Patience, my pet…

http://Patience, my pet

Another moment in time, a glimpse of another life, another story… is it home that beckons, returning after a long journey? or is it the next step in her plan to wreak havoc and destruction of some sort?  The outfit definitely tugged me towards the latter (and it IS at Midnight Order!), but in other hands, another mind, another personality, who knows what is truly in her heart and mind at this moment?  That’s the essence of fantasy… it can be whatever you make it! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Evelyn.  So beautifully done, but she definitely brought out the bad-ass in me, the young evil queen  (or the one scheming to be) & all that!  In a choice of 6 colors or as a fatpack, the set includes the amazing dress, thigh high boots, double strap belt, choker, & crown.  Sized for Legacy+Perky, LaraX+PetiteX, Gen X Classic+Curvy, & eBody.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midnight Order, open Jan 20th – Feb 20th.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Muted in Filaurian
  • Hair:  Yomi -Sachiko
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Forest Fae
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Makeup:  Loa – Ninsar Warpaint Cheek Dots; TaoX Tattoo – Akiyiki Neck Tattoo
  • Horns:  Venge – Simple Daemon Horns
  • Wings:  Les Encantades – Natural Wings, Olive
  • Nails:  Stargazer – Ultimate Bento Nails, Sprocket Glam
  • Pose:  Reina Photography – FAN0013

The Forest Keeper

http://The Forest Keeper

Somehow it seems that when I’m thinking that maybe blogging is just too much “work” with insufficient returns, I select an outfit like this one.  I know I’ve written about this before, but it’s just so truly impactful when it happens, that I’m left a bit dazed. I’m talking about when an outfit TAKES OVER, almost what I think being possessed might feel like lol… where IT dictates what works with what, till suddenly my fae looks up and bam! there’s a unique character with a distinct personality, or at least, a distinct attitude.  It’s so totally invigorating, it re-kindles those blogging embers and truly makes me want to do justice to the outfit that inspired me.  Whether I manage to achieve that or not, well, that’s a whole other matter!  But IMHO, it’s the act of inspiration that is really important.  And this lovely fantasy outfit successfully got that fire roaring!  May we all find that inspiration in everything we do!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Forest Keeper.  Unique, in so many ways, and the details! The belts, the laces, the leather texture, the fringe on the boots…  In a choice of 8 colors or as a fatpack, the set includes the top, sleeves, neckerchief, & boots, as well as an optional ax (see the ad below).  Sized for Legacy+Perky & Maitreya+Petite.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Muted in Daneries
  • Hair:  monso – Natalia
  • Eyes: Gloom – Nilou
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Makeup:  Ghost Ink – Freya Warpaint; Loa – Fay Face Paint Lips
  • Horns:  Acios – Gaia Antlers
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Arboreal Fairy Wings, Drama, Lace
  • Pose:  Hazeel – Light in the Dark
  • Turkeys:  JIAN – Lion Cub & Tiger Cub
  • Location:  Lost Unicorn

Breathing in calm and serenity…

http://Breathing in calm and serenity

Well, it seems my last post was more prophetic than I would have liked.  Not a lot to be honest, but enough for me to think that the timing was just perfect for me to slip into my alter ego, the lovely Thea.  And I do mean the ‘lovely” one, since Thea takes on so many varied roles.  Today, she is pure fae, relaxing and exploring the wonders of nature, in harmony with the world around her, soaking in its essence… breathing in a sense of calm and serenity… some of which I hope to take back to the real world with me…

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Amarylis.  Subtitled “Delicate Flower”, this totally unique style is pure fae.  Soft, feminine, incredibly sexy.  Available in 10 single colors or in  3 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs for both the top, skirt, & panty, with HUD-controlled pendant & panty clips, all of which are show/hide.  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics, all options, so you can mix ‘n match as you want.  Amarylis is sized for Legacy+Perky, Lara, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifus.  Demo available. See the ad below.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  Nova – Radio
  • Horns:  A*S – Laure (includes laurel leaves)
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Hygge
  • Wings:  Aii and Ego – Fairy Wings
  • Pose:  West End – Hartje
  • Location:  Elvion

Make it snow, so nature can slumber & rest…

http://Make it snow, so nature can slumber & rest

Snow is so magical, at least when it’s newfallen and unspoiled.  Even though I live in the land of eternal summer (both my fae home & IRL), I am still enchanted by it.  That hush and quiet (until the snowblowers start at least), that beautiful stillness which can occur…  imagine having that at your command, to make everything still and clean and white, untouched, “pure as the driven snow…”

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Charming Sorceress Set.  Perfectly named, since it’s both charming & bewitching in a rather no-nonsense way… in other words, I LOVE IT!  In a choice of 8 colors or as a fatpack, the set includes the jacket, pants, gloves, & boots.  Sized for Legacy & Maitreya.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Rose in Cinnamaris
  • Hair:  No.Match – No_Empire
  • Horns:  CELESTE – Neira Horns
  • Eyes:  LOTUS – Morticia
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Makeup:  Loa – Fay Face Paint
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Splash Wings, Fairy Style
  • Pose:  Kokoro – Sun Hee
  • Backdrop:  The Bearded Guy – Ruinas Invernales

