Step into the Fairytale

http://Step into the Fairytale

Enchanting moments await you at Midsummer Enchantment, an elegant yet magical dark fantasy themed event brought to you by Dark Passions Events.  Open June 22nd through July 7th, the event is full of new exclusives and hunt prizes priced between 10 – 25L$ each.  Step into the fairytale — be it dark or filled with light! — and you just might  find that special item to fulfill your fantasy!   I’m wearing a few of my favorites (more to come!); you can check out the full shopping guide HERE.   Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Kairah.  Another gorgeous dress with chains, with both short & long versions included (HUD controlled).  As always, the detail is amazing… just look at the metal clasps on the dress! Available in 10 single colors or in 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs for all the elements, all of which are also show/hide (see the ad below).  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics, all options, so you can mix ‘n match as you want.  Maelin is sized for Legacy+Bombshell, LaraX+XPetite, GenX Classic/Curvy, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifu.  Originally released for the recent Fantasy Faire, both the outfit & demo are available at the main store.  
  • Skin:  LUMAE – Eirtae Fantasy Tones, worn in Solaris.  EVENT EXCLUSIVE at Midsummer Enchantment, 5 summery fantasy tones for EvoX (see the ad below).  NOTE:  matching body skins by body type are available at the main store.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at Midsummer Enchantment, for 40% OFF during the event.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Makeup:  HEXUMBRA – Soliel Sunkissed Face Paint.  Includes 3 strengths of face paint (I’m wearing the strongest) plus 3 strengths of a sunkissed blush, all with tintable options.  (See the ad below.) EVENT EXCLUSIVE at Midsummer Enchantment.  You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.  Demo available.  Also worn:  Loa – Gaia Face Paint nose contour; StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix HD Lips
  • Tattoo:  Leave Your Mark – Walk Thru Fire.  Another EVENT EXCLUSIVE at Midsummer Enchantment, the artistry in this full body BOM tattoo really kicks your look up a notch! You can TP directly to their event booth HERE.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  WINGS – EF0208
  • Eyes: Gloom – Tirel
  • Wings:  Aii  – Fairy Wings
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Farys
  • Nails:  Gorgeous Dolls – Girl Hallowaii
  • Pose:  Animosity – Wiccan; Kokoro – Fire Halo
  • Backdrop:  The Bearded Guy – Moonlight Ritual

The Hunting Lesson

http://The Hunting Lesson

OMG, life out there in the real world has gotten so stressful that I have ventured deep into the forest to get some peace and quiet.  I took along a new companion, deciding it was a perfect time to start teaching a few basics of hunting, the weight of taking a life even for the good of the tribe, how the same skills are used when patrolling the perimeter of our territory.  Ahh, the peace and quiet, away from the cacophony of outdoor landscapers, the detritus from  a flooding sink pipe, and the stress and mess of an old dying dog.  Quietly, I start teaching the lessons of walking soundlessly, of listening at a deeper level to hear every sound, to watching for every flicker of movement.  These skills are translatable to every species, as I zero in on a target the cub has not seen until I point it out.  Many more lessons will be needed, so I happily look forward to more escapes into the silence of the woods…

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Elf Archer Set.   Perfect styling for an archer, with beautiful embossed detailing!  Includes the dress, matching boots, & a quiver, all of which have gorgeous detail.  In a choice of 8 colors (or in a fatpack which allows mix ‘n match like I did).  Optional bow also included, that includes a pose (as shown in the pic).  Sized for Legacy & Maitreya.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:   Moccino – Boo in Papaya (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F195
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Summer
  • Makeup:  Loa – Lara Face Paint; StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix Lipstick
  • Ears:  Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Horns:  Cerridwen’s Cauldron – Ram Horns
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Woodland Fairy Wings
  • Turkeys:  JIAN – Lion Cub Collection
  • Location:  The Wylde

Underestimating me will be your first mistake

http://Underestimating me will be your first mistake

I’m a fae.  My kind is slight of build which enhances our flying and agility.  However, I am not purebred fae… the horns I inherited through my father’s line are more than just proof that I am not pure of blood… they are also a sign that there may be more to me than what first meets the eye.  And indeed, they are an indication of greater strength and dexterity than my appearance would seemingly indicate.  Because of that, I have achieved a somewhat unique status among the tribes… not quite belonging, not quite apart, but valued and praised for my ability to defend all creatures great and small…  So go ahead, make my day… underestimate me… and learn your lesson that appearances can definitely be deceiving…

