The Power Suit

http://The Power Suit

Having been born and bred in Manhattan and then having spent most of my working life in the world of NYC advertising, this entire scene feels very familiar to me.  One thing I definitely know, NOTHING is more important to either the working woman or the socialite or to ANY woman who wants to stand out and be noticed than the Power Suit.   And for those who may be confused with superhero power suits, this is definitely NOT that kind of suit, though it does indeed make you feel powerful and pulled together, ready to take charge or have your wants/needs not just heard but met.  A must have in EVERY woman’s closet, in whichever color is the color that makes you feel your best, no matter what the situation!  In this suit, you feel like you can easily go forth and conquer, whatever the goal! Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Sascha’s Designs – Victoria Outfit, worn in Bronze.  Available in 13 colors (including some with patterns!), Victoria is sized for Legacy & Perky, Maitreya, Reborn, Kupra, Hourglass & Physique, Freya, & Fitmesh M, Victoria is EXCLUSIVELY at the November round of Designer Showcase, open Nov 5th – 25th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  D!va– Kate
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Makeup:  Sugarose – Magda
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewelry – Krystanna Heritage Collection;Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Nails:  StunnerOriginals – Mesh Ballerina Metal
  • Bag:  ED – Flora Clutch
  • Pose:  minou minou – Camille
  • Location:   The Terrace

Fae with a Mona Lisa smile

http://Fae with a Mona Lisa smile

Today I’m a fae with mysterious thoughts hidden behind a Mona Lisa smile… the sounds of the real world — the howl of the near-hurricane force winds and the beating rain — are so strong that I can hear their echoes here in my fantasy paradise of eternal spring… I’m thinking the loveliest thoughts… but what they are, I’ll never tell!  All I’m willing to share is the beauty of my gown, and the beauty of my world…  sighs, projecting my thoughts and feelings into a shining orb of light, spilling a little fairy dust onto the wind…

  • Outfit:  Viki – Elisa.  Very simple but elegant long-sleeved gown, a graceful empire cut with some deco right under the bust plus an optional sheer over-layer.  In 10 individual colors or as a fatpack, Elisa is a beautifully classic romantic style, perfect for role play or even modern wear.  She is sized for Legacy & Maitreya, Material Enabled, 100% Original Mesh, & at the main store.  Demo available.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  IVES Beauty – Dove in Lavender Fairy
  • Hair:  Analog Dog – Daydream w/ Rose Crown
  • Eyes:  Ojayo – Yoshi
  • Makeup:  Rubedo – Carmen;  Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadow
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Uletia Horns
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:  West End Poses – Hartje
  • Location:  The Wylde

Dirty Laundry

http://Dirty Laundry

I don’t know about you, but I am sick to death of both the news and political advertising.  Yes, news is important, but the vast majority of “breaking news” is no longer breaking… and so much of what passes as news today really is just “dirty laundry”.  And just like the song lyrics, even the worst tragedy is presented with “a gleam in her (let’s just say their) eye”…  As someone who originally studied journalism  with the goal of working in that industry, I’m so very glad that I ended up elsewhere in life…  That said, I’m as eager as the next one to hear the headlines; I just want it to be “real” news, not rehashed over “older” news, with just one more viewpoint added on top of it.  That is just not news.  Be what it may, it’s here to stay, though sadly the printed version is rapidly disappearing.  I always loved perusing the titles hanging at the corner newsstand, especially when the proprietor allowed you to thumb through to see if it was worth a purchase.  And nothing, NOTHING, goes better with a newspaper (or with anything really lol) than a cup of coffee…as for looking good while doing just that? That NEVER goes out of style!!!  And that’s a news flash!!!!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Ella Turtleneck Outfit.  Ella is one of those snuggly outfits that just makes you feel all warm & cozy, but with her skintight leggings you look absolutely fabulous! (My partner even gave several unsolicited compliments as to how I looked in this!)  Ella is perfect for relaxing on a cool windy evening but with the matching stiletto heels, she is also ready to go out for work, shopping, or what have you.  She is available in 9 individual colors or in a HUD-driven Fatback of 10 that lets you mix & match, all with 100% Original Textures.  She’s sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, Maitreya, eBody Reborn, Kalhene &  Kupra, & is EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the Orsy Event, open Nov 6 – 21st.  Demo available.
  • Newsstand:  Serenity Style – Old Newsstand.  Fabulously realistic, the newsstand includes the main newsstand itself, a table with optional hanging papers, a chair, & stacks of newspapers & magazines.  Includes the option to add snow to the roof.  EXCLUSIVELY available with a 50% discount at the current round of The Liaison Collaborative, Believe in Magic, ending soon on Nov 10th.  See the ad below.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Hair:  Doux – Toxic
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Jewelry:   Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  Secret Poses – Coffee Break (modified)
  • Backdrop:  Crystal – Coffee Spot Backdrop

