Autumn leaves

https://Autumn Leaves

Living in Florida, I do miss fall in NY, all the colors and that crunch of leaves underfoot, that small bite of chill starting to enter the breeze once the sun goes down… What I DON’T miss is the raking… my hands hurt just at the thought of it!  And although I gave up rolling around doing angels in the pile of leaves long long ago, leaving that to the kids and pets, here in SL it just seemed a perfect way to show my love of the season.  Clean-up is just so easy lol!!! Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Kimmie Jeans Outfit.  Cropped animal print top with classic jeans & matching heels, classic style at its best!  (And we know how I do love my animal prints!)  Available in 8 single 100% Original Textures or in a HUD-driven Fatback with 12 textures. Kimmie is sized for Reborn+Waifus, Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, Maitreya+Petite+ LaraX+XPetite, & is a BRAND-NEW EXCLUSIVE only at Sense Event, open Sept 18th – Oct 8th.  (Normally I’d have the ad below, but computer issues prevented my saving the image, so you’ll just have to go check it out at the event!) Demo available.  
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn+Waifu
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Monia, in Rose Kiss (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  no.match – NO_FUSION (group gift)
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Hype – Something Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Vol 1; Velour – Layla Lipstick
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Jewelry:   Earthstones – Balamani Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Props:  CJ Creations – Autumn Cluster of Leafs Raking (incl pose); JIAN – Leaf Pile Pupper & Hedgehog Buckets

Another troublemaker banned from the garden!

http://Banned from the garden!

Don’t you wish sometimes that you had enough control where you could just ban someone from your world??  Not to get political (though there are PLENTY of folks I would ban if I could lol), so we’ll use Loki as an example… someone who just can’t resist causing trouble, it’s just part of their nature.  I mean sometimes you just want to stand there and scream “Can’t we all just get along?”  Perhaps enough banning would help all the Lokis of the world change their ways, but sadly, I am not a witch doctor and there is no power in this interconnected world to effectively ban someone from society.  But it’s a tempting thought, no?

  • Outfit:  Jangka Design – Oona.  A perfect example of why Jangka is IMHO a leading fantasy designer… no matter what fantasy genre an outfit belongs to (medieval, scifi, etc), the styling & detail are just top-notch!  Just look at Oona… leather, bones, fur, straps, & metal, all “finely wrought”.  Available in 6 individual colors or as a fatpack; boots, shoulder armor, & armbands are available in black or brown; the awesome headdress is available in 4 colors. Sized for Legacy, Maitreya + LaraX, she is 100% full body original mesh.  Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Petrichor – Wyldeia Pastelle, worn in Azuri
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Nala
  • Wings:  Decoy – Blooming Fae: Wings Midnight
  • Pose:   piXit – The Reaper
  • Props:  DOBS – Witch Doctor Staff; Mish Mish – Bunny Fluffz, Brown Dutchie
  • Backdrop:  T-Spot Home & Garden – Eternal Passage

Just breathe…

http://Just breathe...

Sometimes you just need a moment to breathe… Considering I no longer have an ultra-demanding job, it’s amazing how stressed I can get.  My 5+ year-old computer has been struggling, not just with SL (BUGSPLAT!) but freezing even with everyday tasks… freezing to the point of having to unplug it, even the power button not working.  We’re going on a 3-week-long vacation in October, and with 3 pets at home, making arrangements for their in-home care has been a huge issue.  And don’t even let me get started with all the health issues that have been cropping up.  Hopefully today marks the beginning of the end for all that.  Computer is ordered.  New monitor is ordered.  Pet care is arranged.  Doctors have been/are being seen.  And I just downloaded a new updated version of Firestorm, so hopefully all that crashing after TPing home will be done.  Breathes deep and appreciates the beauty around me… Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  I.M. Collection –Simone Dress.  Another adorably sexy little dress that continually elicited comments from my partner!  Low cut (I needed nipple covers), wrap top with spaghetti straps, cinched in waist with a cute metallic belt, & then a two-tiered swingy bottom… sexy indeed! Includes coordinated heels plus a 100-color HUD with 7 Jewel options + 3 metal options (see the ad below).  Sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, & MaitreyaLaraX.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, open Sept 5th – Sept 20th.  Demo available (just click for menu, then demo). 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn+Waifu
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Monia, in Rose Kiss (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  S-Club – Bella
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Tutti Belli – Jaded Collection Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Vol 1;  BNNB Makeup – Bielo Lipstick
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Jewelry:   Beloved Jewelry – Manika Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  STUN – Violet
  • Location:  Naturally Naughty Photo Studio

