Play Misty for Me

http://Play Misty for Me

I’m much more of a book person than I am a movie person; I don’t go anywhere without a book and there are times when I read a book a week.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t love movies, they’re just not as integrated into my day-to-day.  There are definitely certain movies that stand out in my memory and interrupt my thoughts now and then.  Some of them are among the greats — Casablanca, Gone With the Wind for instance… others are the blockbusters (think Lord of the Rings).  But others that fall way short of that mark,have something — some moment, some scene, some thought — that struck home and has become part of MY story.  These include Moonlighting (“snap out of it!”), Defending Your Life (Shirley Maclaine hosting the Past Lives Pavilion; being able to eat whatever you want and never gain weight!), The Princess Bride (Inconceivable!), and Play Misty for Me (I’m sorry, but Clint Eastwood was just too gorgeous in it lol).  Like so much else, these movies drift through the deep waters of memory, rising to the surface suddenly by a stray current created by a random catalyst.  In this case, the catalyst was the moody background of this windlight.  It made me think of mist… and well, mist either always make me think of Brigadoon (another B or C movie favorite, and one I can sing to!) and/or Play Misty for Me…  Of course now I’ve got the music from Brigadoon running through my head, because I’m definitely not feeling “as helpless as a kitten up a tree” in this dress… Just be thankful you can’t hear me sing!  😉

  • Dress:  WellMade – Jamille Dress.  On a scale of 1 to 10 for sexy, this dress is definitely a 10.  It has all kinds of teasing little features — the satiny halter top that rises from the skirt front leaving the sides & back bared… the laces on either side of the skirt front… the very short cut of that skirt…  But part of what makes it a 10 in my book is that it exudes sex while maintaining class & style… it never crosses that line over into what I’ll call “slut wear”.  Let’s face it: slut wear is very prevalent & definitely has its place here on the grid at least, but I generally prefer those styles that skirt the line without crossing it, keeping a bit of mystery to add to the allure. Includes a 25-color HUD with separate settings for the top, skirt, skirt front, laces, & bow at neck so you can go as colorful or monotone as you like.  Sized for Tonic, Slink HG, Belleza F/I, eBody Curvy, Jomo Fox & Maitreya. At the Designer Circle 17/19 August 25th – Sept 7th.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Serendipity Necklace & Earrings.  6 packages of multiple options: 10 metals, 8-11 gems + 8-11 stones versions, only 150L per package.  See closeup below.  Available at the Designer Circle 17/19 August 25th – Sept 7th.  A We Love to Blog designer.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Jealousy
  • Tattoo: Juna Artistic Tattoo – Doilies
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Makeup/Lashes:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes: HDLiners
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Plastik – Madpea Iconic Heat Polish
  • Shoes:  Reign – Saffron Heels
  • Pose:  DePerla (Pose Fair Gift; Marketplace & Events only)
  • Location:  Backdrop Cove

You call that a cup of coffee?

http://You call that a cup of coffee?

I do love coffee.  I love everything about it.  We order from a roaster down in the city and lift our noses at supermarket brands.  In order to avoid shipping charges, we order quite a bit at one time — especially during the big sales they have — and I just love the smell when you open the box. Heavenly!  And I don’t stop there…  I also love memes about coffee, coffee mugs (I have quite the collection since it’s a must buy every time I go on vacation lol), and I noticed that I take a substantial number of shots here in SL with a cup of coffee… I’ve even made an album of it lol!  This is the first time though that I’ve done a shot with Crichton drinking coffee… it’s funny how a cup that’s just perfect for me seems lost in those big paws of his! I guess he’ll be getting a lot of those free refills!  😉

