Grains of Sand

http://Grains of Sand

Titles, titles, titles.  Sometimes naming a photo and my blog is the hardest part of everything I do to get a post out.  I’m not sure why it’s such a stumbling block for me except that having spent most of my work life in advertising, I have this deep-seated attitude that headlines are all-important.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t a copywriter… I was the account person who helped select the headline from a list that someone more talented would create.  How I long for someone to help me now, to provide a short list of choices where I could go “YES, that’s it!”  Instead my poor befuddled brain struggles to come up with something short and perfect, and failing miserably.  I’ve thought of using quotes like a lot of bloggers do, but I need to figure out the layout for that, which is more than I feel like doing when up against the wall for posting time.  And of course, the worst part is that similar to dreaming up the perfect retort long after an argument has ended, that phenomenally awesome line will suddenly materialize in my brain too late, when I’ve moved on to other photos, other posts. Oh well, sometimes it’s just best to “borrow” a title from elsewhere, as I’ve done here from the pose.   It’s such a silly thing to obsess over, it’s time to get back to my ocean gazing!

  • Outfit:  GiuliaDesign – Saretta.  I’m not generally a huge fan of ripped clothing, but something about the combination of the bra, the open sweater just starting to slip off of one shoulder, & the extremely torn jeans in front with the butt cheeks hanging out just the right amount in the back, well, let’s just say I’ve worn the outfit for two days straight now & still don’t feel like changing lol! Comes in 10 colors for the top (the bra stays white), 6 for the jeans; sold separately or as a fatpack. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya. Available EXCLUSIVELY at the June Swank Event, open June 7th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rune, worn in Caramel
  • Hair:  Doux – Elvia
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Luminous Eyes in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Lipstick:  Purple Beauty – Glossiness Lipstick (Gift @ Access Anniversary)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer – Tarentella Gypsy Dance Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Shoes:  Pure Poison – Sea Horse Sandals
  • Pose:  Le Poppycock – Grains of Sand

The Contessina de Medici

http://The Contessina de Medici

Do you like to gamble?  I do, but not in a big way… I guess I’m more of a dabbler.  I’d have to say that in SL, Gachas are a form of gambling, and I definitely enjoy those but with a ton of restrictions that I put on myself… I have to really like just about everything in the gacha, not just be mad for one or two items.  I have to be able to use what’s in the gacha without having to win EVERYTHING.  And it has to be something unique, not just another cute dress or some such thing. This gacha meets ALL those requirements if not more… taken together, it’s a totally unique look; items taken one by one can all be used with other looks.  It really earns it’s name, because the moment I saw it, it was GACHA!

  • Outfit:  BamPu Legacies – Contessina de’ Medici, a 10-item gacha of simply fabulous, totally different items, & totally aligned with the event theme of Floral Fantasy. EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, June 12th – 30th.  Between the different pics in this post I’ve used all the items, if not all the colors they come in, as follows:
    • Venetian Gown, the rarest item in the gacha.  Ornately detailed, in the old Venetian style. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza Venus, Maitreya, TMP, & Standard.
    • Light Staff, rare (lights cycle through off, on, bright)
    • Floral Hat
    • Venetian Collar
    • Venetian Mask, comes in 3 colors (Fuchia, Gold, & Olive)
    • Floral Purse, comes in Pink & Gold
    • Venetian Necklace
    • Venetian Crown 
  • Flowers:  BamPu Legacies – Fluky Flowers.  Set includes 4 sizes/colors (large gold, large pink, small gold, & mini pink), all of which are copy so you can create the perfect floral fantasy setting.  Also EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, through June 30th.  A We Love to Blog designer.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Kuni – Minha
  • Brows:  Simple Bloom – Genus Lara/Dawn Glitter/Stars (GIFT)
  • Eyes:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Starlet Eyes (Genus Appliers)
  • Ears:  Swallow – Pixie Ears Protruding
  • Lipstick:  {Demicorn} Cosmetics – Queenie Lippies (Genus Appliers)
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Filigree Wings, Gold/Crystal/Yellow


The cat’s meow

http://The cat's meow

Oh my, it’s been so humid where I live the last few days that about all I’ve been able to do is put my hair up, put on the lightest clothing, and lie around with my poor swollen leg raised up.  I’ve been watching some old classic movies (hence the use of a popular expression from before my time lol), and I did start physical therapy yesterday, so hopefully I’ll be able to start getting back to my regular schedule (well, such as it is lol) relatively soon.  I will say that this is one of those times when I really appreciate the virtual reality of the grid… no difficulties getting around (as long as SL is cooperating of course), no weather issues, no social distancing worries, plenty of things to do.  Speaking of which, I’m dressed and ready, so off I go for more shopping therapy!

