Prepping for New Year’s Eve

http://Prepping for New Year's Eve

OK, I know you’re wondering what’s with all the alcohol lately in my pix.  I mean usually I’m drinking coffee or hot chocolate, lately it’s always champagne!  But no, I’m not turning into an alcoholic but I am definitely in the spirit of the season (or should I say “spirits”?) when it comes to the bubbly.  Unfortunately most of my celebrating will be on my own, though some of it will definitely be in a cozy twosome, both inworld and out.  I’m just practicing, to make sure that I can hold my own…  I mean who wants a Ceja dancing on the table or (even worse) passed out on the table?  So for now, I’m making friends with the bottle, rehearsing to make sure I can party and still keep my head.  Cheers! and, of course, happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  !!smesh – NEW! Filippa Outfit.   Includes the solid blouse in a sexy clingy fabric, winter shorts in a twill-like fabric with the cutest “fanny pack” that blends the two fabrics, & slouchy red leather boots.  Sized for Slink Hourglass, Belleza Freya, Legacy, & Maitreya. Demo available.
  • Kitchen Decor:  Salacity – Kitchen Jar Decor.  Jars that say H – O – M – E … simple, classic, useful, & stylish… what can be better? An exclusive release for the Southern Charm event, Dec 10th – Jan 5th.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Cadence
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD9 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Jessica Sanctuary Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Diversion – 2019 Group Gifts, #3
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

Trying to Smile When You’re Alone at the New Year’s Party

http://Trying to Smile When You're Alone at the New Years Party

This is a really tough time of year when you’re alone.  And yes, I’m married RL and partnered with a great guy I’ve been with for almost 12 years now, but his time inworld is limited and definitely not for big things like New Year’s Eve (then again, I’m not really available for that either lol).  But it made me think about all those years when I was alone, and would go to parties stag with all those couples, smiling bravely through all the toasts and statements of love.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that even as a couple, life is rarely (if ever) the way you imagined it would be, and sometimes the forced gaiety of these mass celebrations can just be downright depressing.  These days I generally prefer a quiet night at home or, if pushed a bit, a small intimate party.  But whether you like to party big, party small, or go to bed and wait till the partying’s done, the year will still end and a new one will begin.  And THAT is something worth toasting!  Here’s to a Happy New Year and happy shopping both for the rest of this year and all of the next!

  • Gown:  FlowerDreams by Nile Karas – Derin Gown, worn in SeaGreen.  Beautifully elegant, off-shoulders gown, without all the glitter & frou-frou seen on most gowns at this time of year.  Just simple, beautiful, & classic, softly belted with a wide bow sash (added separately), & with optional floaty chiffon skirts & tail.  Available in SeaGreen, Latte, Mauve, Light Pink, Sand, & Sky. Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, Voluptuous, Ocacin, & Fitmesh M.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.  A We Love to Blog in SL designer.
  • Jewelry:  Moondance Boutique – Reign Crown Jewels. You’ll not only look like royalty, you’ll feel like it too in this jewelry set. The perfect accompaniment to a simple classic gown, where it can “reign” supreme, with each complementing the other instead of fighting for attention.  Set includes the necklace, earrings, bracelets, & a crown (not worn), plus a HUD that allows you to select among 26 gemstones (you select two for this set!) & 9 metals. Also includes a resizer.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Bridget, worn in Apricot browless.  Also classically beautiful, just another stunner of an Omega skin.  Two options of 5 tones each, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows, available at the December eBento through December 30th.  Shape & demos also available. 
  • Head: Tonic – Pixie, newest bento head from Tonic
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_DREAM
  • Brows:  Avada – Anja Eyebrows
  • Mole/Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Shimmer Lipstick
  • Nails:  Weaponized Sugar – Celadon
  • Pose:  BellePoses – Zoe, pose 4 (at the Winter Pose Fair)
  • Location:  Oceana

Happy holidays? Bah, humbug!

http://Happy Holidays? Bah, Hambug!

