I Enjoy Being A Girl

http://I Enjoy Being A Girl

I have to say, girls have it so much better than the guys when it comes to shopping for clothes in Second Life.  (As someone who has a male alt for blogging and is also highly involved in the shopping for my partner and HIS alt, I’ve experienced it first hand.)  First off, there just isn’t as much to choose from.  Although I feel this is also the case in RL, it’s much more pronounced on the grid.  Then what there is tends to be produced for fewer bodies at a time.  And fatpacks are so very much more expensive for the most part.  That’s why I’m happy to be “strictly a female female”… shopping is just so much fun as a girl… there’s so much to choose from, from so many brand new and well-established clothing designers.  Here’s just a few examples!!! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  LUXE Paris Fashion House – WOW Dress.  Named very appropriately, this short summer knit has open floral lace on the sides with double jeweled straps  that are artfully (&  very sexily) sliding off the shoulders… definitely wow!  Sized for Hourglass, Physique, Freya, Legacy, Altamura, Maitreya & Maitreya Petite, EXCLUSIVELY available at the July round of the Swank Event, open July 7th through the 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Velour – Meg
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Marpesia – Beauty Mark V1
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Hair:  Argrace – Mai
  • Tattoo:  Shana – Asha White
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Katerina Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Backdrop:  BellePoses – Future is Female
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Manu

Hunting High & Low at The Beached Bunny Hunt

http://Searching High & Low at the Beached Bunny Hunt

Well, it may be the 4th of July, but it’s certainly not going to be an ideal holiday in terms of weather, at least where I live.  The first hurricane since I moved to Florida (now downgraded to tropical storm?) is supposedly bearing down on us, so all it does is rain, rain, and rain some more with small teasing breaks here and there, but here on the grid the sun is shining.  Even better. it’s once again time for the Beached Bunny Hunt from Evil Bunny Productions!  The hunt runs from July 3rd through the 31st; you search for a blue sand pail with shovel at all the participating stores (the cost of each pail is $1L)… you can find all the hints for the hunt HERE.  Lots of fun treasures to be found!!! Happy hunting!

  • Outfit:  Freda Fashion & Accessories – Bibi Blue Jeans Bikini.  Awesome beach outfit for every denim lover, the top is a ruffled bustier; the bikini bottom is a denim thong… soooo cute!  Sized for Slink HG/P, Tonic, Freya, Rebirth Eden, & Maitreya.  Part of the Beached Bunny Hunt; your hint is “The Bunny has dropped a swim ring in my store!”
  • Tattoo:  The Little Bat – Henna Tattoo.  Lovely henna tattoo for your chest & upper arms.  Includes 3 BOM/tattoo layer versions — dark, medium, & tintable.  Part of the Beached Bunny Hunt; your hint is “Time for some ink!”
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Velour – Meg
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Marpesia – Beauty Mark V1
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Hair:  Moon – Rosier
  • Sunglasses:  Mulloy – Antago
  • Pose:  NANTRA – Beach Illustrated 2020