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Luca Slacks Outfit.  Although the pants fit great, with the top few buttons undone, the patterned Luca shirt is really what makes this outfit sizzle.  Sold in fatpacks according to size, which are available for Slink, Adam, Aesthetic, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, TMP & Classic.  Each fatpack includes 5 separate appliers for the slacks, 7 for the shirt, & 4 for the included shoes (which are really spectacular in the white version!), so that you can mix ‘n match colors according to your own style.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Milo V1,  the August Group Gift for guys, comes with a full range of tones.  I’ve chosen to wear Earth, my favorite summer tone because to my eye, it’s not too light & not too dark.  I feel that Milo has a fresh, open, amiable look about him but with a hint that there’s something definitely going on in that mind of his.  You can’t go wrong with this Omega applier, because it’s FREE to all 7DS members during the month of August! See below for a closeup…
  • Head: Akeruka (AK) – Clay, the latest male deluxe bento head from Akeruka
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Male Bundle Mesh Body, including Physique Body, Dynamic Hands, & Feet
  • Hair:  Volthair – George
  • Pendant:  Stone’s Works –  Spirit of the DragonRFL
  • Location:  Mythical Serenity

Double Trouble

http://Eternal Love

http://Double Trouble

So it’s a bit funny… as much as I keep saying that I’m going to stop what I call “double posting” — putting two images up on FlickR rather than just one with a supporting image in the blog — I keep doing it.  Why do I want to stop? First it’s a lot more work… deciding which groups to post which image is can be so painstaking it just gets annoying.  Second it really impacts response, and as a blogger who is looking for one or two brands to replace some events that have closed, response matters.  But the fact remains that my primary audience is ME; I only blog items that I truly like, and I’m the one I need to satisfy first and foremost.  If I’m not happy with the work or not having fun, it shows.  And another funny thing is that my favorite pix never seem to perform as well as those I’m a bit more lukewarm towards…  not quite sure what that’s all about, but I’ve found it extremely interesting that I hear the same thing from other bloggers and from designers that I’m friendly with.  Just goes to show you lol!

  • Outfit:  Dallas MacKenzie Designs – Melody Dress.  It’s simple, & simply adorable.  Love the contrast edging!  Includes a 10-color HUD. Sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V & Maitreya.   At the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Eternal Love Necklace & Earrings.  Like the dress, it’s very simple… little circular stones that can be set by HUD to two different colors.  Can be mix n matched too! 100% unrigged resizable mesh jewelry, materials enabled, HUD driven. 12 packages discounted at 60L in the MP and store: 6 packages with earrings options + 6 packages with necklace options. (Note that the earrings have different HUDs than the necklace.)  A We Love to Blog designer.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK, & my personal choice.  I’m not an official blogger for AK either, but I’m a fan, it’s big news, & it’s just about gone!  All deluxe heads — male & female — are currently on sale for just 500L for group members (normally 4999L).  LAST DAY FOR THIS SALE BEFORE IT’S GONE!!!
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HDLiners
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Hair:  Exile – Nadia, available EXCLUSIVELY at The Hair Fair (Blonde region)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Cat:  KittyCatS! – my now full-grown toy mocha (named Pippa)
  • Location:  Cali Beach Mall


Getting that perfect Selfie

http://Getting that perfect Selfie

Am I obsessed with taking my own picture in SL because I’m a blogger, or am I a blogger because I’m obsessed with taking selfies?  It’s one of those chicken and egg questions, for which there is no real answer.  But since almost every post I make is basically a selfie, I really liked the idea of confronting it head-on in a pose. It’s a funny thing though… I very VERY rarely take a selfie in real life, but then I don’t blog RL or post many pix in social media.  I’m sure there’s some deep psychological meaning in all this, but honestly? I don’t care… I’m having fun and that’s all that counts!  Now if I just tilt my chin a bit that way, I’ll be able to see the earrings better…  snap, shift, snap, shift…  and so it goes!  😉

