Dancing at the Magic of Dawn

https://Dawn of the Magic of Dance

It’s rare that I’m forced to do two posts a day, but that’s what happens when a 4-book fantasy series grabs you and won’t let you put it down AND the Superbowl happens when you need to do your posts.  That said, I’m dancing as fast as I can…

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Ravia.  Another fabulous addition to the Ersch Collab Collection, this two piece dress incorporating heart shapes & optional heart textures (in the Valentine’s fabric pack, worn).  She can be worn either short or long, & as always, all elements have individual HUD controls to change color or turn on/off hide options.  Choose from 10 single colors, one or more of the 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs, or the MegaPack so you don’t have to choose!  Ravia is sized for Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Kupra, & Reborn+Mounds+Waifu, & is EXCLUSIVELY available at the current round of Fameshed, open Feb 1st – 27th.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Camila Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Lumae – Ianthe in Peony
  • Hair:  WINGSDG – ES0615
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – HoneyLove
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Stranded Swyrl Horns
  • Makeup:  Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadows
  • Wings:  geek – Cherubim
  • Pose:  [piXit] – Terpsichore
  • Backdrop:  SATO – Dawn of Magic

Am I Blue?

https://Am I Blue?

Freezing my bones, even here in Florida where we are not really built to accommodate this kind of weather.  As a former NY-er (not that you ever actually STOP being a NY-er when you’re born and bred there).  But even dog walking has become a challenge (the dog doesn’t want to go out either lol), and it’s hard to do outdoor activities like golf wearing umpteen clothing layers with freezing cold hands.  Although I’m generally happy being a homebody, that includes being able to sit outside on my lanai and read my book, etc…. and THAT is definitely NOT in the cards at the moment.  And SL has been frustrating me of late, some health issues are raising their ugly heads (nothing serious, thankfully), the holidays are over and absolutely nothing is on the horizon, so yes, blue seems to be the color of the moment.  Light blue, but still blue… Hmmm, might be time for some post-holiday shopping therapy…  perhaps I’ll see you there?

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Dahlie.  Another fabulous addition to the Ersch Collab Collection, this silky dress sports a soft fur top lining & delicate little bows with a tiny dash of seasonal cheer that can last all season long.  She can be worn either short or long, & as always, all elements have individual HUD controls to change color or turn on/off hide options.  Choose from 10 single colors, one or more of the 4 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs, or the MegaPack so you don’t have to choose!  Dahlie is sized for Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Kupra, & Reborn+Mounds+Waifu, & is EXCLUSIVELY available at the current round of the Kinky Event, open through Jan 23rd.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Camila Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Wyldeia Pastelle, worn in Lavi
  • Hair:  bonbon – zoey
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Shoujo
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Stranded Swyrl Horns
  • Makeup:  Loa – Gaia Nose Contour & Eyeliner
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  Lyrium – Irisa
  • Location:  Cherry Blossom Cove

Don’t worry, we’ll find our way!

https://Don't worry, we'll find our way...

It’s the time of year when we start to re-evaluate our choices, maybe more so for me than others, because on top of it being the holidays and New Year’s, it’s also my birthday.   And (for me, anyway) that re-evaluation includes my choices inworld.  One thing is certain… I don’t like looking young in SL.  I’m no longer young IRL, and it rubs me the wrong way to look too young here on the grid, it’s just not who I am.  I had originally made a conscious decision that my fae didn’t need to look as mature as my human avatar, after all, she is fae and therefore blessed with longevity and not quite as subject to the aging process.  And originally, she looked somewhat non-human, but a tweak here, a tweak there, and suddenly she’s very human looking, and very young at that.  That look may work for certain styles, certain characters, certain concepts, but she’s just not who I want to be any more.  And with the magic of SL (and the awesome new holiday head free from Lelutka), I have created a somewhat older, more hardened, wiser, experienced fae, who I have christened Xanthe.  I may have already tweaked her too far into humanlike from where she started, but as we all know, that is a great deal of the fun behind character creation here in SL… one that I still fully enjoy when the rest of the magic is sadly fading (seems to be a cycle for me, one that comes at the end of the year like clockwork).  Where do I go from here? We shall see, but I think Xanthe will find her way, while Thea will happily frolic in the glade…  Happy Holidays!

