Afternoon Siesta

http://Afternoon Siesta

Is there anything more delightful than a spontaneous nap in the afternoon sun, maybe after a well-deserved and hopefully well-enjoyed glass of wine?  Well, yes, there are a few other things I can think of, but a nap like this definitely ranks up there!  And the delight is kicked up a notch or two when you look fantastic taking that nap lol, if not for you, well then for all who see you…  Happy naps, happy shopping, just happy Friday wishes!

  • Outfit:  I.M. Collection – Rhea Pant Set.  Comfy & stylish, Rhea includes a cropped long-sleeved embroidered sweater paired with linen pants that are slightly dipped at the waist & slit at the ankles, with a HUD that includes 8 textures for each (see the ad below).  Sized for Reborn, Legacy+Perky, GenX Classic, & Maitreya+LaraX, Rhea is EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the March round of Designer Showcase, open March 5th – 25th.  Demo available (just click for menu, then demo). 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Heidi in Rosekiss (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Hair Astrid
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella BOM Eyeshadow
  • Moles:  poema – Molly
  • Jewelry:  IT! Indulge Temptation – Gipsy Rose Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  KC Couture – Reeva Wedge Sneakers
  • Location:  La p’tite Provence

The wearin’ of the green

http://The wearin' of the green

So in all the years that I’ve been blogging, I don’t think I’ve ever done a post for St Paddy’s Day.  And no, just because I have red hair and green eyes (well, at least most of the time anyway lol), I am NOT Irish.  (I also CANNOT sing, but hey, this is Second Life, so at least in pix I’m a FABULOUS entertainer… but trust me, I’ll never try to take an actual stage at ANY venue!) But today, the world celebrates along with the Irish, and this dress came in such a fabulous green, well, I just had to do some wearin’ of the green myself!  I even took the stage at a traditional little Irish pub… and there’s my cue to start my next set!  Hope you had a fabulous St Paddy’s Day (and did some happy weekend shopping too)!

  • Outfit:  JUMO Fashion – Fahad Dress.  Stunning short dressy dress with a plunging neckline, hip-high side slits, & the perfect amount of sparkle, with optional opera gloves for that extra little touch!  Not just for St Paddy’s, Fahad includes a HUD with 20 satin colors + 5 florals + 5 “scarf” colors. Sized for Reborn, Legacy+Perky, GenX Classic+Curvy, Maitreya, Kupra, Khara, & Peach, Fahad is currently at the March round of Designer Showcase, open March 5th – 25th.  Demo available. (See the ad below)
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Heidi in Rosekiss (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  NO.MATCH – No_Candle
  • Eyes:  euphoric – Hae
  • Moles:  poema – Molly
  • Makeup:  PAIX – Liberty Eyeshadow; CAZIMI – Opal Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewelry – Valentina Collection Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  BellePoses – Jessica
  • Location:  Ireland

Wait, is that the Easter bunny?

http://Wait, Is that the Easter Bunny?

Unbelievable how fast the year is flying by… and equally unbelievable how merchandising for Easter has been EVERYWHERE for what seems like forever… one holiday just bleeds into the next.  But Easter does mean one thing, and that is that spring is here (or right around the corner, depending on where you live).  Jackets are coming off, shirt sleeves are getting shorter, shorts are coming out of the closet, and dresses are getting, well, spring-ier!  Now if only my allergies would get with the program lol…  Happy spring and happy shopping!

  • Dress:  Carol’s Store – Florence.  Beautiful spring/summer dress, with a gathered lace-edged bodice on a simple dress with a broad multi-pleated lace edge.  Choose from 10 single colors or the fatpack of this gorgeous subtle floral print.  ORIGINAL MESH with materials enabled, Florence is sized for Reborn, Legacy, GenX (Classic & Curvy), Lara+LaraX+PetiteX, Kupra, Khara, Erika, & Love Momma.  An exclusive at Cosmopolitan through TODAY Feb 16th, she will be available at the mainstore thereafter.  See the ad below; demo available.  
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Heidi in Rosekiss (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  Tram – J0524
  • Eyes:  euphoric – Hae
  • Moles:  poema – Molly
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewelry – BoHo Luna Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  FocusEnjoy Spring (includes hat & bicycle)
  • Location:  Frogmore