  • Outfit:  Nala Design – Coren Outfit.  Great little details in this 3-piece set (top, skirt, shoes), from the braided gold chain around the neck that holds up the halter to the subtle pattern on the side ruffles of the top, to the strings on the sides of the skirt, to the perfectly natural wrinkles & the perky nipples pushing out the fabric, & the high sexy wedges. Includes a HUD with 9 colors for the top, skirt, strings, & shoes so you can mix ‘ match if you want for more contrast.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya. Available EXCLUSIVELY at the June Swank Event, open June 7th through the end of the month. 
  • Bag:  MY BAGS by Mila – My KITTY in Brown.  The cutest bag ever, with both an arm & a hand hold.  Available in 6 colors. Dare I say it’s the cat’s meow? 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rune, worn in Butter
  • Hair:  Doux – Melanie
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Luminous Eyes in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Lipstick:  Purple Beauty – Glossiness Lipstick (Gift @ Access Anniversary)
  • Jewelry:   Kunglers – Milena Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Backdrop:  Crystal – The Sweet Spot

Just Peachy

http://Just Peachy

To me, summertime often means slow, lazy days. It’s not just because of heat, it’s a seasonal thing. This image is the epitome of late afternoon on a not-too-hot summer day, but one with a lovely strong breeze off the water.  If I close my eyes I can envision the soft swing, the taste of the peaches, the feel of the breeze, the sounds of fun echoing in the distance.  Yes, I probably wouldn’t wear boots IRL during summer, but this is SL and I can do what I want for style lol!  Sighs, just going to hang out here for a while, and then maybe steel myself to go explore the now-open SL17 and marvel once again how things have changed since I first came here 13 years ago.  Maybe I’ll see you there!

  • Outfit:  YoU by GeMyles – Laurie Outfit & Boots. Short dungaree with an integrated top, plus a pair of fabulous black suede boots & a dangling black choker!  HUD driven, where you can choose from solid black or sexy open netting for the top; 10 different denims for the romper.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/V,  & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY available at the June eBento event until June 30th.
  • Swing:  Dreamland Designs – Slow’s Summer Fun.  Part of a set that comes with the swing, flowers, tree surround, hanging lights, & bougainvillea tree pergola. Featured in my blog yesterday, which you can see HERE,  where I had promised to show at least one of the animations today.  (NOTE: I added the peaches.)  EXCLUSIVELY available in both PG & Adult versions at the June Swank Event, open June 7th – 30th. 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rune, worn in Butter
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Lula @ Access Anniversary
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Lipstick:  Purple Beauty – Glossiness Lipstick (Gift @ Access Anniversary)
  • Peaches:  ChicChica – Sweet Peaches

Summertime On the Rocks

http://Summertime On the Rocks

I’m still in post-surgical recovery mode, so although I’m making it around my house with a bit of effort, I’m still not able to go anywhere.  It’s also starting to get quite hot outside, which means one thing — I’m starting to dream about beach sands & turquoise blue waters.  I know it will be quite a while for so many reasons, but hey, a girl can dream!  And with items like these out there, dreaming takes on a whole new sense of style and “if only”…  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Suga Baby – Flynn.  Adorable little summer outfit, perfect for sun & sand, hanging out at home, or whatever calls for casual comfort & style. Includes an 8-print option for the top, shorts, & matching sandals. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/V, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY at the 05/20 Girls Heaven event, open May 31st – June 24th.
  • Rocks/Poses:  EVHAH – Nui Rocks Duo & Swinger.  Tropical landscaping at its best, this set includes 4 different rock setups  complete with palm trees & flowers so that you can design your perfect escape.  Designed to be set up on land or water, these rocks are not just decor… they come in both Cuddle & Adult versions, loaded with single & couple anims.  See a full shot below of just one element in the set, the Curve Swinger, where I’ve used a different included animation.  Available EXCLUSIVELY at the June Swank Event, open June 7th through the end of the month. 
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rune, worn in Butter
  • Hair:  Tram – J0524, only at Collabor88 (demo also available at the store)
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Purple
  • Sunglasses:  Mulloy – Ticola
  • Jewelry:  EarthStones – Inlaid Harmony Earrings  & Sentiment Necklace; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Location:  The new hideaway (private)

