Fur and Lace

http://Fur and Lace

Is there any fashion quite so romantic as the combination of fur and lace?  I guess it’s the soft lustrous feel of the fur (though IRL, it would only be a fake fur for me!), and the visual intricacy and delicacy of the lace.  The fact is that none of it exists in my real life closet (well I do own a huge fake fur, but now that I live in Florida, it just takes up closet space lol); lace just doesn’t really fit my lifestyle.  But my virtual closet is another matter.  Fur is something relatively new on the grid… I think that’s because until more recent technology took root, fur just didn’t look like fur… instead of being soft and inviting, it just looked hard and fake.  So I don’t own much of it.  But lace!  I LOVE lace texture, although I’ll admit to a bit of prudishness when it comes to let my private parts show through, so I’m always adding things like crotch covers or nipple blurs or what have you.  But bottom line, there really is nothing like fur and lace when it’s done well, and in this outfit? IMHO it’s done about as well as the current technology allows.  It’s simply stunning, and a bit of a thrill to my virtual senses.  So I’m just going to luxuriate a little and gear myself up for another week, another month.  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  FlowerDreams – Nova.  You’ll be ready to party in this dressy, sexy skintight little minidress with optional fur jacket.  IRL so much depends on the fabric; here in SL it’s all about the texture, & Nova includes a HUD with 20 textures that range from almost solid to sequin to animal print to lace & more, plus black & brown for the fur!  Sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Tonic, Freya, Reborn, Perky & Maitreya, Tanya is  EXCLUSIVELY at the February Swank Event, Feb 7th – 28th (in other words, LAST DAY!!!!!!).  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Lorena
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  D!va– Kate
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Makeup:  Cazimi – Dusk EvoX Lipstick; Zibska – EvoX Noir Pack Vol 2
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Ayla Moon Goddess Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Zeevh Poses – Pose 186
  • Backdrop:  The Bearded Guy – Bar Peri

Getting Creative with Caffeine

http://Getting Creative with Caffeine

I’m a caffeine addict.  Since I started drinking coffee (which I did in my early teens), I’ve had way too many cups starting first thing in the morning and sometimes even way late at night.  And except for the occasional Starbucks treat, I always drink it black.  I go through periods of cutting back, but somehow those extra cups always manage to sneak back in there.  I just love everything about coffee… the smell, the taste, that tiny jolt of creative energy…  and that love of coffee seems to find its way into my blogging relatively often.  It’s not surprising… I was drinking coffee when I did this shoot, & I’m drinking it now when I’m writing this post.  And since there are so many poses that include coffee & little coffee spots like this all over the grid, well, I’m of course going to be drawn to those.  So I’m going to go freshen up my cup, & take advantage of the little burst of energy to get this done!  Happy shopping! (and have a cup on me)

  • Outfit:  GuGuVaGa Fashion  (GGVG) – Cole Pants & Top, Studs Version.  Includes an optional studded belt.  Sexy, relaxed, stylish.  I’m always partial to tube tops with separate sleeves, especially with that little ruffle at the edges, & I just I LOVE studs, both in SL & IRL!  The high waisted pants Cole comes in 10 different colors, all with this amazing sheen, or a fatpack, & is sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, Isis, & Maitreya.  This awesome look is EXCLUSIVELY at the February Swank Event, open Feb 7th – 28th, as is a hearts version sold separately.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewellery – Dhoom Machalay Collection.  Necklace & earrings, includes a HUD with 12 colors for the jewels, 3 metals, & 3 for the cords, plus a built in resizer.  EXCLUSIVELY at the February Swank Event, open Feb 7th – 28th.  See the closeup below!
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Lorena
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Doux – Mecca
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Pose:  space cadet – journalin’
  • Location:  Little World