Gazing down the centuries to glimpse my legacy…

http://Gazing down the centuries to glimpse my legacy

I had a dream.  It was a strange dream, filled with sights and sounds totally beyond my comprehension.  And in that dream, there was a young fae who totally captured my attention, a fae who was so much like me, that I somehow knew, KNEW, was a future Thea… how many centuries would it be before her lifetime, I had no idea. But I knew with absolute certainty that she embodied all the values that I hold dear… that she was defending the defenseless, championing those who needed a champion, protecting her tribe and her community from all threats, doing what was right.  My heart swelled at the sight of this slim fae, wielding what I recognized as a weapon, in her role of protector.  I awoke smiling, refreshed and renewed in my commitment, knowing that as the earth neared the completion of its rotation around the sun, I was afforded a glimpse down the centuries to see my continuing legacy, hoping that this window into the future was not a one-time thing, but a new power that I had been granted. Only time will tell, but for now, I feel re-invigorated for my assigned duty to provide protection for the year-end celebrations.  Happy New Year to all!

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Judy Set.   Awesome modern/futuristic styling, with a cropped leather jacket, snug-fitting belted jeans, boots, & a sleeveless crop top.  In a choice of 8 colors (or in a fatpack which allows mix ‘n match like I did).  Optional gun also included, that includes the pose used in the pic.  Sized for Legacy+Perky, LaraX+PetiteX, GenX Classic+Curvy, & eBody.  Currently available at The Warehouse for 25% OFF, Dec 23rd – Jan 18th.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  monso – Kaine
  • Horns:  Blue Blood – Haldir Horns
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Makeup:  Loa – Trance & Gaia Face Paint
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Location:  Hillvale


Where’s the Casbah?

http://Where's the Casbah?

My plan on setting out was to do a wintry, holidayesque scene, suitable for a fae.  But I listened to the call of the outfit, and it led me to the desert…  where winter is not quite the same!  But we fae are everywhere, even in these dry climes, though we do tend to stay more around the oasis.  However, when the holidays near, we often must cross the sands to join family, friends, and those yet to be friends for celebration.  Now, it’s time for me to put my camel to bed and go rock the casbah (and yes, mixing lyrics for the HUMAN songs, but they go together in the more apropos fae tunes)… Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Aela.  Incredible detail & texture (the hallmark of ANY Jangka outfit IMHO), Aela is designed (& sold) in 3 matching pieces — the outfit (shown in the ad below) ; the armbands; the boots.  Available in 4 colors (cyan, brown, purple, & red) plus a LIMITED EDITION (black). Sized for Legacy & Maitreya, she is 100% original mesh; demo available up on the 2nd floor.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  Wasabi – Fiji
  • Horns & Jewelry:   Petrichor – Farys
  • Eyes: lovelysweet – Honey Love
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Tattoo:  Petrichor – Mannili Tattoo (Etched) GROUP GIFT
  • Wings:  Horl – Bat Wings
  • Pose:  FoxCity – Desert Friend
  • Location:  Suedland: Tahari Kavarland

Wondering “What if?”

http://Wondering "what if?"

Even  the life of a fae can be busy, busy, busy (especially one who blogs!)… That’s why I always make sure to fully appreciate those times when I just can be… to immerse myself in the moment, to allow myself to be totally lost to my heightened senses, to thoughts and feelings… to memories of yesterday, and dreams of tomorrow, and all the might-have-beens and may-never-be’s… sighs and idly wonders “what if?…

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Cheras Dress.  “Malibu Babe” Petrichor & Ersch style, which IMHO has a fabulous fae feel.  I love the asymmetry to it, giving this dress a very unique look.  Includes the metallic belt & choker, both of which are show/hide.  As always, the textures are exquisite…  I just love the embossed leather, it’s so perfect for a fae! Available in 10 single colors or in  5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs for both the dress fabric & the metallics.  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics, all options, so you can mix ‘n match as you want.  Cheras is sized for Legacy+Perky, Maitreya+Petite, Mounds, & Reborn+Waifu.  Demo available. See the ad below.
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Shairi Horns.  9 wear styles in 3 shapes (I’m wearing UPTURN), 100% custom mesh & textures in fabulous unisex styling.  Available in 5 color palettes, each with its own HUD of 50 textures for the horns & 50 for the gemstones, or as a fatpack that includes a bonus palette of Fadegems.  See the ad below.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  bonbon – zoey
  • Makeup:  StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix Lips
  • Eyes: lovelysweet – Summer
  • Ears:  MSB! – Umbra ears
  • Wings:  Jinx – Seely Fairy Wings
  • Tattoo:  Juna – Naimi
  • Pose:  B(u)Y ME:  Spring Feeling
  • Location:  Forest Fantasy

