Fae at Doriath

http://Fae at Doriath

I feel so bad for my poor human counterpart.  Real life has been quite stressful the last several days, trying to get things in order for a huge overseas trip that begins at the end of this week, with seemingly simple tasks morphing into monumental headaches.  I had to literally beg for a few hours of time to explore more of the exceptionally creative Fantasy Faire — open only until May 8th!!!! — and to create this third look.  Sometimes it’s amazing what you can do under pressure (then again, other times you get crushed lol).  But I don’t have a single moment to waste… I hope to get at least one more fantastic trip through the faire before going to sleep for most of the month…  But oh, the wonders I’ve seen!!!!  Don’t take my word, go see them yourself, now before time runs out and the portals close for another year!!!!

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Aeldyn.  I love all my Jangka outfits, the detail & the visualization are just amazing.  It’s rare though that they do airy fae style, like in this outfit that I just had to have the moment I saw it!  It’s flowery & drapey (is that a word?) & colorful & with all that minute attention to detail that makes an outfit feel truly real.  Aeldyn is available as 4 colors (one for each season; I’m wearing Winter).  You can purchase each piece separately (the top, the skirt, ankle ornaments, wrist ornaments, leg ornaments, arm ornaments, wings) or as a fatpack.  Sized only for Maitreya (but fitting my Legacy with only the smallest of changes to my shape), she is  BRAND NEW & EXCLUSIVE at the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Aarkenfen.  You can TP direct to their location HERE.  The wings (which are static) can also be purchased separately individually or as a fatpack of 7 colors.
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Sylaine Horns, worn in Brass.  NEW!   100% custom mesh & textures, materials enabled, these unique swirled horns combine a glass base with various metals.  Resizable, unisex, & mod/copy, they are truly amazing looking!  Available in 8 texture packs with HUDs or as a fatpack, you can TP direct to their location in the Carnelian Archive (which they’ve sponsored!!!) HERE.  See the ad below for details.
  • Tattoo:   Aerth – Moon Tears Body Tattoo, worn in Ocean.  Stunning stunning stunning full body & head tattoo, & with 3 levels of transparency (50%, 75%, or 100%) this tattoo is as subtle or dramatic as you choose. (FYI I’m using the 50% level.)  Includes versions for EVOX & SLUV.  The fatpack has 16 awesome colors & is priced 15% off ONLY at the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Athenium (four color packs of two tones each are also available); TP direct to their location HERE.  Demo available.
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F163.  Another fabulous fantasy hair style from KMH at the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Bassett Town; TP direct to the faire booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Location:  at the Fantasy Faire, Faireland – Doriath
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Arcana – Cirice, worn in Aster.
  • Eyes:  OJAYO – Yoshi Eyes
  • Makeup:  POUT! – Angel Cake HD Liners & Shadow

Taking A Time Out

http://Taking A Time Out

Sighs, I need this… I need to just take a little time out, and sit somewhere and soak up a little sun and the beauty of nature… to relax and de-stress.  One week from tomorrow I’m leaving on my first big trip since COVID, and it’s the longest trip I’ve ever taken as an adult.  I’ll be traveling for 2-and-a-half weeks in Europe, which is waaaaay more than I’ve done since I first graduated college (and that was ages ago lol).  So needless to say I’m stressed… so much to handle, so many details, PLUS all the regular day-to-day things.  It should be more than worth it, but still, this last week should be a doozy.  This is almost definitely my last “human” post until my return the last week of May, although my fae other will still have a few posts about Fantasy Faire right up until we leave.  On top of all the real life craziness, it will be the longest I’ve been away from SL in more than 15 years, and I’ll have zero access the entire time, so it should be interesting both to see how much I’ll miss my “other life” and then to re-immerse.  Well, time is a-wasting, and still so much to do (and this time, it’s NOT just shopping lol though admittedly there’s some of that too).  Wish me bon voyage, and have a fabulous few weeks!  Take care of the grid for me!!!

  • Outfit:  Allure Couture – Darby Jean Outfit.  Tight jeans cut right below the waist with a tie-wrapped black-or-white polka dot bralette plus open-toe stiletto pumps…  she’s sexy as you-know-what yet breezingly casual.  Darby is available in 4 individual colors, a 5-color Slimpack, or a Fatback of 10, all with 100% Original Textures.  She’s sized for Legacy,  Hourglass/Physique, Freya, & Maitreya.  At the April Swank Event, open through April 30th.  Demo available.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin/Makeup:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly; DeeTaleZ Smokey Eyes; DeeTaleZ Lip Tint
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Doux – Morning
  • Jewelry:   IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Pinwheel Earrings & Necklace; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band;
  • Pose:  :LW: Poses – Tell Me This

I Wish…

http://I wish...

