The Kiss

http://The Kiss

And life goes on.  My son has gone back home to his own life, I’ve gone back to work with a revised schedule (2 hours in, run back home to make sure everything’s ok and to make lunch, go back for another 2 hours or so), run to the market or whatever errands need doing, back home, make dinner, take care of whatever needs taking care of… yes, I’m tired, but I’m starting to settle into the new routine. The house hasn’t been this messy in years, but hey, some things have to be allowed to slide.  Nasty surprise last night when one of my cats killed a bird on the deck… that kind of thing generally falls into my husband’s domain, but with him laid up, I had to step in and deal with it. I’ve surprised myself (and lots of other people too) the last few weeks… changing his dressings, checking his incision (and it’s a biggie!), and now this. I may be squeamish and not like this stuff, but when it has to be done, it has to be done. I’m glad I have my other life on the grid for a small escape from these harsher realities… I doubt I’ve ever needed it more! Now to just be able to stay awake to enjoy it lol!!! 😉

“Kiss Me Again” Garden Scene:   Tm Creation– A little whimsical, 100% beautiful! Highly detailed garden scene that looks as great at night as it does during the day, because it not only includes the kiss statue, guitar, flowers, bushes, wild grass, rope & ground flowers, it also has scattered little floor lights with effects & lights along the rope on the male statue. And of course there are some adorable cats playing nearby!  But this is not just decor… it’s loaded with Single & Couple Animations too (choose from PG or Adult)… some sequences last up to 8 minutes!  It’s 100% Original Mesh, material enabled, & fully copy/mod, so you can also unlink all the pieces & arrange or use however you want.  The cats & extra ground flowers are included as separate items for ease of placement.  Available at the main store.

Wishing on a Star

http://Wishing on a StarSo my wishes have come true, because things are definitely improving slowly but surely on the medical front.  I will say, however, I have newfound respect for caregivers because I have to say, being a caregiver is hard work!  Not only am I managing all the meds (and there are a LOT of them), I’m making sure he’s eating properly, doing his PT without overdoing, staying positive, etc., PLUS I’m doing all the things I normally do around the house, plus all the cooking, all the food shopping, all the cleaning, all the errands, all the dogwalking, all the EVERYTHING. I’m exhausted, physically and mentally, to the point where I’m the one who fell asleep on the couch this afternoon for a few hours.  And I plan on going back to work on Monday.  Oh boy… But on a positive note, I’m no longer scared to death or frantic with worry.  Now it’s just soldiering through, and doing what needs to be done.  And I’m pretty good at that. Though I am seeing that it will take me a bit longer to be able to resume my normal blogging schedule than I had thought, but I’ll get there… One day at a time, right?  😉

  • Lingerie:  MOZ Designs – Candace Bra & Panty.  Beautifully cut, with all those little design extras you expect from Mo. Available in satin or lace textures. Original fitmesh sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I, eBody, & Maitreya. Originally released exclusively for the April UNIK Event, this awesome little lingerie set is now available at the mainstore in a variety of colors & fatpacks.
  • Window Seat Set:  Salacity – Window Seat Backdrop (with Poses).  Although this is called a backdrop, it’s more like a mini-room with a window & window seat, & 3 different scenes outside the window. It’s available as a stand-alone backdrop (copy/mod), & also as a set including poses for both male & female avatars. The poses included in the backdrop are also available separately as pose sets: one set for female avatars, & one for male avatars (see below for ad of poses).  EXCLUSIVELY available at the Pose Fair until May 26th.  A We Love to Blog designer.  (Cat not included.)  
  • Table with Pitcher:  Anna’s Attic – Farmstead Hall Table & Farmstead Pitcher, comes as a 3-piece set with a Matching Curio (see below).  Available in 4 colors (shown in Worn Tiffany) for $120L for the 3 pc set (curio cabinet, hall table & pitcher vase) totaling 9 LI.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the May Boardwalk Event, May 15th – June 15th.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control