The Magic of Armor

http://The Magic of Armor

Armor is rather critical to any kind of warrior, whether it’s modern day (think Kevlar) or medieval or pure fantasy or even mental, and it constantly amazes me the creative ways that different designers attack it (sorry, it’s late and I get a bit punny)…This is a completely different take on armor than my last post… I feel that both are exceptional & are designed beautifully for different uses.  IMHO, the key to good armor is finding the right balance between protection and mobility.  Different styles of armor are needed for different uses and situations.  There are so many stories about knights of yore toppling over and then, because of the weight of their armor, being unable to rise and defend themselves.  But just because I’m not in a battle, it doesn’t mean that my body doesn’t need any protection out alone in this sometimes harsh world.  This beautifully articulated set is designed to protect the legs and the ribs, which is all I need for my daily trips into the forest with my trusty axe…  As I like to think of it, it’s lightweight but heavy duty where it counts!!!  (It’s also quite helpful in those crowded weekend shopping venues where folks are pushing and shoving to get at the latest deals lol)…  Speaking of which, it’s weekend, and it’s time to start doing all those things that manage to escape getting done during the week…  Happy weekend!!!

  • Outfit:  Noble Creations – Arcane Armor.  Sized for Legacy F/Perky, Slink HG/P, Freya, & Maitreya, the armor is available in both iron (worn) & black.  The leg armor (which is sold separately from the top) consists of separated pieces (thighs, calves, knees, & laces) for a very detailed realistic look & so that you can use the knee, calves, thighs & foot parts singly or in any combination. It even looks comfortable for day wear (as opposed to true battle armor), & is a rather sexy look for armor.  The top armor (includes the panty which has a hide/show option) is available at the main store; the leg armor is available EXCLUSIVELY at the October round of The Liaison Collaborative, Believe in Magic, open through Nov 10th.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  IVES Beauty – Dove in Orange Flame
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F189
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Renzo Eye Makeup (GROUP GIFT)
  • Tattoo:  Ghost’Ink – RUNA (face & body)
  • Horns:  Rainbow Sundae – Aylin Horns
  • Wings:  Cats Claw Designs – Fantasy Wings (Red Fire Black)
  • Bracers:  On A Lark – Dragon Bracers
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX
  • Pose:  Fashiowl – Archer, combined with Normandy – Sigyns Battle Axe

O Mystic Orb, what do you mean? Not just for Halloween?

http://O Mystic Orb, what do you mean? Not just for Halloween?

A little bit more of a modern feel than normal for me, but I decided to venture a bit out of my time zone as-it-were in order to try on a totally different culture…  isn’t that what role-playing (if not ALL of Second Life!!!!) is all about? I just love it when I discover items that totally spur my imagination and help me go somewhere I’ve never been before.  So much fun!!! This is what makes me love what I do!!!  And it being Halloween, it’s when even those of you don’t generally role play can go ahead and try it on, and just have fun without feeling self-conscious.  And who knows? You might discover a whole new side of yourself! (As an aside, that is exactly how I, Thea the fae, came to be.  Ceja & partner dressed as elves and had so much fun, alts were born!)  Sprinkles some dark fairy dust (it IS Halloween, after all) & dashes off to explore more hauntings…

