Time for a Tom Collins

http://Time for a Tom Collins

One of the many, many side effects of stay-at-home has been that on social drinking.  First off, there’s just no “social”.  Now, I’m not much of a drinker to begin with, but I have enjoyed the ritual of gathering at cocktail hour for a drink or two, especially to watch the sunset in a tropical clime.   Once not so long ago, there was a bit of a stigma of drinking before the appointed hour… that certainly seems to have gone by the wayside.  Yes, we must guard against the all-day drinking out of boredom or frustration or whatever, or you can end up with a much bigger problem, but if you’re stuck at home, and occasionally want a cocktail, why not?  It’s like the old joke — it’s 5:00 somewhere!  Join me?

  • Dress:  MV Apparel – Fleur Dress.  The styling of this long dress is quite a bit more than a simple sundress because of how shapely it is through the bodice, & yet it still says “sun” to me.  It also says “cocktails” (but then a great many things say that these days lol), & with a 42 pattern HUD — 42! — this dress is perfect for cocktails in a great many locales.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the May Boho Chic Swank Event, open until May 31st.  Worn with High Heel Sandals, also available at the event, with a 40-solid-color HUD, so no matter which pattern you pick for the dress, the shoes match!
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Somber
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Anne-Sofie, worn in Taupe browless
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Royalty Eyes in Tropical
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – Eyebrows Series 8 (Omega)
  • Nails:  Plastik – Meore
  • Jewelry:  Earthtones Boutique (extinct vendor) – CloverClouds Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  NANTRA – Sea Breeze (includes hat)
  • Location:  The new hideaway (private)

Hot in the City Tonight

http://Hot in the City Tonight

Making a statement doesn’t always have to be a big complicated production. It can be quiet, simple.  That’s the thing about style… it’s often in the details.  It’s one reason why I fell for this look, fell hard.  The dress itself is quite simple.  Short, denim, halterdress, backless… nice detailing, but nothing over the top.  But then add the metal chain boots & the matching upper arm bracelets that come with it, and WOW!  This simple little dress is elevated to knockout on a very pure level, without a lot of fuss and bother.  It just oozes sex and style and confidence, while keeping everything uncomplicated.  Awesome. Now, that’s a look, perfect for a hot night in the city!

  • Outfit:  SexyStyle – Adriana.  A quiet look that speaks volumes! Includes the chain boots in gold & silver, & the matching arm bracelets.  Available in 8 colors, sized for Physique, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the Girls Heaven event, open May 3rd – 27th.
  • Bag:  MY BAGS by Mila – NEW! My ALBA in White.  The finishing touch.  A relatively simple woven bag with a subtly printed “top”.  Available in 6 colors (see below). Includes both a hand pose & an arm pose.  EXCLUSIVELY available for 25% OFF at the May eBENTO,  May 12th – 30th. 
  • Head:  Akeruka (AK) – Cleo (deluxe bento)
  • Body:  Slink – Physique Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Doux – Lala
  • Skin:  theSkinnery – Giulia (Freckled version)
  • Lashes/Makeup:  SlackGirl –  Thay Deluxe Lashes; HD6 Eyeshadow; Talita HD Lips
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Green
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Sofia Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  CORPUS – Stylish Lean
  • Location:  The Copa Club at Malaika Park

Mmmm City Life

http://Mmmm City Life

Ahhh, city life.  Will it ever be the same?  The city is no longer quite as dystopian feeling as it was there for a while, but it still is far from that bustling never-ending jumble of sights and sounds and smells.  To some degree, it’s reminiscent of how deserted some parts of the city can get on weekends during the real heat of the summer, when so many residents head out to the country or the beaches, and the rest stay in with their air conditioners.  I’m not in the city itself any more, but from what I’m hearing from my friends (and see on TV), some of the street vendors are returning, though obviously there’s still no hustle and bustle.  I believe it will come, maybe not the same as it was, not for a long long time… some things will have to change… but the smells, those awesome cooking smells of all nationalities permeating the air… well, that will return.  (The bad ones, those garbagey ones that sometimes happen too, well those can stay away!) And on that day, I’ll be there, swinging my way down some city street, feeling tempted by it all…