Stoned Soul Picnic

http://Stoned Soul Picnic... Where's the Beef

Things are definitely settling down; I was able to bring my hubbie home from the hospital on Wednesday.  It’s hard to believe what they can do medically today… 5 days after open heart surgery, and he’s home. Of course, that now makes ME the primary caregiver, which is a bit stressful when you’re dealing with a strong-willed stubborn personality at the best of times, let alone when they’re feeling cooped up, restricted, and in pain. But at least I’m done with the commute and sitting in a hospital; I’m back at home with my dog (who is THRILLED to have us home) and my cats and my computer, and to top it off, my son has come home to help out for a few days. I can even go in to work for a few hours without worrying (though I’m giving myself one more day)!! I have such a back-up of incredibly wonderful items to blog; my sponsors have been exceptionally understanding about my situation and released me temporarily from my obligations, but being me, I still want to try to meet as many as I can without shirking on my caregiver duties or over-stressing myself to the point where I can’t deal with my patient calmly and without blowing my stack (unless the situation really calls for it, which it might!)… After being cooped up for so long in a hospital — and driving back and forth in the rain, since that was it was doing here for days and days — I thought a relaxing spring picnic was definitely in order, since when you picnic, everything feels right in the world!  I’ve got the drinks… now where’s the beef!  😉

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – NEW! Josie Floral Outfit, a breath of spring that I’d have to classify as sexy-upscale casual.  The top is cut SENSATIONALLY, showing your bust off to its fullest advantage, with slightly puffy sleeves, & just the right amount of creasing.  I love the way the floral pattern is not on the bust itself, but only on the “wrap” part with its little bow & then on the pants.  Includes these awesome heels, which might be a bit much for a picnic, but what girl would be able to resist?  Sized for Tonic, Slink P/H, Belleza I/F, Maitreya, & Altamura, Josie also comes in blue, mint, coral, butter, & violet.  Demo available.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Crimson, worn in Maple browless.  Based on LAQ (but I’m wearing her on Tonic), she’s a bento-compatible, clear-eyed, fresh Omega summery beauty.  14 skin tones available individually for 175L each or 800L for a fatpack of dark or light tones, EXCLUSIVELY at this round of Designer Showcase until May 25th.  Shape & demos also available.
  • Picnic Set:  Salacity – Pick-a-Nick Table & Accessories.  Get ready for a picnic in the park, on the beach, or anywhere you feel like it with this fun set! The full set includes the table & all the accessories — the tablecloth, wicker basket, beer bottles (open & closed), soda cans (open & closed), condiment bottles, closed cooler (with 2 sit animations, see pic below), & open cooler (drink giver).  The table itself is loaded with animations — single & couple, PG or Adult.  The table & accessories are also available separately; all EXCLUSIVELY available at the May Boardwalk Event, May 15th – June 15th.
  • Head: Tonic – Coco, one of the two NEW bento heads from Tonic; fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her truly unique.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Hair:  Doux – Tyrisha
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Jewelry:  Shiny Things – Glass Chunk Necklace, Earrings & Bracelet (extinct vendor); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  •  Dog:  Jian – ‘dorable Danes #9 Wander Pup Gacha
  • Cats:  [Rezz Room] – Bengal Cat Family, Gacha
  • Location:  My new home in Klamath Isles South

When your world falls apart…

http://A Place for When Your World Falls Apart

My last post was a week ago, because that was when my world turned upside down.  It’s been one of the roughest weeks of my life… my RL husband failed a stress test, was sent to the ER, and from there it was 3 hospitals in two days, followed by open-heart surgery for a quintuple bypass. I’ve been a bit of a wreck, as I’m sure you can understand, and between the stress, commuting to/from the hospital (it’s about 45 minutes to an hour away), and spending 10 hours/day there, Second Life and blogging just haven’t figured into what I could handle. But things are starting to calm down, and frankly I need a bit of a distraction. I don’t have time to do a full regimen of blogging, but over the last week I managed to create the perfect spot to escape from my RL madness in my SL backyard, do a shoot, select and edit a picture, and now write the blog. I’ll find time tomorrow to post it. Hopefully when he comes home in a few days, things will start getting a bit back to normal!  😉

Between Stone-Garden Area:   Tm Creation– Beautiful circular stone area with flowers, bushes, & wildgrass, plus the cutest puppy & cat decor.  It’s 100% Original Mesh, Physic and Material enabled, & fully copy/mod, so you can also unlink all the pieces & arrange or use however you want.  I’ve extended the stone area by copying the base stone piece — it’s so easy to customize to your own unique needs! (See below for the way it comes “out of the box.”) EXCLUSIVE for the Versus Event through May 25th at a 10% Discount; starting June 1st, it will be available at the main store.

