http://As an official blogger for the SL Christmas Expo, it feels so good to be able to bring several fantastic items together that are all 100% donations to the Relay for Life cause by the American Cancer Society. Sometimes, it just clicks like that, and wow, you have a scene like this one, fit for an Ice Fairy in the frozen depths of the forest… sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Well, the fight for cancer is no fairy tale, but we in Second Life get the chance to help support the cause while buying wonderful creations for our second lives… If you haven’t gone to see the shops, or the entertainment, go now to the general landing site HERE, or take a taxi direct to any of the three stores featured in today’s post. Remember, when you support RFL, you Give The Gift of Hope. SL Christmas Expo 2018 is open only through Dec. 9th.
- Outfit: Feyline Fashions – SnowFlake RFL, 100% DONATION EXCLUSIVE, this wonderful fairy outfit includes the dress, boots, hat, armbands w/ feathers, OMEGA applier for leg sparkles, necklace & wings! Here’s your taxi direct to Feyline Fashions at Expo.
- Landscaping: TM Creations – wa14 Snowy Nature Winter Scene, even includes extra Wild Winter Grass (copy so you can use lots of it) to help create perfect landscaping. Another 100% DONATION EXCLUSIVE, see pic below for what this item looks like in its entirety, the detail is really quite amazing — bunnies, deer, ermine (?), & notice the Atlas-like figure holding up the top rock shelf!… taxi direct to TM Creations at Expo.
- Makeup: Tone 2 – Hiver Palette Eye/Lip Collection, 100% DONATION EXCLUSIVE, this applier HUD offers 6 beautiful wintry colors for both eyes & lips for Catwa, Lelutka, or Omega. Taxi direct to Tone at Expo.
- Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – Itske, worn in Cashew, browless; I keep wearing this BEAUTIFUL new skin available in 7-packs of light or dark skin tones including a no-brow option for either Genus & LAQ; shapes & demos also available, Itske is still currently EXCLUSIVE at the Sense Event for just a few more days until Dec 8th
- Body: Tonic – Curvy Beauty
- Head: LAQ – Athena (Bento)
- Hair: Iconic – Rio
- Eyes: IKON – Hope Eyes in Emerald
- Freckles: Izzie’s – Freckles & Heart Mole (LAQ Omega)
- Pose: K&S Poses – Roxy 3