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Samantha.  One of the things I most love about Jangka designs are that they not only offer an extremely authentic fantasy outfit (at least, it FEELS authentic, since it’s fantasy, who’s to say lol?) because of all the solid details, but each one seems to have a personality of its own… & that really helps kick off MY character creation to a much higher level.  100% fitted original mesh, & sized for Legacy & Maitreya, Samantha outfit has a definite Asian feel to it but with a blend of the old classic kimono with the very new & punkish (at least what IMHO constitutes punkish lol).  See the full-length pic below & make your own decision!  She comes in 4 “regular” colors plus 2 colors that are limited in number, with matching leggings & booties (sold separately); fatpacks are available for both the outfit & for the bottoms.  As always, the detail is just so authentic, this time with a flair of the Orient! Brand-new, she is EXCLUSIVELY at the Halloween Shop & Hop, for 25% OFF!  The Shop & Hop is open only through Nov 1st, so hop on over! (sorry, couldn’t resist!!!) Demo available.
  • Pose:  Something New – Mystical Orb.   Single pose & prop that includes the Oriental gate, the skulls, candles & orb (touch the orb & get a message!)  EXCLUSIVELY available at Trick or Treat Lane, a Dark Passions event, open through Nov 1st, but this is one pose/prop that is definitely not just for Halloween! It’s perfect for so many fantasy scenes for a multitude of races & cultures!
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Moccino – Boo Papaya
  • Hair:   Kuni – Yuna
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Dragon
  • Makeup:  Knife Party – Millenium Eye Makeup; Loa – Ixchel Warpaint; Amis – Elfie Lips
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Uletia Horns
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Venom Fae Wings
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX; Rise Design – Kyoto Necklace

Always watch your back

http://Always Watch Your Back

AAARGHHHH… aggravation!  Even as a fae I can’t always avoid all those modern-day woes of computer issues…  suddenly inserting images directly into this blog has become a nightmare, taking HOURS.   So glad that I only visit that modern world occasionally as opposed to having to actually LIVE there…  Tosses my head, stretching my wings, gazing up into the sky and taking a few deep breaths to relax and soak in the beauty of nature all around me.   Reminding myself that I can’t afford to get lax and inattentive… you never know what dangers or opportunities may suddenly appear, and it’s usually not in the direction you’re focused on.  (Hence those suddenly appearing and extremely frustrating computer issues, since there has been absolutely ZERO focus on computer maintenance of late… bad bad human lol)…   Well I’m off for a much needed shopping break… Fae blessings to you!

  • Outfit:  Pure Poison – Helena Armor.  Includes HUD with 8 texture options for the top, the armor skirt, & the fabric skirt, plus 3 metals.  Sized for Maitreya & Perky, both regular & petite. EXCLUSIVELY available at the October round of The Liaison Collaborative, Believe in Magic, open from Oct 18th – Nov 10th.  Demo available.
  • Makeup:  Loa – Gaia Face Paint.  Includes 26 different BOM tattoos (!!!!), from cheek stripes to vines (base + top), shading, contours, eyeshadow & liner, a bindi, & more… & best of all, they are all tintable (which I’ve done)!  Compatible with EvoX & AK ADVX, see the closeup below for greater detail.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the October round of The Liaison Collaborative, Believe in Magic, open from Oct 18th – Nov 10th.   Also worn:   Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX;  StunnerOriginals – Bellatrix Lipstick
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Shairi Horns.  9 wear styles in 3 shapes, 100% custom mesh & textures in fabulous unisex styling.  Available in 5 color palettes, each with its own HUD of 50 textures for the horns & 50 for the gemstones, or as a fatpack that includes a bonus palette of Fadegems.  See the closeup below as well as the ad.  EXCLUSIVELY available at Trick or Treat Lane, a Dark Passions event, open through Nov 1st.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Hair:  EscalateD – Solaris
  • Eyes:  Celesticat – Stardust
  • Accessories:  Jangka – Shauni Armbands; PetrichorCastanys Kel Collar
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Thread Leaf Wings
  • Pose:   NANTRA – Brynhildr

Getting Organized

http://Getting Organized

Where has October gone?  It’s just flown by!  All the snowbirds are returning here to Florida (plus lots of brand-new residents fleeing the cold and taxes from elsewhere), and that means everything is getting so much more crowded… but it also means that lots of activities are picking up from a summer hiatus.  I’ve been pushing myself to spend less time inworld and on the computer in general, and more time doing “social” activities (much of which goes against the grain lol, I’m basically quite content being a home-body), but the end result has been less of a “doing so many more fun things” and more of an “OMG I’m so behind in my blogging deadlines”, which is basically the opposite of the overall intention.  Oh well, not all experiments work out the way they’re planned, but that’s what experimentation is all about!  I’m back to needing blogging charts with deadlines and requirements, preliminary choices with initial ideas.  One critical advance, however, is that I DO seem to be making definitive choices earlier in the shoot process, even abandoning entire looks if I just don’t feel it’s all coming together… I still need to relax a bit about faves/awards when a pic is posted — I’ve learned that some of what I consider my best work just doesn’t seem to resonate with others… what matters most to me (or so I keep reminding myself) is that a shoot (or more specifically, what’s coming out of it) makes me smile…  As my very first blogger-manager advised me, you can’t blog for awards and recognition (though they’re definitely very nice to receive)… you need to blog for yourself, to do what YOU want to do to exercise your creative muscle…  Although at the end of the day, I’ll admit that it bothers me when my pix don’t do well…   Enough philosophizing and self-justification!  Now let’s see, requirements are now complete for which sponsors?  And let’s not forget all my weekend shopping!!!!  Who said Sundays were for resting?

