A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

http://A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

In yesterday’s post of the fabulous winter gazebo, snowy bridge & scenery (see it HERE), I allowed a glimpse of a beauty of a gown, with a promise to show more today.  I’m happily  fulfilling my promise!  This is a stunning gown with angular cut-outs all round the middle, boasting a satiny sheen with beautiful delicate shading that really stands out depending on the light.  With optional flexi decor in front and back, together with a “ribbon” on the sides, the dress has a dreamy romantic movement to it that unfortunately is difficult to capture in a still.  An absolutely stunning creation that can make you feel like you stepped into a fairy tale!

  • Gown:  FlowerDreams by Nile Karas – Selena Gown.   Includes a 10-color HUD for the dress & for the flexi decor, so you have the option to go all one color or to mix for a totally different look.  Sized for Hourglass, Legacy, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY at the January Swank Event, January 7th – 30th  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Lilly Head (Group Gift)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Monica, available at Collabor88
  • Hair:  EMO-tions – Roberta Hair & Collar
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole; ALMA Makeup – Beauty Mark 1
  • Makeup:  poema – Mariola Eyeshadow;);  Trend – Slayer Eyeliner

Castanys Kel

http://Castanys Kel

The worst gatchas are where you want only one of everything available; the very best are where you want anything & EVERYTHING.  Castanys Kel is definitely positively an awesome example of the very best! As you can see in the key below, every item is a want-to-win, & although they all work fabulously together, every single item is a winner!  And there’s so much there — the Stygian outfit, yes (with HUDs too!), but also a full skin in BOM with optional ears, decorated horns, eyes, matching jewelry (with HUDs!), tattoos, even makeup, plus the orb!  I’m wearing everything in the key below except for the eyes.  See the closeup below.

  • GatchaPetrichor – Castanys Kel Gatcha.   I love this exceptionally sexy fantasy outfit, but I do need to draw special attention to the skin…  It’s simply beautiful, with built in whitening around the eyes for a magical effect. EXCLUSIVELY at this month’s Epiphany, opening January 15th.
  • Head:  LOGO  – Chelsea bento head, the latest (& IMHO the best) of all the fabulous LOGO heads.  And as you can see, beautiful in any skin, with any makeup, especially important when you’re into fantasy skins! See the closeup below!
  • Hair:  Kuni – Hera
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Meringue Eyes (Omega Appliers)
  • Beauty Mark:  Izzie’s – Beauty Mole dark
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Insect Wings, Jewel
  • Location:  Cerridwens Cauldron

Hello 2021

http://Hello 2021

I’ve been finding it very hard to blog for the last few days. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by all that’s going on here in my country, threatening the very fabric upon which it’s based, blogging SL fashion has just seemed so unimportant.  But I woke up to the realization that it’s not just the big things that matter, but also all the little things that we enjoy, the small freedoms, the minor pleasures.  Collectively, they do add up to a big thing, and sometimes just one of those little things can momentarily be powerful enough to offer that small escape, that flash of a positive emotion…  not sufficient to turn your whole world around, but to at least bring a ray of sunshine bursting through the clouds, to offer that momentary respite from all the heaviness and doom and gloom. So I’ve returned to my second home and to my Second Life, and though it’s definitely quite a bit harder to escape, and forget, and concentrate, I’m back to give my blogging and my sponsors the attention they deserve.  After all, it’s a new year.  I’ve said goodbye to some old sponsors; I’ve moved one or two around from the human me to my fantasy other; and I’m welcoming some new ones too.  Here’s to blogging in 2021! (and, of course, happy shopping!)

  • Outfit:  GiuliaDesign – Mixa.   A form-fitting leather jacket, partially unzipped with no shirt underneath. Short leather shorts that lace-up the front & have an optional chain hanging across the butt.  What a pair, with such fabulous detail!!!  Also includes fishnet stockings (in BOM & Omega, together with the flat, somewhat punky non-rigged boots. Available in 10 colors or in a fatback, Marisela is sized for Hourglass, Legacy, & Maitreya.  Jacket & shorts sold separately, either in individual colors (10 individual/two-toned choices for the jacket; 4 for the shorts) or in a fatpack, EXCLUSIVELY at the January Vanity Event, open Jan 4th – 28th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Lilly Head (Group Gift)
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Scarlett (Holiday Group Gift)
  • Hair:  eXxEsS – Niva 
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles; ALMA Makeup – Beauty Mark 1
  • Makeup:  theSkinnery – Aurora Eye Makeup (Group Gift), layered with I n’ K Original – Smokey Eyes BOM; Top1 Salon – HD Sphynx Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Slouch – Mugshot (gift)
  • Location:  Cemento Dark Club

Goodbye 2020!

http://Goodbye 2020

The world rarely agrees on anything, but I would have to guess that just about everyone is happy to see the year 2020 end.  No, things won’t magically change as the page turns on the calendar, but closing the books on the year will hopefully mean one step in the right direction.  Although most of us will be “celebrating” very very quietly, here’s a toast to better things in the year ahead!