Into the Deep


http://Into the DeepDoes every fae have mermaid dreams?  I wonder… there’s something similar between winging my way through the sky and flipping my tail through the water.  It’s hard to put into words how much FUN it is, especially when there are things to explore on the ocean floor.  Thankfully, as a fae, I possess enough magic to effect a temporary transformation so that I can wander far and deep, finding riches of all sorts, though I think the richest of all are the memories… Smiles, flicks my tails, and leaves the sunken wreck to seek out a new find…

  • Skin:  Petrichor – Wyldeia Pastelle, a BRAND NEW trio of fantasy skins with custom mesh & textures.  Available in 3 tones — Rosi Pink (which is what I’m wearing), Lavi Purple (which is what I wore in this pic here), & Azuri Blue — in both male & female versions (see the ad below).  Includes ears, appliers, & skins; EvoX compatible.  Available as individual tones or as a megapack of all three, EXCLUSIVELY at The Skin Fair, open March 8th – 25th, at their booth in Skin Care South (you need to go to the landing point & then follow the arrow you get with this LM; for some reason, you can’t TP direct to booths.) Demos available.
  • Mermaid Textures: Te Moana by [AURO] – Gossamer.  Three fabulous items to help create a sensational mermaid look.
    • Tail Texture:   HUD for Riptide Mermaid Tail.  Handpainted, this tail is absolutely stunning from both the front & the back.  Available in 4 colors or as a fatpack (see the ad below).  EXCLUSIVELY available for 25% OFF at Mystical Market, open through March 16th.  You can TP direct to their booth here.  (Remember that the tail itself is NOT included but the link for it is below.)
    • Gills & Spine ScalesTe Moana by [AURO]  – Available in 5 colors each, both of these items are included in the Hunt at Mystical Market.  Since I chose a frontal shot, you can see the gills, but my spine looks amazing, as you can see in the ad below!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Tail:  Aii and Ego – RipTide Mermaid/Merman
  • Hair:  Second Moon – Mermaid Wet Hair
  • Eyes: Gloom – Shoujo
  • Makeup:  ANTAYA – Mermaid Makeup Scale
  • Top:  ANTAYA – Coral Bra
  • Headdress:  Zibska – Belenus Head & Shoulder Pieces
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Underwater
  • Backdrop:  Visera – Into the Deep

Definitely NOT heaven sent…

http://Definitely NOT Heaven Sent...

There is definitely evil in the world, and it’s not something to laugh at, but sometimes when life is just not going anything like you think it should, it feels a bit good to slip into the role and attitude just a bit… and though both these items are somewhat heavenly in their own way, well, this is where they took me… And on that note, I think I’ll just beat my wings out of here! Happy shopping (if you dare)…

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Muriel Set.  This look definitely sounds the alarm!  From the embossed bodice to the half-cup brassiere top, all with gold “claws”… beware the woman who sports such incredible style! Includes the dress, collar with its dangling talisman, gloves & staff.  Available in 8 single colors or as a fatpack with HUDs for each element, Muriel is sized for Legacy+Perky, Maitreya+Petite, GenX Classic+Curvy, & Reborn; demo available. 
  • Windows:  Dreadfully Dark – Ravenwood Nights Stained Glass Window.  Includes all 3 glass options (see the ad below), simply change by touch.  EXCLUSIVELY available for 25% OFF at Mystical Market.  You can TP direct to their booth here.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:   Gloom – Calin Fantasy Skin in Devil (matching body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  KMH – CP007
  • Horns:  FAS – Diablo
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Dragon
  • Makeup:  Velour – Kyoshi Eye MU; PAIX – Dark Fantasy Lipstick
  • Wings:  Vaengi – Venom Fae Wings
  • Pose:  Black Tulip – The Ice Queen
  • Backdrop (modified):  TROPIX – The Door

Oh wait, did you say you had a curfew tonight?

Subtitled: And yes, this one’s for you…

http://Hmmm, did you say you had a curfew tonight?

