A moment by the fire

http://A moment by the fire

In these last few weeks before the holidays when stress starts to build over finding last minute gifts, dealing with parties, or — for me — delayed orders, dying computers, and a nagging sore throat/cough, one of the more calming visions is just relaxing by the fire, doing nothing at all but being.  Sighs… if only it was possible in real life as easily as it is here.  But at least I can have it here, whenever I need it (and boy, am I needing it!!!!)  Just need to recharge my batteries, as it were, to finish up that holiday/birthday shopping and end the year on a high note… happy shopping to all!

What we’re wearing:

  • Outfits:   {-sonder-} – Holiday Pajamas.  The most adorable Christmas onesies, made for men, women, & children.  I don’t have kids in SL (unless you count the kittycat version lol), so I was sooooo happy that there were adult sizes of these! I’m wearing “Santa Pets”, made in sizes for Slink, Belleza, & Maitreya; Crichton is wearing the “Santa Onesie”, made for Slink, Jake, & Signature Gianni.  (“Icy Deer” style also available.)   At the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st. 
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Sedona, worn in Caramel browless, BOM version.  A real beauty of a lightly freckled Omega skin,  two options of 5 tones each, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows, available at Shiny Shabby till Dec 15th.  Shape & demos also available.  (Crichton is wearing the skin included with his AK head.)
  • Heads:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM) for me; Clay for Crichton
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet, Male & Female versions
  • Hair:  Tameless – Candy (for me); Vango – Jared (for Crichton)
  • Freckles/Eyebrows:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); Curved Eyebrows
  • Nails:  Iconic Designs – Christmas Time Nails

The scene:

  • Fireplace:  Tylar’s Treasures – Christmas Pointsettia Fireplace, includes the fireplace with crackling fire (touch on/off), log holder, two potted pointsettia plants, & the hanging garland.  What a beauty! To make it even more special, it’s a 100% EXCLUSIVE DONATION ITEM to the fight against children’s cancer through Relay for Life at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo, open through Dec 15th.  Sharing a booth with Home Whimsy; your taxi is waiting for you HERE.
  • Rug:  Simple Reflections – Christmas Blanket & Christmas Tree Gnome.  The perfect rug for stretching out in front of the fireplace, the cat pillows add just the right touch of whimsy.  Includes a texture changer, plus loads of both single & cuddle animations (44 single sits, 28 cuddles, 18 massage).  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.  (The Gnome is sold separately.)

The Perfect Touch

http://The Perfect Touch

One of the many many things I love about Second Life is how easy it is to continually change things up.  The seasons change where I live here — winter to spring/summer, and then I add fall as well — and with each seasonal shift, I find that I’m changing much of the landscaping.  Not just from a green version to a white one, but entire re-envisioning of parts of the landscape.  The same now holds true of my holiday decorating.  For years, I had a Holiday Box (literally), with everything that I used to decorate the house.  I’d of course add a few new things each year, tossing away high prim objects that were available with better technology and replacing them with newer versions.  But this year I’ve noticed a marked difference.  To begin with, it’s my first year in my new home.  And although we had moved quite frequently before, it was generally within the same estate system or two, so the look and feel of the property was always generally the same, because that was what we liked.  Where we live now is completely different from anything I’ve done on the grid before, and therefore a lot of the old ideas just don’t work. I haven’t even lugged the box out of inventory, although a few stand-alone favorites have definitely found their way into new places.  But mostly I’ve been picking up gorgeous items at events and, of course as a blogger, I’m fortunate enough to receive many wonderful items to “play” with.  The result is that I’m creating a whole new space, and wow, is it ever fun!  To try to find the perfect space for everything, and the perfect something for every space!  I’ll be sharing lots of little glimpses here… some may not even last the season, who knows? In the meantime, though, happy shopping!