Goodbye, Summer

http://Goodbye, Summer

I’m having an incredibly hard time this year believing that yes, summer is over.  The stores are full of Halloween and Thanksgiving merchandise, and SL has crossed that line where everything is fall colors and pumpkins.  So although a summery outfit might still make it into my blog (I’m in Florida where it’s still really HOT and of course, there’s always vacation lol!), this is my last shot in my tanned summer skin and I am going to follow the trend and start shooting in apple orchards and pumpkin fields…  unfortunately (or maybe fortunately? I’m not sure) I’m no longer living in a 4-season sim, so my land won’t switch over to full autumnal delight but knowing me, I’ll still be swapping out some trees and throwing down those autumn leaves…  for some reason landscaping has always soothed me, so it will be interesting (to ME at least) how much I take on in that regard this year…  In the meantime, farewell to summer!!! Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  PurpleMoon – Marina Set.  Perfect outfit for that end-of-summer, Labor Day Weekend feeling!  Loose, light summer linen slacks, paired with a ribbed long-bra-type-cropped top (how does one describe it lol?) plus an optional open lightweight (dare I say “floaty”?) jacket.  Sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy+Perky, GenX Classic+Curvy, Maitreya+Petite+LaraX+XPetite, Marina is available in 10 single colors or as a Megapack that includes two bonus prints for the jacket & the pants (one of which I’m wearing in the jacket).  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, open today Sept 5th – Sept 20th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Kaari
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Anabella Eyeshadow + HYPE – Something Eyeshadow
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  Eventyra – Nordic Summer
  • Jewelry:   Heartsdale Jewelry – Primavera Necklace & Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  XTC Poses – Belle Cheri


Getting my holiday weekend off to a DELICIOUS start!

http://Getting my holiday weekend off to a DELICOUS start!

When I was still working full-time, long holiday weekends were something special that you looked forward to and planned for.  Now that I’ve retired from all that, holiday weekends have lost their allure.  But as a total ice cream fanatic, I’ll still take ANY excuse to indulge in treats that I generally try my best to resist…  Is there any better way to celebrate a holiday or say good-bye to summer (or anything else for that matter lol)?  Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  I.M. Collection –Nova Dress.  NEW RELEASE!  Is there anything better than a simple t-shirt dress?  Casual, comfy, classic & clingy, with 14 solid color rib-knit textures in the HUD (see the ad below), it’s simply GORGEOUS.  Sized for Reborn+Waifu, GenX Clasic, & LaraX.  On sale as part of the Glorious Days 4-day weekend sale (Fri-Mon), so don’t delay!  Demo is available (just click for menu, then demo). 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  Stealthic – Searching
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Velour – Versailles Eyeshadow; BNNB Makeup – Bielo Lipstick
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  CAZIMI – Just Peachy
  • Jewelry:   ZOOM – Anaya Boyra Necklace & Zuri Set Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose + Props:  Reve Obscura – Heat Bento Pose; Andika – Ice Cream Taco; MOVEMENT – Her Wallet
  • Location:  New Deer Isle

Ok then, Whatever…

http://OK then, whatever

Sometimes that’s really all there is to say, and there just doesn’t seem to be any point to saying more…