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Holly.  Another perfect example of why Jangka is IMHO a leading fantasy designer… the styling & detail are always just right, with those extra-special little touches (such as the decorative holly at the hips in honor of the season).   Available in 5 individual colors, a limited edition, or as a fatpack; boots & kneepads are available in black or brown, Holly is 100% full body original mesh, sized for Legacy + LaraX.  A slightly modified version (Holly II, which also includes a Reborn size) is EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Enchantment, open Dec 13th – Jan 4th.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Camila Head (EvoX), new FREE head for 12 Days of Christmas
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Blue, worn in Hadrieni
  • Hair:  KMH – CP007
  • Horns:  Static – Taffeta Horns
  • Makeup:  Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadows + Trance Face Paint
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Crown:  Faunus – Xmas Crown (FREE Group Gift)
  • Pose: elephante poses – Tink
  • Dogs & Sled:  Teegle – Arctic Dog Sled, currently available at Enchantment
  • Location:  Enchantment Presents Once Upon a Snowflake

The holidays can be a lonely time for those who are different or alone…

https://The holidays can be a lonely time for those who are different or alone...

Holiday time is definitely here… everyone is so happy, putting up decorations, singing songs (that music is EVERYWHERE), searching for what gifts to give, and the parties, OMG they never stop.  I DO appreciate it all, it IS fun, I participate, but it can sometimes just be so overwhelming.  Rarely does anyone ever stop and think, even for just a single moment, that for some of us it’s not OUR holiday, these are not OUR traditions.  All that happiness and joy does bring up a bit of an outsider feeling, and I just miss my home planet and OUR traditions all the more.  The human holidays can be such a  lonely time for those who are different, or alone, or just struggling in some way.  I need to remember that I’m not the only one feeling “outside”, and look for others so that we can all lend understanding and support to each other while continuing to join in all the festivities.  It won’t be long before the garlands are down, and the music reverts, and life can just go back to normal.  But oh, the shopping will also revert, and holiday shopping is definitely the best! Now there’s a pick-me-up!!!!

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Alloi.  Another outfit with that unique & instantly recognizable Petrichor+Ersch style that I consider to be pure “seductive fantasy.”   Alloi is sized for Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu, & as always, there’s a variety of 40-color fabric HUDs to choose from.  In the mainstore; demo available. (See the ad below)
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Alexandrite – Mistyque in Python
  • Hair:  monso – Jinx
  • Eyes:  Sequoia – Radioactive
  • Horns:  Antaya – Unisex Krampus Horns
  • Wings:  Horl – Bat Wings
  • Xmas Accessories:  Faunus – Poinsettia Crown, special 50L item @ the Dec round of WLRP; Drunken Brokkr – Stjarnan Hand Jewelry, x-mas special @ the Dec round of WLRP; The Looking Glass – Merry Lanterns 2021 Centerpiece & Under the Same Moon Romance Wall Planter Xmas
  • Bat:  HEXtraordinary – Bat Cat
  • Pose:  Diversion – Apocalypse
  • Backdrop:  The Bearded Guy – New Horizons

Fae in Atomic City

https://Fae in Atomic City

I will admit that I don’t frequent this fashion style very often, but there has always been something about Steampunk that just draws me in.  The combination of styles and eras — not to mention airships!! — is just so unique, it’s fun to create a look and then see where it takes you!  Me, I usually end up exploring and shopping!  Speaking of which, I’m off! Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Lya.  Another gorgeous dress with that unique Petrichor style that I consider to be pure “seductive fantasy.”   Includes the dress, cinch corset, arms, belt, chest strap, all of which have individual HUD controls to change color or turn on/off hide options.  Straps, corsets, & cogs decorate this cute little dress, & as always, the detail, style & fit are all amazing, as is the range of options in each of the 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs  (there’s also a MegaPack if you can’t choose just one or 10 single colors if you can).  Lya is sized for Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu.  Exclusively available at the current round of the Engine Room, open through Oct 20th.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Gloom – Calin in Papaya (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F266, now at Engine Room
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Makeup:  Knife Party + Millenium – Eye makeup, liner only; Nefekalum – Golden Agiz Face Stripe (old Engine Room gift)
  • Headgear: PIXEL BOX – SL21B Gift
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05
  • Wings:  BMe – Mechanical Copper Wings
  • Pose:  STUN – Fay
  • Location:  Atomic City

Sometimes the crown just gets so heavy, you know?

https://Sometimes the crown just gets so heavy, you know?