  • Hat:  Vesta Cloths – Drey Hat.  Includes a color-changing HUD of 24 textures for changing the hat itself & each of the two bows separately (see the ad below).  A very modern take on what to me is a somewhat Eliza Doolittle look! 100% original mesh.  Available at the current round of Out Shop Cancer, where every sale of this hat goes to the American Cancer Society.  Just a few days left to help support the fight & shop with a purpose… Out Shop Cancer is open through Oct 31st.  
  • Jewelry:  Heartsdale Jewelry – Mists of Avalon Collection.  Includes the necklace & earrings featuring a beautiful tree of life, plus a HUD for changing the main color to any of 8 rich choices with 3 different metal accents.  EXCLUSIVELY at the Oct round of Designer Showcase, open just a few more days till Oct 25th.  Also worn:  Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Nails:  LIVIA – Net Frenchies HUDs for Mix-It Pro Nails.  NEW release, available in 4 color palettes (Blue/Green, Nude/White, Pink/Purple, Orange/White) or as a Megapak, these HUDs work with all three shapes (coffin, square, stiletto) of the Mix-It Pro Nails (base nails required), which are available for Legacy, Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Signature, Tonic, Kupra, Ebody Reborn, & Kahlene.  You can mix & match by hand or by nail… so much fun (though I’m so boring I tend to always do them all matchy-matchy lol & I just love the style with the little bats)…  EXCLUSIVELY at the Oct round of Designer Showcase, closing Oct 25th.  See the ad below!  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Analog Dog – Glamp
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Makeup:  Dernier – Eyeliner; Synergy – HD Eyeshadow Lagos; Joy – Baby Lipstick
  • Pose:   space cadet – Journalin’


Be Bold

http://Be Bold

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need to take a break from all this Halloween imagery!  I mean it’s fun (avoiding the more macabre, as I’ve said), but I honestly prefer just showing off in style.  And this look is ALL style… glamorous, sophisticated, sexy, BOLD…  I feel like queen of the world in this!!!  Even better, it’s part of the Out Shop Cancer shopping event, so it’s all for a truly important purpose.  So you can both look fabulous and do some much-needed good in this world, the real world we all live in!!! Happy shopping!

  • Gown:  BE BOLD – Socialite.   Includes this incredibly sexy but sophisticated gown plus matching shoes, with a HUD offering 6 rich textures with incredible depth. Sized for Legacy, Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I, & Maitreya, Socialite is available at the current round of Out Shop Cancer, where 50% of every sale of this awesome gown goes to the American Cancer Society.  Be bold!  Help support the fight & shop with a purpose… open through Oct 31st. 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_SLANG
  • Eyes:  Euphoric – Hae
  • Tattoo:  KAOS Tattoo – Radiant
  • Makeup:  Dernier – Valentina Eyeshadow; Cazimi – Dusk EvoX Lipstick
  • Jewelry:   IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Victoria Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Kill This Love
  • Location:  Lounge Cafe & Restaurant



I may not be a fan of the more macabre side of Halloween, but I am constantly amazed at so much of the creativity I see around me.  Some of the builds are so fabulous, my shoots take forever because I get so lost in the experience and just spend hours exploring…  And the events!!!  For a fae like me to be able to wander at an event and not draw looks because of my skin, my wings, my horns… well, it’s definitely an interesting experience to fit in so easily outside of a role play region!  One event that should definitely be on your DON’T MISS list is the 7th Annual Trick-or-Treat Lane! Grab your treat bags and your favorite ghouls to explore this year’s witches’ brew themed venue. 56 designers have been conjuring some amazing creations and special gifts just for you! Note that some of the trick-y ghosts hid some of the free treats in the booths too! The event is from Dark Passions, and runs from Oct 7 – Nov 1, 2022; it’s awesome Halloween fun for humans & non-humans alike!!!