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Jada Shorts Outfit.   Cute, sexy, adorably so.  If I had to choose a favorite detail, it would be that little dip in the front, right below the belly button.  Both adorable & sexy! Available in 8 single 100% Original Textures or in a HUD-driven Fatback with 12 textures.  Includes optional matching sleeves & a fabric choker (not worn).  Jada is sized for Reborn+Waifus, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya+LaraX, & GenX Curvy, & is a BRAND-NEW EXCLUSIVE only at Beauty Event, open Aug 21st – Sept 5th.  See the ad below for details. Demo available.  Matching high-heeled mules sold separately.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  Doux – Francesca
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Velour – Versailles Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 1; BNNB Makeup – Bielo Lipstick
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Pearly Shimmer Summer Beach Hoops; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  piXit – Feidina (modified)
  • Location:  Luanes World, Le Monde Perdu

Focus, the goal is IMPROVEMENT not PERFECTION

http://Focus, the goal is IMPROVEMENT not PERFECTION

I watched a lot of Olympics coverage this time around… both my hands were injured (don’t even ask!), so my activities were extremely limited.  I did a lot of reading, and as much computer time as my poor hands could handle, all with the TV always on in the background and sometimes taking center stage.  One thing I learned and have taken to heart… to get really good at something, ANYTHING, you can’t compare yourself and your results to the best.  You look, you get inspired, hopefully you learn something, but comparing YOUR results to the best in ANY field is demoralizing.  Instead you need to focus on your own personal best, on improving.  I have a FlickR friend, someone whose work I admire greatly, who will suddenly fave one of my oldest pics… pics that at the time I thought were good, but when I look back I shudder!!!  But I find it so very valuable, to really be able to see where my photography has improved.  I still have so much to learn, but the Olympics helped me realize that my focus has been on the best and how my pics are lacking, rather than using them for inspiration to get to the NEXT step, not 20 steps down the line.  All I can do is my personal best, and to keep upping my game, slowly but surely.  Now to turn that attitude on my golf game lol!  And that is my message for the day… time to go shop and enjoy!

  • Outfit:  MAHOGANY Store – Aria Jeans & Top.  Not my normal style, but wow, do I ever love this look!  Big loose comfy jeans with big leg pockets, paired with an airy little top.  Both the jeans & the top come in 3 different color pallets (basics, blues, & grays for the jeans; neutrals, patterns, & solids for the top)… & of course there’s a megapack of each so you have your choice to mix ‘n match as you want with each other or other items in your wardrobe. Sized for Reborn, Legacy, & LaraX, Aria is  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, ending in 3 days on Aug 20th. 
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  WingsDG – EF0229
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  Sequoia – Arabella Eyeshadow; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 1
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  Dalila – Marina Nail Kit
  • Jewelry:  Eclectica – BOHO Earrings; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  FOXCITY – Sk8tgirl
  • Location:  Manakai Reef Break



Oooh, tempting

http://Oooh, tempting

Hmmm, for someone who is a very occasional drinker and doesn’t smoke cigarettes, I seem to do a lot of shots where I’m doing one or both!  But then again, I’m wearing outfits that are not part of my RL lifestyle either… at this point, I’m a bit more of a stay-at-home and blog kind of gal lol!  But I remember what life was like “way back then” in my single days…  and that’s what SL is for anyway… doing things other than what you do IRL… otherwise, what’s the point?  Raises my glass to you… Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  JUMO Fashion – Aspen.  GORGEOUS.  STUNNING. That’s how I felt wearing this awesome 3-piece outfit.  With 3 different textures to choose from  — solid (with little metallic “chips”), print, & lace in a multitude of colors (see the ad below)– you can mix ‘n match for so many different looks.  I simply fell in love with the lace sleeves, so went a little wild mixing all 3 fabrics for a stylish & totally unique look.  And my partner was totally obsessed with the way my tummy peeked out! Sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, GenX Classic+Curvy,  Maitreya+Petite+LaraX+XPetite, Kupra & Star, Aspen is  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, open Aug 5th – Aug 20th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn+Waifu
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  S-Club – Linda (includes earrings)
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  HYPE – Something Eyeshadow; BNNB Makeup – Bielo Lipstick; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 1
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  Dalila – Marina Nail Kit
  • Jewelry:  Orsini – BAIA Necklace; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  STUN – Fliw
  • Prop:  ChicChica – Cherrytini (includes optional cigarette)
  • Location:  Casa Agave Distillery


Buy me a drink?

http://Buy me a drink?