We’re in the final countdown, nerves are getting frayed, there’s a hint of desperation in the stores, both brick & mortar and even online as the news channels tell horror stories of packages not being delivered on time.  Are these the bedtime stories of tomorrow, that will have our children on the edge of their seats with worry?  not whether the accidental hero will successfully win out in the end, or if the guy will get the girl (or the girl get the guy!), but whether the almighty package will get there in time, as scheduled??? Admittedly I’ve had my own recent spot of hysteria over a shipment delay, but in my own defense it was with a very vague descriptive of “delayed” with some additional text that “would automatically cancel if not fulfilled by Jan 10th”, not to mention (though I’m obviously GOING to mention lol) that it was for the computer that is replacing the very one I’m typing on that seems to be juuuust hanging on.  So yes, some packages need to be delivered as scheduled.  And though I procrastinate as well as the next person, those who wait till the very last minute to get the touted “guaranteed by Christmas delivery as long as ordered by XPM on such a such day” have to realize that they are throwing the die each and every time.  There are just too many variables out there, especially in the dead of winter at the busiest shipping time of year.  Predictable worry, of course, but seriously folks, hardly the stuff to keep you up at night or want to “read” over and over.  So why is it all I’m hearing about, everywhere I turn? If you’re in that situation now, I have just one word of advice to you… shop earlier next year!!!! (Today’s sermon of the day lol.) And of course, as always, happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  HERO – Maxi Outfit Red.  Includes black leather jacket over a ribbed red shirt, together with jeans.  Sized for Slink, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Adin, Gamit, Onupup, & Classic. EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.
  • Head & Skin:  Akeruka (AK) – Clay (deluxe bento, with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Male Physique Mesh Body
  • Hair:  Vango – Jared
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey
  • Backdrop:  FOXCITY – Lucky Lounge Photo Booth
  • Pose:  Wrong & The Owl – Static Male Poses #7, pose 2

Hmmm, where should THIS carrot go?

http://Hmmm, where should THIS carrot go?

So yes, I love all these wintry pix, and all the snowy accessories here in Second Life. But I have to say, when it comes to Real Life, I’m so done with it.  It’s sooooooo cold and icy, and rather than feeling even the smallest spark of joy if it starts to snow, instead the attitude that rises is one of “Oh great, more snow.”  And winter hasn’t even officially begun!!  All I keep telling myself is one more winter to go, and then I AM DONE.  I won’t have to live through this and freeze and ache to my bones.  I’ll be able to visit and ooh and aaahhh, and then I’ll be able to go home to a nice warm sunny clime where I never have to worry about slipping on the ice or shoveling out the driveway or having to drag the dog out in subfreezing weather (she’s smart enough to not want to go out either).  And then I’ll enjoy wonderful outfits like this even more than I do now, where all I can see is the fun and beauty, and not the bitter cold that goes with them.  What can I say? I need more hot coffee, just to warm up after having been out in the frigid air.   Brrrrrr…… happppppy shoppppppinggggg!

  • Outfit:  Hawker’s House – Alpine Hooded Cardigan Aspen, which comes with the Skinny Jeans & Snow Boots.  Such a warm toasty outfit for a snow-filled winter’s day of fun! Love the pattern & mixed fabrics on this thick heavy cardigan, which is sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, eBody, Ocacin, TMP, & Classic XS-L.  The comfy mesh blue denim skinny jeans & Larken red snow boots are classic sized only, but easily fit mesh bodies with use of body alphas.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Besom – Aidia
  • Lashes:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Fashiowl Poses – Snowman
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

Tell it to the mountain

http://Tell it To the Mountain

OK, so this is my second time writing this post.  My lovely computer lost the entire thing WHILE I WAS SAVING IT.  My frustration level has been rising day by day.  I’ve known my hard drive was failing, which is why I ordered a new computer back on Black Friday. The day it was to arrive I received an email saying it was delayed… possibly till Jan 10th.  After two days with no further word, I went shopping online.  Configured my own, got something even better for a bit less money, and then went into customer service h*ll trying to cancel computer #1.  Bottom line… it can’t be cancelled but it can be returned no charge.  So two computers are now on the way. In the meantime, this one has gotten so bad that I lost my entire post.  EVERYTHING.  Not just this bit, which is the easy part, but all the details and all the slurls.  Then on top of it, it took multiple tries and loads of time to get the shot below to upload.  Geez, it shouldn’t be this hard! Screams out my frustration at the mountain, trying to let the peace and calm of the scene wash over me… taking deep breaths… remembering to breathe… and oh yeah, happy shopping…

  • Outfit:  Jezzixa Cazalet for Prism Designs – Prism Inez Pant Set.  I just love the gleam of the satin & the way the sleeves are pushed up on this deceptively simple, loose cropped top, plus the little matching splashes of color on the tight pants with the zippers at the top of the thighs & then the open ankle zippers.  Available in 6 color options or as a fatpack, sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  See below for a full standing pic. EXCLUSIVELY available at the Designer Circle 25/19, open Dec 15th – 28th.  Demo available.
  • Scene:  TM Creation – “Hug Me Tender Bear” Winter Scene. Winter scene placed on pile of snow with snowy rocks (walkable on top), brushes, ferns, sled, blanket, little bears & literally hundreds of singles & couples anims (including bento). No Poseball – No static poses – Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each).  EXCLUSIVELY available in both PG & Adult versions at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Moon – Bedshaped
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD10 Eyeshadow; Jessy HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Ariel Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Nails:  LIVIA – Deep Gel
  • Shoes:  KC Couture – Winslet