  • Outfit:  WILD Fashion & Beauty – BohoNYC Outfit.  And a perfect outfit it is, with a stylish cropped top appropriate for any setting paired with a long easy-going peasant skirt in a variety of rich tones.  HUD offers 10 solid colors for the top, 15 textures for the skirt. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY at the May Swank Event, open until May 31st.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Bag:  MY BAGS by Mila – NEW! My BEATRIZ in Cyan.  The perfect all-around, go-anywhere, right for just about every outfit, bag.  Available in 8 colors as well as 4 prints (see below). Includes both a hand pose & an arm pose.  Available EXCLUSIVELY at the I Said No Event to Benefit Rainn until May 22nd, after which it will move to the main store.
  • Head, Eyes, Lipstick:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Anne-Sofie, worn in Caramel browless.
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – Eyebrows Series 8 (Omega)
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Hair:  Navy & Copper – Muffin
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Shoes:  Mosquito’s Way – Alexis
  • Pose:  Juxtapose Props & Poses – Walk It Out
  • Location:  Hoolyville Project

Butterflies are Free to Fly, Fly Away

http://Butterflies are Free to Fly, Fly Away

I don’t know about you, but for me, Stay at Home is getting old.  My county in New York is still pretty much shut down, though some businesses are starting to open.  I finally got my oral surgery done after a 2-month delay, though now I’m caught in the dilemma that my dentist hasn’t opened.  My delayed knee surgery that has prevented me from taking long walks to escape the house is now scheduled for June, so things are definitely improving on the medical front.  I’ve gone to one store for the first time since early March to go buy plants, and now that we had a few warm days without too much rain, I’ve been doing some gardening. But oh how I long to stretch my wings and just fly away to my new home, waiting for me there in Florida, just out of reach until my town’s office starts issuing construction permits so that we can get our house on the market.  The good news is that things seem to be selling quickly as people just want to get out of the city. Hopefully that will last until it’s time for us go… For now, I’ll watch the butterflies as they take flight, and dream…

  • Outfit:  AnaSTyle – Brittany.  In case you’ve never noticed, I love off-shoulder tops, especially with a button or two that are open.  This worn denim jacket is perfect, paired with the shortest little pair of worn denim shorts, tied over a circular cutout at the very top of the thighs.  Included boots not shown. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the Girls Heaven event, open May 3rd – 27th.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Aurorya, worn in Maple browless, one of my favorite summer tones.  Another 7DS skin, another stunner, worn WITHOUT ANY MAKEUP!  This month’s GROUP GIFT for women,  with 7  skin tones, including both omega & BOM, regular & browless, applying both body & head.   One definitely not to be missed!
  • Head, Eyes, Brows:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Doux – Jane
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Tarantella Gypsy Dancer, Bangles, Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose/Prop – WetCat – Spring Patch Prop, pose #6
  • Location:  my property at Blake Passage

Decisions, decisions

http://Decisions, Decisions

It’s one of the mysteries of life (real or Second)… no matter how much you have in your closet or in your inventory, you just never have enough to wear.  Thankfully, it’s a VERY easy situation to remedy since there are so many awesome events happening and stores with new releases.  Personally, I have a VERY large inventory here in SL… one which I do clear out periodically, tossing things that I just don’t think I’ll ever wear again.  And as a blogger, I’m ALWAYS putting on new things… after all, that’s the definition of being a fashion blogger.  And yet, I’ll admit, I often feel like I have absolutely nothing to wear. I rifle through my virtual closet, unable to find the “right” thing for the moment… or conversely, I find too many and have difficulty choosing.  Either way, I just love finding new things, new looks.  I DO wish though I’d find a better inventory system for myself… the built-in one for Firestorm is great in that it has pix but they’re so small, that there are times I really have difficulty using it to make decisions.  Well, time to decide what to wear, and to get moving… I have a date!  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  KIMBRA – Dahlia Set.  Includes corset, panties, & leg strap with 2 buttons.  Choose from 6 colors in a selection of texture HUDs:  cotton basics, cotton colors, floral, lace, or leopard (which is what I chose).  Sized for Hourglass, Freya, eBody Curvy, Legacy, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the Girls Heaven event, open May 3rd – 27th.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Merry, worn in Caramel browless.  Another 7DS skin, another beauty! Available in two options of 5 tones each (dark or light tones, including both omega & BOM, regular & browless).  Also available at the Girls Heaven event, open May 3rd – 27th.  Shape & demos also available.
  • Head, Eyes, Lipstick:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – Eyebrows Series 8 (Omega)
  • Hair:  Doux – Tyrisha
  • Pose:  Brush Animations – Lavien (GIFT)
  • Backdrop:  Crystal – My Girly Closet