Echoes of Beauty

http://Echoes of Beauty

Have you ever noticed that talking to someone else often helps you clarify your own thoughts?  In chatting with a new blogger for our team (in addition to being a blogger, I also blogger-manage), I really came to a better understanding of my personal preferences, what to me makes a great blogging photo.  I specify “blogging photo” because a lot of fabulous pix are awesome but not good for blogging because you can’t clearly see the item that is being promoted (and let’s face it, that’s what blogging is, it’s advertising and promotion, not just photography).  So although I fave and accept plenty of straight fashion pix because they’re good at showing the design, they don’t reach the level of “great” for ME.   What does it take to reach the level for me, where I sit and study the photo, trying to learn from what someone else did? It’s a sense of artistry, of story-telling, of making the outfit (or decor or whatever) fit the scene, the lighting, the mood…  although some shots actually demand facing or looking straight at the camera with a challenging or sultry attitude, I tend to prefer more natural, candid-seeming caught-in-the-moment shots.  All the details of putting together a look of course come first, but then what you do with that is what makes all the difference.  It’s not easy; I know, I struggle with it in every shot.  Some reach my personal goals, many many fall short, but in my own mind, I’m still only in the advanced beginner stage, and I’m actively trying to learn how to do more.  Thoughts, suggestions, constructive critique is ALWAYS welcome…  And there goes my last preachiness for the month (hopefully, anyway)!!!!  Happy shopping!!!!

  • Gown:  La Feminique – Fleur.  Stunningly feminine, this sleek sequin gown stands out with elegance!  I just love the way the “straps” are done in the front, adds so much interest & kicks the style a notch or two above.  Sized for Belleza, Slink, Maitreya & TMP,  Fleur is available in red or white (worn).  There is no store; this gown is EXCLUSIVELY available at the February Swank Event, Feb 7th – 28th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Lorena
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_RESISTANCE
  • Makeup:  Cazimi – Dusk EvoX Lipstick
  • Nails:  e.marie – Mix & Match Coffin, Merry & Bright Red
  • Jewelry:  Moondance Boutique – Reign Crown Jewels Bracelet & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:   Nantra – Who Are You Wearing
  • Location:  Backdrop City

Fae, Daughter of Athena

http://Fae, Daughter of Athena

As a fae-elven mix, my gods have always been those of the natural world and of my peoples (and yes, that is a plural due to the duality of my nature).  As I wander through other civilizations though, I’ve often wondered how I would choose which gods (or goddesses) would hold the keys to my heart.  Would it be the wisdom of Athena, the beauty of Aphrodite, or Artemis, the mistress of wild animals?  But as a visitor, I do not have to choose.  I find myself drawn to different elements in several, and depending on the situation, my mood, and so much more, I definitely experience momentary favorites.  What I do know is that there is definitely a very simple beauty to the Greek pantheon, where you know exactly to whom you should direct your prayers, depending on the needs of your heart.  Which does raise a question… who is the goddess of shopping?  I think I’ll go with wisdom, because there are so many wonderful creations available, I need to choose wisely!!!!   May the goddess guide your choices as well…

  • Gown:  Poet’s Heart – Ianthe.  A classic beauty of a gown, with a simple one shoulder strap cascading into a drape on the back, Greek “pattern” along the bottom hem, & double metallic Greek patterning at the hips & just above the waist.  Ianthe comes in four color packs or a fatpack of all 24 colors plus black & white.  Each color pack has a HUD to customize not just color, but also whether you want it as a gradient or solid!  She is sized only for Maitreya & Petite, though since she comes with an alpha she fit my Legacy body perfectly (with no deformers).   A small plus is that Poet’s Heart always supplies TWO alphas, one with & one without feet, the latter being especially useful since fantasy footwear can be so difficult to source, especially for Legacy.  EXCLUSIVELY at Enchantment, with the theme of the Iliad & the Odyssey, open Feb 12th – 28th.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  Loa – Vita.  BOM Skin for Lelutka EVO X heads. Available in 7 skintones, each pack including 4 versions of the skin (browless & freckled among them), HD ears, 3 blushes, & shape+browfixer for Avalon.  I’m wearing Opal with no brows, together with the matching body skin which comes with 4 “textures” (shine, soft, matte, flat chest) plus no nipple & stretch mark add-ons, but I’m using my own shape & a different Loa browfixer since I wear a different head. Featured as a closeup in my last post, which you can see HERE.  Demos available.  EXCLUSIVELY available at Enchantment, with the theme of the Iliad & the Odyssey, open Feb 12th – 28th.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Eyes:  OJAYO – Yoshi Eyes
  • Eyebrows:  Nuve – Nadia Tintable Eyebrows for EvoX
  • Makeup:  Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadows; POUT – POP! Liners
  • Hair:  A&A – Leeanne
  • Horns: Venge – Celest
  • Wreath:  SCHOEN – Empress Laurel.  EXCLUSIVELY available at The Narrative Event, open Feb 1st – 20th.
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX; ANTAYA – Bracelets Adonia (Hunt Gift at Enchantment); HOF – Kashmire Pendant Necklace
  • Props:  torment – barbatos harp & bow
  • Building:  OLD TREASURES – Athena temple, EXCLUSIVELY available at Enchantment
  • Location:  Enchantment

