A Fashion Look

http://A Fashion LookSo I keep double-thinking, which is really a pain in the you know what.  I fell in love with this shirt the moment I saw it, and I just adore how it looks (and I’ll admit it, how it makes me FEEL).   I wore it as part of a double-product shot with something non-fashion (a shot you’ll see tomorrow!), but when I reviewed those final shots, I felt that the top needed to be seen better and closer.  After all, when I just recently combined fashion with home decor, I was asked if I could do a cropped version to focus more on the fashion (and on the books!)… it was a good reminder that it was important to do full justice to both types of products when combined,  I therefore did what I call a straight fashion shot (which I generally try very hard NOT to do) to use as a second shot for just the post… and then I liked the shot so much I decided I wanted to upload it too!  BUT I also know that when I post two pics together, neither one gets as much exposure as it should, which I feel is not doing my job for the sponsors.  And on top of that, I got highly distracted last night by my partner’s birthday which we were celebrating inworld.  Bottom line, one blog post has now become two.  I hope you like them both! And this girl is off to do her weekend shopping! Enjoy!

  • Top:  KiB Designs – Kaynoor.  As I said above, the style of this top is just so feminine & sexy, like a cross between a cropped turtle neck & a little strappy crop top… LOVE the metal on the strap!  Yet it’s demure enough to wear anywhere.  Includes a HUD with 36 options in terms of both color & texture (ribbed, sparkly, solid bright, solid muted, plus two metal options for the metal rings on the strap), which means you can easily adapt to whatever you’re wearing it too or whatever bottoms you pair it with. Sized for Legacy + Perky, Belleza Classic + Curvy, Reborn + Juicy, Reborn, & Maitreya + Petite, Aynoor is EXCLUSIVELY available at the March round of Designer Showcase, opening today March 5th – 25th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  Navy + Copper – Selena
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Glasses:  Mulloy – Antago




I want to create.  I feel the urge so strongly sometimes, especially when I see the fabulous things that others bring into being.  And I do create odds and ends here and there, but wow, I am constantly blown away by what others first imagine in their minds and then have the talent and wherewithal to solidify and make SL reality.  And when you stop to think about it, EVERYTHING  on the grid is someone’s creation… every tree, every rock, every place you look and everywhere you go, someone made it happen.  I get such satisfaction from creating ME (and as you know, I have more than one me lol) and modifying myself to better create a look, but to do that I am combining bits and pieces that others have poured themselves into.  When you stop to think about this world we share, it really is a wonder…  And I for one, am so happy to be a part of it!  And who knows? Maybe one day I too will stop talking about the desire to create and I’ll actually do it!  Happy shopping!

  • Horns:  Static – Taffeta Horns.  Unrigged accessory that includes a HUD to change the fade on these black-based horns to your choice of 17 colors plus 20 colors for the ribbons that can be worn on either horn, both, or neither.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the current round of The Liaison Collaborative, Winter Calm, open Feb 18th through March 10th.  
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet –  Hygge Eyes Set.  Full eye pack that includes both Lelutka & Omega HUDs as well as BOM layers for 17 colors (see ad below).  Absolutely lovely!  And EXCLUSIVELY available at  The Liaison Collaborative, open Feb 18th through March 10th.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  monso –Meiga
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Vieno Lips; Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Nails:  StunnerOriginals – Ballerina Long Fantasy
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Insect Wings, Jewel
  • Pose:  Musa – Linetta combined with Kokoro – Hummingbird
  • Location:  The Forgotten

Thanks, I’m done tasting, I’m up to drinking!

http://Done tasting, now drinking

I’m almost embarrassed that I have another post with a glass of wine in my hand!  Almost, but not quite lol.  The truth is that IRL I’m not much of a drinker… I tend to get a bit garrulous (that’s the good part) followed by a headache and falling asleep (NOT the good part).  But those physical consequences have no bearing on my life in SL, and I guess I just like to have something in my hands.  IMHO it helps capture a moment, to bring everything a bit more to life.  There are lots (and I do mean lots) of fantastic straight fashion shots out there, but I gravitate towards those that seem to have more of a story behind them… not just a “wow that looks good” but one that also pulls me in a bit as to what is happening, what’s behind the scene…  So that’s what I try to do, to create what I like, and that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