What I’m wearing:

  • Outfit:  Ashmoot – A/W CoLL Jumpsuit shown with A/W CoLL Mid Tip Toe.  Jumpsuit is available in 6 different earth shades. Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya, in single item packs or FULL Outfit pack at promo price.   EXCLUSIVELY at the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Shoes in separate pack.  Demos available.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Billy, worn in Caramel browless.  A real beauty of an Omega skin, two options of 5 tones each (dark or light, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows) available at the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Shape & demos also available.  
  • Hair:  Firelight – Phoebe Hair/Fatpack (Thick Edition).  Multi-shade full bodied wavy style…  Available in 6 color packs or as a fatpack, each with rigged & unrigged versions, in two different effects.  EXCLUSIVELY at the Designer Circle 24/19, open Dec 1st – 14th.  Demo available.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Head: Tonic – Pixie, newest bento head from Tonic
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Brows:  Avada – Anja Eyebrows
  • Mole/Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Fall Eyeshadows; DS’Elles – Series 8 Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Sintiklia – Snowflakes Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Eternal Dream – It’s A Snowy Day
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage
The scene:

Evolving Images – Everything you need to create the perfect holiday setting is available at the December Swank Event, Dec 7th – 31st.  I’ve only used a fraction of what they offer, so you can style the scene your way. To see these items & more, here’s a taxi direct to their Swank Event booth:

  • Retro Christmas Tree Rev2 – lights blink with alternating colors; revolves with an on/off touch
  • Evo’s Snowflake Wreath
  • Toy Elephant
  • White Bear
  • Bull Dog (Copyable)

Pondering the Magic of the Season

http://Pondering the Magic of the Season

I talked a lot about how excited I am to be part of the SL Christmas Expo again this year in my post of Nov 25th, and to help support its mission this year to fight childhood cancer.  Now that this amazing mega-event is finally open, I’m ready to start featuring just a few of the many many amazing items that dozens of dedicated designers have donated to the cause.  This year’s theme is Believe In The Magic Of Christmas that’s spread over 8 beautifully designed sims, all making for a great holiday shopping event.  But as great as the shopping is (and believe me, it IS definitely great!), there’s so much more to see and do! The Expo will feature special events, including live performances, dance performances, djs, skating parties, a Snowman Building Contest, The Holiday Stockings, The Gift Of Hope Mega Raffles, a Christmas Tree & Wreath Lot, Photos with Santa, holiday raffles and gotchas, the Holiday Of Hope Ball, the Winter Breedables Fair — with several of SL’s top Breedable Creators donating One Of A Kind Breedables to be auctioned, including KittyCatS (as you all know, I’m one of those crazy cat ladies in here!) — and, back by popular demand, the Christmas Bazaar area.  And my personal favorite (which you’ll hear more about in a later post), the Lights of Hope Decoration Contest. Open Dec 5th through the 15th, it’s all just waiting for you.  More details can be seen HERE.

Dench Designs:  The Ice Fountain.  Absolutely stunning winter decor for your seasonal landscaping, complete with male, female, friends (x2) & cuddle animations on the bench.  In addition to the “base” decor of the frozen fountain, bench, & 3 bare trees strung with white lights, extra decor is also available just by touching the top of the fountain. Add some or all of the following:  snowdrops, bushes, squirrel, robin, sparrow, & pheasant. I’ve shown it with EVERYTHING added above, but because it’s equally beautiful in a more stark fashion without it, I showed it below as well without any of the extra decor (used the same animation though lol). You can turn sound on & off for all three birds too! This very special item is a 100% donation to the fight against children’s cancer through Relay for Life at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo, opening today Dec 5th through the 15th.  Join the fight! You can find the LM to TP direct to the Dench Designs booth once it’s available in the shopping directory HERE (not yet posted at the time this was published). 

