Last Chance to Outshop Cancer!

http://Last Chance to Outshop Cancer!

That’s right, this chance to help fight bright cancer and support  research and programs & services for breast cancer survivors just by shopping here in SL is almost over.  The Out Shop Cancer Shopping event  main store and Marketplace shopping event – an official Strides Campaign the American Cancer Society in Second Life ends on October 31st.   Don’t miss out on this opportunity to do something really worthwhile with those lindens you’re spending.  Every linden adds up!!! Happy shopping!!!

Wythburn Fine Furniture – Garden Bench.  This seemingly ordinary garden bench is so much more than it looks.  First off, you can easily texture just the seat, the legs, or both to any of 4 different materials (Goldleaf, Granite, Limestone, or Marble), each with 9 color choices.  Once you have it customized to the look you want, you can play with all of the animations (Gentleman, Lady, or Two of Us), both with two more levels of submenus.  Easily resized, all of which makes it perfect for any garden or patio, be it fantasy or human.   Even better, proceeds of all purchases through the end of October are pledged to the American Cancer Society in SL, through the Outshop Cancer event. What a fabulous way to spruce up your SL home while shopping with a purpose!!! Don’t just sit around and wait… even on such a fabulous bench as this!

Also shown:

Black Magic Woman

http://Black Magic Woman

Well, now I’ve done it.  I’ve gone and broken one of my cardinal rules about blogging… all fantasy posts are supposed to fall into Thea’s wheelhouse, while I handle human fashion and home & decor.  But this outfit was just too tempting to follow rules like that, and let’s face it… Halloween is one of those times when everyone gets to dress up and picturize their fantasy, and I have just as much right to exercise my imagination as she does!  That said, I think I make a pretty awesome witchy elf with a bent towards the black side of magic!  I had a blast putting this look together and then exploring some of the highly creative Halloween sims that some truly imaginative minds have put together.  I have to admit, I might get a bit wistful once November rolls around and I have to pack away my elfin ears and my witchy wiles… at least till next time!  Happy shopping, and Happy Halloween!

    • Outfit:  Skindustrial Bodyworks (SKBW) – Rune Witch.  Sexy & just slightly on the dark side, this awesome costume includes the tunic with metallic collar & a magical rune print, arm bands, witch helm, & BOM layers for the face tattoo, the eyeshadow, the body tattoo, & the full body/face, as well as the magic orb (with bento hold). Sized for Slink HG/P, Legacy, Belleza F/I/V,  Maitreya, & Classic M.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the October round of the Swank Event, Oct 7th – 31st.  Demo available.
    • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
    • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
    • Eyes:  SAMIA – RIA Eyes
    • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Lorena
    • Hair:  Analog Dog – Glamp
    • Makeup:  Opulein – Harmony Lips
    • Nails:  Stunner Originals – Bento Nails Mesh Ballerina Long
    • Location:  Frogmore

Queen of the Nile

http://Queen of the Nile

Even a role-playing fae likes to dress up sometimes and try something a little different.  This opportunity to go Egyptian and dress for the age of the Pharoahs was one I couldn’t pass by!  I was tempted to look for the “King Tut dance” (think Steve Martin on classic Saturday Night Live), but to my mind, Queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra were way too elegant for that!  The look was really fun to put together, and even more fun to wear about the grid.  Both Egyptian items are available at the Fallen Gods Anniversary Market, which also has a hunt going on as part of the celebration.  I highly recommend taking a trip to the Land of the Pharoahs,  checking out all the fun items and events, and exploring this unique and creative sim!!!  Happy shopping!

