

Well once again I’ve missed several days of blogging, but the good new is that I am now fully vaccinated!  It is amazing though… where I live, people were scrambling to get appointments for the shot (including us); now, it’s incredibly easy to get an appointment.  Not only that, before you took what you got, no matter how far the drive, no matter which shot it was. Now there’s a luxury of choices… close locations, whichever brand of vaccine you prefer.  I didn’t have too much of a reaction to shot #2; yes, I still can’t really lift my arm after a few days, but other than that I reacted much better than I did to shot #1.  What’s been even harder for me to deal with in the world of blogging though is that my desk chair — my new, awesome desk chair that I picked up at a consignment shop last month — has suddenly “dropped”… it seems that it needs a replacement gas canister, but until that’s handled, I’m so low at the desk that it’s hard to type lol… I feel almost like a little kid sitting at the grownup desk. That said, I’m trying to take maximum advantage of my time inworld since the combination of a sore arm and having to reach up to type are not the best combination for relaxation and enjoyment lol! (Not that something little like that will keep this girl from shopping!!!)  Lots and lots of great events going on right now, with loads of fabulous items.  Here are just a few…

The Look:

  • Outfit:  Jumo Originals – Aeon Outfit.  Awesome style is yours with this one-shoulder asymmetrical top with ruffles at one hip, paired with pants that are not too tight/not too loose… just perfect! Comes with 3 textures in your choice of 8 Hud colors (the fatpack has an extra HUD with 4 additional textures), & is sized for Tonic (Curvy/Fine/Mini), Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I, Legacy, Altamura, & Maitreya.  See the pic below for a closer shot of these fabulous textures (I’m using the Black HUD).  EXCLUSIVELY available at the March round of the Swank Event, open March 7th – 30th.  
  • Head, Eyes, Eyeshadow:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty (worn with Booty Control).  Still the most natural curves on the grid with options to add that extra oomph how & if you want it, as well as others to minimize the bust &/or the butt, perfect for a slinky gown like this!  With Tonic, you can truly customize the look of your body & not only look fantastic, but also look the way YOU want to!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Purity
  • Makeup: #ADORED – Dreamgirl Shadow, pastel palette edition; Top1Salon – HD Rebellious Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Jessica Sanctuary Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  Tonic – Vintage Lace Peep Toe Pump

The Scene (all from the H&G Expo):

Dench Designs – There’s nothing better than shopping with a purpose & scoring awesome landscaping decor!  I’m showing just a few of the donation items for Relay for Life from Dench Designs, located in Region 6 of the Home & Garden Expo, HERE  (and these are just a few of the items from this designer!)

  • Rookery Boat & Rug – Includes the Boat, the rug, the pillows, the trees behind it & the flowers next to it.  Animated for female/male/cuddles; texture change for the rug/pillows.  Only 7LI! 100% DONATION to Relay for Life
  • Rookery Waterfall –  This rocky waterfall is animated (male/female/cuddles; see below for one example), & includes lots of extra decor that — depending on your taste & your prim availability — you can choose to add or not.  (The pic above has all the extra decor included — trees, lanterns, fish, dragonfly, an eating duck!)  100% DONATION to Relay for Life.
  • Stone Planter  – HUNT item (see the pic below for a more detailed image)

Good News! The Home & Garden EXPO is OPEN!

http://Good News! The Home & Garden Expo is OPEN!

Anyone who’s familiar with my blog knows that I’m a big supporter of charitable efforts in Second Life, especially Relay for Life, which if you don’t know, is a fundraising effort for the American Cancer Society.   RFL events are held throughout the year; each one is filled with wonderful shopping, entertainment, experiences, and loads of creativity.  Since I’m not a designer, I can’t create/offer items where I can donate the proceeds.  So instead, I utilize my blogging efforts as I can, and then I shop, shop, shop, and shop some more.  The Home & Garden EXPO is one of these mega-events, open from February 27th through March 21st. It’s such a win-win shopping experience… I score awesome creations by a whole range of designers I might already know and love or be seeing for the very first time… and my shopping dollars are going to support Relay for Life,  Shopping with a purpose… what a concept, and what a wonderful way to use this medium, this life, to support such an important cause.  All the details to this year’s event — donation items, 10L hunt items, auction items, entertainment & talks, the decorating competition, grand finale auction, a shopping guide, and more — can be found HERE.