Fae Lost in Thought

http://Fae Lost in Thought

The ancient Greeks had a very definite idea of what constituted classic beauty, that in many ways has remained timeless.  Since my lifespan as a fae is so much longer than that of mere humans, I have lived through medieval times and classic antiquity.  I have been surprised by how enduring that Greek vision has been, not just in terms of personal looks, but in architecture and so much more.  The age of The Iliad and The Odyssey is celebrated and is on display that the current round of the Enchantment Event, featuring many exceptional exclusives plus a hunt!  It’s definitely a do not miss event!!!!  The link for all the details is HERE.  And don’t forget that more general fantasy & roleplay items are still at The Narrative Event… so much fantasy shopping, such amazing fun!!! What’s a fae to do?  Well, shop of course!  May your day be blessed by the gods!!!

  • Skin:  Loa – Vita.  BOM Skin for Lelutka EVO X heads. available in 7 skintones, each pack including 4 versions of the skin (browless & freckled among them), HD ears, 3 blushes, & shape+browfixer for Avalon .  I’m wearing Opal with no brows, together with the matching body skin which comes with 4 “textures” (shine, soft, matte, flat chest) plus no nipple & stretch mark add-ons, but I’m using my own shape & a different Loa browfixer since I wear a different head (see below for how she looks on Avalon).  She’s still a classic beauty!  Demos available.  EXCLUSIVELY available at Enchantment, with the theme of the Iliad & the Odyssey, open Feb 12th – 28th.  
  • Wreath:  SCHOEN – Empress Laurel. What self-respecting Greek beauty would fail to wear her laurel wreath? This stunning interpretation is stretchable &  includes a texture HUD with 10 metals plus 20 colors for both the teardrop gems & the round gems so it can be worn with just about any hair, any outfit. EXCLUSIVELY available at The Narrative Event, open Feb 1st – 20th.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Eyes:  OJAYO – Yoshi Eyes
  • Eyebrows:  Nuve – Nadia Tintable Eyebrows for EvoX
  • Hair:  A&A – Leeanne
  • Horns: Venge – Celest
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX; ANTAYA – Bracelets Adonia (Hunt Gift at Enchantment); HOF – Kashmire Pendant Necklace

Hot Dress, Cold Beer

http://Shades of Pink

I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s Day.  When you’re not in a relationship, I remember it sometimes being excruciatingly lonely; when you’re in a new relationship, I recall it being a somewhat giddy experience, full of high hopes & too often dashed expectations; when you’re in a solid, long-term relationship, well, it’s just another day.  Still nice to acknowledge and be acknowledged, but beyond that, well, it truly is a marketer’s dream.  So I’m not one to make a lot of Valentine’s posts, full of hearts and flowers… but I WILL wear my heart on my sleeve (and everywhere else), look tempting, and have a quiet little toast to love… Happy Valentine’s Day, and happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Hawkers House – Candice Sweater Dress Hearts.  Love the shape of this sweater dress!  So effortlessly sexy! Sized for TMP (Legacy), Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, Tonic & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY available at the February round of the Swank Event, Feb 7th – 28th.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Lorena
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Doux – Kiara
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Makeup:  Sugarose – LYA Lipstick & Eyeshadow
  • Nails:  StunnerOriginals – Bento Nails Mesh Ballerina
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Parisienne Love Heart Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Clix – Cold One

Planning My Next Move

http://Planning My Next Move

Not all battles are fought with weapons. In fact, to me, the more challenging and definitely the more enjoyable battles are ones of wit and strategy.  In fact, all the dexterity and expertise with a weapon can only take you so far without the strategic intelligence to guide you, especially when your goal is not domination but defense. Or perhaps that’s just defensive posturing for why this fae loves games and puzzles so much.  In fact when I’m not working on a blog (shopping, putting a look together, scouting locations, doing the actual shoot, editing, and so on), I often find myself perched on the edge of my chair, playing cards inworld (Skippo is my current passion lol).  IRL, other games take over.  But it all has one thing in common… challenging the brain, learning the skills, exercising creativity in order to claim victory!  Sadly, chess has never come easily to me, but I do love those giant chessboards!  Now let me think about my next move….