  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Beryl.  Who said armor couldn’t be sexy?  Originally introduced at this year’s Fantasy Faire, the detailing on this outfit is simply exquisite… Beryl includes a 48-color HUDs for each of the “elements” — the wrap armor, bolero/sleeves/shoulder armor, legs, matching jewelry (bindi & earrings) — that are each sold separately so you can can create & re-create the looks you want, or in an individual body fatpack (Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Mounds, Kupra, Freya, Reborn,  VTech) or as a megapack.  Demo available. See the ad below.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Gloom – Calin Fantasy, worn in Grey Alien
  • Hair:  monso – Natalia
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Hygge
  • Horns:  Cats Claw Designs – Roses on Horns Fiery Silver Roses
  • Makeup:  Knife Party – Millenium; Loa – Trance Face Paint Lip Stripe
  • Ears:  PROMAGIC – Dhairya Tattoo
  • Wings:  Mishmash Fusion – Broken Glass Wings
  • Pose:  !!GemS!! – WarMaiden, with Elemental – Hero Sword
  • Location:  Harshlands

Safe Harbor Ahead

http://Safe Harbor Ahead

This is the birth of a new persona for me (yes, there seem to be several multiple personalities residing within one small avatar lol), the Dread Pirate Thea la Fae.  I have a feeling that she will make an appearance now and again, though piracy and buccaneering don’t hold a huge appeal for me, I do get a hankering to “shiver me timbers” every once in a while.  An outfit like this DEFINITELY puts me in the mood to taste the salt air and have some rum… unfortunately my parrot companion could not join me due to insurmountable issues with scripted objects the night of my shoot, but the next time Thea la Fae takes center stage I’ll be sure to include the screechy beast!  In the meantime, may you find safe harbor in this troubled world (and of course, happy shopping)!

  •  Outfit:  Jangka Design – Mary.  Fabulously detailed as always, Jangka always inspires character development for me.  Every look has such personality, so much “realness”, they literally bring my “character” to life!  With Mary, you’re ready to take on the high seas or just kick your feet up on a beach & live the life of a corsair! Sized for Legacy & Maitreya, Mary is 100% original mesh & is available in 6 colors (boots & armbands are available in black or brown; the tri-corner hat is brown with a red cockade).  As always, the outfit just feels so authentic & looks so amazing! EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE for 25% OFF at the current round of We Love Role Play; demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Ives Beauty – Dove in Lavender Fairy
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F163
  • Horns:  Blue Blood – Moonlight Horns
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Hunter
  • Makeup:  Knife Party – Farrah Eye Makeup; Rubedo – Ava; StunnerOriginals – Linette Lips
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Ragged Fairy Wings
  • Pose:  Seetra Poses – Setting Sails
  • Location:  BLACKSPOT – Ghost Ship


Taking A Time Out

http://Taking A Time Out

Sighs, I need this… I need to just take a little time out, and sit somewhere and soak up a little sun and the beauty of nature… to relax and de-stress.  One week from tomorrow I’m leaving on my first big trip since COVID, and it’s the longest trip I’ve ever taken as an adult.  I’ll be traveling for 2-and-a-half weeks in Europe, which is waaaaay more than I’ve done since I first graduated college (and that was ages ago lol).  So needless to say I’m stressed… so much to handle, so many details, PLUS all the regular day-to-day things.  It should be more than worth it, but still, this last week should be a doozy.  This is almost definitely my last “human” post until my return the last week of May, although my fae other will still have a few posts about Fantasy Faire right up until we leave.  On top of all the real life craziness, it will be the longest I’ve been away from SL in more than 15 years, and I’ll have zero access the entire time, so it should be interesting both to see how much I’ll miss my “other life” and then to re-immerse.  Well, time is a-wasting, and still so much to do (and this time, it’s NOT just shopping lol though admittedly there’s some of that too).  Wish me bon voyage, and have a fabulous few weeks!  Take care of the grid for me!!!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Darby Jean Outfit.  Tight jeans cut right below the waist with a tie-wrapped black-or-white polka dot bralette plus open-toe stiletto pumps…  she’s sexy as you-know-what yet breezingly casual.  Darby is available in 4 individual colors, a 5-color Slimpack, or a Fatback of 10, all with 100% Original Textures.  She’s sized for Legacy,  Hourglass/Physique, Freya, & Maitreya.  At the April Swank Event, open through April 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin/Makeup:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly; DeeTaleZ Smokey Eyes; DeeTaleZ Lip Tint
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Doux – Morning
  • Jewelry:   IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Pinwheel Earrings & Necklace; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band;
  • Pose:  :LW: Poses – Tell Me This