  • Outfit:  GiuliaDesign – Marisela.  Stunningly simple two-piece dress that flaunts style whether you dress it up or down.  Criss-cross straps in back & the separate arms are what to me really make this dress a standout! Available in 10 colors or in a fatback, Marisela is sized for Hourglass, Freya, Legacy, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank event CLOSING TODAY (yes, I know I’m late blogging).
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Lilly Head.  FREE Christmas Gift for Group Members.  There’s a free male head too!  Both are available HERE at a special holiday site that ONLY has the two heads.
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Scarlett (Holiday Group Gift)
  • Hair:   Doux – Brandie
  • Makeup:  theSkinnery – Aurora Makeup (Group Gift), layered with Simple Eyeshadow & Waterline Eyeliner; ives – Passione lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Indulge Temptation (IT!) – Samsara Necklace – Loved; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Belle Poses – Zoe
  • Location:  Backdrop Central

Not A Very Merry Christmas At All

http://Not A Very Merry Christmas

Well, it’s an unusual and difficult Christmas this year for so many.  Instead of large holiday celebrations and family get-togethers, most people are being smart and staying home this year.  It’s sad, it’s depressing, but it’s also the smartest thing you can do for yourself, those you love, and for the world.  A bitter Christmas gift perhaps, but one that everyone can share to indeed help make the world a better place.  And just think about how much better next year’s Christmas will be, a return to the Christmas gatherings of (dare I say it?) yesteryear.  But whether you are home alone or with family, happy or sad, lonely or surrounded by others, I wish everyone a good Christmas if not a merry one!

  • Top:  Tonic – Frosted Sweater.  Comfy & stylish, sliding softly off of one shoulder, the frosted sweater comes in 24 colors, each with that hint of frosting.  Only for Tonic bodies, it’s sized for Curvy, Fine, & Fine-mini.  A version with more room around the waist is also included.  It’s a Merry Christmas from Tonic, with five fabulous sweaters on sale as part of the fabulous December Sweater Sale, only at the December round of eBento, through the end of the month!
  • Pants:  Tonic – Toasty Tight Leggings. A perfect pairing with all your sweaters, these leggings also come in 24 colors, some with the pattern, some in solid.  Only for Tonic bodies, they are sized for Curvy, Fine, & Fine-mini.  Boot-fit versions are also included, but be sure to demo first since not all boots will fit.
  • Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty (worn with Booty Control).  Still the most natural curves on the grid with options to add that extra oomph how & if you want it, as well as others to minimize the bust &/or the butt.   With Tonic, you can truly customize the look of your body!  And I have to admit, I LOVE the shape of the legs!
  • Furniture:  Park Place Home Decor – Silas Soft Leather Chair + Silas Table with Accessories.  The chair comes in two versions… one with pillows & one with pillows plus a throw. Both include HUDs to change the back, seat, back pillows, & front pillows separately to fit easily into your room decor.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank event open Dec 7th -30th.
  • Animated Window:  Park Place Home Decor – Holiday Snowfall Animated Faux Window & Wreath.  Awesome little piece to help set that wintry holiday mood.  Easily fits into just about any room. EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank event open Dec 7th -30th.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Lilly Head.  FREE Christmas Gift for Group Members.  There’s a free male head too!  Both are available HERE at a special holiday site that ONLY has the two heads.
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Scarlett (Holiday Group Gift)
  • Hair:   Exile – Into You
  • Makeup:  theSkinnery – Simple Eyeshadow & Waterline Eyeliner
  • Jewelry:  Earthstones – Sentiments Necklace – Loved; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

Catching My Eye

http://Catching My Eye

I have a desk!  I’m so excited, it’s so much easier to be on the computer, let alone to blog!  Couldn’t happen at a better time either with all the holiday specials popping up all over the grid.  A new FREE head caught my eye, and I’m therefore once again developing a whole new look!  Hopefully the look and what I can do with it will be one to catch eyes as well lol!  Happy shopping!!!