  • Dress:  Carol’s Store – Sarah.  It’s because of styling like you see in this dress that I’m so excited to have Carol’s Store as my newest sponsor!  It’s such a seemingly simple dress, and yet the detail and the textures just set it apart.  A basic short shift is made spectacular by the stylized lace neckline with a delicate bow tie, the side slits that go all the way to the top of the hips, the ribbon trim, & the overall sheen… it just left me (not to mention my partner lol) going WOW!  Available in 10 single colors or as a fatpack (even the single colors include a HUD to change trim & bow colors).  Sized for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Ebody, Erika, Persephone, & Belleza GenX (Classic & Curvy), Sarah is EXCLUSIVELY available at the current round of the Dubai Event, open Feb 20th – March 15th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  bonbon – Zoey
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella BOM Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol. 1; Heron – JADE Lipstick
  • Nails:  Miumiu – #38
  • Tattoo:  CAROL G – Peonies Leg Tattoo
  • Jewelry:  RealEvil Industries – Areah Bracelet & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Diversion – Wine O’Clock, #2
  • Table:  Aphrodite Shop – Wine Tasting Table

Reading IS Sexy

http://Reading IS Sexy

http://Just part of my TBR pile

I’m a huge reader, generally at least a book a week, all fiction but across multiple genres.   I have for as long as I can remember.  Back in the day, I never went ANYWHERE without a book in my bag; I was that girl sitting at the bar waiting for whomever I was going to meet, reading a book (nowadays it’s more often my Kindle, and I’m NOT sitting at bars lol).  I have to admit it always surprises me a little when I find out that someone doesn’t like to read; it doesn’t bother me, mind you, nor make me think any less about the person (though I’ll admit that I DO think differently about them); it just surprises me (and saddens me in a way too) that they don’t enjoy that feeling of expanding their knowledge and/or their imagination, of losing themselves in other people’s lives and understanding situations and choices vastly different from those they themselves have faced.  But I have discovered that a rather high percentage of those non-book-readers are somewhat snobbish about the fact, thinking that it somehow makes them better, that they don’t “waste their time on all that”.  I’ve even had a few men (and it’s top of mind because it just happened again the other day) say that being “bookish” made a woman less sexy… well, now THAT statement DID make me think less about him…  I prefer men who think that being bookish makes a woman sexier… after all, she has more to draw on in conversation, in understanding, in handling situations, and yes, even in bed…  Although that could definitely make her more challenging, perhaps even a bit threatening…  which says more about the guy than it does about the woman.  And yes, I have quite a few reading nooks in my SL home and scattered around the parcel (they’re actually better and more comfortable than in my RL home lol), because to me, no home is complete without at least one.  Glancing over at my book, I feel that urge coming on… Happy Weekend!

The Look:

  • Outfit:  United Colors – Josette Jacket & Skirt.  Definitely sexy & smart!  The cut of this outfit is just outstanding & totally sets off your shape!  Josette includes a HUD with 8 colors for the jacket, striped skirt, & buttons, plus 5 metals, so you can mix & match top & bottom or not, as you choose.  Sized for Legacy & Maitreya, she is EXCLUSIVELY available at the current round of  The Liaison Collaborative, Winter Calm, open Feb 18th through March 10th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_PRIVATE
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella BOM Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol. 1; theMARS – Organic Lipstick
  • Glasses:  Mulloy – Josa
  • Jewelry:  Kunglers – Kara Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

The Scene:

  • Bookcase:  Dreamland Designs – Aurora Antique Book Shelf.  I’ve seen many bookcases in SL over the years, I’ve even owned quite a few.  But this is the first time I’ve seen one that not only looks fabulous in a home or office setting, but also has quality built-in bento animations!  Let’s start with the look, which is honestly exactly what I was looking for in my own home.  One detail that I adore is that only the center section is pre-filled; the rest is open for you to add your own items for display (see the ad below).  Then let’s talk about the animations… the shelves include female/mail single stands (I’m using one) plus bento cuddles/adult anims with speed control & more.  Material enabled; copy/mod/no trans, its available in both PG & Adult at the special Energy Weekend price, Feb 24th – 26th.
  • Table & Chair:  Dreamland Designs – Aurora Leather Chair Set.  Includes the black leather chair, table with books & reading glasses, plant with ottoman/stand, plus two rugs (see the ad below).  Includes bento animations for single female/male with props & for couples.  Available in both PG & Adult at the Energy Weekend price, Feb 24th – 26th.