The Edge of Tomorrow

http://The Edge of Tomorrow

This time of year can be tough…  we just had family staying with us for a week (and all I’ll say about that is that it wasn’t a particularly easy week), and now my sister is coming tomorrow for the weekend.  It’s always great to have company, but it’s also great when they leave!  What is that old saying?  Fish and company both start to stink after three days lol?  Even when they’re easygoing and NOT difficult, it disrupts your routine and just throws your life out of whack.  And whereas I love it when I find a fashion style that’s just a little different, a little bit edgy, at this stage of the game I don’t particularly enjoy that in my daily life.  (Traveling is, of course, the exception, but then you’re actively choosing it for a short time.  More on this to come, since a major vacation is in the offing!)  But back to fashion…  This outfit is definitely “disruptive,” with an extremely asymmetrical top, leather leggings, and a choice of textures that can really make you indecisive lol.  It’s an outfit that can take you just about anywhere, and take you there in STYLE (and yes, all caps are definitely required in this case).  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Hawkers House – Asymmetrical Buckled Top, worn in Goldrush (just one of more than a dozen phenomenal textures), comes with ladies mesh leather leggings & platform boots.  A totally edgy look, sized for TMP (Legacy), Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, Tonic, Ocacin, Voluptuous, Maitreya & Classic. EXCLUSIVELY available at the April round of the Swank Event, April 7th – 30th.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin/Makeup:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly; DeeTaleZ Smokey Eyes; DeeTaleZ Lip Tint
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Paula
  • Jewelry:  Bliensen + MaiTai – Lamiya Earrings; Glowing Gems – Jenny Bangle Bracelets; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Margulis #5
  • Couch:  Bricolage – Florence Leather Sofa
  • Cats:  Rezz Room – Bengal Cat Family
  • Location:  Backdrop City

By the Waterfall

http://By the Waterfall

I’ve always loved waterfalls, big ones, small ones, doesn’t matter.  Something about the sound, the feel, that freshness in the air all around them is just so invigorating both to body and spirit.  The big waterfalls are inspiring and mesmerizing; little ones entice you to draw ever closer to their magic.  A mystical way to start a fae’s busy day!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Linnett Celtic Skirt Outfit.  Perfectly styled for fantasy folk, but also for the regular human female. Includes a relatively small halter top, an asymmetrical high-waisted skirt with a single ruffle & celtic symbols stitched in gold, matching thong panties (a necessity since it gets VERY short on the side), & matching open-work leather leggings.  Available in a 10 texture Fatpack, or as a 6 texture Slimpack, in all ORIGINAL textures.  The complete outfit is sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Legacy, & Maitreya, but the top & skirt are included in other sizes as well.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the August Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, open August 12th – 30th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  Petrichor/Plastik – Styliste (lip stripe also worn)
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Metal Satyr Horns
  • Hair:  Kuni – Hera
  • Ears:  Swallow – Pixie Ears Protruding
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Shura Makeup (eyeshadow)
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Ragged Fairy Wings
  • Pose:   Stardust – Aurelia #5
  • Location:  Elvion

Pretty Woman

http://Pretty Woman

As a blogger, you tend to wear a lot more fashion than a non-blogging avatar.  And if it’s one thing I’ve learned, outfits tend to fall into 5 categories: things I’d NEVER wear, things that look good “on the hangar” but just don’t fit my body/shape to advantage, things that look good, and things that not only look good, they make me feel good too.  This little dress falls into that last, absolutely best category.  Somehow the combination of the cut of the dress and those glorious polka dots make me swing my hips with just a bit more swagger and feel perky and more attractive, while I hear Roy Orbison singing in my head.  Maybe it’s because this dress looks simply amazing from the back, I don’t know.  All I know is that it’s been a while since I just haven’t felt like changing to the next outfit because I feel so good in this one!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Charlie Sun Dress.  To me this pretty little polka-dot dress has a definite retro feel that just makes you feel like that iconic pretty woman walking down the street.  The shape is just perfect, with a modest scoop, a black drawstring that hikes the front of the dress up just the right amount of sexy over one thigh, & the spaghetti straps cross & wrap & recross over a low back (see below for how amazing this dress looks from the back).  Includes matching high heeled sandals & a C-string for a truly killer outfit that’s available in a 15 texture Fatpack, or as an 8 texture Slimpack, all ORIGINAL textures.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Signature Alice, Maitreya, Altamura, eBody Curvy, & Legacy.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the 4 Seasons Event, open TODAY August 15th through August 29th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Isla in Mocca
  • Hair:  TRUTH – Lady
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Luminous Eyes in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Makeup:  Izzie’s – Whiskey Fall Eyeshadow;  DS’Elles – Pucker Up Lipgloss
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Ayla Moon Goddess Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Night Sassy Bento Pose Set
  • Location:  1950s & 1960s America in Time Portal

On Fairy Patrol

http://On Fairy Patrol

Contrary to common human belief, being a fae is not all fun & games.  The fantasy kingdoms need protection, & in exchange for the ability to relax & enjoy the beauty of the realms, many of us step up & do our part to help protect & ensure their continuation, both against threats from the less-friendly denizens & those from the outside world.  The main problem with patrol is not to get too distracted by the beauty or the hidden secrets when you stumble upon them, or you can find yourself lost in wonder & exploration. Next time you wander in the forest, keep an eye out & listen for the fluttering of wings… you never know what you might find!