  • Dress:  Poet’s Heart – Nefer.   A very simple & elegant sleeveless gown, perfect for role-play but also suitable for any formal affair! Priss comes in two color packs of 7 colors each or a fatpack of all 14.  Each has a HUD to customize the color of the dress, the belt, the dress edge, & the belt edge separately.  Nefer is sized only for Maitreya, & is available EXCLUSIVELY at the Fallen Gods 14th Anniversary Market Festival, which opened October 1st.  Demo available, as is an optional accessory to complete the Nefer look! (See below)
  • Hair:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck Oblivion – Nefertiti. Black hair in that classically ancient Egyptian style.  Serpent headpiece clicks to visible or hidden.  Absolutely exceptional for Egyptian role-play!!!  See the closeup below for this wig available EXCLUSIVELY at the Fallen Gods 14th Anniversary Market Festival, which opened October 1st.  
  • Horn:  Petrichor – Farys Horns.  These stunning horns can be worn bare as shown here or with a full set of add-ons; they also include optional forehead deco, 3 types of earrings (to be worn together or separately), & necklaces. 100% custom mesh & textures, with everything HUD controlled. I couldn’t even count how many texture options there are!
  • Head, Makeup & Ears:  LOGO  – Bella bento head with Ilvanya Elf Ears.
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition (absolutely no issue wearing this gown, even without a specific Legacy size!)
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Mabeline
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} – Meringue Eyes, Set 1
  • Brows: [N O R U S H] – Bento Salma Eyebrows
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Jewelry:  Grasshopper St Studio – Egyptian Plate Collar Gold; [DB] & [LaZe] – Skrida Armlets
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Blood, Ink, Splash Wings
  • Pose:  an lar – The Paulette Series
  • Location:  Fallen Gods Inc & Libertine

A Moment of Reflection

http://A Moment of Reflection

Cancer.  The word just sends a chill right through me.  I don’t know anyone, anyone at all, whose life hasn’t been affected in one way or another.  And although I myself have been fortunate enough not to be impacted in my immediate family, it has hit that next ring of in-laws and cousins, as well as the rings of close friends and of neighbors.  That’s why it was so important to me to join forces with Strides Against Cancer and lend my small blogging efforts (not to mention my personal lindens) to the SL Renaissance Festival in its efforts to raise $10,000 USD for the cause…  after the first 2 days, more than $1,000,000L — that’s $4,000 USD — had already been raised.  Won’t you join me at the festival and lend your support? Nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats shopping for a cause!  Full details on special events and all that shopping with a cause can be found at SL Renaissance Festival.  Hope to see you there!  (I’ll be the happy fae on my knight’s arm, taking in all the delights!)

  • Dress:  Dreaming Thicket – Carnation Gown.  Beautiful medieval gown perfect for all those Renaissance ladies out there! A new release for the SL Renaissance Festival 2021, this gorgeous materials-enabled gown is available in 6 colors/textures (I’m wearing Bluebell); the gold thread really pops in different windlights!  Sized for a whole range of bodies — Slink HG/P, Maitreya, Tonic, Belleza F/I/V, Voluptuous, Ocacin, Classic & Classic Fitmesh — with every color a 100% donation to Strides Against Cancer, benefitting the American Cancer Society.  Direct TP to the market booth in Ren Fest IV Shopping HERE, open through October 3rd. Demo available.
  • Horn:  Petrichor – Farys Horns.  These stunning horns can be worn bare as shown here or with a full set of add-ons; they also include optional forehead deco (worn), 3 types of earrings (to be worn together or separately), & necklaces. 100% custom mesh & textures, with everything HUD controlled. I couldn’t even count how many texture options there are!
  • Location:  SL Ren Fest III Shopping Area
  • Head & Ears:  LOGO  – Chelsea bento head with Ilvanya Elf Ears.
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition (absolutely no issue wearing this gown, even without a specific Legacy size!)
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Everlasting
  • Hair:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck – Giuliana Farnese
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel Collection
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Makeup:  Rubedo – pandora; Petrichor – Lip Stripe
  • Wings:  FAS– – Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Celestial

Pick Your Poison

http://Pick Your Poison

One of the many things I’m discovering that I love about the Renaissance Festival (which is currently running through October 3rd) is how it’s making me really think about what life might have been really like back in medieval times.  I’ve read some historical fiction that’s placed in that era, but the Festival brings it home in a very different and somehow more personal way… shopping the fashions to wear… looking at furnishings for my home… watching jousting and sword fights and archery for entertainment.  Today I’m channeling my inner Lucrezia Borgia, searching through my “medicine” cabinet, selecting my poison with great care, keeping in mind that “back in the day,” the line between medicine and poison was extremely blurry.  It’s how women were often accused of being witches because of their knowledge of herbs and other things, which could often help, but could also cause great damage, intentional or otherwise!  Whether or not you roleplay medieval, the Renaissance Festival is an awesome glimpse into another life, another time… just like it is IRL!!!  Don’t miss it… it only comes once a year!!!!  Details about all the events and activities and entertainment and, of course, shopping directories and slurls, can be found HERE.