The Look:

  • Outfit:  GiuliaDesign – Elisea.  Stunning off-the-shoulder crop top with sleeves that are half gauzy with the same embroidery that embellishes the top edge along the breasts.   The waist high pin-striped pants are a full flair leg; all colors have a black tie belt. See the full-length pic below for a good view of all this fabulous detail! Available in 10 colors — all with a silky feel — or in a fatback where you can mix & match the tops & bottoms like I did, Elisea is sized for Hourglass, Belleza Freya & Isis, Legacy, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY at the March Vanity Event, open March 4th – 30th.  Demo available.  
  • Head & Eyes:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Searching
  • Makeup: #ADORED – Dreamgirl Shadow, pastel palette edition; Top1Salon – HD Rebellious Lipstick
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Pink
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Jessica Sanctuary Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  Phedora – Clelia Platforms

The Scene (all from the H&G Expo):

  • Backdrop:  My View – Teahouse.  It’s hard to call this a backdrop, because it’s so much more.  It’s really more of a full landscaping item in that the flowers/outdoor vase are on all 4 corners… the doors open & close (& can stay open if you prefer), there are single sit animations included in the inside chairs (see the shot of the interior below); it’s so adorable, with so many little touches that elevate it. 100% DONATION to Relay for Life in Region 6 of the Home & Garden Expo, HERE.  The H&G Expo is open from Feb 27th – March 21st.
  • Pose:  Shutter Up – Good News.  As you probably know, I don’t often do couple poses since it involves logging into two different computers at the same time, & controlling two avatars, & I’m just not that adept lol! But this time, I just couldn’t resist.  Good News is just, well, that good!  Includes the pose ball set as well as the cell phone in my hand.  (NOTE: due to the huge flair of the pants, I did need to adjust the position of the back leg slightly.) 100% DONATION to Relay for Life in Region 6 of the Home & Garden Expo, HERE.  The H&G Expo is open from Feb 27th – March 21st.

If only…

http://If only...

Ugh, there are times I can really hate February.  It’s just so short… you’d be amazed how those 2 or 3 days really impact you in a month of blogging when most events don’t start until the 2nd week.  Think of it this way… that 2 or 3 days is at least one and possibly two blogs the way I shoot/post (I’m on the slower side because I take a zillion shots for every post, with very rare exceptions).  This year February has been even harder because I’m still settling into my new, much more active life, and I’m finding that my blogging hours are severely shorted and my energy severely diminished as well.  I also received my first COVID 19 shot, and unlike most people, I did get a killer migraine as a reaction to shot #1 that lasted for a few days… nothing serious, thankfully, but enough that I couldn’t sit at a computer and concentrate, let alone be creative. That said I know in the scheme of things this is all minor bs; I’m incredibly lucky to have this new active lifestyle, to have received my shot, and to have a fabulous bunch of sponsors who generally understand that when Second Life and real life conflict, well, real life just has to win out.  (And believe me, that is something I have fought time and again in the 14 years I’ve been here!)  But I am human (sadly sometimes, lol), and I do spend quite a bit of time in “If Only” mode.  At the moment, it’s “if only I had a few more days”… but alas, life doesn’t work that way as we all know.  The best thing in Second Life that I know for this ailment is shopping therapy!!!!  May you be as happy in your shopping as I am in mine lol!

  • Gown:  Allure Couture – Heloise.  A stunning mermaid gown that is made even more fabulous by the 100% original textures & how artfully they’re used on this gown… I just love the use of the solid satin in the bodice area, as piping along the top, for the laces in the back (yes! it dips in the back & laces up!), & the bottom pool of fabric & how it sets off the subtle swirls of the sheath. Heloise is sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I, Legacy, & Maitreya, & is available in 5 separate colors, in a 5-texture Slimpack, or a Fatback of 10.  Includes matching heels.  Heloise is EXCLUSIVELY at the February Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, through TODAY Feb 28th (after that, Heloise will be at the main store).  Demo available.
  • Head, Eyes, Eyeshadow:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  Exile – Countess
  • Lipstick:  Tutti Belli – Lollipop Lipstick Collection
  • Jewelry:   Accolade – Japanese Tensha Bead Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Manu
  • Backdrop:  irrISIStible – Extraordinary Garden Backdrop

Happy Rez Day to Me!

http://Happy Rez Day to Me

I can’t believe it, but I just had my 14th rez day… that’s right, 14… and I wouldn’t even have known it had a friend not wished me a Happy Rez Day. It’s funny how that happens… I remember having a huge party for my 1st rez day, and more intimate celebrations on my 2nd and 3rd.  Every year after that, they just became less and less important, until they generally passed without notice. The fact that I did become aware this year caused me to step back and reflect a bit on all the changes I’ve experienced here inworld… not just in the interface and the world itself, but for me myself.  I’ve been with the same wonderful man here for 13 of those 14 years, so you might think how many changes could there have been, but in looking back over our photo album (and yes, you can definitely see us age and mature!) and searching my memories, I realize how much I’ve changed and grown, just as in real life.  Second Life doesn’t represent the same things to me any more as it did in the beginning.  I still shop and go dancing and spend a lot of time decorating and landscaping, but I’ve been blogging for several years now as well as being a blogger-manager, and having work inworld does change the experience.  I would have to say that most of my friends are now bloggers, blogger-managers, and designers, as opposed to those I used to hang out with for music and dancing.  A more recent change is that I’m now splitting a lot of my time between fae and human, trying on different “attitudes” when creating my look of the day… creating even more of a split personality than I had when I was blogging a lot of heads lol!  I’ve also noticed how special it feels when I run across someone else who has been in here as long or even longer than I have… it’s true, there aren’t that many of us, and I think the key to being a long-term resident is that very change and growth… you need to evolve, or else SL (and life itself, for that matter) stagnates and becomes stale, boring, and deadly.  And on that note, I’m off to explore and shop my little heart out.  After all, it IS my rez day week! Happy shopping to you as well…