Am I early or are you late?

http://Am I early or are you late?

OMG, so far behind, and in a short month to boot! A day of just not feeling “right” followed by a day of totally being sick followed by log-in difficulties and the grid-wide outage, egad it makes it difficult to get a post done!  But done it is, and I feel so good in this gown that it just be time to go do some formal dancing!  Enjoy!

  • Gown:  KiB Designs – Jayla.  Honestly, it takes a lot for me to love a gown these days.  Maybe it’s because formal is just so far from my lifestyle (both inworld and out), maybe it’s for some other indefinable reason, but all I know is that THIS gown made my heart go YES!  I love the off-shoulder band & the way the bodice is a wrapped drape (I’m sure there’s a design term for it, but I have not idea what that would be lol) over a modified mermaid shape.  The little belt & how it puffs out the bottom of the drape adds that perfect finishing touch.  Jayla also includes a HUD with 30 textures, & I mean TEXTURES… you can do more than change colors, you can change the lace pattern & where it goes. (See the ad below; I’m wearing an option not shown in their pic but definitely on the HUD!) Sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Physique, Freya, Isis, Reborn, & Maitreya, Jayla is EXCLUSIVELY available at the February round of Designer Showcase, open just a few more days through Feb 25th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:   Diva! – Stephanie
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Makeup:  Veechi – Havana Shadow + Liner
  • Tattoo:  Carol G. – Elegance
  • Nails:  Le Forme – Bento Nails M03 Golden Glam
  • Bag:  MAJESTY – Crystal Sphere Bag
  • Jewelry:  Luminesse – Xayana Chetana Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  Ethereal City, Valentine Romance Park

Time may change me, but I can’t trace time

http://Time may change me, but I can't trace time

I’ve been in SL a long time… I’m what I’ve seen being referred to as an “oldbie”… in that time, SL has meant a lot of different things to me, and I’ve felt the full range of emotions living my Second Life.  And I’ll be the first to admit that SL can get lonely… either because friends have moved on, relationships have ended, or what seems to be most prevalent, schedules and real world lifestyles change and no long sync up.  People get busy, and SL falls slowly by the wayside, sometimes all at once, sometimes it just starts slipping away.  For me, when I’m feeling that sense of abandonment, I either throw myself into my “work” (it’s why I started blogging in the first place!) or minimize my own time inworld.  And then MY schedule isn’t syncing up with my friends.  It’s a vicious circle, quite a bit like RL, wouldn’t you say?  Bottom line, SL certainly isn’t perfect, and neither are its denizens.  You either adapt and learn to make it work for you, or you don’t.  What I’ve found interesting is that lately I’ve been meeting quite a few people who STARTED SL back when I did, but then left years ago, and are now, for whatever reason, back and reinventing themselves (mesh changed everything lol) and their second lives.  Me, I’ve never left, but I’ve certainly reinvented myself time and time again, and I’m feeling that urge again.  Maybe it’s because my rez day is coming up, and like RL birthdays I get a bit introspective.  But when I find myself looking at heads (as I’m doing now), I know that I’m feeling that need for a change… So as much as I love my look, don’t be surprised when I undergo a makeover… I’ll still look ME… I’ve changed myself more times than I can count in the almost 16 years I’ve been here… but I will (hopefully!) be new and improved…

  • Outfit:  Sascha’s Designs (SAS) – Famke Outfit, worn in Apricot.  Includes two different tops — the Long Top worn in the main photo (which as a plunging back you can’t see, perfect for showing off a back tattoo!) plus the Wrap Top shown below — together with the pants & gold multi-necklace.   A sophisticated sexy look whichever top or which of the 9 colors you choose.  Do be forewarned though… when I say the pants are skintight, I mean like a 2nd skin with a few fabric wrinkles added… these pants leave NOTHING to the imagination… & they look absolutely amazing doing it!  Sized for Legacy, Maitreya + Petite, Hourglass, & Freya, Famke is EXCLUSIVELY available at the February round of Designer Showcase, open just a few more days through Feb 25th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:   Moon Salon – Petal, currently at Equal10
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella + Madalina BOM Eyeshadows; Sugarose – Gemma Lipstick
  • Nails:  Demicorn – Almond Nails, Holiday Pack
  • Pose:  Sassy Sweet Poses – a Lady like that
  • Jewelry:  Bliensen + MaiTai – Lamiya Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  Raynier’s Hotel, Resort & Conference Center