  • Cabinet:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck – Antique Poisons Cabinet.  Belladonna, arsenic, it’s all there, in this very special piece of medieval home decor for those with that special taste.  Original mesh with scripted doors that open & close.  And of course, the detail is exquisite! 
  • Candelabra:  Swank & Co. –  Gothic Iron Floor Candelabra.  Incredible detail, incredibly realistic. Perfect for any medieval or gothic setting. Brand new EXCLUSIVE, only available at the SL Renaissance Festival 2021, in Ren Fest IV Shopping, now through Oct 3rd.  Direct TP to market booth HERE.  Available in two versions, both of which are a 100% donation to Strides Against Cancer, benefitting the American Cancer Society.
  • Shield:  Ever Green – Tavern Wall Shield.  Menu driven, choose from 4 different shields & 4 different banner colors, with easy resize built in.  Every medieval home or business needs one!  Another brand new EXCLUSIVE that’s a 100% donation to fight breast cancer at the SL Renaissance Festival!  Direct TP to their market booth  HERE also in Ren Fest IV Shopping. 

Don’t fret, the Renaissance Festival will be open soon!

http://Don't fret, the Renaissance Festival will be open soon

Hear ye, hear ye!!! I’m all a-flutter!  I’ve officially joined the blogging team for the SL Renaissance Festival 2021, which opens today Sept 24th.  That means I’ve been thinking medieval and waiting for what seems like forever!!!!  This is only the second year for this now annual event, which has at its heart raising much needed support and funds for the fight against breast cancer.  Anyone who follows this blog knows that both my human counterpart and I do whatever we can, whenever we can, to help support this worthy cause.  I mean, come on, what’s better than shopping with a purpose?  And the Ren Fest combines that most worthy of causes with anything and everything medieval!!!!  For a fae like myself, that’s way WAY up there on the list of favorite things!  Hoozah!!! The festival is open from Sept 24th through Oct 3rd, and is filled with fabulous shopping, entertainment, special events, and yes, tournaments!!!  Read all about it @ …  the pic above was taken at one of the Travelers Camps where they are already preparing to welcome festival guests once the gates have opened, and soon it will be filled with the hubbub of merchants, royalty, peasants, warriors, horses, and more.  I’m impatiently stalking the gates waiting for the official opening…  Hope to see you there!

  • Outfit:  Hawker’s House – Crann Bethadh Armor.  Includes the Neck Guard Top, Corset, Glove Sleeves, Leather Pants with Belt Knife, & Boots.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, Voluptuous, Maitreya, Fitmesh, & Classic.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the SL Renaissance Festival 2021, in Ren Fest III Shopping, now through Oct 3rd.  Direct TP to market booth HERE. This outfit is a 100% donation to Strides Against Cancer, benefitting the American Cancer Society.
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Stranded Swyrl Horns.  NEW RELEASE, bringing another totally different look for unisex horns!  100% custom mesh with all new textures, which are as always in a HUGE HUD with what seems like unlimited options.  As always, the detail is amazing (see below). Modify, resize, toggle the strands on & off (NOTE: these can be construed as hair strands or decorative, as I did).  EXCLUSIVELY available at Solstice: The Fellowship, open until Oct 14th.
  • Location:  Travelers Camp 1 in Unity Maxim at the SL Renaissance Festival 2021
  • Head & Ears:  LOGO  – Chelsea bento head with Ilvanya Elf Ears.
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition (NOTE: absolutely no issues wearing the outfit, even without a special Legacy size)
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Everlasting
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_SILVER
  • Eyes:  SAMIA – MIA Eyes
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Olek Makeup Eyes; Petrichor – Lip Stripe
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Irid Dark Wings
  • Pose:   Empowered – Nature Connection #3