In some ways, fae are not so different from humans.  We too have wishes, ours just tend to be more centered around nature and the heart, and less about power and prestige (though there are certainly some of THOSE types in my world too).  Right now, there is just so much unrest in that real world out there, so much pain, that my current wishes are less about me and my world and more about “out there.”  But in times of stress, this fae believes that surrounding yourself with the beauty of nature and the wonder of fantasy becomes even MORE important… a small escape into a stressless environment where peace, love and beauty reign.  Wishing that for you, me, and all who share the desire to live in harmony…

From Ostara’s Altar, open through April 30th:

  • Dress:  Oubliette – Persephone, worn in Moss.  Soft, beautiful dress with sheer lace sleeves & skirt, perfect for a fae!  Available in 15 colors or as a fatpack.  Sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, & Maitreya.  EXCLUSIVELY available at Ostara’s Altar.  Demo available. (There’s also a beautiful floral circlet as a Hunt Item there at the booth, which coordinates beautifully with the dress!)
  • Skin:  Arcana – Cirice, worn in Clover.  Just one of  three EXCLUSIVE skins at the event, all of which are designed specifically for Lelutka EvoX.  Cirice is available in 4 tones (see below); body skin is sold separately. Heads include Dark Brow / White Brow / No Brow, Freckle & No Freckle, LeLutka Ears.  Body Skins support Legacy, Maitreya, Belleza, & Reborn, & include two cleavages, two belly options, freckle & no freckle.  SKINS ARE BOM ONLY & do not include appliers.  Demo available.  
  • Pond:  Candle & Cauldron – Olde Pond.  Includes animated water & koi fish; also has seasonal textures.  There’s no way to capture the darting movement of the fish or the ripple of the water in a still shot, but it is incredibly realistic & fun to watch! Includes an optional land blender to help ease the transition of your land to the pond.   See the ad below for a full shot.
  • Plants:  BamPu Legacies – Golden Ivy Field.  This beautiful field comes in three sizes (small, medium, large) & is perfect for adding that golden touch to your surroundings. 

From Fantasy Faire, open through May 8th:

  • Horns:  Naminoke – Pasion Flower Horns.  A Fantasy Faire EXCLUSIVE, it comes with both flex (the long dangling things; see the ad below) & no flex versions, & is available with 3 different color flowers — white, red, or purple.  The purple version is a 100% DONATION to RFL.  At the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Bassett Town; TP direct to the faire booth HERE.
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F189.  At the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Bassett Town; TP direct to the faire booth HERE.  Demo available.

Also used:

Living Echoes

http://Living Echoeshttp://Fantasy Faire Look 2

Fantasy Faire 2022 is in full swing.  If you haven’t been there yet, this is a MUST SEE.  Seriously, do NOT miss this once-a-year event.  All the details about this year’s Fantasy Faire are HERE, for the shopping, the entertainment, the hunts… and remember, this is a Relay for Life event, so it’s all to benefit a cause every one of us can support, the eradication of cancer.  You have no interest in “that fantasy stuff”? Well, you’re in Second Life, so if nothing else you should be able to appreciate unique fabulous builds, and at FF there are 20 totally different and incredibly impressive lands.  And who knows? That adorable dragon or centaur may just steal your heart or one of those incredible skins for your horse or maybe even that set of gossamer wings.  Or hair.  Or skin.  Or beautifully colored flowers and plants.  Or home decor.  Or, or, or… you get the idea.  There’s something for everyone at  Fantasy Faire, open through May 8th.  And if your life has been touched by cancer in any way, there’s quite a bit dedicated to loved ones lost.  (The Faireland of Living Echoes, where this pic is taken, is a prime example of that.)  Me, I’m spending as much time as I can at the Faire (which sadly is not as much as I’d like), but even if all you do is a quick visit, it’s one you will feel was well spent…

