The sweet life

http://The sweet life

Well this past weekend was certainly one full of change in terms of this blog.  One of my followers had alerted me a few weeks ago that there was a problem with the links going out via email.  Seems that the email subscriber widget was now signing people up to follow the STAGING SITE, and not the production site.  My hosting company couldn’t resolve it, so I had contacted JetPack, who made the widget.  In order to make sure I had enough time to solve the problem — even if I temporarily made it worse, which was definitely a possibility! — I tackled it over the weekend.  After following the instructions to uninstall and then reinstall JetPack, I found that there was no longer an option to add in Subscriber Signup.  So I did it again, to the same result.  So yes, now I’d made it worse lol!  Research showed that I’d be better off having a “real” email campaign manager so I signed up for MailChimp, and installed a new subscriber enrollment box.  The good news — it works! The bad news — anyone who had previously registered is lost, and will have to re-register.  If that includes you, I sincerely apologize, but at least now it will work.  On the other hand, I don’t really know yet what you’ll receive, but at this point I personally know everyone who is re-registered, so there’s still time for me to update before post #2.

But that’s not all! Sadly, the Boardwalk Event has closed forever. I loved blogging for this event. It was so different from what I generally do, and gave me so many ideas and ways to showcase fashion.  Since their loss also freed up quite a bit of time, I’ve opened myself up to some new sponsorship opportunities… and I now have one of my favorite clothing lines! So exciting!!! I’ve also applied to one or two events, so there might be more changes down the line.  Fingers crossed!  All I know is that I’ll either be celebrating with, or cheering myself up with, my most favorite food… ICE CREAM!  Nothing’s better when you’re up or when you’re down! And just to end on a funny little note, here I had titled this post “Nothing’s better than Ice Cream”, only to find out that waaaay back, I had already used that title… proof on how much I love my frozen little treats!  😉

  • Dress:  !!smesh – NEW! Georgia.  This is the dress that did it for me; it pushed me over the line from a fan to an addict, to the point where I wanted to blog for the brand more than occasionally! Luckily for me, they took me on as a blogger (otherwise I don’t know how I would have fed this new addiction lol).  Georgia is just an exceptional little dress… it reminds me of a very stylish, men’s shirt missing its top, in a washed-out wide pastelly stripe. A few buttons in the middle are unbuttoned, as are the sleeves almost up to the elbow; there’s this incredible open mesh panel running all the way up the sides & on the half sleeves.  Comfy, sexy, & so easy to wear since it includes a matching thong, heeled booties & a even a stunning little choker! And if you want to kick the sexy up a notch, there’s a HUD to adjust the sheer & make the dress as transparent as you like (up to 40%). Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody Curvy, & Maitreya.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK, & the first head I’ve found that just says “me”.
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Makeup:  AlaskaMetro – Winter Beauty Book eyeshadow & lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Hair:  Magika – Excuse Me
  • Pose:  Amitie – La Dolce Vita Gelatto
  • Location:  Vespertine

You call that a cup of coffee?

http://You call that a cup of coffee?

I do love coffee.  I love everything about it.  We order from a roaster down in the city and lift our noses at supermarket brands.  In order to avoid shipping charges, we order quite a bit at one time — especially during the big sales they have — and I just love the smell when you open the box. Heavenly!  And I don’t stop there…  I also love memes about coffee, coffee mugs (I have quite the collection since it’s a must buy every time I go on vacation lol), and I noticed that I take a substantial number of shots here in SL with a cup of coffee… I’ve even made an album of it lol!  This is the first time though that I’ve done a shot with Crichton drinking coffee… it’s funny how a cup that’s just perfect for me seems lost in those big paws of his! I guess he’ll be getting a lot of those free refills!  😉