A Silent Prayer for RFL

http://A Silent Prayer for RFL

It’s hard to believe that Fantasy Faire 2020 has come to its last day. I have reveled in my rebirth as a fae, and have vowed to continue living and exploring this Second Life of fantasy, even as these magical lands dissipate on the winds of time.  But I also want to take a moment of remembrance and to say a prayer for all those fighting the fight against cancer with which Fantasy Faire is aligned, for those who have fought and lost, those who have fought and won, those who are fighting this very moment, and for those who have not yet begun their fight.  There is after all a deeper meaning in all we do here, that a world without cancer does not have to be just a fantasy.  Hopefully what we have done here will help us towards our common goal of turning that fantasy into a reality, for all of us, for those we love, for everyone everywhere around the world.  There’s still one more day… one more day to explore, to join the final day of events, to shop with a cause, to live that life of fantasy, to support Relay for Life.  Won’t you join us?

  • Outfit:  The Annex – Kimana Top & Bottom (sold separately).  Bottom includes matching panties. Available in 4 colors or as fatpacks.  Sized for Freya, Hourglass, & Maitreya.  Available at the Faire store in Cassiopeia   together with a shape for GENUS Strong Face & Maitreya body that is an RFL item.  Demos available for the outfit.
  • Hair:  Analog Dog – Sinai.  NEW!  Variety pack of this beautiful non-rigged, flex hair is just one of many styles available at the Faire store in Cassiopeia.
  • Skin:  Stix – A beautiful fantasy skin with lots of eye & face “decor” without going overboard, available in 8 colors (I’m wearing the gold).  In Omega & standard body skin. Only 100L per color or 600L for the entire fatpack so you can easily indulge your love of fantasy skins while supporting the fight against cancer because yes, these are all RFL items at the Faire store in Auxentios’ Pass.  Demos available.
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Metal Satyr Horns Fatpack.  Stunning original mesh that are loosely based on merino horns, which can be adjusted easily as separate pieces based on your hair or hairpiece or if you just prefer them sticking out more, less, or at a different angle.  9 textures available by touch, all of which can be tinted if you wish.  Crystal versions also available; I love these so much it’s my 3rd time blogging them (which shows you how much I’m wearing them & how versatile they are)! Both are RFL items at the Faire store in Cassiopeia.
  • Pose:  Astalianda – Zodiac Air Signs Pose Set, Libra.  Set includes 3 poses plus their mirrors.  Three other sets also available (Earth Signs, Water Signs, & Fire Signs), all of which are created specifically for, & available EXCLUSIVELY at the Faire store in Zodiac.
  • Boots:  Senzafine – Telcontar Boots, worn in Chestnut.  Available in several colors at the Faire store in Cassiopeia.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Ears:  Swallow – Pixie Ears Protruding
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Location:  Spirit Valley of Kuruk at Fantasy Faire 2020

A Walk in the Shadows of Fantasy

http://A Walk in the Shadows of Fantasy

I am beyond thrilled to have had the chance to not just explore and enjoy Fantasy Faire 2020 but to be an official blogger as well.  It’s allowed me to explore much more of the world of fantasy than I probably would have otherwise, to delve a bit deeper, go a bit further.  I love the beauty, the magic, the enchantment… let’s face it, I play as a winged fae (though now that I’ve put on a mermaid tail, I definitely see more of that in my future as well!).  But let’s not forget that even though that there’s where MY heart and imagination takes me, the fantasy world also has its much darker side, one of demons and evil and pain.  I’ll leave most of that to other bloggers with different tastes and bents than my own.  However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t dip my toe in and dabble in the lighter side of grey, avoiding the deep dark shadows but maybe stepping out of the sun into the shady spots… After all, that’s what exploration and fantasy is all about…