At the breaking point

http://At the Breaking Point

You know how much fun the holiday shopping is when it starts? But then at some point, it’s not fun any more, it’s become more of a chore.  Who’s left? What did I forget? What do you mean it’s out of stock? How can I have absolutely NO idea what to get for this person or that? Well, I’ve hit that point.  Thankfully, I bought my one of my most difficult gifts yesterday — my mom who is in memory care — so all gifts are bought, EXCEPT FOR ONE.  My sister’s birthday is New Year’s Eve, so I have a wee bit more time than for Christmas, but I’m pulling a total blank when it comes to ideas.  The harder I push myself to come up with something, the higher the wall.  Sighs, at least it’s just one lol.  Of course my son just called asking for help with ideas for the family, so here I go again lol! Hope you’re having an easier time of it!!!!  It will all be over soon… in the meantime, happy shopping!

  • Outfit: in.SANITY Designs – NEW! Snuggles.  Named perfectly, for this comfy little snuggle of a winter dress. Warm thick knit, off-shoulder, criss-crossing the chest, then hanging a bit loose.  Warm, comfy, snuggly, & stylish.  10 Colors available separately or in a Fat pack with a HUD for all 10. Sized for Slink, Belleza, Maitreya, & Tonic.  Also available on Marketplace!
  • Shoes:  MOZ Designs – NEW! “Milano” Ankle Boots.  Absolutely adorable with some “open laceup” up the front.  Available in 6 single leathers or a fatpack. Sized for Slink, Belleza, Maitreya, Tonic & eBody.  Available at both the mainstore & at the December Sense Event, Dec 18th – Jan 8th.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Dove, worn in Caramel browless.  What can I say?  I was actually stopped during this photo shoot to be asked what skin I was wearing.  Another sensational Omega skin,  two options of 5 tones each, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows, available at UNIK Event Dec 7th – 28th.  Shape & demos also available. 
  • Head: Tonic – Pixie, newest bento head from Tonic
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  Doux – Lala
  • Brows:  Avada – Anja Eyebrows
  • Mole/Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Fall Eyeshadows; DS’Elles – Series 8 Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Dahlia – Gamma – Sun, Moon & Stars Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Secret Poses – Xmas Bike
  • Location:  Cherishville

A moment by the fire

http://A moment by the fire

In these last few weeks before the holidays when stress starts to build over finding last minute gifts, dealing with parties, or — for me — delayed orders, dying computers, and a nagging sore throat/cough, one of the more calming visions is just relaxing by the fire, doing nothing at all but being.  Sighs… if only it was possible in real life as easily as it is here.  But at least I can have it here, whenever I need it (and boy, am I needing it!!!!)  Just need to recharge my batteries, as it were, to finish up that holiday/birthday shopping and end the year on a high note… happy shopping to all!

What we’re wearing:

  • Outfits:   {-sonder-} – Holiday Pajamas.  The most adorable Christmas onesies, made for men, women, & children.  I don’t have kids in SL (unless you count the kittycat version lol), so I was sooooo happy that there were adult sizes of these! I’m wearing “Santa Pets”, made in sizes for Slink, Belleza, & Maitreya; Crichton is wearing the “Santa Onesie”, made for Slink, Jake, & Signature Gianni.  (“Icy Deer” style also available.)   At the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st. 
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Sedona, worn in Caramel browless, BOM version.  A real beauty of a lightly freckled Omega skin,  two options of 5 tones each, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows, available at Shiny Shabby till Dec 15th.  Shape & demos also available.  (Crichton is wearing the skin included with his AK head.)
  • Heads:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM) for me; Clay for Crichton
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet, Male & Female versions
  • Hair:  Tameless – Candy (for me); Vango – Jared (for Crichton)
  • Freckles/Eyebrows:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); Curved Eyebrows
  • Nails:  Iconic Designs – Christmas Time Nails

The scene:

  • Fireplace:  Tylar’s Treasures – Christmas Pointsettia Fireplace, includes the fireplace with crackling fire (touch on/off), log holder, two potted pointsettia plants, & the hanging garland.  What a beauty! To make it even more special, it’s a 100% EXCLUSIVE DONATION ITEM to the fight against children’s cancer through Relay for Life at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo, open through Dec 15th.  Sharing a booth with Home Whimsy; your taxi is waiting for you HERE.
  • Rug:  Simple Reflections – Christmas Blanket & Christmas Tree Gnome.  The perfect rug for stretching out in front of the fireplace, the cat pillows add just the right touch of whimsy.  Includes a texture changer, plus loads of both single & cuddle animations (44 single sits, 28 cuddles, 18 massage).  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.  (The Gnome is sold separately.)