  • Gown:  Viki – Nilea.   Viki always does medieval fantasy fashion at its best, & Nilea more than lives up to her own incredibly high standard! Available in 8 individual colors or as a fatpack, this softly draped “every day” dress has a beautifully detailed jacket in a deeper tone.  Sized for Freya, Isis, Venus, Physique, Tonic & Maitreya, Nilea is Material Enabled, NEW & EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE as a FULL RFL DONATION at the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Necturn Moon.  Tp direct to the faire booth HERE.  Demo available, as is a matching men’s outfit.
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F195 RFL Edition.  Good medieval styled hair is so hard to find, but not at KMH!  This rigged hair includes 5 styles (braids forward/braids back/etc), plus the forehead braid is on/off.  NEW & EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE as a FULL RFL DONATION (alternate color pack also available) at the Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of Bassett Town.  Other styles also available as RFL Donation items!!! TP direct to the faire booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Horns:  Kotolier – Crystal Horns in Amethyst Gold.  LOVE LOVE LOVE these, they are just so beautiful, & the glow & transparency are easily adjusted by HUD.  Available together with a mini version for the forehead in 4 color packs or as a fatpack.  The amethyst version of both the size worn as well as a separate mini horns version is a FULL  RFL Donation item available at Fantasy Faire in the Faireland of The Chrysalis Gardens; tp direct to their booth HERE.  
  • Wings:  Lunaria – Dragonfly Wings.  Absolutely beautiful textured stained glass static wings  with “strings of light” hanging.  Available at Fantasy Faire 2022 in the Faireland of Sylvuselah; tp direct to their booth HERE.  Demo available.
  • Location:  at the Fantasy Faire, Faireland – Living Echoes
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Eyes:  Samia – Lana
  • Makeup:  Loa – Nashwa Eyeshadows
  • Jewelry:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX

Fae’s First Look at Fantasy Faire 2022

http://First Look at Fantasy Faire Part B


http://Fae's First Look at Fantasy Faire Part A

http://The Clouded Mountains at Fantasy Faire

“The Fairelands have returned from the Mists; twenty fantasy worlds forming a circle of lands, a chain of people across the many realms. Welcome home, Fairelanders!”

I can’t tell you how my heart soared when I read these words on the Fantasy Faire 2022 website!  As a fae, this is the most absolute best event of the year.  So many designers, so much creativity, the sheer breadth of what these artistic souls create first in their imagination and then in all its virtual glory, it’s staggering.  As an official blogger (yay!!!!) I started seeing a few items this past week; we had early access in the fairelands ONE day early… I spent my entire time just visiting every one of the 20, yes 20!!!!,  Fairelands… it seems like each one elicited a heartfelt “wow, this is my favorite”.  A taste of 20 different worlds, staggeringly different…  To me, there’s nothing like creating a character or scene with just a few of the amazing things items available at the Faire… and to think that as a Relay for Life (RFL) event, the whole impetus behind it is to help bring another fantasy world into being, a world free of cancer.  I am so thrilled, so honored, so humbled, so proud, to be even the teeniest part of this fabulous event.  The Faire just opened April 21st and the portals remain open through May 8th…

To quote from the website, “The Faire has long been considered the premier annual shopping event for fantasy-themed merchandise in Second Life, showcasing fantasy avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets, and exclusive items by 250 of the grid’s top fantasy creators. In addition, Faire visitors enjoy dance and theater performances; attend auctions, art galleries, and a Literary and Film Festival; and share in an interactive quest and roleplaying events and classes.”   For anyone who spends time in this virtual environment of ours, whether you play as fantasy or “reality” it doesn’t matter, seeing the imaginations at work here is an absolute must… I’ll see you there, but I can’t say if you’ll recognize me!!!!  And I’m off, back to the Faire!!!!