Schedules, schedules, schedules… hard enough to maintain one in real life, but when you also try to maintain all the schedules — personal AND blogging — in Second Life too, well, sometimes it can be a bit challenging both physically and emotionally.  And that’s about all I’m willing to say on the subject lol…

  • Outfit:  Luna Chelsea – Sasha Lace Floral Jacket & Pants.  I really don’t know how this outfit successfully & seemingly effortlessly blends super-sexiness with sedate elegance.  I love the floral lace pattern of the open jacket that buttons unevenly all the way down at the lower hip, with a single button, over skin-tight shiny black pants (latex?) with a flare starting below the calf…  Includes a HUD with 10 textures for the jacket, plus optional light effects to enhance the shininess (I’m wearing the optional blue light). Sized for Reborn, Legacy+Perky, LaraX+LaraXPetite, GenX Classic+Curvy, & Kupra, Sasha is EXCLUSIVELY available at the March round of Designer Showcase, open March 5th – 25th.  Demo available. (See the ad below)
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Heidi in Rosekiss (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  Nova – Jae
  • Eyes:  euphoric – Hae
  • Moles:  poema – Molly
  • Makeup:  WarPaint – Romancer eyeshadow
  • Nails:  Miumiu – #28
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Ayla Moon Goddess Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  [piXit] – Gothabilly
  • Location:  Naturally Naughty Photo Studio

Angel Fae

http://Angel Fae

March has definitely come in like a lion! My wings are sooooo tired, flying from fantastic event to fantastic event!  Here are just a few of my favorites from what’s currently out there…

  • Skin:  Petrichor – Wyldeia Pastelle, a BRAND NEW trio of fantasy skins with custom mesh & textures.  Available in 3 tones — Azuri Blue, Lavi Purple (which is what I’m wearing), & Rosi Pink — in both male & female versions (see the ad below).  Includes ears, appliers, & skins; EvoX compatible.  Available as individual tones or as a megapack of all three, EXCLUSIVELY at The Skin Fair, open March 8th – 25th, at their booth in Skin Care South (you need to go to the landing point & then follow the arrow you get with this LM; for some reason, you can’t TP direct to booths.) Demos available.
  • Outfit:  Petrichor Ersch– Maelin.  “Silk & leather sweetness”, & once again from this incredible team, a dress that is both totally fae & totally sex kitten.  The fabric details are amazing without being “in your face” (you can zoom in to the pic for a good look).  Available in 10 single colors or in 5 fabric packs containing 40-color HUDs for all the elements, all of which are also show/hide (see the ad below).  There’s also a Megapack so you get all fabrics, all options, so you can mix ‘n match as you want.  Maelin is sized for Legacy+Perky, Lara+Petite, Mounds, Kupra, & Reborn+Waifus+Juicy.  Demo available.  
  • Horns:  unstable – Nimrimeoth Horns.  Beautiful crystal horns, included in 4 versions (full set; horns with chains & pendants; horns only; earpieces only), all of which are easily customized with the included  texture HUD (10 crystals; 5 metals).  Currently 25% OFF at Mystical Market, March 2nd – 16th.  A Dark Passions Event, you can TP direct to their booth HERE.
  • Headdress:  The Little Bat (TLB) – Goddess Headchains.  Includes two versions (one with the dangling beads underneath the center crystal, & one without), both with a 10-color HUD.  Currently 50% OFF at Mystical Market.  You can TP direct to their booth HERE.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  Nova – Zenith
  • Eyes: Gloom – Shoujo
  • Makeup:  StunnerOriginals – Linette HD Lips
  • Wings:  Vaengi – Insect Wings
  • Pose:  Something New – Angel Orb
  • Backdrop:  Synnergy Tavis – Heavenly Rhelm

Sometimes you need to stop and smell the flowers

http://Sometimes you need to stop and smell the flowers

I’ve been dressed in this outfit for several days now, but was struggling for inspiration as to how to shoot her.  More and more of Flickr seems to be full of (A) women just wanting to flaunt their tits or (B) bloggers just standing in front of a background that has absolutely no connection to what they’re blogging.   I’ve always been drawn more to pix that tell a story, that set a scene, that just “do more.”  Yes, I do plenty of what I consider “throw away shots”, when I just want to get it done; sometimes those actually come out way better than I expected, sometimes they don’t.   I needed inspiration, and was floundering…  Then I saw that Frogmore has reopened its doors, and I just couldn’t resist dashing over to stroll through its latest iteration, hoping that the creativity was somehow contagious.  I honestly didn’t make it that far before I came across this little flower shop… and bam!! there was my spark!  I could envision the smells from all the blooms, and yes, even though daisies have no scent, their pure simplicity resolved my overthinking the shot (something I am definitely prone to!)  I know I’ll be back soon to wander and explore and be inspired by the rest of this amazing creation!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Landry Blouse Dress.   Landry is one of those styles that I think will look awesome on virtually ANY body shape.  She features an artfully unbuttoned blouse top with a subtly patterned skirt & a wide cinch belt at the waist.  Available in 8 complete sets (Belted Dress, Panties, Heels) or in a HUD-driven Fatback that includes 12 textures (Dress, Belt, Panties, Heels), all of which are 100% Original.  Landry is sized for Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn, GenX Classic+Curvy, & Kupra, & was EXCLUSIVELY at the Beauty Event, but I’m running late (surprise, surprise) so she’s now at the mainstore.  See the ad below for details. Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Heidi in Rosekiss (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  WINGSDG – EF0208
  • Eyes:  euphoric – Hae
  • Moles:  poema – Molly
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella ES
  • Nails:  Maktub Store – Iris
  • Jewelry:  Earthstones – Inlaid Harmony Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Hazeel – Cute Daisy (modified w/ bouquet)
  • Location:  Frogmore