Purple Hearts

http://Purple Hearts

Puts “wearing your heart on your sleeve” in a whole new light lol (which is what I wanted to title it, but somehow it just didn’t make sense as a title lol)!  Seriously, I’m not one for a whole lot of hearts, but when used as a glorious accent, I’m a goner.  And Valentine’s Day may be over (thankfully!!!), but love goes on.  And let’s face it… cute is cute, and sexy is sexy, and when they’re combined, well, the result is just irresistible!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Soriee Dress.  How can you resist such sexy simplicity?  A high-necked sleeveless mini-knit dress with optional sleeves, kick-ass heels with a big bow on the toe, a matching C-string, all in fabulous textures.  Complete sets are available in 10 individual colors or in a HUD-driven Fatback that includes 15 textures for the Dress, 15 for the Sleeves, 12 for the heels (plus 10 for the bows!) 12 for the matching C-string, all 100% Original Textures that include a heart pattern you can use all over or just on the dress or on the sleeves (sooo cute!!!).  She’s sized for Legacy + Perky, Maitreya + Petite, GenX Classic + Curvy, & Reborn, & is EXCLUSIVELY at the premiere round of the Mean Girls Event, open Feb 1st – 23rd.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  Doux – Graceful
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella BOM Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol. 1; Temizi – Laycan Lipstick
  • Nails:  Miumiu – #38
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – True Hearts Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Amitie – Vanity Poses, currently @ Equal10

Wearing Red but Feeling Blue

http://Wearing Red but Feeling Blue

So no, I’m not sad in real life, or nursing a broken heart.  Valentine’s Day is NOT getting me down.  I AM however, extremely frustrated with my photo editing limitations.  Some of it, admittedly, is just lack of skill and experience.  I’m teaching myself how to do some of the little things that just add so much to photos and help them come alive.  BUT I don’t own Photoshop, so my options are rather limited… maybe an adept blogger could do more with the tools that I have available, but I’ve just wasted soooo much time trying to add smoke to the cigarette… something that seems so easy to do IF you have the right brushes (overlays simply do NOT work for me… again, a professional or highly experienced amateur could probably do it, but no, not ME), but I honestly couldn’t see my way to laying out a chunk of change (MORE than change, actually) for this one detail in one photo (though of course we all know that it’s not ever just one photo, now is it?).  Well, maybe it’s only me who gets hung up on these little details, but in my heart I know it’s not… viewers may not notice “oh look at the smoke”, but it’s those little finishing touches that kick the result up a notch or two.  Oh well… life goes on! I think it’s time to stop moping, drink some wine, post this baby & go out and flaunt my red!!!  Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  M A H O G A N Y Store – Auntie Jacket.  The cut, the styling of this jacket, is just sensational, & the colors are so rich!  If you’re a gal who likes to wear red, THIS is a red you can revel in! If not, no worries, the Auntie Jacket includes a HUD with 9 texture options (6 solids; 3 with hearts), plus the optional BOM top in 6 solids for those who (like me) prefer to be a bit more demure when sporting something so attention-getting.  Sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, Isis, & Maitreya, the Auntie Jacket is EXCLUSIVELY available at the February round of Designer Showcase, open Feb 5th – 25th.  Demo available. 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  Doux – Dani
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella BOM Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol. 1; theMARS – Organic Lip
  • Nails:  Miumiu – #38
  • Jewelry:   WILD Fashion – Amore Mio Jewelry Set; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  B(u)Y ME – Wine ‘n Smoke
  • Backdrop:  Synnergy Tavis – Soho Loft