  • Shorts:  MOZ Designs – NEW! “Sadie” Frayed Shorts.   Little 3-snap denim cut-offs with a very special side detail — open lacing to hold the front & back together!  So adorably sexy!  Original Fitmesh for Tonic, Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, & eBody mesh bodies. The fatpack comes with 4 faded denim colors; Sadie is EXCLUSIVE at the August eBento through the end of the month.  Remember to wear your MOZ tag for special Member pricing @events like this!  Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Myles, worn in my favorite summer tone, Maple.  Myles is right up my alley, since she has light freckles & some scattered beauty marks.  To show you her simple beauty, I took off my standard applier freckles & all makeup for the 4 tone shots below (I did still wear my own red eyebrows).   Gorgeous, right? Myles is EXCLUSIVELY available in fatpacks of light or dark tones at the Fetish Fair, Aug 17th – 31st.  Shape & demos available too.
  • Nails:  Cazimi – Sugar Rush Nails, beautiful soft toned nails with a silver/white either at the tips or at the cuticle.  The HUD offers 5 colors in both options, for a total of 10 different nail styles (see below for a shot of the HUD).  Appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, & Slink, available at the Designer Circle 16/19 August 11th – 24th. 
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Season Berries Necklace & Earrings. 100% unrigged resizable mesh jewelry, materials enabled, HUD driven. 6 necklace & earrings packages discounted at 60L in the store: 8 up to 11 gem colors per package, 10 metal versions.  A We Love to Blog designer.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head: Tonic – Coco, one of the two NEW bento heads from Tonic; fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her look all your own
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Cadence
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega);  DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Top:  MOZ Designs – Alexa Tank
  • Pose:  Secret Poses – Posing & Dancing #6 (includes cellphone & headphones)
  • Location:  Whimberly
Myles in 4 tones: Cotton, Caramel, Cashew, & Maple


Cazimi Sugar Rush

Waiting for my Ya-Ya

http://Waiting for my YaYa

So here I am again, sitting on my ya ya waiting for my ya ya, uh huh… What’s a girl to do? Drank my beer, read my book… I guess I could paint my toes, but then again you can only paint them so many times, & they’re looking pretty perfect already.  Time to start thinking about how I should have him make it up to me… hmmmm… what jewelry would look good with that new dress I just got huh? Or maybe I can whip out the fur-lined handcuffs, and–  but oops, this blog is PG, best to keep THAT thought for closed doors (or maybe another blog lol)!  Well, at least I’m sitting here on these gorgeous fun new loungers, playing with all the built-in textures & animations… oh well, “It may sound funny, but I don’t believe he’s comin, Uh huh, uh huh, Baby, honey, don’t leave me worried, Uh huh”…

  • Outfit:  S&B Fashion – Over Bikini Top w/ Jeans Shorts.  To me, this is sweet, sassy, yet surprisingly simple. & sexy  The shorts are your basic denim, but with an a to-die-for fit; the top is the cutest little combo. You catch a hint of the solid color bikini top but get the full effect of its criss-crossed front straps, while in back it’s just the thinnest of ties… over that is a loose, patterned top with a regular shoulder strap in front that then criss-crosses behind the shoulder blades, leaving most of your back bare.  Includes a 3-texture HUD for the top; sized for Tonic, Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, eBody, TMP, & Classic.  At the Designer Circle 15/19 July 28th – August 10th.  Demo available.
  • Chairs:  Circa Living – “Baja Sun” Beach Loungers.  They may be created for beachy spots, but IMHO they work great on decks & porches too! In time for the hot sun while catching some rays, this new beach lounger collection is full of texture choices to meet various tastes & trend styles. Each comes with an array of pattern & solid textures to mix ‘n match via touch menus (the Aztec set, shown, has 7 patterns). Just at a simple touch of a menu you can have a whole new look. Some loungers are colourful & exotic while others are more neutral in tone for serene looks. The base piece below the cushion comes in aluminum metal, blonde wood, & teak wood.  Each comes loaded with 44 sit & lounge animations for the ladies & gents, offering both quality & variety.  EXCLUSIVE at the July Boardwalk Event running through August 15th. During the event, these exclusive sets are discounted 50% Off & will then be regular price after Aug 15th.   ALSO SHOWN:  “Aziza” Hanging Fern Basket; “Aziza” Tall Vase – Tropica Plant, also available at Boardwalk.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Cats:  Image Essentials Props and Poses – Full Perm Mesh Cats.  I’ve blogged them before, but they’re so purrfect (sorry!), I can’t help but blog them again. 15 original mesh Cats available in 5 different textures (black, white, grey, ginger, & tiger) & a normal specular map. “Captured” in various poses — sleeping, jumping up, jumping down, licking, stretching, sitting rub, lying rub, & standing rub.  Each one sells for 125L; EXCLUSIVE to Boardwalk Event for this round.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version), NEW & EXCLUSIVE at the Access Event through August 8th
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Haven
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Kanza Earrings (Bloodstone); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  my home on Blake Passage