Even princesses sometimes need to get away from the stress of being royalty, a small escape to have some fun.  Thankfully the SL Renaissance Festival is still running, through tomorrow October 6th.  Full of fun events and festivities (not to mention shopping!!!), it’s also a fundraiser to help in the fight against cancer.  So put your cares away for the moment, and let’s go lift an ale together, join the merriment, and fill our baskets with all kinds of goodies from the festival! See you there!!!

  • Gown:  Les Encantades – Berthild.  Love the styling on this medieval gown, especially with its variety of textures! Available in 5 colors, the fullpack includes an amazing texture HUD that lets you mix & match all different parts of the outfit (see the ad below).  Sized for Legacy, Reborn, & Maitreya, Berthild is currently available at the SL Renaissance Festival as a 100% DONATION item.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Pose:  Seetra Poses – Lily Tales Collection.   7 fairy tale poses, complete with the giant lily flower & butterfly (both in two colors; my pic shows one, the ad below shows the other).  Perfect for any fae or medieval lass, these poses are currently available at the SL Renaissance Festival as a 100% DONATION item.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.  There’s even a Demo to try out all the poses!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F213
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Gitrog
  • Makeup:  Poema – Praline Eyeshadow
  • Circlet:  lassitude & ennui – Vanyar crown
  • Wings:  Decoy – Blooming Fae
  • Backdrop:  Empire Textures – Castle of Dreams



Medieval times… beautiful from a distance, but when you think about the reality of life without all the modern conveniences, well, it’s another story.  But I do love my velvets, and the relative simplicity of life… and it’s certainly nicer here in the castle than out there with “all the small folk”…   The harsh realities of life put our luxuries in proper perspective, which is a good thing… to appreciate all we have.  The SL Renaissance Festival is an opportunity to explore and enjoy all of what was medieval, and to do it for a cause we can all support… combatting cancer!  Remember, every linden spent at this fabulous festival goes to the cause.  So come all ye lords and ladies, join the fight, and enjoy! The SL Renaissance Festival is open through Oct 6th.

  • Gown:  YOKANA – Eloise.  A very recognizable medieval silhouette that is somewhat lacking here in SL.  In one of four rich velvet textures banded with gold at the neckline, bust, & hem, plus banded & slashed balloon sleeves, Eloise is sized for TMP (which fits my Legacy body perfectly), Maitreya, Venus, Physique, & Standard.  Each color is a 100% DONATION item, & is EXCLUSIVELY available at the SL Renaissance Festival as a 100% DONATION item.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Headdress:  VESTA – Artu Crown.  100% Original Mesh, this stunning medieval headdress includes a HUD offering 8 colors for the Velvet, 6 for the Metal, & 8 for the Back Veil, plus 8 metals individually for the Pearls, Pearl Chain, & Pearl Drop.  This headgear is EXCLUSIVELY available at the SL Renaissance Festival as a 100% DONATION item.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Goblet:  Swank & Co. – Cabochon Chalice w/texture change.  A goblet fit for royalty, this chalice includes texture options for the Metal, Gems, & Wine/Water (please note that it does NOT include a pose).  available at the SL Renaissance Festival as a 100% DONATION item.  You can TP direct to the booth HERE.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Glam Affair – Winnie, in Icy (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck Oblivion – Giuliana Farnese
  • Makeup:  Dernier – “Foxxie” Tintable Eyeshadow; Glam Affair – Winnie Lips Toner
  • Jewelry:  Petrichor – Kaira Cameo Jewelry
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Splash Wings, Fairy Style
  • Pose:  Black Tulip – The Ice Queen
  • Location:  Avilion Heart

Fetch me this, fetch me that, when all I want is to get to the Festival!

https://Fetch me this, fetch me that, when all I want is to get to the Festival!

This is the time for Renaissance fairs everywhere, and Second Life is no exception.  The SL Renaissance Festival is an annual fundraising event which raises funds for the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, and it is a celebration of everything medieval.  This is a festival filled with valor and celebration, where every arrow and every linden spent supports the vital work of the American Cancer Society.  From Sept 27th through October 6th, you can step into a world brimming with heroic deeds and exciting challenges/tournaments, not to mention spectacular entertainment and lots of shopping!  Come join us for the SL Renaissance Festival 2024 as we embark on a noble quest in the fight against breast cancer!