Better Together

http://Better Together

Second Life couples are interesting.  No, I’m not talking about the whys & wherefores of the relationship (though of course that’s all interesting too); I’m zeroing in specifically on how they dress.  Many couples in SL like to coordinate their dress when they go out together.  I know that my partner and I do; it just makes a nice statement of togetherness and looks awesome.  Sometimes it’s as simple as using the same color (I’ll be dressed in green, so he’ll wear a green shirt); other times, we have outfits that were designed to go together.  It may be that we’re both just two old romantics, but we both love the way we just fit together visually when we’re dressed like that.  The key, however, is that each outfit has to be awesome on its own.  If the woman’s gown, for example, is a knockout but the tux is poorly done, then the whole thing just doesn’t work.  It’s just one of the many reasons why I love Allure Couture… both the women’s AND the men’s outfits have the same beautiful styling and attention to detail.  This matched set is a total win-win, with each formal more than able to command attention on its own and get that all important fashion nod, but together?  Even better!!!  Happy shopping!

I’m wearing:

  • Gown:  Allure Couture – Iris Gown.  Beautiful floral gown with sheer over the shoulders & neckline, with sparkle overlays for the skirt.  The gown is available in a 10 texture Fatpack, or as any of six separate textures, all of which are ORIGINAL.  Includes matching heels.  Sized for Slink H/P, Belleza F/I/V, Altamura, Maitreya, & Legacy. EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, June 12th – 30th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Jewelry:  Luminesse – Floritza Danika Set.  Necklace & Earrings in dark blue, aqua, & gold.  This jewelry set is full of wonderful color. The chain is a triple strand of gold links that hold lovely oval gems, the deco design has two bold & richly colored large cushion cut gemstones in various color combinations that are surrounded in tiny gold flowers, pretty diamond heart accents complete the look. This set is created for formal attire and will give your gown a wonderful splash of glorious color. It can also be worn with many other styles of attire that you prefer. This design includes scripting called Options Plus to allow users to adjust the size, brightness, shine & glow!  See the closeup below. Available EXCLUSIVELY at the June Swank Event, open June 7th through the end of the month.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rune, worn in Butter
  • Makeup:  Poema – mariola eyeshadow (FREE for stay-at-home)
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Royalty Eyes in Tropical
  • Hair:  TRUTH – Joy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Nails:  Encore – Shades of Blue
  • Pose:  S26 – Cute
  • Backdrop/Set:  The Bearded Guy – Whore Patio Night

Crichton is wearing:

  • Tuxedo:  Allure Couture – Andrew Tux.  Formal black slacks & shoes, with a formal jacket/shirt/bow tie with 10 ORIGINAL textures.  Andrew Tux Jacket & Shirt comes in a complete Fatpack or a Slimpack with half of the textures available. Black socks are included as both Omega & BOM style. Sized for Slink, Belleza Jake, & Signature Gianni.  EXCLUSIVELY available at the June Twe12ve event, an Evil Bunny Production, June 12th – 30th.  A We Love to Blog Designer.
  • Head & Skin:  Akeruka (AK) – Clay (deluxe bento, with BOM)
  • Body:  Slink – Male Physique Mesh Body
  • Hair:  Volthair – George
  • Eyes:  IKON – Odyssey

Bell-bottom blues

http://Bell-bottom Blues

OK, after sitting there on my butt for a few days with my leg up certainly gave me some time to think.  And I decided to make even more changes in my blogging life.  Even when you love to blog (as I do), it can easily slip into a routine that both dulls creativity and takes away the fun.  Designers obviously establish a style for their brand, but sometimes when you blog the same brand for too long, it just becomes “more of the same”… which isn’t fair to them, and is hard on the blogger too.  Realizing this, I’ve been making changes here and there for weeks.  I’ve done it before; I’ve realized I need to do even more.  I’ve therefore left two of my oldest sponsors; I’ve added some new ones.  More juggling may/may not occur because my goal is simple… to refresh my blog, my commitment, my commitment when I open boxes and see new designs.  I jumped at the chance to blog for Giulia Design… I’ve been blogging them through events for quite a while because their designs are wonderfully varied and awesomely styled, with that special Italian fashion sense, that little something that just can’t be taught.  Now I have the opportunity to sport ALL their new releases, not just those selected for events.  I’d be dancing if I could, but I’m still flat on my butt with my leg up for hours a day. I won’t let it keep me down though, not with styles this good!!!  