As lost as the man in the moon

http://As lost as the man in the moon

Life is strange.  One moment everything is good, and you’re wondering how you were ever so fortunate for this to actually be your life.  Then the next moment comes, and you feel totally lost and somewhat adrift, confused by how quickly things can change.  Only a few short weeks ago, life was pretty awesome here in my new home, in my new state, living the dream of retirement.  Now I’m floundering, dealing with the upheaval of taking over responsibility for my mom (who really seems to be in rapidly deteriorating mental shape, let alone recovering from a broken hip) and bringing her elderly shitzu into my already existing menagerie of a large dog, two cats, and two parakeets.  The dog is confused, my mom is confused, and frankly, I’m feeling somewhat confused by all the changes too.  The fact that we didn’t want the dog doesn’t help (my husband is NOT happy), but I recognize it’s all a temporary adjustment, and things will (hopefully!) start to settle down once my mom actually moves next week from the rehab facility down near to my sister up to where I live and into a new (and hopefully much better) memory care facility.  At least the decision is made as to where she’s going, the room has been selected, and all the wheels for the move have been set into motion.  As for the animals, well, things are progressing, albeit slowly.  Being small and elderly, she is nowhere near as disruptive as we anticipated.  She adores our “original” dog; the cats have finally ventured out of the bedroom where they’ve been hiding since “the arrival”; she’s learning the rhythms of the household and adjusting to new times for feeding, walking, etc.  Unfortunately, my SL partner (who is outside it all and is therefore ideally situated to help keep me sane and level and calm) will be going away on vacation, and I’ll be struggling through this next round of changes all on my own, but I’m hoping that things will quickly settle down once everyone is in their proper places.  As for the additional responsibilities, well, it’s what you do, and I’ve shouldered lots of responsibility my entire adult life, so at least I know what I’m in for.  I can always go talk to the man in the moon when things get too tough!  And on that note, I think a shopping break is definitely required!!! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  GGVG Fashion – Adele Top & Short.  Includes an optional belt which partially hangs & adds just that special little touch.  In 5 individual colors or as a fatpack with 22 colors for the top, shorts, belt, & frill separately.  Adele is sized for Hourglass, Freya, Isis, Legacy, & Maitreya, & is EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Swank Event, open from June 7th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Set:  Dreamland Designs – Lost with the Man On the Moon.  Just about everything you see, not just the fabulous moon, but also the rocks & partial stone ruin behind it, swaying trees & flowers, grass & stones, sparkling floor lights, & mystical fireflies.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Swank Event, open from June 7th – 30th. 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Velour – Meg
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Marpesia – Beauty Mark V1
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Hair:  Doux – Cece, available at Uber
  • Makeup:  Opulein – Harmony Collection Lipstick
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Gaia

Blue Hawaii

http://Blue Hawaii

Well, it might not be Hawaii, but here in Florida where I now live, everything is a bit beachy year round.  But you know it’s REALLY summer when the beachwear and beach decor start showing up everywhere on the grid!  IMHO, one of the premier places to see  what’s new this season is at the Under the Sea event.  I’ve done some fabulous “upgrades” to both my wardrobe and my landscaping… take a look, and then go see them (and more) for yourself!  Happy summer shopping!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Darleen Swimsuit & Shirt.  Proof that you don’t need to wear a bikini to be sexy on the beach! Darleen is a corset style one-piece with extremely high cut thighs & absolutely no back except for the thong portion, paired with a sheer men’s shirt that shows off your curves!  Sized for Slink HG/P,  Belleza F/I/V, Legacy, Kupra, & Maitreya.  She’s available in 4 separate colors, in a 5-texture Slimpack, or a Fatback of 10, all with 100% Original Textures where you can adjust the suit & shirt textures separately. EXCLUSIVELY at the Under the Sea event, an Evil Bunny Production, June 5th – 15th.  Demo available.
  • Piano:  Tylar’s Treasures – Barbados Beach Bar.  The cutest beach bar, made from a surf board mounted on two palm trees, with two low-backed beach stools; 4-color texture change menu for bar & seats (mix n match). See below for a full shot.  Includes the macaw & the two coconut drinks.  LOADED with bento animations for singles & couples (choose from Adult or PG).  EXCLUSIVELY at the Under the Sea event, an Evil Bunny Production, June 5th – 15th.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Velour – Meg
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Marpesia – Beauty Mark V1
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Hair:   Tram – F1124
  • Jewelry:  Chaos, Panic, & Disorder – Under the Sea Necklace