  • Outfit:  BamPu Legacies – Malificia Twilight Gown.  Take a walk on the dark side in this absolutely fabulous look, including an evilly sexy gown with a deep plunge in front with a “tattoo” & an even deeper one in back, an optional feather collar, the horned headpiece, & the magnificently textured wings (which have a built in resizer).  Sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, Isis, Maitreya, & Kupra, Malificia is EXCLUSIVELY available at Trick or Treat Lane, open through Nov 1st.  There’s a free gift too hidden inside the booth, a flaming sceptre!!! (see pic below)
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Vareni Muted.  I’ve blogged these skins before, they are just so fabulous & they change subtly depending on what you’re wearing that I’m drawn to use them in posts, again & again.  Highly detailed, gorgeous muted tone skins in your choice of 15 colors (see below for these awesome textures; I’m wearing Filaurian).  Both male & female versions feature all new shading & details, in BOM/default layers only plus EvoX.  Includes Vareni ears (which I’m NOT wearing), new brows in 10 colors for both classic & EvoX , & several other options to help customize your look.  A definite “must check out”! Demo available.  
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Eyes:  Celesticat – Stardust
  • Makeup:  Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX; Zibska – Quell Eye Makeup layered with Tanzi Eye Makeup; Pout! – Little Lip Tint
  • Staff:  deviousMind – Abraxas Raven Familiar Staff
  • Pose:  an lar poses – Paulette (does NOT include the crow)
  • Location:  Shadowfell

My friend, is that you? Shambles Halloween Photo Contest 2022 Entry 1 Chrysanthea Navarathna

http://My friend, is that you? Shambles Halloween Photo Contest 2022 Entry 1 Chrysanthea Navarathna

I do love it when it all just comes together!  I’d like to say that it’s all the magic of fae, but I’m a bit too honest for that… truth is, the gods were smiling and the planets were aligned, and who knows what else !?!  It just happens that way sometimes, when fabulous new items from different sponsors just fit together to create a unique and fantastic whole that is even beyond the sum of its parts…  In fact, I had absolutely no intention of joining a photo contest when I went to The Shambles to do my photo shoot.  I was just looking for some fog and some atmosphere, had seen some fabulous pix but hadn’t yet had a chance to explore the sim.  But once again, all the pieces just fell together, and the result? Well, I honestly don’t feel that ANY pic can truly capture the atmosphere that has been created here, with swirling mists & flying ghosts, especially not if you want to show an outfit lol!  My skills just aren’t there to do it full justice (I DID plan on adding some swirling fog around the edges, but wasn’t sure if I (a) had the skill, and (b) if it would disqualify from the contest).  But I did my best, my wings are beating happily, and honestly, that’s what really matters to me (although awards and such are always greatly appreciated, especially on those down days when the gods are NOT smiling!)…  But that is not this day… THIS day I urge you to go see this fabulous sim, while it’s still here…

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Yumi.  And yet another amazing role-playing outfit!!!  100% original mesh, & sized for Legacy & Maitreya, the Yumi outfit (which consists of the coat & the top) comes in 7 individual & truly rich colors or as a fatpack; the pants & boots come in 2 black & brown or as a fatpack of both.  As always, the detail is simply exquisite, this time with a flair of the Orient! Brand-new, she is EXCLUSIVELY at the current round of We Love Role Play open Oct 4th – 29th, for 25% OFF as is a limited number of a special color!  Demo available, 
  • Horns:  PetrichorVarisei Headdress.  One thing I’ve learned… anything by the team of Petrichor & Ersch is going to be exceptional, & these unisex horns are definitely NOT an exception.  100% custom mesh & textures,  Headdress comes in 3 styles (full as shown, single chain, or bare),   including earrings, a forehead bindi, & floaties for the left & right (not used for this pic).  The headdress is totally HUD controlled for color (40 x 2 in each of the 3 color styles) for every detail, from the horn base to the florals, gems, skulls, & metal, with each element being able to be hidden or shown.  Truly exceptional!!! EXCLUSIVELY at the current round of Fameshed, open Oct 1st – 27th.  Demo available.  See the ad below for a more detailed closeup.
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  IVES Beauty – Dove in Lavender Fairy
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair CP008
  • Eyes:  Celesticat – Stardust
  • Eyebrows:  Nuve – Nadia
  • Makeup:  Zibska – Quell Eye Makeup
  • Wings:  Decoy – Angela Wings in Sunset
  • Pose:  Animosity – Wiccan Poses w/ Props
  • Location:  The Shambles