The look:

  • Outfit:  Jumo Originals – Marjorie Dress.  Four fabulous textures in 8 different color HUDS plus another HUD with 4 unique patterns, or a fatpack that includes it all…. & all for a truly luscious dress!  I love the way this cut enhances my curves, & the pattern enhances it even more! Sized for Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, & Maitreya; EXCLUSIVELY available at the February round of the Swank Event, open until the 28th.  
  • Head, Eyes, Eyeshadow:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  Exile – Class Act
  • Lipstick:  theMARS – Classy Night Lip
  • Nails:  Go Frock Yourself – Bronze Nail Appliers
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewellery – Boho Celebration Mardi Gras; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  KC Couture – Zara Heels
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Jade, combined with ChicChica – Raspberry Chammey

The scene:

Tylar’s Treasures – Elegant Whimsy Collection.   It’s such a beautifully large collection, with each element sold individual, it enables you to create exactly what you want without having to purchase items you don’t.  See the pic below  to see a broader range of what’s included than in the pic above:

  • Elegant Whimsy Veranda, with scripted doors
  • Elegant Whimsy Piano with Chandelier, animated in both Cuddles & Adult versions
  • Elegant Whimsy Sofa, with texture change for pillows; Bento Animated, also available in both Cuddles & Adult versions
  • Elegant Whimsy Champagne Table, with texture changer for the bows; bottle gives a glass of champagne!
  • Elegant Whimsy Dessert Table (not shown), also with texture changer for the bows; 3 different dessert options to display
  • Elegant Whimsy Potted Wisteria Tree
  • Elegant Whimsy Potted Dwarf Palms (set of 3; small, medium, & large)
  • Elegant Whimsy Potted Orchids
  • Elegant Whimsy Potted Fern

All items are EXCLUSIVELY available at the current round of Uber Hometown, February 19th – March 18th.  (NOTE: Only cuddles versions are on display at the event; adult versions are on display only at the store)

Ruins & Roses, Blossoming into Romance

http://Ruins & Roses, Blossoming into Romance

IMHO, the whole key to being a successful designer in Second Life (or for that matter, IRL) is having an artistic eye.  And no that doesn’t mean that every item of clothing and every object has to look like an objet d’art, but the style, the form, the colors & patterns, the textures, it all takes that certain something.  Most brands here in SL are for clothing, or for decor, or for whatever; it’s unusual to find one that excels in multiple fields.  But when they do (as in this case), they can work together in amazing ways.  I have to wonder if these gorgeous formal clothes were designed with the setting of the rose-covered ruins in mind, or did the idea for the ruins come after the  clothes were already created… or is it all just some happy accident that they work so perfectly together to create a romantic scene?  The fact is that it doesn’t matter in the slightest, just some mental meanderings; both the clothes and the scene are fabulous each on their own, or together.  Happy shopping!

The look:     

  • Gown:  Swank & Co. –  Blossoming Couples Gown.  A truly exceptional gown, combining a stunning black sequin sheath with what I can only describe as water colors for the bodice & bottom of the gown.   Includes 6 different colors/flower patterns.  Sized for Tonic, Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody, Altamura, & Maitreya, this is called the Blossoming Couples Gown because there’s also a coordinated men’s tuxedo.  Both the men’s & women’s versions are EXCLUSIVELY available at the February round of the Swank Event, open until the 28th.  
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty (worn with Booty Control).  Still the most natural curves on the grid with options to add that extra oomph how & if you want it, as well as others to minimize the bust &/or the butt, perfect for a slinky gown like this!  With Tonic, you can truly customize the look of your body & not only look fantastic, but also look the way YOU want to!
  • Head, Eyes, Eyeshadow:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  Exile – Full of Grace 
  • Lipstick:  theMARS – Classy Night Lip
  • Jewelry:  J&W Jewelers (extinct vendor?) – Arturo Black Diamonds Collection; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

The scene:     

Swank & Co. –  Romantic Rose Covered Ruins w/Light Effects.   It’s really hard to describe the magic of these 4-sided ruins (with each side being somewhat different).  They include controllable light effects; there’s swirling mist rising from the floor; shafts of light; faerie lights, & so much more.  Although best viewed at midnight, it’s not the easiest to show these details when photographed in that light, so you’ll just have to see the how incredible these ruins are for yourself.  EXCLUSIVELY available only at the February round of the Swank Event, open until the 28th.  See the full shot below.