Remembering Our Four-Legged Friends in Winter’s Chill

http://Remembering Our Four-Legged Friends in Winter's Chill

I don’t care what the calendar says, it’s winter. Thanksgiving is over, the holiday shopping season is in full swing, it’s snowed at both my home in RL and in SL.  In fact, the weather here in RL is so bad I couldn’t even get my dog to go outside… her ears went way back and she started to shake, that’s how badly she wanted to stay inside and out of the snow and sleet. It really made me think about all the animals that don’t have that option… not just the wild animals in the forest like my little friends here, but all the dogs and cats who for whatever reason find themselves literally out in the cold.  I do what I can year-round to help homeless pets; I hope that you at least spare a thought for them in this kind of weather, and if you see a chance to help, please please take it.  I know that a few years ago we found a cat part-frozen in the snow, and brought her inside.  Turned out she had frostbite — which went away — but was also deaf.  Since she wouldn’t use a litter box we eventually had to move her out of the main part of the house but at least for the rest of her life (which sadly wasn’t all that long), she was warm and fed and safe and I like to think content, if not happy. In the spirit of the season, it’s definitely important to remember our fellow man, especially all those less fortunate whether it be economically, healthwise, or however, but let’s also remember the 4-legged creatures who rely on us as well.  Sorry if I got a little sermon-y, but this is very near and dear to my heart, especially as I look out at the bitter weather, and worry…

  • Outfit:  MOoH! – Esmee Outfit.  The textures are pretty simple on this full outfit that includes both the sweaterdress & the thigh high boots, simply wonderful! The HUD offers 8 options, all with matching textures in a Heel HUD that changes leather, heel, sole & zipper on the boots.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, & Classic, all DISCOUNTED 50% in the main store, Nov 29th – Dec 12th.  Be sure to wear your group tag!
  • Rug:  Salacity – Lizzy Christmas Rug.   FREE gift for the Peace on Earth Hunt, “the most anticipated grid-wide hunt of the Holiday season,” beginning Dec 1st.  Hint: Pie is your happy place! Maybe peace on earth comes through the baking of good pies… mmmm pie. You’ll be safe if you can find a peace of this pie.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento, now with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Doux – Brandie
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD10 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Pose:  Fashiowl Poses – Christmas Friends (includes raccoons)
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage

Ho, ho, ho and away we go!


Yes, I’m a resister when it comes to holiday “stuff”, I feel that the holiday season shouldn’t officially start until Thanksgiving. But the fact is Thanksgiving is just a few short days away (eeek!!!), the shopping season has already begun in earnest, and when you see something spectacular, you just need to say something.  AND THIS IS THAT SOMETHING!!!!

If you’re looking for something that epitomizes the fun and joy of the holidays and just makes you smile, you need to check this out.  Santa can fly around your property or sit there looking good until you say “FLY”, because he has a programmable flight menu.  Prefer to be in the sleigh yourself? There’s a second Christmas sleigh available with cuddle and singles bento animations instead of Santa, but with the same programmable flight menu.  Either way, it’s Merry Christmas, and away we go!!!!

Tylar’s Treasures – Santa Sleigh Flying, with programmable flight menu.  Easily set home position, range, min/max height changes, speed, start, stop, & go home.  So much fun to watch!!!  Available at Black Friday November 22nd – December 1st.  (The second sleigh with cuddle & singles bento animations is available at the same event.)

Happy shopping!