Packing a little extra booty

http://Packing a little extra booty

So I’ve been prattling on and on about needing a vacation for a long time now, but tada!!! It’s finally booked!  I can hardly wait! It’s not till mid-September, but it was a pretty complicated three-city deal to set up, so that was the earliest I could pull off with any kind of economy.  Why three cities? Well first we drive to Philadelphia to leave our dog with our son, which means one night in a hotel there. Then we fly to Florida to look into moving a year or two or three down the road; then we’re driving over to a beach resort to just veg and relax before heading back to Philadelphia for a last night, some time with our son, and then back to NY with our dog in tow!  Lots of coordination with reservations and checking alternate routes and ways of doing things, but I got it done in one very long day.  Of course, now comes the hardest part… WAITING.  I wish we were leaving this week lol, but oh I love the anticipation… it will keep me going for all these weeks!!!!  And what does all this have to do with “packing a little extra booty”?  Because now I’m thinking how nice it would be if my clothes in RL were anywhere near as lovely as my clothes here in SL (like this GORGEOUS suit/cover up), not to mention my body lol!  Then I’d be TOTALLY happy!!!!  😉

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Andi Swimsuit & Cover Up.  Andi is a stunning one-piece suit with open lacing up the front, but from the back!!! Wow, it’s the barest of thongs that flaunts whatever it is you’ve got to show!  On top of that, the cover up has just the perfect amount of sheer.  Andi includes ORIGINAL TEXTURES in separate 10-texture HUDS for the swimsuit, the cover up, & the included sandals so you can match fully or coordinate, however you want.  Sizes available for Tonic, Slink, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya & Classic.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Mirabelle, worn in the beautifully tan Maple tone (browless).  Based on Genus, I’m wearing her on a Tonic mesh head. I’m not wearing ANY makeup with Mirabelle; she comes with this beautiful shading around the eyes & blush on the cheeks… absolutely gorgeous, whatever tone you pick from the fatpacks of dark or light tones available EXCLUSIVELY at the Sense Event through August 8th.  Shape & demos also available.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty + Booty Control (although I wear it all the time, it REALLY comes into play when you wear something like this; customizable to how much extra “up” & “out” you want, it’s awesome if you like to pack a little extra booty)… truly the most natural curves on the grid with the ability to add that extra oomph how & if you want it!
  • Head: Tonic – Coco, one of the two NEW bento heads from Tonic; fully mod & Omega-ready so you can easily customize her to make her look all your own
  • Hair:  BESOM – Maddy
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – EyeBrow Series 8
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (Omega);  DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Belleza, Slink, Maitreya, Omega)
  • Jewelry:  Ichigo – Hazuki Earrings (Uber birthday gift); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose: ProPose – Back 4a (seems to be extinct)
  • Location:  my home on Blake Passage

Mirabelle in 4 tones: Pineapple & Sand (light tones, on left); Cashew & Maple (dark tones, on right)

Just Sitting

http://Just Sitting

Maybe it’s because it’s a guy’s post, but for some reason, I’m just out of words for this blog. Unusual for me, to say the least. Maybe it’s because the heat has just crushed them all out of me. Maybe it’s because it’s Saturday morning and I stayed up way too late inworld last night playing cards & dancing. Who knows? Either way, everything in the pic really speaks for itself… so I’m just going to keep on sitting here, enjoying the breeze from the water, thinking & watching the world go by… 😉