  • Gown:  Viki – Catelyn.  This style dress is such a welcome addition to my fae closet! Among all the beautifully styled gowns & armor & silks & hunter’s garb, it’s important to have some more simple “week-end wear”.  But it’s not just the styling that makes my wings beat faster, it’s the textures! So detailed, so touchable! Sized for Legacy, Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya, Danana is available in 9 colors or as a fatpack.  100% Original & Material Enabled, she is EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE for 25% OFF at the February round of The Narrative Event, February 1st – 28th. Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Nuve – Emily in Pale
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Artemis Collection
  • Hair:  Doe – Vee
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Trinket Horns
  • Makeup:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX; Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadows
  • Beauty Mark:  Unholy – Beauty Mark BOM for EvoX
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  Astalianda – Aquarius (adjusted)
  • Location:  The Looking Glass

May My Weapon Serve Me Well

http://May My Weapon Serve Me Well in the Coming Battle

I’m lucky.  It seems that I’ve been training and fighting ever since I can remember.  As an outsider, defensive skills were necessary if I was to survive, especially after the clan that took me in was defeated in battle while I was away on a hunting trip.  I don’t enjoy battle however.  I know that there are those glory in it; maybe it’s my fae instincts, but I see it as the very last resort, one that is sadly necessary all too often.  I recognize this this is the reason why I tend to take the role of guardian, because although I am tentative in attack, I will give my all in defense of the people, places, & things that I value.  But things happen, and I often am left relying on my own resources to successfully do my job of protect and defend.  My sensitivity to the world around me helps alert me when there is need; but if that need should arise, then it is my weapon and my skill wielding it that is the deciding factor in every battle.  This is why before every shift I watch, every patrol I take, any time I actively don my role, I give my thanks to the weapon and to those who have taught me the skills to protect the fantasy life I love. May my weapon serve me well in the coming battle!

  • Makeup:  Loa – Ninsar Warpaint.  In 4 warpaint colors (Blue, Gold, Green, & Red) with 22 different tattoo layers to mix & match — the “X”, cheek dots, chin, eye shadow, eyebrows, forehead stripe, lip brush, temple stripes, neck, & full version that adds it all in one layer (I’m wearing the full version).  Exclusively for Lelutka EVO X heads. Demo available. 
  • Eyes:  Loa – Ninsar Eyes.  Fatpack includes 4 fantasy colors (see below) with Lelutka EVO appliers, omega, mesh eyes & BOM. 
  • Skin:  Loa – Clara.  BOM Skin for Lelutka EVO X heads. 4 versions of the skin including browless & freckled option, HD ear texture, 3 blushes, shape + browfixer for Gaia (I’m using my own shape).  Available in 11 tones — I’m wearing Porcelain, together with the matching body skin which comes with 4 “textures” (shine, soft, matte, flat chest) plus no nipple & stretch mark add-ons.  Demos available. Skin featured in a previous post using the provided shape, which you can see HERE
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_RUST 
  • Horns:  LOGO – Hellion Horns
  • Tattoo:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX
  • Pose:  ART Animations – Descendent of Messalina
  • Location:  Little Moon

A Flight of Fancy

http://A Flight of Fancy

http://Fae in Portrait

I know, I know, I’m breaking one of the cardinal rules of this blog… I’m doing what we have dubbed “a double post,” or a single blog post that features two distinct photos.  They’re just both so necessary to the story… the romantic fantasy of this stunning gown combined with the dramatic fantasy of my face, a true flight of fancy demanding both the full shot AND the closeup. In this situation, you just can’t have one without the other.  So why choose? That’s the freedom of being a fae and, let’s face it, of having your own blog lol! You not only get to make the rules, you also get to break them whenever you see fit!  Let’s see where else my flight of fancy takes me… you just never know what wondrous finds await just beyond the horizon!!!! Sprinkles a little fairy dust for all, flutters my wings, and I’m off!