  • Outfit:  GiuliaDesignNEW!  KETY.  Maybe it’s because I’m from that generation, but I LOVE fringe!  Something about it just makes me happy.  I will admit, though, that fringe doesn’t always work well in SL… if it’s not done “right”, it hangs too stiffly & just looks “off.”  This outfit does it perfectly.  The fringe looks & hangs very realistically (not too much, not too little) from the slightly loose, flowy little crop top with cutaway arms (they’re connected along the bottom of the arm, which looks totally amazing when you move).  The jeans are big comfy bell-bottoms, for a retro look that is still totally “today.”  Comes in 10 colors for the top, 7 for the jeans. Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya.  Demo available.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Rune worn in Cashew.  A truly gorgeous skin, one of my top recent favorites — I’m even using the brows & no makeup!   Available in two options of 5 tones each (dark or light tones), including both omega & BOM, regular & browless, at the 05/20 Girls Heaven event, open May 31st – June 24th.  Demos & shape also available.
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Doux – Mecca
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Luminous Eyes in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  KATE – Bohem Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band

Bye Bye Birdie

http://Bye Bird Birdie

Ok, so I had my outpatient surgery on Tuesday. I have to say, surgery has never been a fun experience but in this new reality? It’s even worse.  Don’t get me wrong… I’m THRILLED that I finally had this procedure done… I’ve been having difficulties with my knee since last year and the surgery was originally supposed to be in late March, so the delay created its own issues.  But as someone who gets very very nervous with anticipation, going in and having surgery all by yourself, with no family to sit with you or comfort you or be there when you wake up, just makes it that much harder.  And my surgery (which was thankfully a very short and relatively minor one in the scheme of things) was delayed by 2 hours, so I just lay there in pre-op for almost 3 hours alone, with no company, no TV, no book, nothing to do but lie there with my own worrisome thoughts about having anesthesia and all that can wrong, despite previous successful surgeries.  I can only imagine how much more difficult it would be for someone facing a major operation or their very first one, how completely terrifying to go through that alone.  When my husband had open-heart surgery last year, I was there all day every day, keeping him company and both of us calm. I would have been desperate without being able to be there and see for myself and help take care of him. Yes, I know it’s for everyone’s safety which is definitely crucial, but it does make an already difficult process even more so. Well I’m home now, gimping around, dealing with the after effects, looking forward to the day when I can walk again without pain, looking forward to a future time when these restrictions can be eased, and loved ones can once again support each other through the bad times.  Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later.  Until then, we do what we must…  and when the going gets tough, the tough can put their feet up and still get shopping!

  • Outfit:  ICEWERK Designs – Julia Jumpsuit with Julia Heels. Very stylish, & to me seems to invite touching, the stroking of the satiny fabric.  The jumpsuit & matching heels have 16 textures to choose from; the sheer panels have 4.  Sized for Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, & Maitreya. EXCLUSIVELY available at the 05/20 Girls Heaven event, open May 31st – June 24th.
  • Bag:  MY BAGS by Mila – NEW! My BANUS in Green.  An adorable pouch bag, with both an arm & a hand hold.  Available in 7 colors, each for just 99L at Sail into Summer sales & hunt event.  There is also a hunt for 1L that you have to look for in the store. (All items are in the store!)
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Maybeline, worn in Butter browless.  Another glorious skin, this time with some of my all-time favorites tones like Butter.  And the best part?  It’s FREE as the June Group Gift to members, with 7 tones in both omega & BOM, regular & browless.  See the closeup below (my own freckles & GENUS makeup added)…
  • Head, Brows, Makeup:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Doux – Marcela
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Luminous Eyes in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)
  • Jewelry:  IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Aurora Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Violet #3 Curve; Kokoro Poses  – Bird Holding
  • Props:  Evolving Images – Bird Cage V; B. Labs – Wine Tray
  • Backdrop:  K&S – Kitchen Daylight Photo booth (rare)

I want to be where the people are

http://I want to be where the people are

I’ll never forget the first time I saw The Little Mermaid.  In a lot of ways, it was earth-shattering. Before that, taking your kid to see a movie was something you HAD to do.  Now don’t get me wrong; the Disney Classics like Cinderella and Snow White and Dumbo certainly are watchable the first time or two.  But The Little Mermaid was the first of what I felt was “an animated Broadway production”.  The music, the dialog, even the story all blew me away, with all those double meanings to entertain the parents.  It ushered in a new era of children’s entertainment, and as a parent I was able to thoroughly enjoy it myself (though I’ll admit it does get difficult on the 100th watching lol).  This pic is my homage to Ariel and Scuttle, and all I can say is you’re lucky that there’s no sound with my blog so you can’t hear me singing (I can’t carry a tune whatsoever).  The song is oddly appropriate for the times we’re living in as well; I know I saw something on YouTube using this song, as we were all adjusting to stay-at-home restrictions and lack of social contact.  My region enters Phase 2 today, but I’m having knee surgery this afternoon, so it will still be a little bit before I can go where the people are… but I CAN flip my mermaid tail and go swim through the Blake Sea… how much fun is that!!!  Almost my entire mermaid look is all from one fabulous place… Happy shopping!