  • Outfit:  Petrichor – Togruah.  NEW! at Fantasy Faire, Togruah is a leather huntress outfit designed with dark, rich silks & embossing.  All parts (the vest, bodysuit w/belts, arms, legs, & boots) have individual HUDS with seemingly a zillion choices for each detail & are show/hide.  Sized for Legacy, Lara, Jupra, Freya, & Ebody, Togruah can be purchased as a full set or as individual pieces (top & collar; sleeves; skirt & panty), EXCLUSIVELY at Fantasy Faire open April 21st through May 8th.  Demo available. TP direct to their location in the Carnelian Archive (which they’ve sponsored!!!) HERE.
  • Accessories:  Poet’s Heart – Lunar Staff & Jewelry.  The staff includes a version with a hold animation, another for the back, & one “as is”.  The jewelry set includes earrings, crown, halo, necklace (not shown), & armbands (not shown).  There are two different versions of both the staff & the jewelry, with different HUDs to change all the elements (one of each is an RFL edition; see the ads below).  The version of the staff I’m holding is an incredible Quest Hunt Gift.  EXCLUSIVELY at Fantasy Faire open April 21st through May 8th.  TP direct to their location in Mythspire Ridge HERE.
  • Skin:  Soul – Lianna – Dantela.  Stunning skin with darker shading on the head (including the forehead & by the eyes), the shoulders, down the sides of the neck, as well as the outer arms & legs.  Full skin set & tattoos includes BOM versions for EvoX & classic heads with Legacy, Belleza, Chai, Maitreya, Slink & Universal body skin as well as several ear versions + brow/no brow, muscled/toned, & more.  The pink version I’m wearing is the RFL EXCLUSIVE at Fantasy Faire,  open April 21st through May 8th (there’s a male version for the guys as well).  Other skin tones for both male & female available at 25% OFF.   TP direct to their location in Atheneum HEREDemo available.
  • Location:  at the Fantasy Faire, Faireland – The Clouded Mountains (the Fairelands Quest Region)
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Hair:  KMH – Hair F177
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Pose:   Black Tulip – The Ice Queen


The Fae and the Unicorn

http://The Fae and the Unicorn

Things have been a bit hectic in the land of fantasy.  It seems that spring has energized the SL  fantasy community, and there are so many events where designers are showing their fabulous new creations (and where I’ve committed to blogging!) that this poor fae is exhausted.  What’s worse though is that I’ve been so busy that I’ve neglected my friends in the forest, so I decided to take an evening off of work and instead dedicated myself to slow down and explore, to seek out and catch up with the more anti-social creatures who avoid the crowds but still somehow hear all the news.  Ahhh, the life of a unicorn… so quiet, so magical.  It does my heart good to reconnect with these gentle souls who so willingly share their magic with those who mean them no harm.  Their peace calms me, and makes me ready to face the morrow when it’s off to the Faire, but for tonight, well, it’s just old friends and conversation…  May your days pass as sweetly…

  • Gown:  rainnn – Vamp Corset Evening Gown.  Such a stunning gown, with bustier cups that remind me of floral petals!  Original mesh sized for Legacy, Reborn, & Maitreya, she is available in 5 color minipacks or as a 20 color fatpack; all include separate HUDs for the corset, the bustier cups, & the skirt. EXCLUSIVE at the April round of Ostara’s Altar open April 15th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:  [QE] Designs – Rose Circlet.  An unrigged floral headpiece, HUD controlled with 6 color options (see the ad below).  What a fabulous 10L$ hunt prize at the April round of Ostara’s AltarAlso worn:  Swallow – Earrings E05 for EvoX;  FaiRodis – Frozen Crystlas Necklace
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Idol
  • Hair:  Doe – Vee
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Uletia Horns
  • Wings:  FAS– Bento Faery Wings
  • Makeup:  Goreglam – Superlove Lip Gloss; Dernier – Eyeliner Set Vol 2
  • Pose:  an lar poses – Paulette
  • Location:  Land of Lunaria

Night and Day, You Are the One

http://Night and Day, You Are the One

Blogging is such an interesting job… considering that it’s unpaid, it’s amazing how much work some of us put into it.  Granted, I’m a bit more obsessive than most.  I’ve never once just thrown on a look, stood in front of a blank screen, taken a shot, added a color to the background, and called it a day.  And yes, I know I’ve talked about this before, but every once in a while it really starts to kill me when I see so many bloggers who do the absolute minimum to really poor effect AND get tons of faves.  I don’t get it, I just don’t get it.  As a blogger-manager, I sometimes get pix submitted from event bloggers that actually leave my speechless (and not in a good way!!!); my designer recently commented on one that it was like they hated her for what they did to her outfit (none of our brand bloggers would EVER do a pic like that). For me, this is a creative exercise, an outlet, and I pour a lot of energy and a lot of ME into it.  It just amazes me what some other people are willing to put their name to, as their “best” effort for that look.  I don’t do it for the faves, but there’s so much of me in every shot that it does hurt just a little bit when a pic really doesn’t do well.  I do sometimes need to remind myself that I’m the only one who has to be happy and satisfied with a final pic (and my sponsors, of course!!), but each pic does take me hours of time.  On the other hand, I’m often completely blown away by the beauty of others’ shots, humbled to the point where I wonder if I’ll ever be able to achieve anything equal.  That kind of photographic excellence inspires me, gives me ideas on how to improve, things to try… I often wish there were “blogging classes” but we’re all on our own except for those blogger-managers and top bloggers who truly try to teach the rest of us the little tricks… the rest of it is just having the eye and having the desire to do one’s personal best… and neither of those can be taught.  OK, enough ranting & griping for the day… there’s lots more blogging (and shopping!!!) to do, not to mention landscaping and home decor since I just moved (again!) in SL (not to mention getting ready for a big vacation IRL).  Enjoy!!!!