Aaah, sweet mysteries of life

http://Aaah, sweet mysteries of life

Medicine woman, shaman, wise woman, witch,  fae… there are so many synonyms and labels used throughout time and cultures to describe that one person who is both revered and (at least in the more primitive settings) somewhat feared… the Healer.  As a fae living in medieval times, I am caught in that squarely in that web of fear and mystery and awe… I’m the one they come to for help finding a solution to whatever ails them or their loved ones, but they also shun me out of their fear of “the dark arts” and the inherent mystery in what I do.  I don’t really mind because I have no choice… they mysteries of life call to me and I must answer, with study and experimentation and daring and love… above all else, there is love… No thanks is necessary, the eyes tell all, and they radiate gratitude when I am successful.  And when I fail, well, then I just study harder to divine a bit more of the mysteries of life and wellness…

  • Outfit:  Art & KO – Healer Set.  As always, the styling & textures are absolutely first-rate, as is the imagination behind it!  In a choice of 8 colors or as a fatpack, the set includes the dress (which looks like an embossed tunic with metallic clasps over a simple v-neck shift with lace edging at the hem, heeled booties, & thigh-high stockings with a matching color tie just below the knee, plus a cross-body bag that is just a touch too modern for a medieval fae like me (see the ad below).  Sized for Legacy & Maitreya; demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Muted in Filaurian
  • Hair:  CAMO Hair Store – Ceres Braids
  • Eyes:  euphoric – Kyra
  • Ears:  PROMAGIC – Dhairya Ear Tattoos
  • Makeup:  Loa – Trance Face Paint; StunnerOriginals – Linette HD Lips
  • Wings:  PFC – Fae Wings
  • Pose:  LW Bento Poses – Til the Light Goes Out, combined with FLO – 5 bottles w/ bento holding animation
  • Owl:  JIAN – Barn Owl
  • Medical Props:  PPK – Small Healer Shelf; Velvet Whip – Large Medical Basket, Healer Toolbox, & Herbs Jars

Even in the simplest moments, there is beauty…

http://Even in the simplest moments, there is beauty

“Daisies are the sunbeams of the earth, a reminder that even in the simplest moments, there is beauty.”  

― John Ruskin

Thought for the day… the beauty of simplicity… add a few stylistic touches, and there you have it…

  • Outfit:  Carol’s Store – Robin Top & Pants.  The fabulously ribbed sleeveless cropped turtle comes in 10 solid colors; the waist-high pants feature a decorative zipper in the front & an amazing “dip” in the back for a truly incredible look from behind, * also come in 10 colors.   Or choose a fatpack with all colors for either the top or bottom, OR a megapack with all options & full mix ‘n match possibilities.  ORIGINAL MESH with materials enabled, Robin is sized for Reborn, Legacy, GenX (Classic & Curvy), Lara+LaraX+PetiteX+LaraV.5, Kupra, Khara, Erika, & Love Momma.  Originally an exclusive at Uber through Feb 15th, she is now available at the mainstore.  See the ad below; demo available.  
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Heidi in Rosekiss (Velour body skin)
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Hair Yon
  • Eyes:  euphoric – Hae
  • Moles:  poema – Molly
  • Makeup:  I n’ K Original – Deep Desire Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set
  • Tattoo:  Apollemis – Apple & Jasmine Blossom Sleeve
  • Nails:  Alaia – Square Glitt
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Katerina Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Hazeel – Cute Daisy