I’ve stubbornly got the Gilbert & Sullivan lyrics and thoughts of spring in my head as I watch the snow squalls of the polar vortex through my windows. If I couldn’t escape to the freshness and (imagined) warmth of spring and summer here in Second Life, I could see myself succumbing to cabin fever and just losing it. As my recent posts all attest, I definitely have spring on the brain. And if the essence of spring is rebirth and newness, then in some ways, I’m living it as well… not just in my new home, but with new sponsors, and in the new looks and new designers I’m finding, and of course sharing with you! 😉
- Head: Tonic – SNEAK PREVIEW!! Abbi, the brand-new bento head from Tonic has a whole new look, from other heads on the market & from the earlier Tonic heads. Yes, I’m still tweaking here & there, but I’m so happy to finally be able to wear her out & about!!! Abbi will be launched at the February eBento, which opens on Feb 8th. More details to come as the date comes closer.
- Dress: D!vine Style – Ruby Cold Shoulder Tunic Sweater; wow, I just love this dress, which was available at the Jan Dazzle Event (now ended)! It’s a shape I’ve never worn before, & the criss-cross on the breasts together with the off-shoulder & teeny spaghetti straps, & then the gentle drape around your body… well, to say it’s incredibly flattering doesn’t do it justice. And the HUD! I’ve NEVER seen a HUD with so many incredible options to choose from — there are “themes” with neutrals, patterns, prints, text, geometry, fur, knit, sequin… & they ALL look great! I was so torn, but then decided to go with MY theme… SPRING, & to start gathering my rosebuds with my best come hither look! Sized for Tonic, Belleza F/V, Slink H/P, Maitreya, Ocacin, Voluptuous, & Classic.
- Jewelry: Stone’s Works – Snake Charmers Choker in Silver Coral; this GORGEOUS choker is at the Medieval Fantasy Fair VIII from Jan 26 to Feb 16, but there’s nothing medieval about it! This is just a sensational piece of jewelry, a true work of art, that is equally at home accenting a formal gown or a more casual dress like this one. Includes a resize HUD so that you can easily adjust it to fit both your neck & your outfit’s neckline. !IT! – Crescent Moon Earrings
- Shoes: [Sheba] Creations – Lavinia Slingback, to add the perfect “spring” to your step! The standard 50-color HUD lets you sets one color for the base of the shoes, another for the top strap so that they can match almost any outfit. Sizes for Belleza, Slink & Maitreya.
- Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control
- Brows: DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
- Hair: Stealthic – Jealousy
- Eyes: IKON – Triumph
- Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – Stormy, worn in Butter Browless
- Makeup: Dulce Secrets – Pucker Up Lip Gloss
- Freckles: Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (LAQ Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
- Pose: Image Essentials – Spring has Sprung
- Location: My NEW home at GlenXi Estates