  • Outfit:  Vega Design – Eda Jumpsuit.   I’ve always loved jumpsuits.   To me, nothing is quite as casually elegant as a well-designed jumpsuit… & this one is definitely well-designed!  Just slightly loosely draped low on the chest, the patterned shoulder straps turn into the most amazing back straps (three across, one down from the neck to the top strap), changing at the waist to a skin-hugging pattern down to the ankles.  Sized for Legacy, Hourglass, Freya, Isis, & Maitreya, includes a HUD with 12 textures… me, I just couldn’t resist the animal print!  EXCLUSIVELY at the April Swank Event, April 7th – 30th.  Demo available.
  • Jewelry:   IT! (Indulge Temptation) – Victorian Earrings & Necklace, Set 3.  HUD driven, materials enabled, 100% resizable mesh with 10 metal versions & 4 x 8 gems options so that you can set the color for each gem separately.  Available in 6 separate sets or as a fatpack, EXCLUSIVELY at the April Swank Event, April 7th – 30th.  Other sets with just one or two “danglers” (as opposed to the three in this set) also available.  Also worn: Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band; Glowing Gems – Jenny Bangle Bracelets
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin/Makeup:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly; DeeTaleZ Smokey Eyes; DeeTaleZ Lip Tint
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Doux – Mecca
  • Eyes:  ARTE – Green Eyes

Holiday Guard Duty

http://Holiday Guard Duty

It’s always hard to be on duty when everyone else is celebrating.  But sneak attacks have often happened on holidays when the enemy thinks you’ll be too distracted to properly keep watch.  Since my partner is away visiting the tribe of his birth — a tribe where I am not welcome, what with my wings and my horns — I volunteered to take on back-to-back shifts  so that others could relax and enjoy the celebration.  It’s but a small sacrifice to keep watch over this tribe that welcomed us into their midst after we were outcast by our own upon our rule-breaking marriage.   I am happy to do it, and proud of the responsibility they allow this adopted daughter,  and yet, it’s still lonely up here in the heights, hearing the laughter and revelry from below, feeling apart from it all.  It’s been so boring, my mind keeps drifting to other times, other places.  But soon it will be dark; those happy sounds will carry even further, and that is when I need to be on fullest alert, guarding against any and all dangers in the shadows, to protect those who have willingly and openly become our new family.   Perhaps it is the blending of the races in my background, my adherence to no single set of practices, but it is my wish for all to have a happy holiday, whatever and however they celebrate, in any tribe, in any village, in any family.  Sprinkles a little fairy dust on the wind, and with a sigh, I set my mind to hours more of watchful vigilance…

  • Outfit:  Jangka – Kaira.  This outfit has so many fabulous touches, like the colored feathers at my shoulders, the “built in” necklace & the belts (two at my waist, one at my hips).  100% original mesh, & sized only for Maitreya & Legacy, Kaira comes in 5 individual colors or as a fatpack, as do the matching armbands; the boots are available in your choice of black or brown.  Brand-new, Kaira is  EXCLUSIVELY at the April round of We Love Roleplay for 25% OFF, ending April 30th. Demo available. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Tirel
  • Hair:  EscalateD – Solaris
  • Horns:  Cats Claw Designs – Roses on Horns , Sunset Silver Roses
  • Makeup:  Rubedo – Ava; Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX
  • Wings:  Seven’s Selections (now Vaengi Wings) – Insect Wings
  • Pose:  The Veiled Bae – Obsidian
  • Location:  The Forgotten