  • Tail:  Midnyte Creations – Mermaid Tail & bra with HUD for 4 color options.  Maitreya fit only (which is why I’m not wearing the bra).  The Tail has 2 versions, animated & non animated. Animated version moves like you’re swimming when you walk.  EXCLUSIVELY available at Under the Sea, an Evil Bunny Production, June 6th – 16th.  25% OFF during event only! 
  • Skin:  Midnyte Creations – Mermaid Skin.  Beautifully textured with light multi-coloroed scales (see closeup below). Comes with 4 brow colors plus a no brow option, copy/mod Shape, & mermaid ears, BOM & Omega hud (Skin is only in 1 tone nut the eyebrows are in 4 colors). Created for Catwa Catya & Maitreya but I don’t have either & it looks great! (I’m just using my own shape.)  EXCLUSIVELY available at Under the Sea, an Evil Bunny Production, June 6th – 16th.  50% OFF during event only! NOTE: The brows are also sold separately to use with other skins.
  • Eyes:  Midnyte Creations – Mermaid Eyes. 5 eye colors, both BOM & Omega. EXCLUSIVELY available at Under the Sea.  See the closeup below.
  • Tattoo:  Midnyte Creations – Mermaid Tattoo, includes Face only, Body only, & Full (body & face), both BOM & Omega. EXCLUSIVELY available at Under the Sea.   ALSO WORN:  Mermaid Gills Tattoo, BOM only, which is a FREE GIFT at Under the Sea.
  • Makeup:  Midnyte Creations – Mermaid Lipstick, 4 colors, in both BOM & Omega; Mermaid Eyeshadow, also in 4 colors BOM & Omega.  Both are created for Catwa Catya, but obviously work great on Genus!  Sold separately, EXCLUSIVELY at the Under the Sea event.  See the closeup below.
  • Pose/Props:  Midnyte Creations – Mermaid Rock Prop & Pose Set.  Includes Rock, crab, animated seagull, starfish, separate water spray for optimal placement.  Includes 12 Bento Solo poses & 10 Bento couples poses.  Another exclusive at Under the Sea!
  • Head:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Slink – Hourglass Mesh Body Original, Full Version including Hands (Dynamic) & Feet
  • Hair:  Firelight – Candie, Fantasy Gradient Edition

Vicious and Delicious

http://Vicious and Delicious

OK, so I’ve borrowed my title from the name of two FlickR groups, but it’s just so perfect for this!  This whole pic is a bit outside of my norm, but inspiration takes all forms lol, and although there will still be plenty of pix in my “style”, I’m thinking that there will also be a bit more experimentation.  Don’t worry, everything will still be “safe” but I do want to start pushing myself a bit further.  I’ve taken on some new sponsors and left a few behind in order to help me on my journey.  I’m thinking of it as a bit of a reboot, a restart to get out of the rut I was in…  The reboot began back when I started experimenting with fantasy, and has now spread a bit further.  It’s not really a new beginning, more like an expansion pack (for any of you gamers out there lol)…  I’m looking forward to see where my journey takes me… I hope you are too!

  • Outfit:  YoU by GeMyles & Myles Harvy Couture – Signe Outfit with Peep Toe Boots. 4-piece set (hoodie, panties, bra, boots) in a black/white stripe. The banding on both the bra & pants feature a word of your choice from a 10-texture HUD (ex: Slut, Curious, Mischievous).  And the boots!!!! LOVE these boots!  Sized for Tonic, Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, Maitreya, & Classic XXS-L. EXCLUSIVELY available at the 05/20 Girls Heaven event, open May 31st – June 24th.
  • Backdrop/Pose:  [VSM] devil inside – Color Your Life.  Available in 3 boxes: the unisex pose with brush (no other props); the pose set with props (including the canvas with an art change menu/easel/rugs/stool; the FULL set including props & skybox (including resize menu & on/off candles). EXCLUSIVELY at the June Swank Event, open June 7th – 30th.  
  • Head, Brows, Eyeliner, Lipstick:  GENUS Project – Strong Face (free version)
  • Body:  Tonic – Curvy Beauty (worn with Booty Control).  I find that the Tonic bodies are truly the most natural curves on the grid with options like Booty Control to add that extra oomph how & if you want it & others to minimize the bust &/or the butt.
  • Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins – Anne-Sofie, worn in Caramel browless
  • Hair:  eXxEsS – GIN
  • Eyes:  Avi-Glam – Luminous Eyes in Ivy
  • Freckles:  Izzie’s – Heart Mole & Freckles (Omega); DS’Elles – Freckle Body (Omega)