My Special Place

http://My Special Place

Compared to how a lot of people in this world have it, I know that my life is not particularly hard or difficult. I mean just the fact that I can spend this much time, energy and money living a virtual life on top of living in the real world is pretty solid evidence of that.  But that doesn’t mean that sometimes I just don’t feel like saying “Enough, enough for now”, and finding a little corner somewhere to escape by myself, and enjoy some silence and serenity, to both think and not think at all. That vision of “my special place” always includes the sounds and feel of the ocean at its calmest… the soft lapping of waves, the calling of the gulls, maybe even the whistling of dolphins, and the soft ocean breeze carrying the warmth of the sun.  It’s never too hot, never too cold, never too windy, never crowded with other people but never lonely… just a perfect slice of forever, where I can escape for whatever time I need to re-emerge into the world refreshed, and ready to go once again. And no, you can’t join me (although I’ll admit to occasionally inviting a companion to join me), because that would defeat the whole purpose, but you can find your own special place, wherever it is, however it looks and feels and sounds. This is mine. Have you found yours?  😉

“Forever” Hammock:   Tm Creation– Hammock with blankets & pillows, wooden posts, & cats.  Comes in 3 separate pieces; use one, two, or all three.  Fully usable — loaded with single, couple, bento, & scene sequences in both PG & Adult versions. Swing motion also included, so you can really enjoy the hammock to the fullest extent! It’s 100% Original Mesh & fully copy/mod, so you can also unlink all the pieces & arrange or use however you want.  EXCLUSIVE for The Liaison Collaborative Event May 3rd – May 26th at a 10% Discount; starting May 27th, it will be available at the main store.

Location:  Mystic Timbers


Fresh as a Daisy

http://Everything's Coming Up Daisieshttp://Sweetness of Spring

You know the expression “coming up roses”? Well everything seems to be coming up Daisies for me! Even my RL dog is named Daisy!!!! And what a beautiful iconic spring item to be surrounded by!!! So I’ll do a daisy chain, right here at 4 different events from 4 different sponsors, and string together a bunch of beautiful daisies into a beautiful spring bouquet of style & fashion & beauty!  And please note that all three pictures are done using animations that are built into the Surround Me tent. I do love daisies! 😉

  • Outfit:  Tonic – Sweet Spring, a soft spring outfit as soft & fresh as the flowers that are blooming!  This is a really complete outfit that includes two different versions of the loose sheer top, tube top, skirt & panties.  Each piece comes in 8 spring colors with two fabric choices for each color, & the HUD allows you to do monotone (like I did) or mix-and-match colors as you want.  You can see the beauty of the textures in the closeup below. EXCLUSIVELY for the Tonic mesh bodies, it also includes tops for the Fine Beauty Bust Minimizer.  And it’s currently available ONLY at eBento with a 25% discount until April 30th.
  • Shoes:  [Sheba] Creations – Blossom Mules let you have “spring in your step” (sorry, couldn’t resist lol).  These are really cute, very open & airy, the flowers on the straps can easily be adjusted in color & just make these beautiful spring/summer shoes so that you’re totally in season from head to toe.  Includes a 50-texture HUD that lets you set a main color for the base of the shoe/heel & another for the flowers. In sizes for Slink, Belleza, eBody, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVE at the Sense Event through May 8th. Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Julia worn in Maple Plain, Browless.  Fresh as (you guessed it!) a daisy, this beautiful sweet skin makes me think of the lyrics to the song Julia by the Beatles: Julia, Julia, ocean child, calls me, So I sing a song of love, Julia Julia, seashell eyes, windy smile, calls me, So I sing a song of love, Julia. Freckled & plain fatpacks available in mixed tones EXCLUSIVELY at the Dubai Event, April 20th – May 10th. Shape & demos also available.
  • Tent:  Tm Creation– [Surround Me] Tent with Blanket.  Includes the tent with blanket, pillows, rope, flowers, petals, as well as the puppies & cat decor. But this stunner doesn’t just dress up the property, it also includes a ton of animations.  Available in both PG & Adult versions, it includes both single, couple, bento, & scene sequences.  It’s 100% Original Mesh, & fully copy/mod, so you can use as is or unlink all the pieces & use as you want.  EXCLUSIVE for the Tres Chic Event through May 10th at a 10% discount; starting May 11th, it will be available at the main store.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Head:  Tonic – Coco
  • Hair:  Lamb – Sunflower (incl. optional Daisies)
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Nails:  Plastik Flagship – MadPea Iconic Heat Polish
  • Jewelry:  K-Design – Daisy Earrings;  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  My new home in Klamath Isles South