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Luca Slacks Outfit.  Although the pants fit great, with the top few buttons undone, the patterned Luca shirt is really what makes this outfit sizzle.  Sold in fatpacks according to size, which are available for Slink, Adam, Aesthetic, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, TMP & Classic.  Each fatpack includes 5 separate appliers for the slacks, 7 for the shirt, & 4 for the included shoes (which are really spectacular in the white version!), so that you can mix ‘n match colors according to your own style.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Milo V1,  the August Group Gift for guys, comes with a full range of tones.  I’ve chosen to wear Earth, my favorite summer tone because to my eye, it’s not too light & not too dark.  I feel that Milo has a fresh, open, amiable look about him but with a hint that there’s something definitely going on in that mind of his.  You can’t go wrong with this Omega applier, because it’s FREE to all 7DS members during the month of August! See below for a closeup…
  • Head: Akeruka (AK) – Clay, the latest male deluxe bento head from Akeruka
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Male Bundle Mesh Body, including Physique Body, Dynamic Hands, & Feet
  • Hair:  Volthair – George
  • Pendant:  Stone’s Works –  Spirit of the DragonRFL
  • Location:  Mythical Serenity

Double Trouble

http://Eternal Love

http://Double Trouble

So it’s a bit funny… as much as I keep saying that I’m going to stop what I call “double posting” — putting two images up on FlickR rather than just one with a supporting image in the blog — I keep doing it.  Why do I want to stop? First it’s a lot more work… deciding which groups to post which image is can be so painstaking it just gets annoying.  Second it really impacts response, and as a blogger who is looking for one or two brands to replace some events that have closed, response matters.  But the fact remains that my primary audience is ME; I only blog items that I truly like, and I’m the one I need to satisfy first and foremost.  If I’m not happy with the work or not having fun, it shows.  And another funny thing is that my favorite pix never seem to perform as well as those I’m a bit more lukewarm towards…  not quite sure what that’s all about, but I’ve found it extremely interesting that I hear the same thing from other bloggers and from designers that I’m friendly with.  Just goes to show you lol!

  • Outfit:  Dallas MacKenzie Designs – Melody Dress.  It’s simple, & simply adorable.  Love the contrast edging!  Includes a 10-color HUD. Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V & Maitreya.   At the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Eternal Love Necklace & Earrings.  Like the dress, it’s very simple… little circular stones that can be set by HUD to two different colors.  Can be mix n matched too! 100% unrigged resizable mesh jewelry, materials enabled, HUD driven. 12 packages discounted at 60L in the MP and store: 6 packages with earrings options + 6 packages with necklace options. (Note that the earrings have different HUDs than the necklace.)  A We Love to Blog designer.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK, & my personal choice.  I’m not an official blogger for AK either, but I’m a fan, it’s big news, & it’s just about gone!  All deluxe heads — male & female — are currently on sale for just 500L for group members (normally 4999L).  LAST DAY FOR THIS SALE BEFORE IT’S GONE!!!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Hair:  Exile – Nadia, available EXCLUSIVELY at The Hair Fair (Blonde region)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Cat:  KittyCatS! – my now full-grown toy mocha (named Pippa)
  • Location:  Cali Beach Mall


Something’s fishy

http://Something's Fishy

Well I’ve had just a lovely morning. First thing upon coming downstairs, I have a phone call from my elderly mom… she fell hook, line & sinker for that Windows scam where they call and say you owe X amount of money on your Windows license or we’re going to shut your computer down.  So we had to call her credit card company to (A) try to stop the charge, and (B) cancel the card.  This is a lot harder to do than you think when the person you’re talking to can’t remember (A) what credit card she used, (B) her social security number, (C) much of anything else.  Thankfully my sister knew that she really only used one credit card.  But then the bank was unbelievably uncooperative… since my mom is in Florida and I’m in NY, I had to have my house phone on speaker and my cell phone on speaker so that they could verify that it was my mom and that she was giving me permission to make changes, but then they STILL wouldn’t take any information from me.  Thankfully, it got done and a new card is on its way, but then trying to convince her to cut up the old card? And trying to educate her about other popular scams?  Putting down an edict to never give out her credit card number over the phone? Impossible because the bottom line is she just won’t remember.  Ugh…  Well enough ranting… but it did get me thinking about how so many people fall for these things that just sound fishy (maybe that’s why they call it fishing???). It’s just so sad and so infuriating at the same time. that people prey upon the elderly in this way.  At least here in my own personal case, we were able to limit the damage, though I do have to assume that now she’s on some kind of “sucker list”.  Sighs, what can you do…