Baby Wait, It’s Christmas, Please Don’t Go

http://Baby, Wait, It's Christmas, Please Don't Go

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season are the lights.  I just love walking the dog after dark, and seeing all the decorations lit up in the dark… even though they’re the same night after night, they still make smile, each and every time.  That’s why one of my favorite parts of this year’s SL Christmas Expo — which you hopefully know by now is the last mega-event of the year for Relay for Life and it’s fight against cancer (this event’s mission is specifically raising money to fight children’s cancer) — is the 2nd Annual Lights of Hope Decoration Contest, where they take those beautiful outdoor decorations that I enjoy so much here in the real world and do them up big time inworld.  I’ve included the poster below with some of the particulars, and to quote the formal description:

“Each of the builders has decorated the outside of one of their stunning houses in holiday style and brought it to the Expo.  Stroll the Holiday Road neighbourhood at the Expo and vote for your favourites by donation to the American Cancer Society kiosk in front of each home! 100% of all “votes” go directly to the American Cancer Society.  Be sure to pop over to the Real Estate Office in the neighbourhood where some of the builders have graciously placed out their entry home for sale in an American Cancer Society Christmas Expo vendor.  But wait there is more!  Linden Lab® Partners With The Expo to Help the American Cancer Society Fight Childhood Cancer!  Linden Lab® will be decorating Linden homes as part of the Lights Of Hope contest. That’s right,  teams of Lindens have been untangling lights, checking bulbs, inflating Santa’s and climbing to the rooftops to hang lights on their Linden homes.  Do we have a Clark Griswald amongst them?  Maybe a Martha Stewart?  It’s up to you to decide what team has the best-decorated home.”

I can tell you it’s absolutely beautiful to stroll through the Lights of Hope areas.  In fact, it’s where I took this pic.  So if you love holiday lights — and unless you’re a true grinch, who doesn’t? — go for a stroll and marvel at the creativity of all these wonderful designers!

What I’m wearing:

  • Gown: Allure Couture – Saraphine.   Simply stunning complete formal outfit consisting of a low-cut, gold-trimmed, very modernized classic gown with a transparent corset & lace overlay, over-the-elbow gloves, & matching heels.  Available in Black, Green, Purple & Red, or in a Fatpack with a HUD of 8 textures.  Sized for Slink HG, Belleza F/I/V, eBody, Altamura, & Maitreya.  100% EXCLUSIVE DONATION ITEM to the fight against children’s cancer through Relay for Life at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo, open through Dec 15th.  You can TP direct to the Allure booth at the Expo HERE.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  D!va – Helen
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; Amata HD Eyeshadow; Amata HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  RH Engel Jewelry – Hope Emerald/Diamond Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

What Crichton’s wearing:

  • Tuxedo:  Allure Couture – Steven.  This handsome tux is also a complete outfit, including the “suit”, the vest, & the shoes.  Available in the same color choices as the Saraphine gown — Black, Green, Purple & Red, or in a Fatpack with a HUD of 8 textures.  What I like most about this tux is that the color choices allow you to match while still maintaining a very classic look.  Sized for Slink, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, & Classic XS-XL.  100% EXCLUSIVE DONATION ITEM to the fight against children’s cancer through Relay for Life at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo, open through Dec 15th. You can TP direct to the Allure booth at the Expo HERE.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head & Skin:  Akeruka (AK) – Clay (deluxe bento, with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Male Physique Mesh Body
  • Hair:  Volthair – George
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey

The scene:

  • Pose:  ACT 5 Poses – 340 Couple Stand (Marketplace Only)… it should be noted that this pose is not presented as designed since I was unable to rez the pose but instead had to use it separately for male & female & then position to create something unique & different
  • Location:  SL Christmas Expo, Lights of Hope

How can I have nothing to wear?

http://How can I have nothing to wear?

Even before I became a blogger, I had a pretty full clothing inventory because I love to shop.  In fact, that’s why I was tempted into blogging in the first place!  Now my virtual closets are overflowing, and definitely not nearly as well organized as they could or should be.  And yet I have to admit that there are plenty of times when I’m stumped, staring at my closet and feeling that I have absolutely nothing to wear  when going dancing or somewhere special.  I don’t even know how that’s possible, and it’s somewhat embarrassing to admit, and yet, it is often the case.  Tons of outfits, and nothing to wear.  Figures. Well, just one thing for a girl to do in that kind of situation… GO SHOPPING!!!!

  • Outfit:  WellMade – Maddox Outfit.  Love this lingerie outfit!  It’s just so different than the itty-bitty, overly sexual lingerie sets you generally see in here.  This set is just so much more what us fuller-bodied girls wear in RL, & yet the way it shows off my curves (especially from the back!) still makes it plenty seductive!  And the little mini-sweater just to keep you warm enough while trying to decide what else (if anything!) to wear… perfect! The HUD provides 10 color choices for bra, panties, & sweater.  Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody, Altamura, & Maitreya.  At the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Imani
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD10 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Purple
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Sentiments Necklace, Loved; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Secret Poses – Wear This, #8
  • Backdrop:  Crystal – My Christmas Closet