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Evan Shorts Set.  What really sets this outfit apart is that the alternating panels on the top — the light ones — are somewhat sheer so you can see a bit of what lies beneath.  It really adds a bit of oomph without going overboard.  Evan also comes with beach shoes (slip ons that are open in the back) that are just really versatile for all those summer outfits when sandals aren’t enough but even sneakers are just too much.  Evan comes with separate 10-color HUDS for the top & shorts; wear matching tones together or mix ’em up anyway you want.  Sizes available for Slink, Adam, Aesthetic, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, TMP & Classic.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Hakon, worn in Earth, has a great combination of bad boy & clean cut looks all rolled into one.  Worn with the Hairy version of the body skin, which you see at the top of the shirt & just enough of it through the mesh.  In other words, damn sexy.
  • Seating:  Dawn Home Furnishings & Decor – Alpine Seating Set.   Lovely, relatively simple set, just perfect for that setting that needs something but not too much.  Includes the armchair & the couch, both with single & couple animations. EXCLUSIVE at the July Boardwalk Event running July 15th – August 15th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head: Akeruka (AK) – Clay, the latest deluxe bento head from Akeruka
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Male Bundle Mesh Body, including Physique Body, Dynamic Hands, & Feet
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Justin
  • Hat:  [UnderDogs] – Super Boonie
  • Pendant:  Stone’s Works –  Spirit of the DragonRFL
  • Hanging Stars:  [CIRCA] Living – “Aziza” Moravian Star Lights
  • Location:  my home on Blake Passage

Endless Summer

http://Endless Summerhttp://Beach Babe

Wow, hard to believe we’re more than halfway through July already. I haven’t been to the beach once, or really done anything that says “SUMMER” other than use a lot of air conditioning and try to stay cool.  In fact, it’s going to be so ridiculously hot this weekend that our outdoor plans were actually cancelled; instead, we’re considering going to the movies of all things.  Shakes my head sadly at what my world is coming too… oh well, at least here in SL I’m on the beach all the time, having fun, boating and so much more… truly an endless summer… and I don’t even have to worry about sunburn!!!!  Beach baby, go go go!!! 😉

What I’m wearing:

  • Outfit:  Emerald Couture – July Beach Outfit.  Includes the bikini & the beach dress, plus a HUD that lets you choose from 10 textures for the bikini top, the bikini top string, the bikini thong, the beach dress, & the beach dress fringe. Their tag line is “life is too short to wear boring clothes”, & the look of this little beach outfit is anything but boring! Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  Also comes in Standard sizes.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Aurora Earrings. 100% unrigged resizable mesh jewelry, materials enabled, HUD driven; available in 13 different variations or as a fatpack. (I’m wearing version 1.)  All 13 packages discounted at 60L in the MP and store.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, one of the new deluxe bento heads from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version), NEW & EXCLUSIVELY available at the Access Event
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  monso – Danielle
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Tattoo: Juna Artistic Tattoo – Ines
  • Nails:  Plastik – MadPea Iconic Heat Polish

The scene:

  • Beach Boat Sofa – xantes – Available as shown on a small patch of sand with a beach umbrella & plants, or on a landform complete with beach accessories (see below).  Either way, the sofa is loaded with animations (25 female; 25 male; 20 couple; 46 adult).  EXCLUSIVE at the July Boardwalk Event running July 15th – August 15th.
  • Beach Shed on Stilts – xantes – Available as shown on a landform with a palm tree, beach ball, plants, & a flamingo swim ring, or by itself with some plants (see below).  Either way, the shed is full of animations (26 female; 26 male; 25 couple; 74 adult).  EXCLUSIVE at the July Boardwalk Event running July 15th – August 15th.
  • Pose:  Le Poppycock – Endless Summer Gacha, Beach Me Up (incl Ball)
  • Location:  my 2nd home… The Island, part of my Hideaway Collective

Stay, Just One More Minute

http://Stay Just One More Minute

Time’s a funny thing.  Some hours seem to stretch on forever… others pass by in a rush.  Much better and greater writers than me have written about this; but I have have found that Second Life can create the illusion of both happening at the same time.  It’s a time warp effect that I for one absolutely love, although the return to reality can definitely be a bit jarring.  But talk about time warp!  I think my blog has gone and made changes all on its own without me, reverting to an old header photo on its own accord… The fact is that Crichton is updated, so a closeup of the “old him” really didn’t work anymore, but not quite sure how my blog knew that.  If it’s going to do anything on its own, it would be lovely if it could write itself lol!!!!  Well, time to do the Time Warp again!  It’s just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right!!! (and if you don’t get the reference, well, that’s ok lol; I’m just in a strange mood this morning) 😉