Sweet Tooth

http://Sweet Tooth

Real life has not been easy for the last couple of weeks.  The level of care at the memory care facility where my mom has been living has deteriorated so.  We couldn’t get in to see what was happening during COVID, but now that we have access again, we can see how bad things have gotten.  What’s even worse, because supervision is lacking, there now seem to be repeated altercations between residents to the point where they become physical.  The end result was that my mother was pushed, fell, and broke her hip.  She had surgery, is in rehab, and we’ve decided to move her to a memory care facility near me where there are lots of choices, rather than where she’s been (which is over 3 hours away near my sister, where the choices are far fewer AND more expensive).  So lots of running around looking at places, etc.  On top of it all, my mom still had her elderly dog living with her; even if any of the facilities up here allowed that (which they don’t), we decided that it was no longer a positive thing.  Since my sister “can’t handle” having a dog (even a little shitzu mix like this one) I’ve inherited her.  I already have a large dog, two cats, and two parakeets, so it’s not like she’s going to impact my lifestyle, but I can’t say that for the rest of the family.  It’s always a lot for another living thing to be integrated into a functioning household.  The cats are terrified, and haven’t left the bedroom in days… we’ll give it a little bit of time to see if everything settles down to a new normal, but I’m certainly not going to sacrifice their happiness for my mom’s dog.  I’m certainly willing to give it some time (my husband a bit less so lol!), but I have agreed that if necessary we will rehome her so that everyone is happy.  Hopefully it won’t come to that, but in the event that it does, lots of people in my community would love to adopt a small dog, but since she is my mom’s beloved pet, I definitely want to give it my best shot.  Bottom line though, I’ve been eating up a storm due to stress and succumbing to my greatness weakness (ice cream is definitely NOT what you want to be splurging on when you’ve been dieting for months!), and I’ve barely been inworld, let alone had time to do all what’s required for a blog.  Hopefully that will change, and change soon, and I’ll be able to do more than bop in for an hour or two and get this sweet tooth of mine re-tamed!!!  I did of course still find time for my weekend shopping lol, and I wish you a good week, filled with fabulous finds! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  LUXE Paris Fashion House – Dentelle.  Includes Vest, Tank, Pants, Boots, & Tattoo.  These days it takes something special for a casual pants outfit to stand out, & this outfit does just that! The relaxed look & creasing of the pants is totally realistic, & the pockets/zippers/trim/buttons on all the pieces have that realistic depth.  I love the muted textures, & the addition of the little tattoos on the arms add that little optional touch. Sized for Hourglass, Freya, Maitreya & Maitreya Petite, Dentelle is EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Swank Event, open from June 7th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Velour – Meg
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Marpesia – Beauty Mark V1
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Hair:  Moon Hair Salon & Boutique – Imagination
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Monterey Boho Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Milkshake:  Dust Bunny – sweet tooth mint chip milkshake

An Alluring Moment

http://An Alluring Moment

Summer is here!  It seems that I’m about to find out the truth behind all the warnings that summers here are brutal.  From what I’m told, some people have a very hard time handling it; others just seem to take it in stride and enjoy it with a slight shifting of activities. We shall see which category I fall into! Here on the grid, I’m starting to switch my plantings and other landscaping over from spring to full summer, and I’ve chosen a new summer skin (gotta have that tanned look!)… Some stunning new summer fashions out there, already rocking all the events…  Happy shopping and happy start to summer!  (On another note, I’m still learning the new lighting that came with the Firestorm update, since I held on to an earlier version for far too long… struggling a bit with that old neckline… any suggestions from other bloggers would be most welcome!!!)

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Janis Halter Dress.  This is one of those mini-dresses that exudes sexuality without crossing that trashy line.  It definitely scores extremely high on that WOW factor, what with its alluring combination of an extremely high cut thigh slit, spaghetti strap halter, low cut top, eye-catching “necklace” & chains, matching high heels, & just being, well, short (but with full butt coverage).  On top of that, the fabulous summer textures create a total knockout of a minidress!  Janis is sized for Slink HG/P,  Belleza F/I/V, Legacy, eBody, & Maitreya.  She’s available in 4 separate colors, in a 5-texture Slimpack, or a Fatback of 10, all with 100% Original Textures where you can adjust the dress, heels, & metal textures separately. EXCLUSIVELY at the May Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, May 12th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Piano:  Tylar’s Treasures – Elegant Whimsy Piano.  Every SL home needs a grand piano, right? This one is a good size (not over large, as are some), includes the candelabra, & is LOADED with animations (note though that I’m not using one since single female fashion stands are not included lol)
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Velour – Meg
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Marpesia – Beauty Mark V1
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes
  • Hair:  Doux – Dana, available at Equal10
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Summer Eyeshadow;  Cosmetize – The Charlie’s Angels Collection lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Indulge Temptation (IT!) – Aurora Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Luane’s World Bento Poses – World Inside