A Bit of Coffee and Autumn Sunshine

http://Coffee and Autumn Sunshine

I don’t understand why everyone is always so anxious to move onto the next thing. It happened with Halloween. And now it’s starting to happen with the holidays. I’m beginning to see holiday items and winter and snow and all that already — SNOW! I mean, c’mon folks, I know it’s coming, but can’t we just sit a bit and enjoy this last little bit of autumn sunshine and color before we rush off into the bitter cold of winter? I mean, sure, snow and winter is beautiful here on the grid. My whole estate turns on winter on Dec 1st, and I’ll be bagging all the autumn leaves till next year, and happily pulling out all the holiday decor.  And it’s not like my lips actually get all chapped and I feel my bones freezing like in RL. But let’s not rush things, shall we? Let’s just take another week or two to sit in the autumn sunshine (when it’s there), bravely facing that bite in the air (it’s definitely more than a nip this year), and THEN move into winter.  Hmmm, the more I think about it, it’s beginning to feel like winter already… maybe I’m actually starting to fall behind the times? Well, I’ll think about that as I sip my coffee and enjoy this little stretch of milder weather that we have today…  In the meantime, happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Tonic – NEW! Frosted Outfit.   Includes the Frosted Sweater & Toasty Tight Leggings — you can wear the off-one-shoulder sweater as a dress, with the leggings or with jeans, mix ‘n match.  Sizes for Curvy, Fine, & Fine-mini.  Leggings & sweater also available individually.  Sweater comes in 24 colors; a version with more room around the waist is also included.  Leggings also come in 24 colors (some solid; some patterned like what I’m wearing); a boot-cut version is included but be advised that it may not work with all boots. EXCLUSIVE at the November round of eBento, Nov 10th – 30th. Demos available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Abby, worn in Caramel browless.  Another simply beautiful Omega skin, fresh & clear, with lightly glossed lips. Two fatpack options of 5 tones each (dark or light, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows) available EXCLUSIVELY at the AnyBody by Flair for Events, Nov 7th – 30th.  Demos & shape also available.
  • Boots:  MOZ Designs – “Aspen” Ankle Boots. Awesome little boots that can be worn with or without the bradded leather straps.  Available in 6 leathers with HUD to change the beads on the straps, or one superpack with all options.  Sized for Slink, Maitreya, Tonic, Belleza, & eBody.  EXCLUSIVE Original Fitmesh at the November round of eBento, Nov 10th – 30th. Demo available.  See closeup below.
  • Blanket:  Simple Reflections – SR Picnic Blanket Autumn.  Includes the blanket, pillows, food crate with all the goodies displayed.  HUD includes 3 textures, as well as both single & couple animations. This blanket will work with the AVSitter Experience, so props for the animations will automatically go to your hand, etc. once enabled. Personally, I found many of these anims to be quite unique, & many feature food/drink, which are always among my favorites! Available EXCLUSIVELY at the November Swank Event, Nov 7th – 31st. 
  • Fire:  Tylar’s Treasures – The Brock Fall Fire Basket – with scripted fire & fire sounds, as well as smoke (originally featured in my blog post of Nov 5th with the rest of the collection)
  • Head: Tonic – Pixie, the all-new bento head from Tonic, now available at the main store
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  TRUTH – Oasis
  • Brows:  Avada – Anja Eyebrows
  • Mole/Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – True Hearts Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Green
  • Cats:  [Rezz Room] – Bengal Cat Family

An Enchanted Autumn Hideaway

http://An Enchanted Autumn Hideaway

As I’ve said before, one of the things I try to create on my property are special little nooks and areas.  Some are very small, just one item tucked away in a grove of trees or behind some rocks.  Others are more extensive, when there are multiple pieces that work together to create an entire scene.  This autumn “set” from Mindgardens Creations is one of the latter (though it could easily be the former as well with fewer pieces), which I’ve used to create a very special area hidden in the back of my property, an area full of quiet and enchantment, perfect to hideaway from life’s cares…

Mindgardens Creations – all this and more available individually at the November Swank Event, Nov 7th – 31st.  Each piece is EXCLUSIVE and absolutely amazing in its own right (I’ve added separate pix below), but when you group them together, you can easily create an enchanted little area:

  • Autumn Gnarled Lantern Oak Tree with Vines & Lanterns (on left in the main pic)
  • Autumn Oak Tree with Blinking Lights & Lantern (on right in the main pic)
  • Autumn Ground Ivy & Scattered Leaves – copy, so you can add as much (or as little) as you’d like
  • Elephant Ear Plant (includes 3 variations) – the variations include tightly grouped, & loosely spread out to look so natural when mixed! Copy, so you can easily customize your setting
  • Enchanted Autumn Gazebo – with a hanging light curtain, lights around the front “trunks” & lanterns
  • Enchanted Autumn Bench & Table – Animated! Includes both single (M & F) & couple sits. Just a lovely little set!

To make your shopping even easier, here’s a LM direct to their booth at Swank!

Gnarled Lantern Oak Tree
Autumn Oak Tree
Elephant Ear Plants
Enchanted Gazebo
Enchanted Bench & Table

A Cozy Little Nook

http://A Cozy Little Nook

I love porches because of the cozy little nooks that you can so easily create. This autumn set fits my porch so perfectly, it just invites  you to “sit and set a while”… and the included animations make that easy and fun to do! A nice little touch is the built-in resizer, so if you need to modify the furniture to fit , it’s incredibly simple to do.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to sit a while, read a bit, drink my coffee and wait for some company to join me for cuddling and conversation…  Happy shopping!