  • Gown:  Poet’s Heart – Shaza.   Shaza comes in four color packs or a fatpack of all 20 colors.  Each color pack has a HUD to customize the skirt (not just color, but gradient or solid!), top, & sash so you can change up the look as much as you’d like.  She is sized only for Maitreya & Hourglass, though since she comes with an alpha I have to say that she fits Legacy perfectly on me (with no deformers); in fact a small detail that I love is that Poet’s Heart always supplies TWO alphas, one with & one without feet, the latter being especially useful since fantasy footwear can be difficult to source.  Shaza was originally created for the Holiday Hunt during Christmas & New Year’s, but is now available at the main store for a regular price. Demo available. 
  • Tattoo:  Aerth – Seer Face + Neck Tattoos. NEW!  A set of absolutely fabulous face tattoos with matching neck fades.  BOM layers, for SLUV & EVOX, in a fatpack of 13 different colors (I’m wearing Klothein).  See both the closeup above & the ad below.  EXCLUSIVELY available at The Narrative Event, the fantasy event that opens today at noon on February 1st! Demo available.
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings.  These have been my favorite wings for a little while now, & I’m just so excited to see that they are now featured at The Narrative Event, starting today February 1st!  They’re 100% mesh, bento rigged, materials enabled, with their own special AO.  If you take lots of photos like me, you’ll love the ability to pause that AO when the wings are in whatever position you prefer, rather than sitting there trying to catch the shot when just everything is exactly the way you want it. Includes a texture HUD with 24 options. Demo available.
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Uletia Horns.  Originally developed as a minigacha, these modifiable unisex horns are available with 15 different color HUDs, each of which offers 10 horn textures plus so many options I couldn’t even count them! The “blooms” can be visible or hidden, too! See the detail in the closeup above.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Glam Affair – Snow Skin
  • Eyes:  Samia – Carla
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Lilium
  • Beauty Mark:  Unholy – Beauty Mark BOM for EvoX
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX; VENGE – Selene Crystal Circlet (not used in closeup)
  • Aura:  Just Tony – Light Magic Aura
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Fay #5
  • Location:  Paradiso – Divina Commedia



En Garde!

http://En Garde!

It’s rare that someone asks, but I notice the looks when I stroll into a strange sim.  As a child of what was at the time a somewhat shocking union between elf and fae, you’d think I’d be used to the subtlety of raised eyebrows and the directness of outright stares.  But in these more modern days, it’s my warrior attire and attitude that seems to draw the more immediate reaction.  It’s sad that even today most people seem to prefer their fantasy folk in either dreamy silks that show a lot of skin or more formal medieval wear that covers it all up (both of which I love to wear on the right occasions)…  warrior garb is still cause for those ongoing second looks.  Sometimes I can even hear the unspoken thoughts about whether I’m just dressing the part or if I have the skill to wield my weapons with expertise.  And believe me, I understand those doubts. Even today, it isn’t easy for a female to become a warrior.  And growing up as an outsider, not really belonging to any one clan, I was included in the basic training given to all so that I could help defend when necessary.  But true warrior training was denied me, so it was something I had to develop the hard way (not that there IS an easy way!), watching, teaching myself, training independently for hours and hours, learning from anyone willing to teach me, whether it be as a lesson to warn me off or to truly help me hone my skills.  So yes, I understand those looks, but mixed in with the hostility and the indifference I am also beginning to note some looks of admiration when a practiced eye notes the ease with which I both carry and wield my weapons, how they are truly extensions of my body.  So as I continue to hone my skills, I’m also learning to hold my head up just a little bit higher, to meet those doubting eyes with confidence and ease, ready to defend.  En garde!

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Clary.  100% original mesh, & sized only for Maitreya & Legacy, the Clary basic outfit (tunic, leggings, leather corset, shoulder “armor”) comes in 6 individual colors; both the matching Clary boots & the matching armbands are each available in your choice of black or brown.  A matching black choker completes the Clary look! Originally developed for last month’s We Love Role Play, this fabulous outfit is now at the mainstore!  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Glam Affair – Snow Skin
  • Eyes:  OJAYO – Yoshi Eyes, Pack 2
  • Hair:  monso – Jinx
  • Horns:  Rainbow Sundae – Aylin Horns
  • Makeup:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX; Rubedo – Ava EvoX
  • Beauty Mark:  Unholy – Beauty Mark BOM for EvoX
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  Repose – Pack F Blade
  • Location:  Elvion