Wow, hard to believe that summer is nearing its end… I’m already seeing ads for fall items! Why does everyone always feel this need to rush things?  These are the so-called dog days of summer, where the heat and humidity is so oppressive, all you want to do is lie around and “pant”.  Me, I have an excuse for being less active than usual (not that I’m ever ALL that active lol; too happy being on the computer!)… I’m wounded (again, yes).  This time it’s my hands… I wasn’t even able to type for DAYS, seriously stressing my blogging schedule, and I hate to admit it, but the pain and “freaking out” also stressed my creativity.  I think the results show it, but those results vary widely… from being a little lackluster to honing things down to “THE” shot, one that I just love personally.  And as my earliest blogging mentor told me, I need to be shooting for ME, to create something that I personally am proud of and not worry about response.  And the more I blog, the more I see it’s true… sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason that I can see why one pic soars up into Golden Gallery whereas one that I think is a way better shot languishes way below my average.  My designer friends tell me the same thing… you just never know how people will respond or if something will even be seen.  Bottom line, is that you just can’t worry about it and you need to do what YOU like.  And right now, I would like to have a little fun!  Enjoy!

  • Outfit:  WILD Fashion – Tina Jumpsuit.  What an amazing look! Includes fun fashion earrings (with built-in resizer) plus a 30-texture HUD (see the ad below).  Tina is sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy, GenX (Classic & Curvy),  & LaraX, & is  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Designer Showcase, open Aug 5th – Aug 20th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn+Waifu
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  WingsDG – EF0401
  • Eyes:  EUPHORIC – Freya
  • Makeup:  BNNB Makeup – Fabb Eyeshadow & Bielo Lipstick; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 1
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  Dalila – Marina Nail Kit
  • Bag:  LaGyo – Thetys Shell Purse
  • Pose:  STUN – Fliw
  • Location:  Sainte Rose Sur Mer & BarDeco


Perfect deliciousness

http://Perfect deliciousness

One thing I can definitely say about this summer is that it’s HOT.  And I just successfully survived what’s considered a Floridian’s biggest fear… not hurricanes, not sharks, not gators, but a BROKEN AC in the SUMMER!  It wasn’t fun, I can fully tell you that, but thankfully it was only for a few miserable hours and since we still had power, we did have fans, but the indoor temperature got well up into the 80s (we won’t even mention the humidity lol).  Not something I’d recommend!  If only I’d had this dress!!! I would have been so much cooler…  but I have it here inworld, and I guess that just has to be enough!!! Happy shopping!

  • Dress:  Carol’s Store – Miranda Dress.   It’s the dog days of summer, & everything is about beating the heat.  This light gauzy, loose & airy mid-calf length dress is perfect both for the weather & for just looking amazing! Open floral lace under the bosom & at the bottom add just the right amount of detail. Choose from 10 single colors or as a fatpack, where the HUD now includes the ability to easily tint the dress, so you have even MORE colors to play with!  ORIGINAL MESH with materials enabled, Miranda is sized for Reborn+Waifu, Legacy+Perky+Bombshell, GenX (Classic & Curvy), Lara+LaraX+PetiteX, Kupra, Khara, Erika, & Momma.  EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the current round of Cosmopolitan, through August 3rd.   Demo available.  
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  eBody – Reborn
  • Skin:  Amara Beauty – Philippa, in Resort (body skin by Velour)
  • Hair:  WINGS – ER100
  • Eyes:  Sequoia – Euphoria
  • Moles:  Moccino – GIFT (Face); Ambar Beauty – Natural Moles (Body)
  • Nails:  poema – Nubian Night Manicure
  • Jewelry:  Maxi Gossamer – Love Surrender Earrings (GROUP GIFT); Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Glasses:  Lacey Babes – Jefa Sunglasses
  • Pose:  STUN – Kula
  • Backdrop:  EMPIRE TEXTURES – Roadside Fruit Stand