  • Dress:  Sascha’s Designs (SAS) – Paris Dress.  Stunning little cocktail dress, with some truly awesome customization options in terms of texture.  First choose between two different HUDs, each one offering 8 different (& really exceptional) textures that can be applied to just the top, just the skirt, or both.  Sized for Hourglass, Freya, Isis, Legacy, & Maitreya, Paris is EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Swank event open Dec 7th -30th.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Lilly Head.  FREE Christmas Gift for Group Members.   I’ve often been tempted to try LeLUTKA because it seems whenever I really love someone’s look, that’s what they’re wearing.  But with so many heads in my inventory from blogging, I’ve always resisted.   Until now.  Lily is free, so I figured why not give it a try.  I am blown away!  I’ve loved other heads before, true, but there are always issues that eventually become so annoying that I find myself tempted to move on.  My immediate impression of LeLUTKA is that Lilly is not only a beautiful head, but she also has a relatively easy HUD to work, although I’m admittedly struggling with a tonal difference between head & body (I think it’s the difference between BOM on the head & Omega on the body, so I’m working on going BOM on my body too).  I’m so in love with the range of mood animations that are built in; they not only look amazingly natural, but they keep running even when you remove the HUD,  And so far no major glitches, like my mouth constantly popping open on another brand’s head that I adore but can’t deal with because of the inability to use their facial expressions. I’m happily surprised by the tons of “extras” available out there for the Evolution line of heads, but since Lilly is BOM only (no Omega except for the eyes) I have very little in inventory that will work.   Even so, my first impressions are double thumbs up!  There’s a male head too!  Both are available HERE at a special holiday site that ONLY has the two heads.
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Scarlett (Holiday Group Gift)
  • Hair:   Tram – F919
  • Makeup:  Trend – Slayer Eyeliner & Sinner Eyeshadow
  • Jewelry:  Solange – Retro Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Reve Obscura (RO!) – Elegant Bento Pose
  • Location:  Eterea

I’m So Over Holiday Shopping

http://I'm so over holiday shopping

Enough already, right? The holiday shopping season starts so early now, and it’s already been such a tough year, I am just so over it at this point.  It’s just enough already.  Completely shopped out, and that’s saying something for a shopaholic like me.  Though I should be specific… I’m done with HOLIDAY shopping IRL… I’m NEVER done with the fabulous shopping available here on the grid.  Maybe because with unlimited space it’s not like buying something new makes me let go of something older but still loved.  On that note, a great new look to share… and HAPPY SHOPPING!!!!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Noel Coat Outfit.   Includes the highly style coat worn alone with the cutest little matching boots (matching panties also included).  A bit steampunky IMHO, a bit military, a bit Victorian, a bit Russian in feel, Noel is sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I, Legacy, & Maitreya, Noel is available in a Slimpack. or in a Fatback that includes all color options. Complete Outfit Options are all in one hud & contain 100% original textures. EXCLUSIVELY available at the December Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, open Dec 12th – 30th, with a theme of Christmas Around the World… 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (gift version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Sandy (freckled)
  • Hair:  EMO-tions – Hairbase 2 + Hairpiece F
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Anna Eyes Pack #1
  • Makeup:  poema – Mariola Eyeshadow;);  DS’Elles – Scandalous Lipstick
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles
  • Jewelry:  Empyrean Forge – Effloresce Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Image Essentials – Holiday Shopping
  • Location:  Winter Ice Christmas Fest

It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing

http://It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing

It’s funny how the past becomes much more glamorous the further it gets in the rear window, isn’t it?  Each element of this look brings to mind days gone by (long gone by lol, like before my time).  All I can say is that I feel FABULOUS in this look, so feminine, so stylish.  The movement, the SWING, is amazing… I really tried to capture that in a still pic, but the fact is that I could go on and on, but you really have to try this all for yourself, and feel it for yourself!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  GGVG Fashion Store – Mistral.  Talk about style!!!  This two-piece dress evokes the fashion & glamour of the past (to me it says “40s”, but since I wasn’t alive back then, who knows?), with its silky fabric, soft folds, swing skirt, & huge polka dots.  I absolutely adore the overskirt & the way it moves (remember when flexi first hit SL?).  This outfit just makes me feel so feminine & sophisticated, I love it!  In 5 colors or in a fatpack, Mistral is sized for Hourglass, Belleza F/I, Legacy, & Maitreya, & is this round’s EXCLUSIVE at the December Swank event open Dec 7th -30th.  Demo available.
  • Hat & Bag:  MY BAGS by Mila – My Vivien Leigh in Brown.  The first from MY BAGS by Mila Blauvelt in its new facet of head ornaments to match the bags!  With a fabulous metal ornament on top of what I think of as a modified beret style (not really knowing hat styles I don’t know the “real” term), & paired with an adorable clutch that echoes the same shape, My Vivien Leigh is available in 7 colors (hat & bag sold separately) or in a fatpack; every color includes a Hud for metals & the bag includes an Exclusive Pose Bento for the hand.  See the closeup below for this unique look, EXCLUSIVELY available at the December round of the UniK Event, open Dec 7th – 28th. 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (gift version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Sandy (freckled)
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Anna Eyes Pack #1
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Purity
  • Makeup:  poema – Mariola Eyeshadow; IVES – Passione Lipstick
  • Jewelry:  Accolade – Japanese Tensha Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  KC Couture – Elaine
  • Pose (for the closeup shot):  Reve Obscura (RO!) – Lush Bento Pose
  • Location:  The Mercury Room, Owl’s Hollywood Jazz Lounge