And now for “something fishy” on a totally different note are these gorgeous, unique, totally fabulous earrings and necklace… and they’re at an equally fabulous event — Innfest 2019 — which I talked about in my blog on the 18th…  It’s not just a shopping event (though it has great shopping), it also has a full lineup of entertainment — stage shows, live performers,  H.P. Lovecraft story readings and more.  It’s a short event — just one week — so there’s no time to lose!

  • Hat:  Stone’s Works –  Nautical Earrings Sapphire & Schooling Collar.  Once more, Stone has outdone himself & created unique jewelry pieces that are absolutely, unbelievably stunning.  I built my whole look around these pieces, & you would too! They provide an incredible eye-drawing accent to any dressy look.  And with a resizer built in, they’re easily adjustable to both your body & to what you’re wearing.  EXCLUSIVELY available at The Innsmouth Festival/H.P. Lovecraft Tribute & only for the week of August 20th – 27th.  
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK.  I’m not an official blogger for AK either, but I’m a fan, it’s big news, & it’s almost over!  All deluxe heads — male & female — are currently on sale for just 500L for group members (normally 4999L).  In just a few more days, on Aug 23rd, the SALE WILL BE REMOVED!!!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD14 Lips; AKHD6 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Hair:  D!va – “Stephanie”
  • Pose:  Lyrium – Profile Bento Poses, #5 (Marketplace & Events only)
  • Location:  Basilisque

Getting that perfect Selfie

http://Getting that perfect Selfie

Am I obsessed with taking my own picture in SL because I’m a blogger, or am I a blogger because I’m obsessed with taking selfies?  It’s one of those chicken and egg questions, for which there is no real answer.  But since almost every post I make is basically a selfie, I really liked the idea of confronting it head-on in a pose. It’s a funny thing though… I very VERY rarely take a selfie in real life, but then I don’t blog RL or post many pix in social media.  I’m sure there’s some deep psychological meaning in all this, but honestly? I don’t care… I’m having fun and that’s all that counts!  Now if I just tilt my chin a bit that way, I’ll be able to see the earrings better…  snap, shift, snap, shift…  and so it goes!  😉

  • Shorts:  MOZ Designs – NEW! “Sadie” Frayed Shorts.   Little 3-snap denim cut-offs with a very special side detail — open lacing to hold the front & back together!  So adorably sexy!  Original Fitmesh for Tonic, Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, & eBody mesh bodies. The fatpack comes with 4 faded denim colors; Sadie is EXCLUSIVE at the August eBento through the end of the month.  Remember to wear your MOZ tag for special Member pricing @events like this!  Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Myles, worn in my favorite summer tone, Maple.  Myles is right up my alley, since she has light freckles & some scattered beauty marks.  To show you her simple beauty, I took off my standard applier freckles & all makeup for the 4 tone shots below (I did still wear my own red eyebrows).   Gorgeous, right? Myles is EXCLUSIVELY available in fatpacks of light or dark tones at the Fetish Fair, Aug 17th – 31st.  Shape & demos available too.
  • Nails:  Cazimi – Sugar Rush Nails, beautiful soft toned nails with a silver/white either at the tips or at the cuticle.  The HUD offers 5 colors in both options, for a total of 10 different nail styles (see below for a shot of the HUD).  Appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, & Slink, available at the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th. 
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Season Berries Necklace & Earrings. 100% unrigged resizable mesh jewelry, materials enabled, HUD driven. 6 necklace & earrings packages discounted at 60L in the store: 8 up to 11 gem colors per package, 10 metal versions.  A We Love to Blog designer.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head: Tonic – Coco, one of the two NEW bento heads from Tonic; fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her look all your own
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Cadence
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega);  DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Top:  MOZ Designs – Alexa Tank
  • Pose:  Secret Poses – Posing & Dancing #6 (includes cellphone & headphones)
  • Location:  Whimberly
Myles in 4 tones: Cotton, Caramel, Cashew, & Maple