  • Outfit:  Secrets of Gaia (SoG) – Goddess Hedone Complete Set.  Hedone was the personification & goddess of pleasure (more specifically sensual pleasure), enjoyment, & delight in Ancient Greece.  The daughter born of the Greek Gods Eros & Psyche; her opposites were the Algos, personifications of pain.  This complete outfit includes the dress, bustle, overskirt, open chain boots, red hair, high neck necklace, draped flogger, crop, bento pointy nails for Slink, & a blindfold (not shown).  A light walk in the shadows…  Sized for Slink HG/P, Tonic, Belleza F/I/V, eBody, & Maitreya.  An RFL donation at the Faire store in Elemaria.  Demo available.  Individual pieces also sold separately as RFL donations.
  • Wings:  AMBIX – Starlight Wings (Bento).  Customizable in both look & action. First there’s a 16 color HUD that lets you set separate colors for each tier of wing, the stars, & even the ribbons. Then you get to choose HOW you want the wings to animate… such fun! An RFL donation at the Faire store in Melusina’s Depths.
  • Skin:  Stix – A beautiful fantasy skin with lots of eye & face “decor” without going overboard, available in 8 colors (I’m wearing the white).  See the closeup below for detail. In Omega & standard body skin. Only 100L per color or 600L for the entire fatpack so you can easily indulge your love of fantasy skins while supporting the fight against cancer because yes, these are all RFL items at the Faire store in Auxentios’ Pass.  Demos available.
  • Horns:  Eclectica – Crystal Satyr Horns Fatpack.  Stunning original mesh that are loosely based on merino horns, which can be adjusted easily as separate pieces based on your hair or hairpiece or if you just prefer them sticking out more, less, or at a different angle.  9 textures available by touch, all of which can be tinted if you wish.  Metal versions also available, which I blogged previously HERE. Both are RFL items at the Faire store in Cassiopeia.
  • Pose:  XPOSEure – Fantasia Fatpack.  Includes 5 poses plus mirrors.  Male versions — Fantasio — also available.  Both are RFL items at the Faire store in Heliodor.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Starlet Eyes (Genus Appliers)
  • Location:  Isle of Shadows

One for the Memory Book

http://One for the Memory Book

Photos are strange and wonderful things.  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, then you know that I plan on moving for the first time in a long long LONG time once restrictions lift and things on my home can finish getting done. In preparation, we’ve been going through lots of boxes that have been squirreled away, and I can’t tell you how many of those are old photographs.  It’s a strange experience to sit there and go through your own personal time capsule… not just pictures of my own kids when they were little (and see how young I was lol), but the pics of when my husband and I were little and then the ones of when our parents were little that we inherited from when their things passed on to us.  Second Life pictures are not quite so dramatic because even when you’ve been here a really long time like me (more than 13 years!), you still don’t “grow up.”  On the other hand, technology and styles most definitely change, and it’s great fun to walk down memory lane in Second Life too… I’ve been with my partner for more than 12 years, and it’s absolutely amazing to find that we actually look younger in those early photographs lol!  The point I’m rambling towards is that to me, each and every photo matters… yes, some are definitely better than others, but each one marks a point in time, a memory, an attitude, a look of my life here on the grid.  And those memories in pictures, well, sometimes they’re what you really need to help you remember all those little details you tend to forget in the vastness of time and the madness of life…  Here’s to making memories, one moment, one picture, at a time!

  • Outfit:  [WellMade] – Luka Outfit.  A two-piece one-shouldered dress, with a ruffle on the top & one at the bottom of the skirt.  With a 25 color HUD that lets you set different colors for the top, the skirt, & for each ruffle, the combinations & different looks are endless.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY at the Girls Heaven event, open May 3rd – 27th.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Anne-Sofie, worn in Taupe browless.  All 7DS skins are beautiful, but I have to say that to me, this one really stands above the crowd.  I can’t really put my finger on exactly why; I just know that when I put this particular skin on, I went “wow” & that inner gong sounded.  EXCLUSIVELY available in two options of 5 tones each (dark or light, including both omega & BOM, with & without brows) at the Dubai Event through May 10th.  Demos & shape also available.
  • Jewelry:  Moondance Boutique – Meadow Dawn Earrings.  Original mesh that is beautifully made, makes a statement, but does it without being overwhelming.  Hud-controlled to provide 28 textures for two gems plus metals in order to complement just about any outfit.  Choose from two different sets of textures, both available EXCLUSIVELY at the April round of the Swank Event, May 7th – 31stAlso worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head & Eyes:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Hair Orli
  • Brows:  DS’Elles – Eyebrows Series 8 (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Stairs (Standing) Bento Pose Set