Celebrate Love

http://Celebrate LoveYes, Valentine’s Day is over, but I wanted to make the point that love isn’t about a single day… Love is something that we should celebrate every day.  It’s a nice thought, right, but of course the rest of life gets in the way and we get buried under all that minutiae and aggravation of daily living.  Not to mention that love is messy… to use a well-known saying, love isn’t all lollipops and roses (or hearts!!!), it takes a lot of work and commitment and can easily be pushed into the background while other more immediate feelings take dominance.  All it takes, though, is something big — like getting ill — to bring love back into focus.  I often wonder how many people do a big hoopla for Valentine’s Day only to go back to what I’ll call “less loving behavior” the very next day.  It’s sad, it’s frustrating, and it’s just the way life is. That said, I wanted to at least draw attention to the fact that we must all make an effort in our daily lives (and yes, I’m including myself in that!!) to show the ones that we love that we truly do care.  It’s really not that hard… it can be just a touch, a look, a few words, whatever, but it’s definitely worth it when you see/feel the reaction from your loved one.  That’s what strong, long-term relationships are all about, and it makes that hard work just a little bit easier.  So on that note, let’s all celebrate love and have some fun going shopping lol!

The Look:

  • Outfit:  Essence – Metropolitan Girl.  Adorably sexy outfit, with a cute, striped off-shoulder tube top, banded in one color with bright stripes of another down the arms, with a laced back; a high-waist tulip denim skirt; & the cutest sneakers for “high” feet. Includes a 12-color HUD for the crop top, 16-color HUD for the denim skirt, & 4-color HUD for the sneakers.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya, the outfit is available EXCLUSIVELY at the February Swank event open Feb 7th – 28th.  
  • Head & Eyes:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  Doux – Peach @ Equal10
  • Makeup:  theSkinnery – Aurora EyeShadow (Group Gift); Top1Salon – HD Rebellious Lipstick
  • Tattoo:  Juna Artistic Tattoo – Lory
  • Jewelry:  Eclectica – Boho Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

The Scene:

  • Heart Decor – (AZ) Studio – Celebrate Love.  A collection inspired by vintage florals, this party set includes a backdrop (shown), 3 different resizable topiaries (shown; sold as a set in either red or blush), ground floor coverings (shown; includes both red & blush options), art object (shown), garlands, balloons, strings, & a wreath. All items are sold individually, & are EXCLUSIVE at the February Swank event open Feb 7th – 28th. 
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Bike Ride

A Red, Red Rose

http://A Red, Red Rose

It is definitely getter harder and harder for me to get a blog done and posted.  I always try to get it done in the morning, somewhere between 8:30A and 11A my time, which as worked relatively well for me in the past.  But now that I’m in Florida, no longer working, and the weather is improving, I’m out doing things in the morning.  This morning I had a tee off time for golf at 9:44A, which meant I left my house right around 9A; I just got back after playing golf and having lunch.  I’m not as concerned as I would have been a few months ago when I had tested and found that views/faves declined if posted after 11A, but I’ve been finding in recent weeks that all of that has declined anyway, so why bother worrying about it and twisting myself around trying to meet some arbitrary self-imposed timetable.  Enough stress in the world and in life without adding on more, right?  In any case, it’s all about the fun of blogging, not about the amount of acclaim (or lack thereof as the case may be lol), though I think we’d all agree it’s better to be liked than not!  That said, I had fun putting this one together, where I wanted to do something Valentines-y without crossing over into overly sappy or romantic.  I’m happy where I landed, and hope that at least some people viewing it “after hours” will think so too!  Happy shopping!!!!

  • Outfit:  Anny’s Fashion – Hailey Pantaloons & Corset Denim.   Pantaloons!!! Who would have thought pantaloons could be so cute & sassy!?!  These are just so adorable, & paired with the perfect corset top to turn sassy into sexy!  I just love this totally different look, which includes a HUD of 8 colors for the corset (one of which has the pattern worn) & 8 for the pantaloons.  Hailey is sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, eBody Curvy, Alice, Altamura, Legacy/Legacy Perky, & Maitreya, & is an  EXCLUSIVE at the February Swank event open Feb 7th – 28th.  
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; Finer Threads – Sel Beauty Marks
  • Hair:  TRUTH – Lady
  • Makeup:  GOREGLAM – Cherry Rush Lipgloss
  • Tattoo:  Juna Artistic Tattoo – Sara
  • Shoes:  Chic & Shoes – Monna
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Parisienne Love Heart Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  EMOZIONE – The Feeling of Forever (modified)
  • Backdrop:  Heart Poses – The Florist