Cazimi Sugar Rush

Surfer Girl on the Beach

http://Surfer Girl

Bloggers and photographers buy one thing that other avatars don’t — poses.  I know one or two bloggers who have the skill to make their own, and yes, lots of furniture have built-ins and it’s possible that sometimes catching your AO in the middle of an anim works phenomenally (though I speak from experience when I say it takes a lot of time to get it right).  So for me, I’ve found that poses are often the way to go.  But here’s the thing… I’m always picking up awesome poses at events or sales without knowing if or when I’ll actually use them.  Or I buy a set, use one pose, and the rest just languish. Bottom line, I have tons of poses that I’ve never used. Unfortunately, I’ve never really figured out the best way to organize them and lately I’m envisioning my inventory like a giant closet where everything is just thrown in. So I’ve decided to sit down and start organizing… now THAT’S a pose I’d love!!!!   It’s like a treasure hunt in my own inventory where I’m discovering forgotten gems (and some of those are pretty recent buys too). In fact, I have TWO shots I love for this post, using two different unused beach sets (see? organization pays off!).  Hard to know which is better for today’s swimsuit when you don’t know how it will turn out down the line in another suit…  Oh well, just a lot of blabbering in order to avoid working on that closet… And if you ARE a pose maker, think about a set for cleaning up the closet mess… could be really cute!  I know I’d buy it lol!  😉

  • Swimsuit:   Prism by Jezzixa Cazalet – Lynne Trikini.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody, & Maitreya.  It’s not a bikini, it’s not a one-piece swimsuit, it’s something else — a Trikini.  The way it’s broken into two textures (one a satiny solid; one a print) & then the way the two of them wrap sexily around your body, is truly something wonderful in the world of swimwear!  It’s not an itty-bitty bikini but it’s definitely not for the modest either…   Available in 6 color combos or a fatpack; EXCLUSIVELY at the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK.  Even though I don’t blog for AK I’m a huge fan, & this news is worth repeating.  All deluxe heads — male & female — are currently on sale for just 500L for group members (normally 4999L).  FRIDAY Aug 23rd, the SALE WILL BE REMOVED!!!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Hair:  Argrace – Haruka
  • Pose:   Simply Dyvne – Surfer Girl Individual Pose Pack
  • Location:  my home at the Hideaway Collective (private)

Stone’s Works at InnFest 2019

http://Going to InnFest 2019

Are you a fan of HP Lovecraft? Do you like vintage venues?  How do you feel about fabulous builds?  If you answered “yes” to any one of these, let alone all three, then you’re in for a treat!  The Innsmouth Festival (InnFest) is lining up for August 20-27, 2019, because August 20th is not only Lovecraft’s birthday, but also Innsmouth’s 10th anniversary since first purchased and named as an SL sim.  Innsmouth is modeled after the town in one of Lovecraft’s tales set in early 1930s Massachusetts, and has been on the SL Destinations list since it took its eerie shape.  Yes, the event will have lots of great shopping, but InnFest will also be a great celebration with a full lineup of entertainment — stage shows, live performers, Lovecraft story readings and more.  It will feature the new “Arkham, Massachusetts” area, with Miskatonic University, the Market Blocks merchant area, and special Lovecraft “story sites” accessible by trolley ride and other means of exploration.  I strongly suggest hopping on the little trolley that takes you around the entire sim.  This is one of those DON’T MISS events!

For more information about what promises to be a fabulous and unusual event, check out the Event’s blog.