The Edge of Tomorrow

http://The Edge of Tomorrow

This time of year can be tough…  we just had family staying with us for a week (and all I’ll say about that is that it wasn’t a particularly easy week), and now my sister is coming tomorrow for the weekend.  It’s always great to have company, but it’s also great when they leave!  What is that old saying?  Fish and company both start to stink after three days lol?  Even when they’re easygoing and NOT difficult, it disrupts your routine and just throws your life out of whack.  And whereas I love it when I find a fashion style that’s just a little different, a little bit edgy, at this stage of the game I don’t particularly enjoy that in my daily life.  (Traveling is, of course, the exception, but then you’re actively choosing it for a short time.  More on this to come, since a major vacation is in the offing!)  But back to fashion…  This outfit is definitely “disruptive,” with an extremely asymmetrical top, leather leggings, and a choice of textures that can really make you indecisive lol.  It’s an outfit that can take you just about anywhere, and take you there in STYLE (and yes, all caps are definitely required in this case).  Happy shopping!

  • Outfit:  Hawkers House – Asymmetrical Buckled Top, worn in Goldrush (just one of more than a dozen phenomenal textures), comes with ladies mesh leather leggings & platform boots.  A totally edgy look, sized for TMP (Legacy), Slink HG/P, Belleza F/I/V, Tonic, Ocacin, Voluptuous, Maitreya & Classic. EXCLUSIVELY available at the April round of the Swank Event, April 7th – 30th.
  • Head:  LeLUTKA – Nova Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin/Makeup:  DeeTaleZ – Esra in Chantilly; DeeTaleZ Smokey Eyes; DeeTaleZ Lip Tint
  • Freckles/Moles:  DS’ELLES – Charm Moles
  • Hair:  Sintiklia – Paula
  • Jewelry:  Bliensen + MaiTai – Lamiya Earrings; Glowing Gems – Jenny Bangle Bracelets; Chop Zuey – Bel Aire Gold Women’s Wedding Band
  • Pose:  STUN Poses – Margulis #5
  • Couch:  Bricolage – Florence Leather Sofa
  • Cats:  Rezz Room – Bengal Cat Family
  • Location:  Backdrop City

Daydreaming of Life as a Warrior Fae

http://Daydreaming of Life as a Warrior Fae

I was thinking (dangerous, yes, I know) about how we all — human or fae, IRL or on the grid — daydream about other lives, other paths we might have chosen.  It’s easier here in SL to actually explore those other lives, other twists of fate; one might even say that is the point of this whole other “second” life.  Be that as it may, I am who I am, with my own “back story” as it were, and the majority of my posts reflect various sides of my life… as a scout/defender of the tribe, as well as the more casual and formal sides when “off duty”.   But in another, simpler life, perhaps I would have been something more bucolic and peaceful, maybe a shepherdess where my biggest concerns were the safety and health of my flock.  And then I think about how that very routine of life, day after day, would cause me to dream about a more exciting existence, like the one I actually lead, a colorful life instead of the drab brown of shepherd life.  Just another instance of the grass always being greener, and how even occasionally, we all want what we don’t have instead of treasuring what we DO.  So here’s to the shepherdess dreaming of the excitement of battle, and to the warrior yearning after the peace of the countryside… in fact, here’s to all the dreamers in all the worlds, especially this one we all share in SL!!!

  • Outfit:  ANTAYA – Medieval Gown “Varya”.   Sized for Legacy, Perky, & Maitreya, Varya is available in six individual colors or as a fatpack that includes a HUD with 10 colors for the gown, 10 for the waist scarf, & 10 for the border.  EXCLUSIVELY at the April round of The Narrative Event, April 1st – 21st.  Demo available.
  • Book:  FLO – Shepherdess Staff.  Includes a bento hold for the right hand, & the bell sounds when you walk! EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE at the April round of The Narrative Event, April 1st – 21st. 
  • Head & Ears:  LeLUTKA – Gaia Head (EvoX)
  • Body:  LEGACY – Mesh Body Special Edition, Feminine
  • Skin:  Birth – Fae
  • Eyes:  Gloom – Idol
  • Hair:  KUNI – Jasmine
  • Horns:  Petrichor – Trinket Horns
  • Makeup:  ND/MD – Adinkra EvoX Face Tattoo; Venge – Ear Blushing EvoX
  • Wings:  Decoy – Blooming Fae: Wings Pearl
  • Pose:  FoxCity – Celestial
  • Location:  Old World