  • Couch & Chair:  Park Place Home – Smoky Mountain Rustic Settee & Chair – Autumn.  Sold separately, each with PG single and couple animations.  Available at the November Swank Event, Nov 7th – 31st.
  • Table:  Park Place Home Cement/Dark Metal Fire Pit Table.  With flames to keep you warm when that autumn nip is in the air! Available at the November Swank Event, Nov 7th – 31st.
  • Magazines:  Park Place Home – Coffee table magazines
  • Cats:  Image Essentials Props and Poses – Full Perm Mesh Cats
  • Coffee:  What Next – Coffee Sierra Kettle & Mugs
  • Plant:  [Circa] Living – “Aziza” Tall Vase
  • Location:  my home in Blake Passage


Fall’s Embrace

http://Fall's Embrace

So as I sit here sipping my hot mulled apple cider (you thought I just blogged about it???), I’m thinking how fall is not just hot drinks and warm clothes.  Decor and landscaping is such a big part of it, especially here on the grid where nature does not naturally participate… you need fallen leaves and pumpkins and blankets ready to wrap around you at a moment’s notice. It’s why we all go looking for those beautiful photogenic sims that change with the seasons, because it just doesn’t feel like fall if it doesn’t LOOK like fall.  That applies to your home here in SL as well.  And no it doesn’t mean that you redo everything every season.  What it DOES mean is that those summery deck chairs and barbecue sets get stored away till next summer (just like they do in real life!!!), and a few well chosen autumn sets or pieces take their place.  There’s a lot to choose from; here’s a set that I think is so fabulous, I’m now personally using it in my own home. Whether you choose this set, or another, or none at all, have fun exploring all there is out there.  Happy shopping!

Tylar’s Treasures – The Brock Fall Collection, available INDIVIDUALLY for sale EXCLUSIVELY at the Uncharted Event, Nov 5th – 20th.  Use them alone or group them together like I did for a fabulous fall setting (and since everything is copy/modify, your setting can be customized just the way you want it!):

  • Brock Fall Bench Bento – available in both cuddle & adult versions.  Animated with slow dances, bento couple & single animations & sequences.  Also includes 8 texture changes for the pillows & blanket, & two for the wood (dark or light). (See closeup below)
  • Brock Fall Fire Basket – with scripted fire & fire sounds, as well as smoke (See closeup below)
  • Brock Fall Fountain – with animated water & water sounds; includes the haystalk, pumpkin & gourd, scattered leaves & lights. (See closeup below)
  • Brock Fall Planter – beautiful autumn color!
  • Brock Fall Wall Vine – with animated bird & chirp (See closeup below)

Attack of the Man (or Woman) Eating Spiders

http://Attack of the Man (or Woman) Eating Spiders

With one week to go, we’re getting into the final stretch for Halloween.  I’m just really starting to look around at what’s available, and I have to say, there’s just so much quantity out there in every genre, it can be downright daunting to find the quality items. I have to say that one of my favorite items this year — in fact I believe it will rank among my personal favorites for a long, long time, gracing whatever land I own — is ATTACK OF THE MAN EATING SPIDERS from Tylar’s Treasures.  It’s just such a uniquely creepy item, it’s really cool!  The scene features a bare tree covered in a spiderweb. The ground beneath  the tree is covered in skulls and two whole skeletons.  But what really makes this item come alive is that it has 3 animated spiders — one of the giant ones wanders around the scene (yes, you can set his range!); another giant is attacking a skeleton in the foreground; and a smaller cousin is moving up and down on a web from the tree.  This can be seriously creepy stuff, especially if you get tangled up with the big animated spider… which happened to me the moment I tp’d to the event using the LM below (consider yourself forewarned lol).  Want even more creepiness?  The giant animated spider is copy, so you can have as many giant spiders running around as you can handle before calling for the exterminator!

  • Attack of the Man Eating Spiders –  TYLAR’S TREASURES … A must-have for anyone who does Halloween landscaping! With 3 animated spiders, one that will roam as far as you allow (read the full description above).  Creepy, cool, chilling… everything Halloween should be! EXCLUSIVELY available at Mad Circus, Oct 5th – 31st. 
  • Location:  Pendle Hill