  • Hat:  Stone’s Works –  Deco Black & Ecru Cloche.  I love everything Art Deco & feel styles like this can be an absolutely fabulous look for any era, but especially for this sim & other vintage areas.  Resize script built-in to easily adjust for head size & hair style. Other colors/styles of Cloches available at the Event as well, plus big stylish hats with feathers for that showstopper look!  Unique & exclusive jewelry also available (to be featured in another blog!).  All at The Innsmouth Festival/H.P. Lovecraft Tribute & only for the week of August 20th – 27th.  
  • Hair:  Slink – Catherine (yes! Slink makes hair, with an amazing HUD that lets you color your hair by zone if you want). I’m not an “official” blogger (in other words, not sponsored) but I found this gem at The Hair Fair (Blonde region) which just opened!  It’s for such a good cause with a percentage of every sale being donated to Wigs for Kids that in addition to spending lots of my hard-earned lindens, it’s just something I want to do.  (And since it’s my blog, I can do what I want lol!!!)
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK.  I’m not an official blogger for AK either, but this news is so big, it needs to be shouted out bold for all to hear!  All deluxe heads — male & female — are currently on sale for just 500L for group members (normally 4999L).  Next FRIDAY (that’s Aug 23rd), SALE WILL BE REMOVED!!!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners; HD11 Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Dress:  ALaFolie – LOUISON
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Tabatha Beaded Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Bag:  Sheba – Alica
  • Location:  Innsmouth

Setting the Mood

http://Setting the Moodhttp://Butterflies

How do you feel about lighting? Me, I grew up in a lighting household… my dad (and for a while my mom too) was a manufacturer’s rep for lighting fixtures, so I’m always looking at how lighting is done and have several lights in my home that IMHO are pretty special.  I’m not quite as much of a lighting fanatic here on the grid because I spend so much time playing with windlights and adding personal lighting when needed for shots.  And yet  I’ve still added what I think are special little fixtures inside my home when I stumble across them.  But outdoor lighting is a whole other thing because it adds so much to the overall experience of your land.  It has the ability to change the entire mood and to draw your eye to little nooks even from afar.  That’s why you see so many little string lights added to individual furniture pieces, but when you really want to highlight an area or a path, you need something more.  With three lighting options, this little kit from Salacity enables you to do just that, whether you want to light the way or set the mood with the magic of outdoor lighting… 😉

  • Outfit:  smeshBillie.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  When I first saw this outfit, I thought of a jumpsuit, because even though it’s two pieces, it has that kind of look to me.  Yes, the fit is great, but what really makes this outfit are the textures.  First is the two-tone look in this gorgeous mauve, which adds a certain level of sophistication to what could otherwise look like every other jogging outfit out there.  Additionally, the bra-cut top looks like the cups are made of a soft, supple leather, while the skin-tight capris have wrinkles in all the right places.  Just so well done, it’s a delight to wear.  Available at the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th.  
  • Lights:  Salacity – Summer Lights, a set of lights in 3 styles to create your own unique outdoor lighting, perfect for those beautiful summer evenings!  (I’ve used two — the Luminaria & the String Light Sticks; the Lantern Posts are not shown.  See below for Ad.)  Exclusively available at The Liaison Collaborative in August.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Doux – Mecca (available at Equal10)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners; Grazi HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – True Hearts Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  Pure Poison – Rosalie Flat Sandals
  • Pose:  Simply Dvyne (SD) – Reaching (lights photo); Reve Obscura (!RO!) – Perceiving Bento (butterflies photo)
  • Animals:  KittyCatS!my just-birthed little toy mocha (she’s still unnamed too), who’s so happy to be alive she’s blowing butterflies; TM Creation – Puppies & Cat (part of a larger piece, the Surround Me Tent)
  • Firepit & Chairs:  Zen Creations – Toasty Fire Set
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage


The End of the World

http://The End of the World... and I feel fine

As you’ve probably noticed, I’m generally what I’ll term “a location blogger”.  In other words, I don’t do studio shots and then photoshop in backgrounds; sometimes I’ll use full backdrops but usually I go out and hunt for locations (though admittedly I use my own land quite a bit).  This is one of the things I’ve always loved to do in SL, to explore… I just love stumbling over some little find, where creativity has taken reign and something wonderful has resulted.  Maybe that’s why I’ve built this into my blogging, even though sometimes it means somewhat harried bouncing from site to site, looking for the “right” place.  This time, I went to the ends of the “earth” to find this perfect little cafe, The World’s End Cafe.  I didn’t use the “themed” regional windlight because it changed the colors of the dress, but this little place is truly a gem!  The only problem is that now I have this song stuck in my head, so of course I think you should too! On a more somber note, though, it IS how I often feel these days… that we’re at the end of the world… and it can (and has) gotten in my way of blogging and created a bit of a block, but at least for right now, this moment here in SL and back there in RL on my computer typing, I feel fine…  I hope you do too!  😉

  • Dress:  Graffitiwear – Sundress, & what a stunner of a little sundress it is!  Halter-style on the top, it then falls gently from the empire-style waist, but it doesn’t fall far & wow, it just makes your legs look like they go on forever!  But one of the many things I love about Graffitiwear is that you’re never left trying to figure out what to do for modesty with these short little dresses… this sundress is incredibly easy to wear because matching crotch covers are included, as well as sandals.  The biggest problem is deciding which texture to wear!  First you have to choose between 3 style groups; each then has a HUD of 6 dresses, 6 crotch covers, & 6 mid-high sandals… or you can just give up & buy the fatpack. Sized for Tonic, Belleza F/I/V, Slink H/P, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVE at the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  eXxEsS – Champagne (includes Hat)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners; lip gloss from the AK Hud
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Tarentella Gypsy Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Bag w/Dog:  [Rezz Room] – Dog Walking Bag Animesh
  • Location:  The World’s End Cafe

Time, time, time

http://Time, time, time

One of the ironies of blogging is that as you get more sponsors, you spend so much time promoting new releases that you have less time to blog designs that may be a bit older but that you just love and want to share.  I don’t want to make promises like “from now on, I’ll blog at least X fantastic older designs a month” because there are plenty of times I’m scrambling to fulfill my commitments, especially lately where I seem to be suffering from what a fellow blogger aptly called “blogger’s block”.  I already occasionally include them in what I’ll call a mix ‘n match shot, where I may be blogging a top but need a bottom or vice versa.  But I WILL promise that I will make an effort to include more of these design gems as the stars of the blog, items that I may or may not have had in inventory, but that I actually pull out to wear when the occasion arises.  Some might be from a sponsor (like this gorgeous gown); others may not.  Yes, it’s not a very “committed” commitment (kind of like a politician’s promise lol), but I’m being honest, and it’s all about the time… Speaking of which, I’ve rambled on enough for one blog, don’t you think?  😉

  • Gown: Allure Couture – Davina, a truly stunning gown that drew a “Wow, you look amazing” from my guy.  It’s the lace bodice that sets this gown apart, & makes it one of those special designs that you pull out of inventory over & over again.  In addition to the low cut in front, it has a special band across the neckline that draws the eye.  The lace then curves along your hips to totally flatter your shape, with sheer fabric cutouts at the waist.  There’s an optional prim train as well as a skirt (which I chose NOT to wear), plus matching high heels.  One added note — she moves beautifully when you dance (something I personally always care about).  I’m wearing Davina in Mauve, but she’s also available in Garnet, Dusky Blue, Aqua, Lavender, & Green.  Sizes available for Tonic, Slink, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, TMP, eBody & Classic.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:   D!va – Helen
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; Amata HD Shadow; Amata HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  Beloved Jewelry – Grace Set (Ametrine, Pearl, Rose Gold); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  FoxCity – Taxi Bento Pose Set, #4
  • Location:  Cruiz’s Cotton Club