Mother of Dragons

http://Mother of Dragons

No, I’m not trying to be Daenerys Targaryen, but let’s face it… she’s a pretty impressive role model.  (Ok, she went a little crazy there at the end, but let’s just focus on the positive, shall we?).  I see myself as more of a “Defender of Dragons”, allowing these magnificent creatures a small but private space of their own on my land to grow and flourish in peace.  Once, many years ago in my previous lifetime, I had a circling dragon up above my land who nested at top of my waterfall, but he flew off to search for a new home and a new destiny during my long absence.  Perhaps this little one will grow up to take his place, only time will tell.  Or — as a flight of pure fantasy — perhaps he could be trained to search the grid for fabulous fashion fantasy finds (try saying that 5 times fast!!!)!  Well, until that day, I’m on my own… but since I’m good at sharing, here’s what I’ve found!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Elysium.  100% original mesh, & sized only for Maitreya & Legacy, Elysium consists of the dress, separate armbands, & two styles of boots (with/without stocking tops & garters), in 5 different color sets.  As always, the styling & the detail is simply exceptional.  Originally created as a gacha, this outfit is now at the main store.  Demo available.
  • Dragon (Adult):  Tylar’s Treasures – Hovering Dragon with Egg in Nest.  The dragon not only hovers, flaps its wings, & breathes fire, you also can hear its roar & the sounds of flapping.  6-color texture menu for the dragon, & another 6 for the egg.   EXCLUSIVELY at the Age of Avalon, open through the month of September.  It’s only open once a year, so don’t miss out!
  • Dragon (Baby):  Tylar’s Treasures – Animated Baby Dragon on Rock (includes plantings as well).  Absolutely adorable!  It even includes a touch menu to change the dragon’s color.  Another EXCLUSIVE at the Age of Avalon !
  • Head & Ears:  LOGO  – Chelsea bento head with Ilvanya Elf Ears.
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Everlasting
  • Hair:  KMH – CP002
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Castanys Kel Horns.  Love these, they’re soooo different!
  • Eyes:  SAMIA – Maria Eyes
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Saro DK Eyes & Shigeko Lips
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Dryad Fairy Wings
  • Spear:  Ali & Ego (AERTH) – Crystal Spear
  • Pose:  GemS – War Maiden

The Medieval Boudoir

http://The Medieval Boudoir

It might be my imagination, or just wishful thinking, but fantasy seems to be taking a bigger share of the spotlight here in SL.  I’m not just talking about fae ears, those are everywhere, which I honestly find a bit insulting, that non-fantasy avatars have appropriated this most obvious of physical fantasy traits and sport them as a cool designer trend, rather than a symbol of one’s immersion in the fantasy realm.  Be that as it may, the quality and quantity of fantasy items seems to be proliferating, as are events dedicated to the world of fantasy.  It’s an exciting time, one that I really never thought I’d see, especially after most of the elves sailed off to far-off worlds on other grids.  (I myself emigrated to InWorldz for a time, but that’s another story!)  The wealth of imagination and the dedication to even the tiniest of details is truly inspiring, in both fantasy apparel and in home & decor.  I’m happy to share just a few wonderful finds… sprinkling a little fairy dust to enhance your shopping experiences… Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  Poet’s Heart – Priss.   To me, she’s a light & airy mix of medieval, silks, & fae… in other words, pure fantasy! Priss comes in four color packs plus a fatpack; each color pack has two HUDS, one for sheer & one for opaque textures.  Priss is sized only for Maitreya, & is available EXCLUSIVELY at the September We Love Role Play event, open Sept 4th through the end of the month.  Demo available.
  • Basin:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck – Medieval Chamber Basin.  Original mesh & only 2 LI, this gorgeous little piece of medieval home decor adds that finishing touch to your boudoir.  The detail is fabulous! The metal glows in the light, & the water has an animated ripple.  Includes two unique standing animations, one washing hands & one washing the face.  Simple, & simply beautiful!!!!
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Atharia, worn in Kaoru.  Every skin from this designer is highly detailed, gorgeously styled, & pure fantasy to its core.  Atharia is a personal favorite, with swirling colors on both body & face, available in 25 color variations. In Bom/Omega/mesh body & head applier versions for both male & female, plus add-ons for nails, Uni ears, etc., so it should work for just about every avatar.  Created in conjunction with []TRAP[], this is another amazingly detailed, gorgeously styled skin that is pure fantasy yet seemingly realistic.
  • Horns & Jewelry:  Petrichor – Uletia Horns.  Originally developed as a minigacha, these modifiable unisex horns are available with 15 different color HUDs, each of which offers 10 horn textures plus so many options I couldn’t even count them! The “blooms” can be visible or hidden, too! 
  • Body:  Maitreya
  • Head & Ears:  LOGO – Bella bento head, worn with Ilvanya Elf Ears
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Rhea
  • Wings:  FAS– – Bento Faery Wings
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel Collection
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Vanity:  {LORE} – Rustic Vanity Set



