just got huh? Or maybe I can whip out the fur-lined handcuffs, and–  but oops, this blog is PG, best to keep THAT thought for closed doors (or maybe another blog lol)!  Well, at least I’m sitting here on these gorgeous fun new loungers, playing with all the built-in textures & animations… oh well, “It may sound funny, but I don’t believe he’s comin, Uh huh, uh huh, Baby, honey, don’t leave me worried, Uh huh”…

  • Outfit:  S&B Fashion – Over Bikini Top w/ Jeans Shorts.  To me, this is sweet, sassy, yet surprisingly simple. & sexy  The shorts are your basic denim, but with an a to-die-for fit; the top is the cutest little combo. You catch a hint of the solid color bikini top but get the full effect of its criss-crossed front straps, while in back it’s just the thinnest of ties… over that is a loose, patterned top with a regular shoulder strap in front that then criss-crosses behind the shoulder blades, leaving most of your back bare.  Includes a 3-texture HUD for the top; sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, eBody, TMP, & Classic.  At the Designer Circle 15/19 July 28th – August 10th.  Demo available.
  • Chairs:  Circa Living – “Baja Sun” Beach Loungers.  They may be created for beachy spots, but IMHO they work great on decks & porches too! In time for the hot sun while catching some rays, this new beach lounger collection is full of texture choices to meet various tastes & trend styles. Each comes with an array of pattern & solid textures to mix ‘n match via touch menus (the Aztec set, shown, has 7 patterns). Just at a simple touch of a menu you can have a whole new look. Some loungers are colourful & exotic while others are more neutral in tone for serene looks. The base piece below the cushion comes in aluminum metal, blonde wood, & teak wood.  Each comes loaded with 44 sit & lounge animations for the ladies & gents, offering both quality & variety.  EXCLUSIVE at the July Boardwalk Event running through August 15th. During the event, these exclusive sets are discounted 50% Off & will then be regular price after Aug 15th.   ALSO SHOWN:  “Aziza” Hanging Fern Basket; “Aziza” Tall Vase – Tropica Plant, also available at Boardwalk.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Cats:  Image Essentials Props and Poses – Full Perm Mesh Cats.  I’ve blogged them before, but they’re so purrfect (sorry!), I can’t help but blog them again. 15 original mesh Cats available in 5 different textures (black, white, grey, ginger, & tiger) & a normal specular map. “Captured” in various poses — sleeping, jumping up, jumping down, licking, stretching, sitting rub, lying rub, & standing rub.  Each one sells for 125L; EXCLUSIVE to Boardwalk Event for this round.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version), NEW & EXCLUSIVE at the Access Event through August 8th
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Haven
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Kanza Earrings (Bloodstone); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  my home on Blake Passage