The Hunting Lesson

http://The Hunting Lesson

OMG, life out there in the real world has gotten so stressful that I have ventured deep into the forest to get some peace and quiet.  I took along a new companion, deciding it was a perfect time to start teaching a few basics of hunting, the weight of taking a life even for the good of the tribe, how the same skills are used when patrolling the perimeter of our territory.  Ahh, the peace and quiet, away from the cacophony of outdoor landscapers, the detritus from  a flooding sink pipe, and the stress and mess of an old dying dog.  Quietly, I start teaching the lessons of walking soundlessly, of listening at a deeper level to hear every sound, to watching for every flicker of movement.  These skills are translatable to every species, as I zero in on a target the cub has not seen until I point it out.  Many more lessons will be needed, so I happily look forward to more escapes into the silence of the woods…

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Elf Archer Set.   Perfect styling for an archer, with beautiful embossed detailing!  Includes the dress, matching boots, & a quiver, all of which have gorgeous detail.  In a choice of 8 colors (or in a fatpack which allows mix ‘n match like I did).  Optional bow also included, that includes a pose (as shown in the pic).  Sized for Legacy & Maitreya.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:   Moccino – Boo in Papaya (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F195
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Summer
  • Makeup:  Loa – Lara Face Paint; StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix Lipstick
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Horns:  Cerridwen’s Cauldron – Ram Horns
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Woodland Fairy Wings
  • Turkeys:  JIAN – Lion Cub Collection
  • Location:  The Wylde

Dancing to the music of the waters

http://Dancing to the music of the waters

OMG, I need a time machine. Where does it all go? These human holidays… all the prep in advance, then the holiday itself, then all the clean-up after, and then poof! into the next prep… Here I thought I had all the time in the world, and suddenly I’m rushing, and as a fae, I do NOT like to hurry… I like to take my time and commune with nature, dream, and just enjoy being in the moment.  I’ve been dreaming of life as a mermaid, of late… I really don’t understand why we fae tend to limit ourselves to the forests and meadows… I love the sound of water! Waterfalls, babbling brooks, rushing streams, and waves hitting the shore… sighs, such music to my ears!  But oh no, there’s that annoying human again, tapping her wrist, trying to rush me along…. but if I spin just soooo, I don’t even see her lol… Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  VIKI – Nereida.  Just what I love… something that at first glance seems like a simple thin-strapped dress, but on closer examination it is anything but!  The texture looks like untanned leather, the bottom dipped in dye to take on a gorgeous color in a totally natural & believable way, & then pulled up across the hip to drape realistically.   For all those who love everything & anything to do with the ocean — & in honor of the event’s theme — the front of the corset sports a scale texture in front with pearls & leather stars as added decor.  Available in 8 single colors or as a fatpack (note that per the ad below, even single colors come with a HUD for changing the color of the stars on the corset). Sized for Legacy, Maitreya, GenX Classic, & Reborn+Juicy, Nereida is EXCLUSIVELY available at Enchantment – Siren’s Song, open just a few more days, through December 2nd (then at the mainstore).  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Gloom – Calin Fantasy, worn in Grey Alien (Velour Body Skin)
  • Hair & Optional Mask:  Analog Dog – Aura, also at Enchantment
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Hunter
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Crystal Satyr Horns
  • Makeup:  Rubedo – Olive Eyeshadow: Poema – Huda Lipstick; Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Wings:  Decoy – Angela Wings
  • Jewelry:  Petrichor – Verelle Chest Deco
  • Pose:  elephante poses – Tink
  • Location:  Adagio Gardens – Undersea Cave


On turkey watch

http://On turkey watch

They said they were giving me an important defensive protection this holiday season, that I’d earned my WARRIOR status.  My assignment? Protect the turkeys so that they make it through the Thanksgiving season and something called a Turkey Shoot… Important position, bah!  I’m just a glorified babysitter (without much glory) stuck out here in the woods with a bunch of turkeys…

  • Outfit:  Art&KO – Fantasy Elf Set.   What an awesome set!  Perfect for hunting, defending (yes, even turkeys), & just plain looking awesome in a fantasy setting.  Includes the dress with shoulder armor & belts, plus matching boots, a quiver & a bow, both of which have gorgeous detail.  all of which have a choice of 5 colors (or in a fatpack).  Sized for Legacy+Perky & Maitreya+Petite.  Demo available. See the ad below.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Heaux – Mikaela in Rose Kiss
  • Hair:  monso – Natalia
  • Eyes:  Velour – Luly
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Horns:  not a peep – Lilian
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Accessories:  ANTAYA – Unisex viking head band; FLO – Mesh Tribal Feathers
  • Pose:  !!GemS!! – Warrior Maiden
  • Turkeys:  JIAN – Turkey Collection
  • Backdrop:  Midnyte Creations – Autumn Photo Box