Ceja’s Wearing:

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Alexis Bolero Dress has a bit of a throwback feel in a totally modern style.  Includes the optional bolero, dress, & matching heels.  As always when it comes to Allure, the textures are 100% original & are stunning. I’m wearing the White, but Alexis also comes in Black, Gold, Blue, Green, & Pink.  Sizes available for for Slink P/H, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, the new deluxe bento head from AK
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD22 Eyeshadow, at the Designer Circle 13/19 June 22rd – July 6th. Demo available;  HD14 Lips
  • Hair:  Exile – Torn
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Livia – Deep Gel
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Jessica Sanctuary Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  BellePoses – Couple Pose Fair Gift
  • Location:  my home on Blake Passage

Crichton’s Wearing:

  • Outfit: Allure Couture – Jaxx Blazer Outfit, the matching male outfit to Alexis that’s a stunner all on its own.  Jaxx comes in White (worn), Black, Gold, Blue, Burgundy & Red.  Sizes available for for Slink, Adam, Aesthetic, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, TMP & Classic.  Includes shoes.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Clay, the new deluxe bento head from AK that’s a GROUP GIFT until July 6th (group join required), then he goes to full price
  • Skin:  Egozy — Kenji, designed specifically for AK Deluxe heads, another fabulous GROUP GIFT (group join required)
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Male Bundle Mesh Body, including Physique Body, Dynamic Hands, & Feet
  • Hair:  Vango – Owen
  • Pendant:  Stone’s Works –  Spirit of the DragonRFL


Finding Balance

http://Finding Balance

I’m beginning to understand why some bloggers don’t name their photos but just number them.  Personally, I’ve never liked the practice… it’s not quite at the level of pet peeve, like taking a vertical photograph and turning it horizontal — something I’ve never EVER understood, unless it’s in the hopes of getting a cover? ; but it does seem kind of lazy and to me, somehow makes the picture itself less unique.  But then again, there are times I agonize over what to name an image, only to have the absolute perfect name burst into my brain after I’ve published with something “good enough”.  This is one of those times.  Everything is done and ready to go, EXCEPT A TITLE.  No one is around. So I’m just going to go with what my life is all about right now… finding balance.  Between health and illness, dreams and reality, strength and vulnerability, and so much more.  One day at a time. So true… I guess that’s why it’s a cliché, right?  😉

  • Outfit:  Dallas MacKenzie Designs – Braelyn. “One-piece” double-belted outfit, with midriff netting that’s a muted echo of whatever color/pattern you select for the top.  HUD includes 24 textures for the top, 35 for the pants, 3 for the belts, & 3 for the buckles. Sized only for Slink H/P & Maitreya.  At the Designer Circle 12/19 June 9th – 22nd. Demo available.
  • Hair:  Firelight – Myrcella Curls. Includes two curl effects of this ponytail full of wild curls, in both rigged & unrigged versions.  An EXCLUSIVE athe Designer Circle 12/19 June 9th – 22nd, in 6 color packs.  Demo available.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Shoes:  Tonic – Encore Clogs, a re-imagined version of an old favorite.  HUD includes 8 luxurious leather colors. Tonic/Slink high versions (so yes, even if you don’t have a Tonic body or can’t wear it because of a clothing issue like here, you still get to wear them!!!!!).  Demo available.
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo, the new bento head from AK (amazing group gift through 6/20 after which it goes to regular price)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Flora
  • Eyes:  IKON – Triumph
  • Lashes:  SLACKGIRL –  Thay Deluxe Lashes
  • Makeup:  SLACKGIRL – HD10 Eyeshadow
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails: Encore – Shades of Blue Nail Appliers
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Savannah Bracelet & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  GingerFish – Ahoy Poses, 3M