  • Outfit:  Fatal Fashion – Outfit 128, Flower Nymph.  Available in two versions, light (white) & dark (black).  Includes the dress, leg lace wraps, wings, flower crown, flower bracelets for arms & legs. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, TMP, Altamura, & Maitreya.  Available EXCLUSIVELY at Fable 5, an Evil Bunny Production, open August 8th – 31st.
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Aurora Eyes.  Beautiful magical unisex eyes, with just a touch of the cosmos, as you can see in the closeup below. Includes HUDs with 8 textures for Catwa, Omega, Lelutka Evol, & BOM Layers. EXCLUSIVELY at Fable 5, an Evil Bunny Production, open August 8th – 31st.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Skin:  Petrichor/Plastik – Styliste.  OK, let me say first thing that that skin is no longer available. Originally available as a gift at SL17, this 100% custom gorgeous skin had versions for both male & female fantasy folk, & included both BOM layers & a ton of appliers. So why am I blogging it? The answer is simple… Petrichor makes a whole range of magnificent fantasy skins, many of which I hope to be blogging in the future, but for today, for THIS look, this is the skin of choice, & a perfect example of the quality of their skins. 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  D!va – Vally
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Metal Satyr Horns Fatpack
  • Ears:  Swallow – Pixie Ears Protruding
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Olek Makeup (eyeshadow); {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Queenie Lippies (Genus Appliers)
  • Jewelry:  Nanika – Dragonfly Necklace
  • Pose:  Kokoro Poses – Herta Pose Set, #1 (includes bow & arrows)
  • Location:  Lost Unicorn

Money makes the world go round

http://I'm out of lindens till bonus day, can I charge it

It constantly amazes me how quickly my monthly budget disappears.  It always seems like more than enough, and yes, there have been months that I’ve ended up with excess lindens.  Maybe because I’m a shopping addict blown away by the creativity of some designers (the stimulus behind many bloggers lol!), maybe it’s because I’m a total hair freak and always want the latest styles, maybe it’s because I’m never satisfied and get bored easily, so I like to keep refeathering my nest or even changing my nest altogether.  I still like live music events (though I go much much less than previously), and although I’m not a big tipper, I’m a consistent one.  And yes, of course I have a credit card linked to my account in order to bring in my monthly funds (and added little bits when there’s something I just can’t resist ) but that still requires me to bring in money NOW.  It would be amazing if I had a SL credit card that would allow me to buy larger purchases now and pay them off slowly over time.  On the other hand, I guess a lot of SLifers (including me) could end up carrying debt inworld rather than just stimulating the economy. All I can say is that money definitely makes both worlds go round, and I certainly do my part lol… thankfully I don’t have to pay to store all my things that I’m not currently using… I do love the magic of free, limitless inventory!  Well, all this talk of shopping has me itching to go look at this lower-prim high quality furniture I’ve been considering (the new elven home for my fantasy alt and her partner  is a Linden one, so every prim is precious!), so I’m off, “credit card” in hand!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  GiuliaDesign – Nimue.   Once again, it’s the stylish details that sets this denim shorts outfit apart from the crowd.   The halter-style top with strategically placed openings both front & back drapes beautifully; the frayed short shorts have artfully placed rips & lacing in the back… I simply had to include a 2nd shot to show you how phenomenal this outfit looks from behind (see below)! Comes in 10 colors for the top, 6 denims for the shorts; sold separately or as a fatpack. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY available at the 07/20 Girls Heaven Event open July 26th – August 19th. Demo available.
  • Bag:  MY BAGS by Mila – My Tropical in Mango.  A fun, hard box bag , together with a small padlock, perfect for the summer season.  My Tropical is an 100% original mesh bag with Materials enabled — be sure to switch on advanced lighting to see the textures at their best.  This collection of various fruits offers 6 choices & includes a hand pose, EXCLUSIVELY available at the Bundle of Doves Event from July 20th – August 22nd.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Isla in Mocca
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Imani
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Makeup:   DS’Elles – Pucker up Lipgloss
  • Tattoo:  ShitStorm – Darkness Tattoo
  • Sunglasses:  meisu Eyewear & Accessories – Minutiae glasses
  • Jewelry:   Kunglers – Milena Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Empowered – Credit Card Poses
  • Location:  Opium Beach & Music Hall