I’m going to make an exception to my “rule” and leave my fae persona for this post, because it’s a hard one to write. My mother passed away on Saturday night.  She had almost 24 hours of pain before they got her meds, and the permission to get in to see her on a compassionate visit (the facility is in COVID lockdown) came too late for me to see her.  Although death is a part of life, and this is one that we’ve been anticipating ever since she fell and broke her hip a few months ago, staring death in the face is never easy and even harder to fully accept.  This particular post had already been shot and tentatively titled “The Shadow of Death.”  Even if I’d known how prophetic it would be, I doubt I could have been more prepared since in my heart I knew her last days were upon us.  Ironically, she died 10 years + 1 day from when my dad passed, and she’s been wanting to join him ever since. She is now at peace, and the healing can begin for those of us who are still here, holding her memory in our hearts.  Life goes on, and I know that my second life here on the grid will be even more important in the days to come as a place to leave it all behind for just a bit, and escape into my world of fantasy.

  • Dress: Poet’s Heart – Helmiina.   Two very different looks in one package!  I’m wearing Helmiina as a strapless gown with shoulder ornamentation, but you can also choose to wear a long-sleeved coat.  Choose colors for the top, the skirt, the shoulder ornamentation, the coat, & the trim with the included HUD.  Note the texture with the bare trees… it’s stunning!   Helmiina comes in four color packs plus a fatpack; each color pack has 6 gown colors plus black & white.  She is sized for Hourglass & Maitreya, & is EXCLUSIVELY at the August Enchantment event, August 14th – Sept 4th.  Demo available.
  • Collar:  Petrichor – Karzakk Collar.  This collar is 100% custom mesh, & it’s totally unique! HUD controlled with 30 base textures plus 24 add-ons, you can choose to wear it single toned or “striped” as I did (see the closeup below for greater detail). Includes both rigged & unrigged versions.  Available EXCLUSIVELY at the Midnight Order, closing on August 20th.  Male version also available.
  • Hair:  Fantavatar & Moonstruck – Pandora. Original rigged mesh hair, this twisted/braided style with pearl accents is definitely among the most unique medieval/fantasy styled hair that I’ve seen anywhere on the grid.  Amazing, just see the closeup below! Demo available.
  • Tattoo:  Lush Poses – Broken Chest Tattoo.  As you can see in the closeup below, the tattoo includes the “splatter” from the broken heart.  In both Omega & BOM versions, at two different levels of intensity (original & fade).  Awesome!  Exclusively available at FABLE, an Evil Bunny Production, open April 7th – 31st.
  • Head:  LOGO – Bella bento head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass
  • Skin & Ears:  Petrichor – Styliste
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Crystal Satyr Horns
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Saro DK eye makeup (Group Gift); The Little Bat – Aria Lips
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel Collection
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Arboreal Fairy Wings
  • Jewelry:  RYCA Jewelry – NC55 Armband in Gold
  • Pose:  Angel’s Art Pose – The Crow & The Darkness
  • Location:  Garden of Whimsy – the Elven Forest

Siren of the Sea

http://Siren of the Sea

Calling all mermaids, water sprites, and other female fantasies of the watery realm!  I don’t even know where to begin to describe the awesomeness of this 100% custom mesh gacha; the detail & the creativity is just amazing. There are so many wondrous elements to it, each of which is amazing on its own, but the more you add, well, it just builds & builds! And every element has its own HUD, so there is virtually no limit to the customization opportunities, and that makes every item a winner!  Heed the siren’s call, and check out this unique gacha!  A demo of all elements is available at the Main Store, but the gacha itself is EXCLUSIVELY available at the July round of The Epiphany.  Here are all the details…

  • Outfit:  Petrichor – Verelle Mer Gacha, created in conjunction with ERSCH.  The clothing (Bra, Thong, Shoulders, Sleeves, Belt, Legs) is sized for Hourglass, Freya, Legacy, Kupra, & Lara. I’m wearing the following mix of commons & rares in the pic above (you can see ALL of the fabulous gacha elements in the gacha key below. or a closeup HERE); 
    • Bra
    • Thong
    • Shoulders
    • Sleeves
    • Eyes
    • BOM overlay
    • Headdress
    • Legs
    • Belt
    • Ears
    • Coral Crown
    • Bracelets
    • Earrings
    • Pearl Necklace
    • Chest Deco
    • Aura
    • Pearlaura
    • Staff (which comes in several different positions, for right & left shoulders)
    • Orb
  • HeadLOGO – Bella bento head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Everlasting
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Shura Lips
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Caroline
  • Pose:  Something New – Angel Orb