Eyes on the Target

http://Eyes on the Target

Stretches languorously… mmm who am I today?  That’s one of the things that I love so incredibly much about fantasy fashion… unlike “human” dressing where if you’re lucky you get a “feeling” or what I like to think of as an “attitude” when you put on the clothes, with quality fantasy fashion (any by “fashion” I mean more than JUST the clothes but also all the accessories that heighten and deepen your look)  you BECOME someone new… it’s almost like creating a character in a book.  As the puzzle pieces fit together to create a wholly unique image, backstories emerge, and life’s parameters and goals and desires come right along with it.  Well, you may question that or even scoff, but maybe that’s why I blog… I love effectively giving birth to a new fae… she may be related to others who came before and who will come after…  but the details will always be hers and hers alone.   I do love roleplay, even though my roles tend to be short ones lol!!!

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Narnia, worn in Archer.  I think I’ve used every superlative in the fashion dictionary when it comes to Jangka outfits… each one is so unique, so detailed, with so much personality that they literally bring my “character” to life.  Sized for Legacy & Maitreya, she is 100% original mesh & is available in 5 fabulously rich colors PLUS two limited editions (one of which I’m wearing!).  As always, the outfit just feels so authentic! Brand-new, Narnia is EXCLUSIVELY at the current round of We Love RolePlay, & is 25% OFF!  Demo available.
  • Skin:  Petrichor Vareni Blues.  Highly detailed, gorgeous blue-toned skins in your choice of 30 colors (see below for these awesome textures; I’m wearing Jayleia).  Both male & female versions feature all new shading & details, in BOM/default layers only plus EvoX.  Includes Vareni elf ears (not worn), & new brows in 10 colors & 8 shapes for both classic & EvoX (worn in obsidian), plus a whole range of other add-ons.  Other color sets (I’ve previously blogged Vareni purples & Vareni muted) & demos available of ALL the tones.  
  • Horns:   PetrichorTrinket Horns.  Includes 3 versions (full; skull-less; ribbon only), each with its own HUD. 100% custom mesh & textures in fabulous unisex styling.  Available in 2 color palettes, these fabulously versatile horns are the current deal of the week! Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Hair:  monso – Natalia
  • Eyes:  OJAYO – Yoshi Pack 2
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Ragged Fairy Wings
  • Makeup:  Hexed – Haagenti; Venge – Ear Blushing
  • Pose:  Sari-Sari – Archer (includes bow, arrow, & quiver)
  • Location:  Elvion

Fly Me to the Moon

http://Fly Me to the Moon

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
And let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love you

What else can I say?  THIS is why I have wings!!! Wings to fly on, wings of fancy… either way, they make my heart soar!

  • Accessories:  Petrichor – Aqualia.   A small collection of gorgeous little trinkets & accessories for the debut of StellarThe theme for this initial round is Aquarius, so all the goodies are celestial & aquatic themed.  Each one is stunning all on its own; wearing several together (like I did) definitely makes my wings beat just a bit faster!  Stellar! is open through Feb 13th, so there’s still time.  Do NOT miss checking out the details of the full collection in the ad below, all featuring 100% custom mesh & textures in the incredibly multi-optioned HUD that Petrichor features:
    • Aqualia Accessories – Includes the bindi, earrings (which linked up PERFECTLY to my eartip jewelry!!!), & a Gemcrown (not worn)
    • Aqualia Crowns – Includes three different versions of the crown (I’m wearing the FULL version)
    • Aqualia Halos – Again, includes three different versions (I’m wearing the BARE version)
    • Aqualia Clusters – Includes four different clusters (I’m wearing both the Med-5 pt & the Sparse-5 pt)
    • Aqualia Orb – Includes versions for both the Left & Right hands, animated (not worn)
    • Aqualia Gem Orb – Includes Left, Right, & Unscripted versions (not worn)
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Moccino – Boo Papaya
  • Hair:  Yomi – Sachiko
  • Eyes:  lovelysweet – Honey Love
  • Horns:  Les Encantades – Capri Horns
  • Makeup/Jewelry:  Loa – Gaia Face Paint; Poema – Intuition Eyeshadows; Venge – Ear Blushing; Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX
  • Gown:  UNA – Silvia, @ We Love Role Play
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  Musa! – Linetta Pose Set