  • Gown:  AVAGirl – Medieval Royal Dress.  Including both the dress & the gold-edged veil, this gown absolutely belongs in the company of royalty… It even boasts the keys to the kingdom in the center panel of the skirt!  Includes a 6-color HUD of royally rich textures for the velvet (the corset waist & inner skirt stay the same; see the ad below).  Sized for Legacy+Perky, Reborn, Maitreya+Petite+LaraX+XPetite, & Freya, 100% DONATION item, the dress is EXCLUSIVELY available at the SL Renaissance Festival.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewelry – d’Medici Collection.  Incredibly stylish necklace & earrings set that definitely has that medieval look with the big jeweled cross.  Sized for Legacy, Reborn, Lara+LaraX, & unrigged, for a perfect fit. This 100% DONATION item is EXCLUSIVELY available at the SL Renaissance Festival.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.  Demo available so you can see the fabulous look & fit!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Glam Affair – Winnie, in Icy (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck Oblivion – Isabella D’Este
  • Makeup:  Dernier – “Foxxie” Tintable Eyeshadow; Glam Affair – Winnie Lips Toner
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  IDK – Pack #183 (mod)
  • Location:  Right of Conquest:  A Story of Ice and Fire

Another troublemaker banned from the garden!

http://Banned from the garden!

Don’t you wish sometimes that you had enough control where you could just ban someone from your world??  Not to get political (though there are PLENTY of folks I would ban if I could lol), so we’ll use Loki as an example… someone who just can’t resist causing trouble, it’s just part of their nature.  I mean sometimes you just want to stand there and scream “Can’t we all just get along?”  Perhaps enough banning would help all the Lokis of the world change their ways, but sadly, I am not a witch doctor and there is no power in this interconnected world to effectively ban someone from society.  But it’s a tempting thought, no?

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Oona.  A perfect example of why Jangka is IMHO a leading fantasy designer… no matter what fantasy genre an outfit belongs to (medieval, scifi, etc), the styling & detail are just top-notch!  Just look at Oona… leather, bones, fur, straps, & metal, all “finely wrought”.  Available in 6 individual colors or as a fatpack; boots, shoulder armor, & armbands are available in black or brown; the awesome headdress is available in 4 colors. Sized for Legacy, Maitreya + LaraX, she is 100% full body original mesh.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Wyldeia Pastelle, worn in Azuri
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Nala
  • Wings:  Decoy – Blooming Fae: Wings Midnight
  • Pose:   piXit – The Reaper
  • Props:  DOBS – Witch Doctor Staff; Mish Mish – Bunny Fluffz, Brown Dutchie
  • Backdrop:  T-Spot Home & Garden – Eternal Passage

Fae at Lost Unicorn

http://Fae at Lost Unicorn

Who doesn’t love unicorns?  Sometimes I wonder if they truly did exist in real life but were hunted to extinction, as so many wondrous species have been throughout history.  But here in SL, at least, unicorns are still to be found, and IMHO they are nowhere quite as lovely as they are in their very own world at Lost Unicorn… a perfect place for fae (and yes, even humans) to explore! Happy shopping!

P.S.: AARGH!!! Sometimes I think that using a computer successfully is ALSO like finding a unicorn!  Now that my constant crashing issues in SL appear to have improved somewhat, Flickr wouldn’t let me upload despite their status showing “no issues.”  Here I am, about 5 hours later, being told that “We had a brief incident that was affecting uploads.  Our engineers have resolved the issue now.”  Now that I’ve lost most of the day… but maybe, just maybe, I’ve found this unicorn?

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Silethe.  Another gorgeous dress with that unique Petrichor style that I consider to be pure “seductive fantasy.”  As always, the detail, style & fit are all amazing, as is the range of options in any of the 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs  (she’s also available in 10 single colors, if you can manage to choose just one).  This time, the fabric packs are not “fabric” per se; they’re graphic choices (one is fabric only without graphic)… I’ve chosen “Bravery”, which is the regally gorgeous lion! (See the ad below which also shows Cunning, the snake.)  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics.  Silethe is sized for Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu.  Originally released for the recent Wizarding Faire, both the outfit & demo are available at the main store.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  IVES Beauty – Dove in Lavender Fairy (body skin by Velour)
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Amos
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_EMPIRE
  • Horns, Necklaces & Forehead Deco:  Petrichor – Farys
  • Makeup:  Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol2; StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix HD Lips
  • Tattoo:  Octubre x Kitty Coven – Luz
  • Wings:  Aii  – Fairy Wings
  • Shoes:  Sheba – Cyra Sandals
  • Pose:  Stardust – Summer Breeze
  • Location:  Lost Unicorn