Why So Blue?

http://Why So Blue?

I’ve been so happy, busily landscaping and setting up decor for both my new primary home and my island hideaway escape. My hideaway escape has undergone radical change since I first opened it. First off, I’m no longer alone… I’m now part of a collective or compound of sorts; incredible fun! Secondly, I knew that a 512 lot would never suffice… not only did I add another 512 for myself, but Crichton took an adjoining 1024, so I’ve had plenty to play with.  A prime position facing one of my nearest neighbors (NOT part of the collective lol!) is held by this awesome beach scene… I loved it so much I had it for blogging when the island was still just a growing thought… And now it’s all done and I get to lay in the sand, watch the horizon, and wonder why it’s all so blue… how absolutely delicious! 😉

The Anchor Tropical Scene:   Tm Creation– Beach tropical scene with rocks, anchor, flowers, stump, exotic plant, cormorant, toucan… everything you see but the trunk of the tree in the foreground and the boat in the background (and of course, me lying on the sand with shells).  The scattered leaves are included as a separate, optional item. This incredible scenic piece is absolutely perfect for any tropical setting.  It has everything, without being overwhelming.  Do note that it is decor only; there are no animations. It’s 100% Original Mesh, and fully copy/mod, so you can use as is or unlink all the pieces & use as you want.  Available EXCLUSIVELY at the Versus Event through April 30th at a 10% Discount; starting May 1st, it will be available at the main store.

A Touch of Spring

http://A Touch of Spring

As blogger-manager for Allure Couture, I’m always running over to update our slide show of blogger pics (the creativity of our bloggers constantly amazes me!).  While I’m there, I’m always looking for little ways to spruce it up without adding anything too primmy or Rene will have my head lol!  Today I thought some fresh cut tulips would add that touch of spring to the store… come take a look and let me know what you think!  😉

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Roses Shorts Outfit offers that perfect blending of vintage & modern that is classically feminine & oh so enticing to the male of the species.  In a beautiful multi-hued rose pattern with white lace edging, separate HUDs offer 5 color choices for both the bustier & the shorts.  Includes an Art Deco Necklace & white lace heels (for Slink only); the outfit itself is sized for Tonic, Slink P/H, Belleza V/I/F, Maitreya, eBody, TMP, & Classic.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Strawberry, worn in Cashew browless.  Based on LAQ (but I’m wearing her on Tonic), she’s a fresh Omega summery beauty with just a touch of lip gloss.  EXCLUSIVELY available from April 7th – 30th at AnyBody by Flair for Events with two options — fatpacks or dark or light tones for 800L each.  Shape & demos also available.
  • Tattoo: Juna Artistic Tattoo – Lucy Tattoo, perfect when you want a tattoo that adds the perfect complementary touch! Includes three shade options (dark, medium & light) with appliers for Altamura, Belleza, Eve, Maitreya, Omega & Classic. On sale for 140L — that’s 25% OFF! —  at the Designer Circle 07/19 March 30th – April 13th.
  • Raft:   Tm Creation – “Spring Bike Garden Scene” with Decors, is for decoration only (no animations).   It includes the basket of tulips, surrounding flowers & plants, rock, cats, radio, & suitcase, with separate cherry blossoms for optional ground cover. 100% Original Mesh, the bicycle scene is fully copy/mod, so you can use as is or unlink all the pieces & use as you want.  (See below for ad.)
  • Head: Tonic – Coco, one of the two NEW bento heads from Tonic; fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her truly unique.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
  • Hair:  eXxEsS – Sahara
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Amitie – Parisien 1, includes tulip prop
  • Location:  Allure Couture

A Purrrrfect Spring Day

http://A Purrrfect Spring Dayhttp://Solstice

So everyone who knows me in SL knows that while I’ve always loved having lots of animals on my land, I’ve become a certifiable crazy cat lady of late.  I’ll admit it’s one of the things that initially drew me to Tm Creation… she uses cats in a lot of her creations, and then once I saw the overall creativity, attention to detail, and quality of workmanship in each and every item, well, let’s just say it was like catnip to this little feline.  Now I’m addicted to her creations, and struggling to limit what I put on my property or it will turn into another showroom.  When I saw this outfit offered a top with PAWPRINTS, you can just imagine my reaction… what an absolutely purrfect pairing!!!!  😉

What I’m wearing:

  • Outfit:  Enigma Apparel – Ivy Set, includes this sweet ruffly little off-shoulders crop top with a HUD in 10 colors — I picked a lovely paw print for obvious reasons!!! — & a just perfectly cut, bleached & slightly worn denim mini-skirt.  Necklace & earrings also included, all for just 99L!  Sized for Slink P/H, Belleza V/I/F, & Maitreya, you can see a nice closeup of the outfit below. At the Designer Circle 07/19 March 30th – April 13th. 
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Solstice, worn in Freckled Pineapple, is named perfectly.  She just has this fresh sunny look, available with or without freckles (I, of course, not only opt for the freckles, I add even more… just look at the next bullet! Solstice Skin Applier includes 8 skin tones, 2 versions available (with or without freckles), 300L each at the Designer Circle 07/19 March 30th – April 13th.  Shape & demo also available.
  • Freckles & Moles:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Moles & Freckles; this Skin Fair exclusive of 28 options that apply as a face tattoo, sold singly or as a fatpack, is now available in store. I’m wearing my favorite (& what seems to be permanent mainstay) #5;  Izzie’s – Heart Mole (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
  • Brows:  LAQ – Brows 1
  • Hair:  Doe – Katrin
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam (Marketplace Only) – Luminous Eyes, in Ivy
  • Jewelry:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Nails: Encore – Shades of Blue Nail Appliers
  • Pose:  elephante poses – Ilysm #1 & #3 (Close-up); Pose Fair gifts

The scene:

  • Scooter: Tm Creation – “The Scooter Scene”;  this absolutely adorable garden scene is the perfect decoration! It includes all  flowers, plants, rocks, & cats (not the trees in the background); see below for the vendor pic.  The scene is all in 100% Original Mesh & is fully copy/mod, so you can use as is or unlink all the pieces & use any way you want.  As a cat addict, I just love having the use of extra cats for my decor!!! Note that this IS for decoration only; it’s not a “real” scooter.  EXCLUSIVE for the Sense Event at a 10% discount through April 8th, then available at the main store after April 9th.


Time to Pamper Yourself Pretty!

http://Pamper Yourself Pretty

OK, I’ll admit it… I’m not a huge Gacha fan; I tend to be either very very lucky — getting what I want first try — or extremely unlucky, getting the same thing over and over and spending tons of lindens only to get totally frustrated.  So I only play when I either love everything and will be happy no matter what I get, or I’ve fallen in love with a set and just have to have it.  This bathtub set from Bee Designs is definitely one of the latter. The minute I saw it I thought of that old Calgon commercial, and had visions of a long, hot soak, just pampering the stress away and making myself feel all relaxed and pretty.  The set has everything you could wish for… from a rug to towels to a mirror to wall decor to baskets with flowers and assorted brushes.  Not only that, the tub fills with either water or foam and has lots of single and cuddle poses. So grab a bottle of your best champagne and soak in the softest of rose petals… it’s time to pamper yourself pretty with this awesome gacha!

Bee Designs – Bathroom Goodies Gacha, available at the Boardwalk Event, March 15th – April 15th.

Also in scene,  from Magnum Opus , the hamper with hanging towel is part of the Linen Cabinet set also at the Boardwalk Event, which I blogged here on March 18th.